4i6 WHO'S WHO IN PENNSYLVANIA. Juniata, on a cruise around the world via War began, when he entered the naval Straits of Megellan and Suez Canal; from service as a sail maker. On the sloop- 1889 to 1890 on duty at Navy Yard, Nor- of-war Pensacola he took part in Farra. folk, Va.; Monocacy, Asiatic Station, 1890 gutt's great battles, and was promoted to 1894. A member of the American So- for his valor to the rank of Master, an ciety of Mechanical Engineers, and the unwonted distinction for a sail maker. American Association for the Advance- After the war he began the business of ment of Science. Clubs: Metropolitan, making sails and flags, later carried on Washington, D. C.; the Art, Philadelphia, by his son. He became a School Director Pa.; Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Pa.; Fort Mon- and was President of the Board for one roe, Old Point, Va; has been thrice com- term; was a member of Common Council pletely around the world; Homestead from 1882 to 1888, being its President Steel Works, October, 1894, to 1896. Com- after 1884; in 1887 was appointed to the missioned Chief Engineer, June, 1896; position of Harbor Master. It was due Newport News, July, 1896, to 1897; the to his efforts that a schoolship was es- gunboat Wilmington, May, 1897, to 1900; tablished at Philadelphia, and when a blockading the Cuban filibusters on the Board of Directors was formed for it un- Florida coast, and then during all the der his instigation, he was made Presi- Spanish War; participating in the block- dent of the Board. In 1891 he was made ade, communicating with the Cubans, Superintendent of the Philadelphia Alms- convoying and landing troops, cutting house and Hospital, which office he filled three telegraph cables, the escort of the with much efficiency. He aided in org- French steamer Lafayette into Key West anizing the Vessel Owners' and Captains' as a prize, and in the batles of Cardenas Association and was its President for and Manzanillo. Afterward in the cruise eighteen years. Address, 929 Farragut up the Orinoco River to Ciudad Bolivar, Terrace, Philadelphia, Pa. and up the Amazon River about 2,000 miles to Iquitos, Peru. In October, 1889, LAWRENCE, C. F.: ordered to the battleship Massachusetts, Editor; born Nov. 20, 1849, at Plain in charge of the engineering department, Grove, Lawrence County, Pa.; educated where participated in experimental coal- at public school and Newcastle, Pa.; was ing at sea and squadron manoeuvres. County Surveyor of Lawrence County, In September, 1900, ordered as Inspector Pa., six years-two terms; Justice of the of Engineering Material, Thurlow, Pa. Peace, Grove City, Pa., two terms; held Commissioned a Lieutenant Commander othernsmall local offices; President Board on March 3, 1899. Married, July 17, 1901, of Trade, Grove City, Pa., past four Frank Isabelle Glavis, of Washington, D. years. Married Mary A. Barber, Sept. 5, C., daughter of Dr. George 0. Glavis and 1872. Surveyor for thirty years; editor of Mrs. Loucette E. Glavis. Inspection duty Grove City Reporter, eleven years; pro- at Harlan & Hollingsworth Ship Yard, prietor of Lawrence Printing House; is Wilmington, Del.; Bureau of Steam En- a Republican. Address, Grove City, Pa. gineering, April 1, 1902, to February, 1904. Commissioned Commander Oct. 11, 1903. LAWRENCE, William Watson: Inspector of Engineering Material at Car- Member of the Pennsylvania Command- bon Steel Works, Pittsburg, since Feb- ery of the Military Order of the Loyal ruary, 1904. Address, the Homestead Steel Legion. Eldest son of deceased Com- Works, Munnall, Pa. panion Major John J. Lawrence. Elected Nov. 12, 1890. First class in succession LAWRENCE, Charles: March 27, 1893. Address, 1372 New St., President of the Pennsylvania Nautical Philadelphia, Pa. school; was born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 10, 1837. His father died when he LAWS, Elijah: was seven months old and his mother Chief Engineer United States Navy; when he was twelve years of age, while born in Philadelphia. Appointed Third acting as a volunteer nurse in the City Assistant Engineer March 19, 1858; Sec- Hospital during an epidemic of cholera. ond Assistant Engineer, Dec. 1, 1860. At fifteen he became an apprentice to Dismissed May 27, 1863. Appointed Sec- the sail making industry, and was en- ond Assistant Engineer March 31, 1864; gaged in the business of tent making in First Assistant Engineer July 25, 1866. the United States Arsenal when the Civil Served continually during the Civil War. WHO'S WHO IN PENNSYLVANIA. 