Inglis Site (501 Lakeshore Road) Background Booklet: Lakeview District January 30th, 2008 Place Making Session District Place Making Background Booklet Lakeview District Community Priorities: 2. Promote Vibrant Mixed Use Development: (Identifi ed at the kick-off meeting) • Balances population during the day and night • Provides diversity in housing types Priority #1: Shape Future Development • Attracts diversity in types of commercial, retail and professional Use appropriate building heights, massing and design for all areas especially for services residential areas and areas along Lakeshore Road. • Is respectful of adjacent land uses • Provides needed uses Priority #2: Vision for Brownfi eld Sites Develop a new vision for the existing vacant and under-utilized sites, including the 3. Shape New Development: OPG lands, sites along Lakeshore and industrial areas. • Properly address the street, proportions, uses • Respectful of community character, place specifi c Priority #3: Community Character and Main Streets • Appropriate building heights Achieve and maintain a pedestrian and cyclist friendly main street for both com- • Appropriate transitioning and setbacks munities. Create vibrant public spaces . Address existing transportation and traffi c • Appropriate land uses congestion issues. • Sustainable design, energy effi cient • Accommodates needed uses Priority #4: Connect to the Waterfront • Rationalizes driveway entrances Visually and physically connect to the waterfront with more green spaces and open views to the lake 4. Push for Quality Public Spaces: • Express district identity and heritage Priority #5: The Environment • Protect urban tree canopy and sun access Healthy communities – clean air, water and land. Build environmentally friendly • Provide safe places and linkages, cohesive and organized buildings. Expand existing green spaces and enhance existing natural features. • Environment responsive designs • Gateways and nodes at logical locations • Opportunities for various scales Community Objectives: • Connections to the waterfront and existing parks (Summarized from data collection to date) • Views to the waterfront 1. Support Main Street ‘Walkable’ Village Character: 5. Improve Transportation and Transit • Perceived height of 2 to 3 storeys at street-line • Reduce congestion • Allow breaks in street wall • Slow traffi c, improve safety • Pedestrian scale detailing and site furnishings • Reliable transit, introduce LRT along Lakeshore Road • Protection from the elements • Bus stops pedestrian design • Canopy trees and landscaping • More crosswalks or signal lights • Opportunities for parkettes, courtyards, patios • Bike lanes • Crosswalks • Workable parking strategy • Slower speed limits • Bike friendly • Building and directional signage • Discrete parking, integrated with greening opportunities • Screening and buff ering from confl icting views, uses etc • Rationalize wide boulevards Lakeview District District Place Making Background Booklet General Site Information Length of Frontage on Lakeshore Road: Approx. 190 meters (625ft) Size of Area (Approximate): 13 Acres 5.4 Hectares 54,000 square meters Adjacent Land Uses: • Main Street Commercial • Low Density Residential • High Density Residential • Business Employment • Greenbelt Currently Zoned E2 These employment lands are surrounded by a mix of residential (single and semi-detached homes, apartment/retirement dwelling), commercial and development lands (a building legally existing on the date of the by-law and its existing legal use). Within the site, there is a generous range of allowable uses from larger scaled manufacturing, science and technology, warehouse and self storage and mid-to-small scaled businesses such as offi ces, medical, restaurants, banquet hall, fi nancial institutions, food preparation establishment, truck waste-related facilities, motor vehicle establishments and adult entertain- ment venues. In addition, the eastern boundary of the employment land, which is adjacent to Greenbelt lands, involves a minimum setback of at least 5 metres. Points of Interest: • Site is currently mature, active employment, few vacancies. • Cooksville Creek fl ood plain being adjusted to allow fl ood-free access to the site. Development on or near is constrained. One building currently sits within the fl oodplain. • Peel Pump Station: Region of Peel requires pump station in this site, located near Lakeshore Road District Place Making Background Booklet Lakeview District Lakeview District District Place Making Background Booklet District Place Making Background Booklet Lakeview District Green Spaces Parks and Natural Areas Lakeview District District Place Making Background Booklet Existing Land Use Designations District Place Making Background Booklet Lakeview District C E ROAD CLAREDALE ROAD CLAREDAL MARF AVENUE REVUS AVENUE THIRD ST THRA ROAD CAW U NUE GARDNER A AVE TREET SHAW DRIVE T AVEN WES ENOLA CAVEN S EBONY AVE ROAD EAST LAKESHORE ROAD EAST LAKESHORE ROAD EAST ENT E VENU MONTBECK BYNGMOUNT AVE NUE BYNGMOU CRESC RESCENT THICKET ENT THE REENWAY ENOLA A ECHWOOD AVENUE SC G D E D E ECK C A Street Network A B Lakeview District District Place Making Background Booklet Site Context District Place Making Background Booklet Lakeview District Traffi c signals: Legend: Triangular symbol represents City controlled signal Stop sign symbol represents Region of Peel controlled sig- nal Circle symbol represents MTO controlled signal Existing Traffi c Signal Plan Lakeview District District Place Making Background Booklet Weekday Transit Map District Place Making Background Booklet Lakeview District WOO VALEVALE#T #T 2D #IVIC#ENTRE Y -ALL 2D 3HOP#TR "I $U D$R ).&/ -EADOWS""LV"LVD -I $R -ISSISSAUGA #ITY#EN#ITY #ENTRETREE ,EWES7AY,E,EWES 7AYAYY !RT'ALLERY $R PSTOKPSTOKEKEEE,,NN )BIS#T)BIS##TT 4YNEGRYNEGRYNEYGOVE2D2 3ALTDENE3ALTDENE4ALTDENE 4 ERREERR %RINDALE #HICOR#H Y#TY#Y#T EAEA'ARDEEA'ARD ' "ISHO "URNHAMTHORPE "URNHAMTHORPE 7HISPERING7HISPERING7OODOOD$RODD$D $R$ 4E /LD"U +ARIYA'T+A 2/!$%!34 3USSEX3 "52.(!-4(/20%2/!$%!34 4RAIL "52.(!-4(/20%$R 4RAIL 2/!$7%34 9-#! 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