* L.A. police get major break' in hillside case LOS ANGELES (AP/UPI) -- Los Angeles October, was arrested by Massa- tember, some seven months. have obtained a search warrant police have taken two men into cus- chusetts police last week. for Gates, head of the 92-member hill- his car, but he has not been identi- tody in the hillside strangler slay- He was transferred to Los Angeles side strangler task force said Sam- fied as a suspect in the case. ings, and Police Chief Daryl Gates after he began talking about the shak has "provided us with suffi- A Los Angeles radio station, said it's a "major break in the strangulation deaths of Jill Barcomb KFWB, cient information that he had know- reported that police had Jones under case." and Kathleen Robinson. ledge of what took place" in the around-the-clock surveillance before said an escaped Massachu- Chief Gates said Shamshak had in- Police slayings. arresting him. setts convict and a Beverly Hills formation only detectives or the However, Samshak is only a sus- The station also said Samshak told maintenance man are being questioned killer or killers could have known. pect, Gates emphasised. police he drove a van used in the in connection with at least two of In all, 13 young women, many of Also taken into custody for ques- two slayings he's being them nude and sexually molested, and questioned the murders. tioning in the case was a friend of about. Police said 27-year-old George all of them strangled, have been Samshak, 37-year-old Peter Mark No formal charges related to the Shamshak, who escaped from Walpole found dead in hilly northeast sub- Jones. hillside strangler case have been State Prison in Massachusetts last urbs of Los Angeles since last Sep- Police are questioning Jones and filed against either man. U. S. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Vwnutl.nna0vz0t ol 33 No. 62 The Navy' on U shote-baded daiLy Friday, March 31, 1978 Bergland mounts counter-attack on farm program critics (COMPILED FROM AP/UPI) -- Agricul- made before the administration this U.S. Agriculture Department Office and cotton, both of which have suf- ture Secretary Bob Bergland is coun- week announced a series of additional in Central City, Neb. Thursday to fered price depression due to excess ter-attacking against the administra- steps aimed at boosting farm prices, protest President Jimmy Carter's supply. tion's farm policy critics with a steps including payments for retiring plans to veto a flexible parity bill The formula for the payments is a new estimate of 1976 farm income. additional feed grain and cotton now before Congress. complex one. Early this year, the USDA had been land. Signs tacked on the vehicles read, The Agriculture Department is re- predicting that net income would re- When those steps take effect, "Keep our canal, give Carter away," sistant to pin down a dollar-per main close to the depressed 1977 Bergland said this year's farm in- and Carter pills won't cure our acre figure for the land taken out level of about $20.5 billion, about come conceivably could look even ills." of production. 50 percent below the record of near- better than his latest prediction Nevertheless, the Agriculture De- Most farmers will have to confer ly $30 billion set in 1976. indicates. partment is gearing up to enroll with their local USDA office to fi- Now, Bergland has a new and more Bergland's comments came in Fargo, farmers in the new payment programs gure out their alternatives. optimistic estimate. N.D. last night. for feed grains and cotton. State and county field offices of He said 1978 net farm income could He said the recent developments The payments are part of the ad- the USDA are being provided with in- be about $24 billion, the third prove that the Carter Administration ministration's new farm package. structions so they can begin enroll- highest level in history. is willing to stick with farmers and The enrollment is expected to be- ing farmers in the new program. The agriculture secretary adds take action to put them on the road gin Monday. The Carter Administration hopes that even this may be.a conservative to better times. The theory behind the program is that the formulas will attract more forecast. Striking farmers parked four trac- to pay farmers for some land taken producers into the acreage set aside Bergland said his new estimate was tors and a manure spreader outside a out of production in feed grains program. 