Archaeological Investigations Project 2006 Post-determination and Research East of England Bedfordshire (E.09.2240) TL08501870 {B4A7491A-88E5-4BE1-A620-F38E8C1A0979} Parish: Slip End Postal Code: LU1 4AB OVERHEAD LINE DIVERSIONS AT M1 JUNCTION 10 Overhead Line Diversions At M1 Junction 10, Archaeological Mitigation Preece, T Bedford : Albion Archaeology , 2007, 28pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Albion Archaeology As part of the programme to widen the M1 motorway at Junction 10, archaeological observations were made of works relating to overhead power line diversions in the vicinity of the junction. Archaeological Zone 1 (AZ1) covered the western side of the development area within Bedfordshire. Two pylon footings (PBA14 and PBA15) along with an access road and a cable trench were excavated in this zone. No archaeological features were identified within this area. However, modern root disturbance, associated with the present hedgeline, was identified adjacent to Newlands Road. Archaeological Zone 2 (AZ2) covered the eastern side of the development area within Bedfordshire. Two pylons (PBA12A and PBA13) were erected in this zone and a cable trench was excavated. Three ditches [3707], [4002] and [4302] that were likely to be part of a field system were identified. Archaeological Zone 3 (AZ3) covered the southern part of the development area and was split into two areas: the northern area (AZ3N) covering the land within Bedfordshire and the southern area (AZ3S) covering the land within Hertfordshire. In AZ3N, footings for three pylons (PBB93, PBB94 and PBB95) an access road and a cable trench were excavated. The only archaeological feature to be identified was a ditch [4502] that may have been the continuation of one of the ditches located in AZ2. In AZ3S, four pylon footings (PBB89, PBB90, PBB91 and PBB92) and an access road were excavated. Ditch [5] and a boundary ditch for Chalk Wood were identified in this zone. A layer of mid brown silty clay colluvium (3) had developed in the base of the dry valley on the northern side, possibly indicating an extended period of arable cultivation, destabilising the soil and resulting in downslope soil movement. A 15m wide band of modern disturbance (9) was also noted, approximately 60m north of PBB89. This area was adjacent to the overhead power lines running east-west across the field and was, therefore, likely to define an access route associated with the erection of these power lines. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: PM, UD Bedford (E.09.2241) TL04904710 {48AFDA30-58B6-4535-8E96-EC6FC3440F68} Parish: Elstow Postal Code: M K429YE THE WIXAMS, ELSTOW The Wixams, Elstow, Bedfordshire. Archaeological Mitigation of Area 3 (RPS 84) Bell, A Bedford : Albion Archaeology, 2006, 12pp Work undertaken by: Albion Archaeology The works required an open area excavation. Non-intrusive evaluation work had already been completed in the area and identified an area of burnt material that might possibly have represent kiln material. Two north-east to south-west furrows were recorded. These represented the ploughed out remnants of a medieval and/or post-medieval ridge and furrow open field system. No artefactual or physical remains were identified that could have represented kiln material. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MD Archaeological Investigations Project 2006 Post-determination and Research East of England (E.09.2242) TL04924942 {A6B91F1C-06CC-42E2-B3A7-AB94E18AA435} Parish: Kempston Postal Code: MK429AH LAND AT BEDFORD COLLEGE, 25 CAULDWELL STREET, BEDFORD Land at Bedford College, 25 Cauldwell Street, Bedford. Archaeological Observation, Investigation, Recording, Analysis and Publication Albion Archaeology Bedford : Albion Archaeology, 2006, 19pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Albion Archaeology Observation was made of groundwork undertaken to ensure the removal of all sub-surface obstructions prior to the installation of augured piles. Sub-surface deposits comprised geological deposits, a back channel of the river that was enclosed within a culvert and a brick-lined basin that would have been joined via a channel to the river. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: PM (E.09.2243) TL10706300 {6FD1768E-EB2E-4C93-A179-23D6898C2797} Parish: Little Staughton Postal Code: MK442BL THE CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS, LITTLE STAUGHTON Archaeological Investigation, Recording and Reporting at the Church of All Saints, Little Staughton, Bedfordshire Albion Archaeology Bedford : Albion Archaeology, 2007, 6pp, figs Work undertaken by: Only a small amount of disarticulated bone was recovered during the excavation of the trench. The majority of the bone was found in the section of the trench next to the aisle and tower. A single medieval sherd of pottery was also recovered. