s\,1 '\ l1- S -/ Sources at the H awa i Li b ra rv' I %t;'lT.'rT,'*l'',t'ff il i:fi l'' ;J3'r', Call numbers beginning with RH are located in the Hawai'i & Pacific reference collectron. Please ask library staff to assist you in retrieving an item. Call numbers beginning with H are in the circulatrng, open shelves, of the Hawai'i & Pacific sectron. A note on the usage of the'okina (glottal stop). The'okina is not used consistently in publications, and therefore the titles listed reflect the actual spelling used in the book titles. For example, the island of "Hawai'i," is written Hawaii or Hawai'i. VITAT RECORDS Births, Deaths, Marriages 18s9 - L970 Delayed Birth Record lndex (1859-19701 Started in 1911 to register persons born in Hawaii one year old or older whose birth had not been previously registered. This is the index, which is in alphabetical order by last name of the applicant. See also "Territory of Hawaii Births (Delayed Birth Registration)." Format: Print (4 vols.), Location: Hawai'i & Pacific reference desk Feb. 11, Territory of Hawaii Births (Delayed Birth Registration 1904 - Mar. Cer[ificates Vtestimonials in order of birth d-ate. See 28,t9t3 also "Delayed Birth Record lndex." Format: Microfilrn, Location: Hawai'i & Pacific Room, microfilm cabinets 1896 - 1909 lndex to Territory of Hawaii Births, 1896-1909 Searchable by name of fathe[ mothe[ or child. Format: Print (3 vols.), Location: Hawai'i & Paofic reference desk 1909 - L949 lndex to Department of Health Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates Alphobeticql index in 5 yeor sets. Format: Microfilm, Location: Hawai'i & Pacific Room, microfi'lm cabinets, Contents: Birth index: 711909 - 12/1948 (start dates vary due to retakes) - Kalaupapa Patient Adrninistration cards (Roll #67), Death index: 711,11909 - 6130h949, Marriage index (By name of groom or bride):711,h909 - 6/3011949 1909 - L920 Department of Health Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates Certificotes in order of registrotion number Format: Microfilm Location: Hawai'i & Pacific Room, m ic rofi I m ca bi nets, Co nte nts : Bi rth ce rtifica les: 7 h11909 - 412h92I, Death certificates:7 /1,11909 - 12131"11920, Marriage cerhficates: 71U1909 - 1112311920 CENSUS Census records are useful because they show family members in a household, their ages, birthplace of peison and par'ents, race information, and eVen occupation. Hawai'i was dnnexed by the United States in 1898, so the earliest U.S. Federal Census available is from 1900. lg00 & Jackon, Ronald Vern, ed. 1910 Hawaii 1Sl0 & 1910: "Pulama Na Kupuna" (Cherish Our lndex to Ancestors.) Accelerated lndexing Systems lntbrnational, the Federag North Salt Lake, UH, 1987. NotelThis index rncludes the Census of names of everyone in the household. Format: Print (2 Hawai,i vols.), Location: Hawai'i & Pacific reference desk 1910 Hawaii 1910 Census lndex. HeritageQuest from lndexto ProQuest, North Salt Lake, UT, 2002. Note: This is an the Federag index of heads-of-household as well as any person in Census of a household with a different surname than the head. Hawai'i Format: Print, Location: Hawai'i & Pacific reference desk Format: Micro-film, Hawai'i & Pacific Room, 1900, L1LO, *Alsologation: Ig2d, 1930 rnicrofilm cabinets available through these searchable databases: Fedeial . Census of Ancestrylibrary edition {or]ly accessible in the library) Hawai'i o HeritageQuest (accessible from home with library card) OBITUARIES AND OTHER NEWSPAPER SOURCES 18s0 - 1950 lndex to birth_notices published in Hawai'i newspapers. Format: Microfilm, Location: Hawai'i & Pacific reference desk 1850 - 1950 Index to marriage notices published in Hawai'i neulrspapers. Format: Microfilm, Location: Hawai'i & Pacific reference desk 1835 - 1950 lndex to obituaries published in Hawai'i newspapers. Format: Microfilm, Location: Hawai'i & Pacific refeience desk 1900 - 19s0 lndex to the Maui News. Comp. & ed. by Gail (Mauil Bartholomew with the assistance of Judy Lindstrom. Maui Historical Society, Wailuku, Hl, [1985, 1991]. Obituqries and morrioges ore listed under person's nome. Format: Print (2 vols.), Location: Hawai'i & Pacific reference desk 195.1 - L973 lndex to the Maui News. Comp. & ed. by Gail Ainsworth. (Maui) Maui Historical Society, Wailuku, Hl, 2010 . Obituories ore listed under "Deqths." Format: Print, Location: Hawai'i & Pacific reference desk 1929 - L994 lndex to the Honolulu Advertiser & Honolulu Star- Bulletin. From L929 - 1969 obituories are indexed under "Deoths." From L970 onward obituories qre listed under "Obituaries." Format: Print, Location: Hawai'i & Pacific Room, 1929-1967:5 volume set, 1968-1969: l volume * supplement, 1970-1994: annual supplements, | ndex covering1929 - 1969 digitized & available online at www.ulukau.org 1989 - Hawaii Neuuspaper lndex. online index to the Honolulu present Advertiser; Honolulu Stor-Bulletin and the Honolulu Stor- Advertiser Searchable by keyword. Format: Website, http ://i p a . I i ra ri h i i . : p js p c2 b es