4 Carter spends night on the town before leaving Rio RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL (AP/UPI) -- riffs, low necklines and lots of se- Nigeria has been distressed over vestment in South Africa remains to President Jimmy Carter spent his quins, but nothing shocking. the years at the close economic ties be seen. last night in South America in style Carter's second day in Brazil that American companies maintain in The Nigerians argue that Nigeria as he and his wife got a taste of was a busy one. white-minority governments in south- is quickly overtaking South Africa the famed Rio de Janeiro night life. In addition to addressing the Bra- ern Africa and over what it has re- as the United States' chief trading By Brazilian standards, however, zilian congress, he met with jus- garded as America's failure to sup- partner south of the Sahara. it was a relatively sedate show at tices of the nation's Supreme Court, port the federal cause in the 1967- Between 50 and 60 percent of Ni- the Hotel Nacional nightclub. held a news conference and met again 70 civil war with Biafra. geria's total oil production goes to The President and his wife sent with President Ernesto Geizel. Carter's more militant posture to- the United States, accounting for 20 their ten-year-old daughter Amy home Carter then flew from the capital ward the white-minority governments percent of U.S. oil imports. after the three had dinner aboard a of Brazilia to Rio de Janeiro for a in southern Africa in recent months And U.S. investment in Nigeria yacht, then proceeded on to the ho- rest stop on his four-nation tour of has helped ease tensions. currently stands at an estimated tel. South America and Africa. But whether U.S. policy can long $1.2 billion. That's almost as much Carter said it was a great show. The next stop on Carter's itiner- satisfy the Nigerians -- who strong- as the $1.5 billion investment in There were bare thighs, bare mid- ary is Nigeria. ly advocate a pullout of U.S. in- South Africa. The long hours of hard work by the Teen Club, the active support of many base activities and the Miniature generosity of those individuals who donated their spare putters and golf balls has paid off as the min- iature golf course behind the Special Services building is set to reopen Saturday at 1 p.m. after being closed for four years. While no special ceremony is golf course planned for the reopening, the Teen Club, which now manages the facility, hopes the course will receive a lot of support from the community to prevent it from being shut down again. The course will be open to all opens base residents for a 75C admission fee, with a free game offered for every hole-in-one. The hours of operation will be 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 1-9 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. tomorrow Teei Club members clean up one of the holes at the newly refurbished miniature golf course behind the Windjammer Club. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, March 31, 1978 The Conde and Hicacal Beach area *Live firing between Saint Nicholas and Caracole Points and all of the upper bay Page 2 aledinbetee an GuantanamoybeGanzetter north of Caracoles and Granadillo Friday.9 a.m.-2 p.m. Points will be off limits. For Saturday. none scheduled more information contact the Specia Sunday .none scheduled Services Marina, ComNavBase Duty Monday.12-4 p.m. office or Base Police. Aaeedthe Public Aff.Ait, Office7:36.m., toA430 pAm,, ondy' AAA,.AgmPid' (excluding holiday). Da.dline for pubation is no the prviousworkig da. AAfid. .AA. Acy a .eite will b. of aalae service will hepermitted bt limited to twice mnhy. Anouncemnts orbsns.A. o*srvies equiingcoanSd ppralayA bereuiedtoprovide poof a aleterf auhority. Ad. .which Calendar wili tat A.e*AApt.Th Public AffarsStaffteev.tergtt 1J i Today Serv-Mart closed for inventory. Will resume normal hours Saturday. Ceramic Shop closed for inventory. Golf Committee meeting, 1 p.m., Golf Course Lounge. All members are re- Clubs and Organizations Special Announcements quired to attend. THE CPO WIVES CLUB will hold A PENCELINE TOUR will be held on Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, East Bargo Old Nursery School building, their monthly meeting on Monday, Saturday, April 1, leaving at 9:00 7:45 p.m. (90269 or 8275). April, at 7:30 p.m., at the CPO a.m. from the Telephone Exchange. Dining Room. All CPO wives are There is room for 100 people. For Waterford Crystal, Lladro and Boson heads special order at Navy Ex- invited to attend. reservations, call 95479/95472 AT. change customer service desk. THE GUANTANAMO BAY OFFICERS WIVES ALL MEN'S VOLLEYBALL COACHES will United States Navy Steel Band performance at the elementary school am- Club Board-will meet Tuesday, meet on Tuesday, April 4, at 6 p.m., phitheater, 9 - 10 a.m., performance at the CPO Club 9 - 10 p.m.
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