INDEX Abraham, 98, 171, 175, 182, 190 Blakiston, Thomas W., 73-75, 76-80 Acts (book of), 119 Blodget, Henry, 87-88, 91, 93, 95, 96, Adam and Eve, 192 101, 109, III, 118, 119, 120, 121- Alcock, Sir Ruthenord, 16 122, 149, 151-152, 224, 252; and Allen, Anne B., 254-255 Jesuit works, 200, 223; and panthe- Allen, Young J., 116, 117 ism, 232; and Peking Translating Alpert-Levin, Helen, 254-255 Committee, 107, 166, 176; and Term American Bible Society, 9, 108, 110, Question, 115-116, 219-220, 223- 116, 119, 147, 148, 149, 150, 155, 224, 230 157,158,159,160,166,219,222-24, Boone, William J. (Bishop), 56, 60, 61- 229, 238, 242, 252; Committee on 62,66-68,73,82-84, 137, 165, 166, Principles of Translation of, 167; and 208, 210, 215, 219, 222, 224, 228, Union Bible, 151-152 231, 232; and Jesuit works, 223; and American Board of Commissioners for Term Question, 212-214 Foreign Missions, 9, 101 Boone, William, 130, 136, 139, 141, American Church Mission, 10 144, 145 American missionary movement, 7 Bouvet, Joachim P., 207 American Society for Meliorating the Bridgman, Elijah Coleman, 9, 13, 108- Condition of the Jews, 41, 43, 46-48; 109; and Chinese Repository, 10; and and messianism, 47 M.S. Culbertson Old Testament, Amos (book of), 36 113, 148, 151, 183 Anglican Church, 130 Bright, Diane and Ted, 257 Apostles (book of), 119 British and Foreign Bible Society, 9, Arnold, Sir Edwin, 241 119, 149, 178, 224, 231 August heavenly shangdi (Huangtian British Legation, 86, 89, 94, 108 Shangdz). See Shangdi British Society for the Propagation of AugustJade Emperor. See Yuhuang Christian Knowledge, 160 Bruce, Sir Frederic, 92 Barkai, Avraham, 33 Buddhism, 203, 241, 242 Barnett, Suzanne, 246 Bun, 161 Bassnett-McGuire, Susan, 197 Burdon,John S., 71, 72,89,91,93,94, Bates, Daniel, 136, 154 95, 102, 119, 120, 126, 148, 246; and Battle of Muddy Flat, 63-65 Prayer Book, 118, 165, 223; and Pe­ Beiwen yurifu, 21 I king Translating Committee, 107; Berdichev, 4, 29 and Term Question, 220, 227 Bialik, Hayyim Nahman, 25 Burlingame, Anson, 81-82, 83-84, 88, Bible, 22, 27, 29, 36, 39, 107, 113, 115, 247 117, 118, 120, 129, 134, 135, 136, 140, 147, 150, 155, 165, 17l, 186, Cain, 190, 194 189, 197, 199, 200, 208, 221, 224, Canton System, 12, 13 225, 228, 231, 233, 236, 239, 248, Cao Cao, 76 249, 257; Chinese, 108, 209, 257; Chalmers, John, 227-228 Christian, 30; translators, II, 154, Charme, Alexandre de la, 200; True Ex­ 157, 167, 174, 233; and biblical planations qf Natural Philosophy (Xingli books, 183; and biblical criticism, zhenquan), 223 114, 166, 209; and biblical diction, Chen Dayong, 117 167; and biblical vocabulary, 197; in Chinese Classics, 202, 216, 231, 232 easy wenli, 148, 252. See also New Tes­ Chinese coworkers, 92, 109-110, 113, tament; Old Testament 117, 157, 161, 168, 172, 176, 180, INDEX 182, 197, 198, 199, 210, 223, 230, Eichhorn, David M., 255 255 Eichhorn,J.G., 166 Chinese Christians, 199, 226, 233 Elliot, David, 