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: MD (E.09.2244) TL01725602 {13C95BAF-BBA9-48EB-9BE0-C075639521ED} Parish: Milton Ernest Postal Code: MK441RY STRAWBERRY TREE COTTAGE, MILTON ERNEST Watching Brief: Strawberry Treet Cottage, Milton Ernest, Bedfordshire Gill, L Milton Keynes : Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd, 2006, 17pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. The work was commissioned in advance of residential development. The excavation of footing trenches was observed, but no archaeological finds or features were noted. [Au(abr)] (E.09.2245) TL18655820 {CA538178-E1FE-4E38-922D-2B5E07AF045A} Parish: Roxton Postal Code: PE194YQ POTTON LANE, ST. NEOTS Archaeological Evaluation and Watching Brief at Potton Lane, St Neots, Cambridgeshire Cope-Falkner, P Sleaford : Archaeological Project Services, 2006, 25pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Project Services The investigations revealed a sequence of natural, undated and medieval deposits. Undated features included three gullies and a subsoil. Two of the gullies were parallel and may have represented a short length of trackway. Medieval deposits comprised two furrows of the ridge and furrow field system. No features that could be associated with the known Romano-British or prehistoric remains along the pipeline route were identified. Finds retrieved during the investigations included a single prehistoric flint flake, a small quantity of medieval and later pottery, post-medieval tile, a fragment of 20th century glass and an animal bone. [Au(abr)] SMR primary record number: 2121 Archaeological periods represented: UD, PR, MD, PM, MO Archaeological Investigations Project 2006 Post-determination and Research East of England (E.09.2246) TL15655520 {7DE6A7EE-F7A7-4ED0-B52B-DD0FFCEAFF02} Postal Code: MK443DY ROXTON GARDEN CENTRE, BEDFORD ROAD, ROXTON Roxton Garden Centre, Bedford Road, Roxton. A Programme of Archaeological Observation, Recording, Analysis and Publication Albion Archaeology Bedford : Albion Archaeology, 2006, 15pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Albion Archaeology The garden centre was located adjacent to an extensive area of cropmarks. However, no archaeological features were revealed during the works. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: PM Mid Bedfordshire (E.09.2247) TL03773050 {E4344BDC-0703-4A88-B0DB-DCF4C0C0A93C} Parish: Harlington Postal Code: LU5 6LE THE CHURCH OF ST. MARY THE VIRGIN, HARLINGTON The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Harlington, Bedfordshire: Precautionary Archaeological Attendance and Reporting Bell, A & Phillips, M Bedford : Albion Archaeology, 2006, 5pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Albion Archaeology No archaeological features were visible in either section or plan within the trenches. [Au(adp)] (E.09.2248) TL04093971 {BEF90BFE-2B42-4CCD-A566-B335D45A6EB9} Parish: Houghton Conquest Postal Code: MK452EZ HOUGHTON HOUSE Archaeological Watching Brief at Houghton House, Bedfordshire Upson-Smith, T Northampton : Northamptonshire County Council, 2006, 9pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Northamptonshire Archaeology A watching brief was carried out during the excavation of post holes for four new information panels at Houghton House. Apart from the footings of an internal wall, no archaeological features were seen during the watching brief. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: PM (E.09.2249) TL13803880 {E91E29C5-7CE9-4015-B140-5D7FE6FD2647} Parish: Shefford Postal Code: SG175AY LAND AT SHEFFORD LOWER SCHOOL, BLOOMFIELD DRIVE, SHEFFORD Land at Shefford Lower School, Bloomfield Drive, Shefford, Bedfordshire. Results Of Archaeological Observation And Recording Albion Archaeology Bedford : Albion Archaeology, 2006, 4pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Albion Archaeology The investigations located a substantial Roman enclosure ditch from which Roman pottery and building material was retrieved. Although restricted to the footprint of the new class room the results will contribute to the understanding of the nature and extent of the Roman settlement in this part of Shefford. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: RO Archaeological Investigations Project 2006 Post-determination and Research East of England (E.09.2250) TL12373394 {2457FE10-D459-4D2A-BDF0-267ED419540E} Parish: Shillington Postal Code: SG5 3LJ ALL SAINTS CHURCH, SHILLINGTON All Saints Church, Shillington, Bedfordshire. Archaeological Monitoring Report Kaye, D Letchworth : Heritage Network, 2006, 11pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Heritage Network Within the tower, beneath the existing tiled floor, a fired clay surface bounded by two courses of 18th or 19th century brick was recorded. Adjacent
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