PDF Output of CLIC (clustering by inferred co-expression) Dataset: Num of genes in input gene set: 6 Total number of genes: 16493 CLIC PDF output has three sections: 1) Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) Heatmap shows pairwise correlations between all genes in the input query gene set. Red lines shows the partition of input genes into CEMs, ordered by CEM strength. Each row shows one gene, and the brightness of squares indicates its correlations with other genes. Gene symbols are shown at left side and on the top of the heatmap. 2) Details of each CEM and its expansion CEM+ Top panel shows the posterior selection probability (dataset weights) for top GEO series datasets. Bottom panel shows the CEM genes (blue rows) as well as expanded CEM+ genes (green rows). Each column is one GEO series dataset, sorted by their posterior probability of being selected. The brightness of squares indicates the gene's correlations with CEM genes in the corresponding dataset. CEM+ includes genes that co-express with CEM genes in high-weight datasets, measured by LLR score. 3) Details of each GEO series dataset and its expression profile: Top panel shows the detailed information (e.g. title, summary) for the GEO series dataset. Bottom panel shows the background distribution and the expression profile for CEM genes in this dataset. Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) with Dataset Weighting Scale of average Pearson correlations Num of Genes in Query Geneset: 6. Num of CEMs: 1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Brpf3 Brpf1 Kat6a Brd1 Ing5 Meaf6 Brpf3 Brpf1 Kat6a CEM 1 (12 datasets) Brd1 Ing5 Meaf6 2410131K14Rik 1700020D05Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:6.Predicted205.SelectedDatasets:12.Strength:0.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]MOZ/MORFhistoneacetyltransferasecomplex",Page1 Zkscan17 Fam193b Msantd2 Ankrd26 Klhdc10 Mvb12b Ccdc13 Ccdc61 Dazap1 Med13l Utp14b Ubqln4 Ythdc1 Kctd13 Zfp532 Slc6a5 Tmcc1 Arid1a Clasrp Kmt2b Dhx34 Cdk17 Fnbp4 Ewsr1 Taok2 Meaf6 Hirip3 S1pr4 Kat6b Smg7 Kat6a Tcf23 Lats1 Brpf1 Brpf3 Map7 Olig3 Scrib Aqp9 Clip2 Spen Phc1 Sox8 Brd1 Pfas Frs3 Ing5 Lbr 0.0 1.0 GSE32199 [6] GSE13227 [6] GSE27451 [6] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE38044 [6] GSE21944 [6] GSE5425 [6] GSE24793 [8] GSE18660 [10] GSE27564 [8] GSE29929 [14] GSE32598 [11] GSE16874 [12] GSE27455 [12] GSE16751 [6] GSE25825 [8] GSE16925 [15] GSE33761 [9] GSE11382 [10] GSE20335 [8] GSE17794 [44] GSE23119 [9] GSE27932 [14] GSE44355 [10] GSE45430 [9] GSE21716 [28] GSE32386 [13] GSE17266 [59] GSE12454 [13] GSE27546 [51] GSE13223 [6] GSE16623 [6] GSE41997 [6] GSE12432 [15] GSE23782 [18] GSE45618 [6] GSE44175 [18] GSE13364 [6] GSE32529 [224] GSE3126 [6] GSE57425 [6] GSE9249 [28] GSE30868 [8] GSE35077 [26] GSE51385 [8] GSE56755 [13] GSE32311 [11] GSE26668 [6] GSE12986 [10] GSE40156 [42] GSE30176 [12] GSE16110 [16] GSE44339 [14] GSE43779 [6] GSE39449 [6] GSE21224 [16] GSE34629 [6] GSE19729 [14] GSE30192 [6] GSE54653 [6] GSE40513 [6] GSE20636 [35] GSE21041 [6] GSE17796 [39] GSE15121 [6] GSE11973 [6] GSE41342 [26] GSE7050 [18] GSE32287 [16] GSE2433 [10] GSE15303 [11] GSE17097 [20] GSE28031 [6] GSE33308 [10] GSE46500 [6] GSE40260 [6] GSE8555 [8] GSE44162 [6] GSE7809 [8] GSE5041 [8] GSE6689 [12] GSE56542 [8] GSE10813 [12] GSE20398 [30] GSE10285 [8] GSE43042 [6] GSE18587 [9] GSE31199 [12] GSE6275 [36] GSE28457 [24] GSE46606 [30] GSE5037 [18] GSE13259 [10] GSE13493 [6] GSE1566 [6] GSE23002 [8] GSE10478 [6] GSE19073 [6] GSE30865 [68] GSE25645 [17] GSE13693 [9] GSE27378 [8] GSE20645 [8] GSE40286 [10] GSE35091 [11] GSE14308 [12] GSE22251 [9] GSE23833 [12] GSE6846 [6] GSE28823 [12] GSE11443 [6] GSE11018 [6] GSE21491 [9] GSE14012 [24] GSE42103 [9] GSE33942 [12] GSE20235 [6] GSE49194 [14] GSE15724 [9] GSE34618 [7] GSE43825 [31] GSE17923 [6] GSE51365 [28] GSE37563 [6] GSE36618 [6] GSE35899 [15] GSE21379 [10] GSE9441 [36] GSE24437 [6] GSE16679 [8] GSE9044 [6] GSE34002 [9] GSE48203 [9] GSE48790 [8] GSE13635 [6] GSE46797 [6] GSE41095 [6] GSE13103 [8] GSE10776 [15] GSE41084 [6] GSE54349 [6] GSE55356 [6] GSE6881 [10] GSE20500 [6] GSE24210 [16] GSE12985 [14] GSE46942 [7] GSE23502 [8] GSE9892 [12] GSE48811 [20] GSE14478 [7] GSE52101 [17] GSE12950 [6] GSE37029 [15] GSE46871 [6] CEM+ CEM GSE39916 [6] GSE4749 [6] GSE26151 [20] GSE10587 [6] GSE30873 [6] GSE5038 [9] 0.0 GSE33121 [10] GSE52118 [9] GSE50813 [24] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE9124 [6] GSE18042 [18] GSE19004 [9] GSE45941 [8] GSE16048 [6] GSE48884 [12] 0.2 GSE15452 [26] GSE13874 [14] GSE55622 [22] GSE1983 [6] GSE6875 [8] GSE24705 [33] GSE32615 [10] GSE27114 [6] GSE36415 [14] 0.4 GSE6485 [6] GSE55809 [8] GSE7302 [6] GSE15267 [8] GSE9717 [6] GSE42299 [8] GSE13129 [12] GSE51355 [16] GSE12993 [6] 0.6 GSE43059 [8] GSE40655 [6] GSE9763 [20] GSE13421 [8] GSE38538 [6] GSE13563 [6] GSE57543 [6] GSE19355 [6] GSE4043 [6] 0.8 GSE48932 [12] GSE15232 [6] GSE46242 [12] GSE40660 [6] Score 1.80 1.82 1.85 1.85 1.86 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.92 1.97 2.08 2.10 2.16 2.23 2.25 2.34 2.43 2.44 2.54 2.59 2.65 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.81 2.82 2.87 2.89 2.98 2.99 3.09 3.14 3.17 3.24 3.25 3.29 3.42 3.55 3.60 3.66 3.81 3.94 4.35 7.88 1.0 Notes D430041D05Rik LOC101055948 Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:6.Predicted205.SelectedDatasets:12.Strength:0.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]MOZ/MORFhistoneacetyltransferasecomplex",Page2 Trp53i11 Fam53b Slc34a3 Ubxn2b Nup210 Shank3 Mgat5b Zcchc8 Gmppa Btbd17 Dyrk1a Pnldc1 Lrrtm4 Chtf18 Kmt2a Papd5 Abca2 Ppfia1 Ep400 Naa40 Eif2s1 Cxxc1 Gabrq Gpr45 Fanca Gon4l Brsk2 Spin1 Phf12 Wipf2 Scaf4 Espl1 Prr12 Kifc2 Pim3 Pogz Tbx6 Rfx2 Zar1 Dvl2 Ulk1 Avl9 St13 Tpt1 Cad Cbs Zp2 Tll2 0.0 1.0 GSE32199 [6] GSE13227 [6] GSE27451 [6] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE38044 [6] GSE21944 [6] GSE5425 [6] GSE24793 [8] GSE18660 [10] GSE27564 [8] GSE29929 [14] GSE32598 [11] GSE16874 [12] GSE27455 [12] GSE16751 [6] GSE25825 [8] GSE16925 [15] GSE33761 [9] GSE11382 [10] GSE20335 [8] GSE17794 [44] GSE23119 [9] GSE27932 [14] GSE44355 [10] GSE45430 [9] GSE21716 [28] GSE32386 [13] GSE17266 [59] GSE12454 [13] GSE27546 [51] GSE13223 [6] GSE16623 [6] GSE41997 [6] GSE12432 [15] GSE23782 [18] GSE45618 [6] GSE44175 [18] GSE13364 [6] GSE32529 [224] GSE3126 [6] GSE57425 [6] GSE9249 [28] GSE30868 [8] GSE35077 [26] GSE51385 [8] GSE56755 [13] GSE32311 [11] GSE26668 [6] GSE12986 [10] GSE40156 [42] GSE30176 [12] GSE16110 [16] GSE44339 [14] GSE43779 [6] GSE39449 [6] GSE21224 [16] GSE34629 [6] GSE19729 [14] GSE30192 [6] GSE54653 [6] GSE40513 [6] GSE20636 [35] GSE21041 [6] GSE17796 [39] GSE15121 [6] GSE11973 [6] GSE41342 [26] GSE7050 [18] GSE32287 [16] GSE2433 [10] GSE15303 [11] GSE17097 [20] GSE28031 [6] GSE33308 [10] GSE46500 [6] GSE40260 [6] GSE8555 [8] GSE44162 [6] GSE7809 [8] GSE5041 [8] GSE6689 [12] GSE56542 [8] GSE10813 [12] GSE20398 [30] GSE10285 [8] GSE43042 [6] GSE18587 [9] GSE31199 [12] GSE6275 [36] GSE28457 [24] GSE46606 [30] GSE5037 [18] GSE13259 [10] GSE13493 [6] GSE1566 [6] GSE23002 [8] GSE10478 [6] GSE19073 [6] GSE30865 [68] GSE25645 [17] GSE13693 [9] GSE27378 [8] GSE20645 [8] GSE40286 [10] GSE35091 [11] GSE14308 [12] GSE22251 [9] GSE23833 [12] GSE6846 [6] GSE28823 [12] GSE11443 [6] GSE11018 [6] GSE21491 [9] GSE14012 [24] GSE42103 [9] GSE33942 [12] GSE20235 [6] GSE49194 [14] GSE15724 [9] GSE34618 [7] GSE43825 [31] GSE17923 [6] GSE51365 [28] GSE37563 [6] GSE36618 [6] GSE35899 [15] GSE21379 [10] GSE9441 [36] GSE24437 [6] GSE16679 [8] GSE9044 [6] GSE34002 [9] GSE48203 [9] GSE48790 [8] GSE13635 [6] GSE46797 [6] GSE41095 [6] GSE13103 [8] GSE10776 [15] GSE41084 [6] GSE54349 [6] GSE55356 [6] GSE6881 [10] GSE20500 [6] GSE24210 [16] GSE12985 [14] GSE46942 [7] GSE23502 [8] GSE9892 [12] GSE48811 [20] GSE14478 [7] GSE52101 [17] GSE12950 [6] GSE37029 [15] GSE46871 [6] CEM+ CEM GSE39916 [6] GSE4749 [6] GSE26151 [20] GSE10587 [6] GSE30873 [6] GSE5038 [9] 0.0 GSE33121 [10] GSE52118 [9] GSE50813 [24] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE9124 [6] GSE18042 [18] GSE19004 [9] GSE45941 [8] GSE16048 [6] GSE48884 [12] 0.2 GSE15452 [26] GSE13874 [14] GSE55622 [22] GSE1983 [6] GSE6875 [8] GSE24705 [33] GSE32615 [10] GSE27114 [6] GSE36415 [14] 0.4 GSE6485 [6] GSE55809 [8] GSE7302 [6] GSE15267 [8] GSE9717 [6] GSE42299 [8] GSE13129 [12] GSE51355 [16] GSE12993 [6] 0.6 GSE43059 [8] GSE40655 [6] GSE9763 [20] GSE13421 [8] GSE38538 [6] GSE13563 [6] GSE57543 [6] GSE19355 [6] GSE4043 [6] 0.8 GSE48932 [12] GSE15232 [6] GSE46242 [12] GSE40660 [6] Score 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.18 1.18 1.24 1.25 1.27 1.27 1.33 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.38 1.40 1.41 1.41 1.45 1.47 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.49 1.51 1.52 1.55 1.55 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.62 1.62 1.64 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.71 1.72 1.79 1.80 1.80 1.0 Notes Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:6.Predicted205.SelectedDatasets:12.Strength:0.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]MOZ/MORFhistoneacetyltransferasecomplex",Page3 Slc25a28 Rmnd5a Sema4g Fbxo21 Gnptab Tada2a Cnnm3 Kdm3b Pou3f2 Kdm7a Smad7 Zfp568 Slc4a7 Prrc2a Rfpl4b N4bp2 Papd7 Nova2 Pgap1 Cep72 Ep300 Chrnd Tead4 Acrbp Nrsn1 Hipk2 Clcn2 Pold1 Safb2 Desi1 Mpp3 Strn4 Wdr5 Dot1l Fgfr4 Coa6 Cbx7 Lnx1 Ints7 Tsc2 Fzd5 Sufu Sbf1 Aatk Fbrs Nsl1 Fibp Mag Rif1 Dut 0.0 1.0 GSE32199 [6] GSE13227 [6] GSE27451 [6] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE38044 [6] GSE21944 [6] GSE5425 [6] GSE24793 [8] GSE18660 [10] GSE27564 [8] GSE29929 [14] GSE32598 [11] GSE16874 [12] GSE27455 [12] GSE16751 [6] GSE25825 [8] GSE16925 [15] GSE33761 [9] GSE11382 [10] GSE20335 [8] GSE17794 [44] GSE23119 [9] GSE27932 [14] GSE44355 [10] GSE45430 [9] GSE21716 [28] GSE32386 [13] GSE17266 [59] GSE12454 [13] GSE27546 [51] GSE13223 [6] GSE16623 [6] GSE41997 [6] GSE12432 [15] GSE23782 [18] GSE45618 [6] GSE44175 [18] GSE13364 [6] GSE32529 [224]
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