51, 53 Chinese and Foreign Magazine (Zhongxi Elohim, 174, 209, 210, 213, 218-219, jianlu), 116 222, 223 Chinese Recorder, Ike, 208, 224, 229 Eoyang, Eugene Chen, 257 Chinese Repository, Ike, 208 Episcopal Church, 10, 54, 84, 253; and Christ Church, 62, 73 Board of Missions, 125, 128 147, 149; Christian evangelism, 60; exegesis, 170; and Foreign Committee, 60, 124, Gospels, 242; revivalism, 7-8, 17 128, 138, 142; in China, 62 Christianity, 6, 16,30,34,36,47,49-50, Episcopal General Theological Semi­ 63, 71, 77, 125, 137, 168, 173, 188, nary, 54, 55 20 I, 203, 204, 207, 210, 227, 229, Episcopal Mission, 13, 59, 68, 136, 241; 241, 246, 253, 255; Chinese, xiii, in China, xiii, 121; in Hongkou, 62, 249, 257; messianic, 50; militant, 64, 67, 82, 131-133, 137, 138-139, 245; Protestant, 107 140, 238; in Peking, 238 Church Missionary Society, 9, 82, 89 Ernst, Robert, 39 Church News Giaohui xinbao), 116, 117 essence (tz) and function (yong), 211-212 Churchman, Ike, 154, 241 Exodus (book oD, 117, 118, 171, 192, Cixi (empress dowager), 121 196, 249, 250 Collected Ming Statutes (Daming huitian), 216-217,222,232 Faber, [Ernst], 252 Comprehensive Mirror qf Ho!J Immortals Fairbank,John K., 14, 121 (Shenxian tongjian), 21 I, 212 Fay, Lydia, 62, 69, 70, 118, 124, 126- Confucian Classics, III, 211 127, 130, 137, 138, 164,235,242 Confucianism, 202-203, 204, 207, 229 Ferguson, John C., 162 Confucius, 112, 177, 20 I; and Analects, Foreign Settlement, 61, 63, 65, 67, 71- 222 72,82 Conklin, Bessie B. [Schereschewsky], Foucquet, Jean Frano;:oise, 200, 223 256 Four "Barbarian" Office (Siyi Guan), 89 Creation, 202, 205, 217, 228, 232, 249 Franklin, Morris Julius (Moses Frankel), Cushing, Caleb, 13, 14, 15 48 French Legation, 89 Daniel (book oD, 178, 180 Funkenstein, Amos, 256 de Wette, W.M.L., 36, 37-38, 54, 114, 166, 190; Textbook qf Hebrew- Jewish Genesis, 36, 112, 117, 119, 134, 165- Archeology, 36; Commentary to the Psalms, 166, 168, 170, 171, 174, 176, 189, 190 190, 194, 249, 250. See also Bible, Old Delegates' Version (Bible), 109, 110, Testament 113, 148, 183, 184,208 General Conference of the Protestant Deuteronomy, 195, 244 Missionaries of China, 149,224,227, di (god, gods), 175,209,211,213,228 229 Dibre Emeth, 35 Gesenius, Wilhelm, 166 Du Fu, 76 Gibson, John C., 122 Gidney, W.T., 5 easy wen-Ii. See literary Chinese God. See Shangdi, Shangzhu, Shen, Tetra- Ecclesiastes, 170, 172, 185, 187, 196 grammaton, Tzanzhu, Zhu. See also Tzan Edkins, Joseph, 16,91,94,95,99, 102, Goodrich, Chauncey, 94, 186 108, 120, 224, 238, 240, 245, 246, Gospel Propagation Society, 91 252; and Peking Translating Com­ Grace Church, xiii, 43, 45, 128 mittee, 107; and Term Question, Graetz, Heinrich, Gnosticism and Jewry, 220-221, 223; Religion in China, 240 27-28· Eichenbaum, Ya'akov, Euclid translation Graves, Frederick R. (Bishop), 153, 159, into Hebrew, 26-27, 29 239, 248, 252 .
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