Opening hours: November Thursday 26th, Friday 27th and Saturday 28th Open from 11 am to 10 pm Free admission to all activities Advanced registration required for workshops: Tel. 933 064 135 E-mail: [email protected] THE CCCB RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE MODIFICATIONS ON THE PROGRAM IN CASE OF FORCE MAJEURE. With the support of: With the collaboration of: SOLAR NOW C fotografías: Martí Pons, Xavier Soto, Albert Uriarch Acknowledgements: Next Limit Technologies NOVEMBER 26TH-28TH CCCB · Montalegre, 5 · 08001 Barcelona · Tel. (+34) 93 306 41 00 · www.cccb.org/now CCCB 2009 NOW is a process of research, creation and dissemination of scienti- fic, technological, artistic, social and spiritual transformations that are taking place at the start of the 21st century. NOW does not adhe- re to a specific format, although it may be made manifest in different genres. It has been conceived as a work platform with different objectives in the following thematic areas: OPEN SCIENCE CYBERSPHERE ECO FACTOR ART NOW PSI PARTICLE NEW ACTIVISM EMERGING CULTURE HERMANN SCHEER Evolving from the main subject of the Sun and its cultural, bio- THOM HARTMANN logical and astrophysical influences, this event aims to explore the new culture promoted by renewable energies, with a special JEREMY LEGGETT emphasis on solar energy. MARC GAVALDÀ FUNDACIÓ TERRA This new edition is a collaboration between the CCCB and the OPEN SAILING Terra Foundation, a pioneering association devoted to raising awareness on environmental issues. A part of this collaboration ANNA ARTIGAS is the project NOW in action, an itinerant tour of commented NAVITAS PARADIGMA screenings of the film“The 11th hour” around several Spanish MARTA PAHISSA universities, which will end in this edition of NOW. JOSEP PUIG THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH AT 7:30 PM / HALL The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight The Fate of the World and What We Can Do About It Thom Hartmann PROGRAMMED Moderator: Marc Gavaldà The world seems to be melting down around us, with climate change, species ACTIVITIES extinctions, population explosions, and a massive poisoning of our Earth by indus- trial activity at the same time we are overfishing our oceans and militarizing outer space. Yet these are not the cause of our problems; they are merely symptoms. The true cause of the crisis the world is facing is grounded in our modern indus- trial culture - how we think - and it is that thinking that is driving our destructive behaviors. Thom Hartmann shows how humans have confronted culture-ending problems like this before, and some cultures have succeeded in changing their way of thinking (and thus their behaviors), while others have simply gone extinct. In this compelling and story-rich talk, Hartmann shows how we can work our way out of the crises we have created and bring ourselves into the light of a world that truly works for all. Thom Hartmann is a writer, political commentator and leader of one of the highest rated progressive radio programs in the USA. Marc Gavaldà is a researcher specialized in the effects of oil exploitations in Latin America and member of the RepsolMata campaign. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH AT 7:30 PM / HALL PROGRAMMED ACTIVITIES Energy Autonomy The Economic, Social and Technological Case for Renewable Energy Hermann Scheer Moderator: Josep Puig For 200 years industrial civilization has relied on the combustion of abundant and cheap carbon fuels. But continued reliance has had perilous consequences. On the one hand there is the insecurity of relying on the world’s most unstable region - the Middle East - compounded by the imminence of peak oil, growing scarcity and mounting prices. On the other, the potentially cataclysmic consequences of continuing to burn fossil fuels, as the evidence of accelerating climate change shows. Hermann Scheer will present alternatives to overcome the problems and dangers of the fossil and nuclear energy generation. In his speech he will present renewables as the solution to complete energy autonomy, a challenge for the world civilization in the 21st century. Hermann Scheer is a writer, President of Eurosolar and member of the German Bundestag. He has been awarded, among others, with the “Alternative Nobel Prize”, the Right Livelihood Award. Josep Puig is an energy and environment consultant, and he is the deputy chairman of Eurosolar. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 28TH AT 7:30 PM / HALL PROGRAMMED ACTIVITIES The Solar Century Past, Present and World Changing Future of the Energy That Will Change the World Jeremy Leggett Moderator: Marta Pahissa Solar energy can be the backbone of a renaissance, after the current credit crunch and the upcoming energy crunch, in which the world economy will be run on renewable energy, and the worst effects of global warming staved off as a consequence. Leggett’s talk provides a positive vision for the century ahead which extends well beyond the provision of electricity, heat and water. Jeremy Leggett is an activist and social enterpreneur, founder of SolarCentury and the NGO SolarAid. Marta Pahissa is the chairwoman of the Terra Foundation. *With the collaboration of the British Council. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH AT 5:30 PM / AUDITORIUM A Beginners Guide to Giving a Damn Airside / Al McCuish, United Kingdom, 2007, 8’, OVSC Animation which by means of humor proposes several actions we can take in our daily lives in order to reduce our impact on the climate change, along the lines of DOCUMENTARIES the “think globally, act locally” premise. www.airside.co.uk/work/projects/live-earth THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH AT 5:38 PM / AUDITORIUM No Impact Man PREMIERE Laura Gabbert / Justin Schein, USA, 2008, 90’, OVSS Colin Beavan is a New York writer who announces that in order to write his next book he will become “the man without (ecological) impact”, and thus confirm whe- ther a zero ecological footprint affects happiness in a negative way. Beavan will continue living in the city and will involve his wife and daughter in the experiment: a year without electricity, without a car, without heating... Is a drastic change of habits necessary in order to lead a sustainable life? www.noimpactman.typepad.com OVSC / ORIGINAL VERSION WITH SUBTITLES IN CATALAN OVSS / ORIGINAL VERSION WITH SUBTITLES IN SPANISH FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH AT 5:30 PM / AUDITORIUM DOCUMENTARIES Switch On. Switch Off. Chris Bran, United Kingdom, 2007, 2’ Short film that explores in a rhythmic and graphic way the turning on and off of the electrical appliances that swamp our daily lives and whose standby mode implies the 5% of the domestic energy consumption. www.rsafilms.com/d/black-dog/companies/blackdog-uk/126 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH AT 5:32 PM / AUDITORIUM Here Comes The Sun: PREMIERE The Solar Energy Revolution Ron van Hattum, Holland, 2008, 50’, OVSS If we really knew how to use solar energy there wouldn’t be any energy issues: each half hour of sunlight over the Earth provides sufficient energy for a year. Solar energy could have a promising future but it still plays a marginal role in the environmental crisis solution. This documentary shows that the solar industry already has the necessary technology to implement the change, as the measures adopted in Germany prove, and whose example is followed by other countries such as France, the United States and Spain. http://vodpod.com/watch/1158939-here-comes-the-sun-vpro- backlight?pod=hyperborean SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH AT 5 PM / AUDITORIUM DOCUMENTARIES Think Robert Jones, USA, 2007, 4’, OVSC What kind of an effort does a change in habits imply ? An ironic outlook at a daily situation, where an excessive demand of plastic bags reveals the contradictions we fall into in the most common situations of consumption. http://video.liveearth.org/video/Think-mp4 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH AT 5:04 PM / AUDITORIUM The 11th Hour Nadia Conners, USA, 2007, 95’, OVSS A documentary narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, The 11th Hour provides a glimpse at today’s environmental meltdown as seen in such phenomena as drought, famine, floods and acid rain, amongst other damage the Earth is suffering as a consequence of climate change. The film also suggests practical ways that our planet’s ecosystems can be restored to health. Appearances by such personali- ties as Thom Hartmann, Paul Hawken, Stephen Hawking and Mikhail Gorbachev provide testimony to help us understand the critical state of life on the planet, whilst urging us to join those taking action. This screening is the last one of the “NOW in action: Campus Tour” project, in collaboration with the Terra Foundation http://www.ecoterra.org/articulos193es.html FRom ThuRSDAy 26Th To BIBLIO-POINTS SATuRDAy 28Th oF NovEmbER, A selection of the bibliography available on issues activated through the NOW oPEN FRom 11 Am To 10 Pm platform. With the cooperation of Editorial Kairós, Traficantes de Sueños, Colección Me- tatemas, Tusquets Editores, Editorial Melusina, Icaria Editorial, Ediciones Paidós, Gedisa Editorial, Editorial Pre-Textos, Libros del Lince, Random House Mondado- ri, Institut del Territori-Edicions Tres i Quatre, Montesinos, Fundació Terra, Anaya, PERMANENT Planeta and Akal. SPACES CONTAINER OF PARADIGMS (CoP) NOW incorporates a selection of new paradigms in the scientific, economic, political, educational, artistic and spiritual spheres. What experiences, beliefs and values affect your way of perceiving reality and how do you respond to that perception? THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM The Metaphor that Unifies The majority of issues dealt with in this project are linked to a particular strip of the electromagnetic spectrum, which has become a metaphor for the project: the great territory of invisible reality, already partly colonised and, at the same time, a yet to be explored terra incognita. QUERIES AND DOWNLOADS Now Reference Point A selection of web pages and bibliographical material dealing with the themes of this edition, such as the relevance of the Sun in the evolution of Humanity, the energy possibilities of its rays and, by extension, the role of solar energy and the other renewable energies as our civilization gets closer to the oil peak and has to face a change on its energy paradigm.
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