awa o rg 8 ff ac2aI ipa c ? p rofi I e #foc u s L97L- 1980 Lo, 9atherine,_ed. Garden fsland lndex: A subject, (Kaua'i) author, and photographer index to selected irtiiles in The Garden lslond. Kauai Library Association, Lihue, Hl, 1987. Look under sqbject heading "obituories' for deoths, or occosionolly under individuol'i nome. Format: Print, Location: Hawai'i & Pacific reference desk L984, lggg Hawaii lsland Newspaper lndex; An index to news - 2000 of the{sland of Hawaii as reported in The Howoii (BiS lsland) Tribune Herold, The Honoluiu Advertiser, The Honolulu Star-Bulletin.Various eds. Edwin H. Mookini Librarv. Ullversrty of Hawaii at Hilo, [1989-2001,1. For yeqrs'i-984, 1-988-1-989, obituaries and marriages ore listed by lost neme, first nome. For L999-2000,bbituories ore iisted under "Obituories,' morrioges under "Weddings ond Engagqments." Format: Prht (14 vols.), Location: Hawai'i & Pacific reference desk 1989 - 2013 State of Hawaii Newspaper Obituaries Hawai'i obituaries copied/transciibed from newspapers: Honolulu 2 Advertiser; Honolulu Stor-Bulletin, Kouoi Garden lslond Newt Maui News, and Howoii Tribune-Herold. Browse by year and last name. Managed by BYU-Hawaii. Format: Website, Location : http s:/ /library. byu h.edu/obitua ries 1840 - Lg22 Chronicling America: Historic American Neunpaper Sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress. lncludes historic Hawai'i newspapers in English going back to 1840. Limit your search to Hawai'i and enter keywords into search box. Format: Website, Location: https:// ch ron icl i nga me rica . loc. gov/ Note: URLs are current as of this printing. Howeve4 websites may change their URLs. Please search your browser for these sites if link is broken. DIRECTORIES Often city directories will include'occupatron or marital status, as well as the residence of the individual. ltems are in print format in the Hawai'i & Pacific reference collection unless noted otherwise. 1869 Honolulu Directory and historical sketch of the RH Hawaiian or Sandwich lslands. C.C. Bennett, Honolulu, 995.9 1869. Also available online at: M3 https://hdl.handle. netl2027 /hvd ah3bxi L87I Honolulu Directory and historical sketch of the Online only Hawaiian or Sandwich lslands. C.C. Bennett, Honolulu, 1869, 1871 2nd ed. https ://hd l. ha nd le. ne t/2027 lhvd. h n nxSs 1880 - 1881 Hawaiian Kingdom Statistical and Commercial Directory RH and Tourist'Guide, 18&r-1881. George Bowser & Co., 919.69 Honolulu, 1880. Also available online at: http:llwww. H315 ulukau.orglelib/cgi-bin /library?6=polk1880 1884 McKenney's Hawaiian Directory including a City RH Directory of Honolulu and Handbook of the Kingdom of 919.69 Hawaii. L. M. McKenney & Co., San Francisco, CA, 1884. D62 1885 - L887 Honolulu Almanac and Directory 'tontaining complete RH statistical and general information relating to the 919. 59 Hawaiian lslands." Pacific Commercial Adverliser, H74 Honolulu, L886, 1887. 1888 Hawaiian Directory and Handbook of the Kingdom of RH Hawaii. McKenney Directory Publishers, San Francisco, 919.59 CA, 1ggg. D62 1890 Directory and Handbook of the Kingdom of Hawaii. RH Pacific Press Publishing Co., Oakland,CA,1890. Also 919.59 available online at: http://www.ulukau.org/eliblcgt-binl D62 library?s=polk18gO L892 Directory and Handbook of the Kingdom of Hawaii. RH F. M. Husted, San Francisco, CA, 1892. Also available 919.69 online at: http:llwww.ulukau.orgleliblcgt-bin/ D62 library?6=polk1892 1896 - L897 Directory and Reference Book of the Hawaiian lslands, RH 1895-97.8. L. Finney, Honolulu, [1897?] 919.69 D622 L9O2 Honolulu Blue Book. Residence Directory'tontaining the names,_addresses, and reception RH days of the leadlng- 919. 69 residents of the Hawaiian lslands." Honolulu Blue Book H Publishing Co., 1902. L8981.99, PolKs Directory of City and County of Honolulu and the IgOOlOl, Territory of Hawaii. R.-1. Polk & Co" Honolulu. Format: I9O2+ 1902- 1960 on microfilm, Location: Hawai'i & Pacific RH Room; microfilm cabinets, Format: 1898-1942, 1947- 919. 59 1949,1951, 1953+ in print. Location: Hawai'i & Pacific P75 reference collection, Note on title changes: 1898199 - Husted's Directory and Hand-book of-Honolulu and the Hawaiian lslands, 1900/01 - Husted's Directory of Honolulu and Hawaiian Territory 1902-1940 - Polk- Husted Directory Cols Directory of City and County of Honolulu and the Territory of Hawai| !941+ - PolKs Directory of City and County of Honolulu and the Terr.itory of Hawaii (no directories issued 1943 -1946, Note: URLs rr" .i:":,ttl"iflt'':lrinting. Howeven websites may change their URLs Please search your browser for these sites if link is broken. YEARBOOK COLLESflON Yearbooks can be a great source for photographs of fumily members. ln the Hawai'i & Pacific Section of the Hawai'i State Library we house a collection of over 2,000 school yearbooks from all over the state which in some cases date back to 1914. This collectron is constantly growing through donations.
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