4I7 Chief Engineer June 23, 1870. Retired ward preparation a history of the Span- March 20, 1895. Address, 145 Washington ish Inquisition. Address, 2000 Walnut St., Morristown, N. y. St., Philadelphia, Pa. LAY, George: LEA, Joseph Tatnall: President of the Monaca National Bank. Member of the Pennsylvania Command- Address, Monaca, Beaver County, Pa. ery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Second Lieutenant 114th Penn- LAZELERE, Nicholas H.: sylvania Infantry Aug. 20, 1862; First Lawyer; born in Bucks County, Pa.; Lieutenant and Adjutant Aug. 29, 1863; March 7, 1851; educated at Lafayette resigned and honorably discharged Feb. College, where he graduated in 1875; aft- 1, 1864. Elected Feb. 4, 1885. Address, erward studied law and was admitted 1016 Stephen Girard Building, Philadel- to the Montgomery County bar in 1877. phia, Pa. As a lawyer has had great success, and won a position of eminence among the LEA, Laanigdon: lawyers of his district, where he has Member of the Pennsylvania Command- gained a large and lucrative practice. ery of the Military Order of the Loyal Aside from the law, he has taken a vital Legion. Eldest son of Companion First interest in other matters, especially in Lieutenant and Adjutant Joseph T. Lea. education. For many years he has been Elected Nov. 14, 1900. Address, Mont- a trustee of the West Chester Normal gomery, W. Va. School. He is also connected with busi- ness concerns, being a Director in the LEA, William, Jr.: Norristown Title, Trust and Safe De- Member of the Pennsylvania Command- posit Company, in the American Steel ery of the Military Order of the Loyal Casting Company, and the Schuylkill Val- Legion. Private in Independent Battery ley Traction Company. He is also solic- Delaware Light Artillery July 28, 1862; itor for many important corporations of Sergeant Aug. 30, 1862; discharged for Montgomery County, including the Penn- promotion May 18, 1863. Second Lieuten- sylvania Railroad Company, the Philadel- ant Independent Battery Delaware Light phia Rapid Transit Company, and others. Artillery May 18, 1863; honorably mus- Address, Norristown, Pa. tered out June 23, 1865. Elected May 4, 1892. Address, care of Recorder of Loyal LEA, Henry Charles: Legion, 1535 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Author; born Sept. 19, 1825, in Phila- delphia; son of Isaac Lea and Frances LEACH, Josiah Granville: Ann (Carey); educated at home; was in Lawyer; was born at Cape May Court publishing business from 1843 until 1880, House, N. J., July 27, 1842. After re- in house founded in 1784 by Mathew ceiving a classical education, he engaged Carey, and known successively as M. in journalism. In 1862 he entered the Carey & Sons, Carey & Lea, Lea & Union Army, becoming Second Lieuten- Blanchard, Blanchard & Lea, now Lea ant in the Twenty-fifth New Jersey Vol- Brothers & Co. Author of "Superstition unteers; studied law and was graduated and Force," "Studies in Church History," in 1866 at the University of Pennsylvania "Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celib- Law Department, Philadelphia. Member acy," "History of the Inquisition of the of the Legislature of Pennsylvania in Middle Ages," "Chapters from the Rel- 1876; Commissary General of the State, igious History of Spain," "Formulary of 1887-1891, with rank of Colonel, and Ap- the Papal Penitentiary in the Thirteenth praiser of the Port of Philadelphia, 1889- Century," "History of Auricular Con- 1893. He was a large contributor to Ap- fession and Indulgences in the Latin pleton's Cycloptedia of American Biogra- Church," "The Moriscos of Spain, their phy. Author of "Memoranda Relating to Conversion and Expulsion." Also many Ancestry and Family of ex-Vice Presi- pamphlets and articles in periodicals; dent Morton," "Memorials of the Read- LL. D. of University of Pennsylvania, ing, Howell, Yerkes. Watts, Latham and Harvard University, and Princeton Uni- Elkins Families," "History of the Bring- versity; Fellow of the Imperial Univer- hurst Family, with Notes on the Clark- sity of Moscow. He is also a member of son, De Peyster and Boude Families," numerous learned societies in United "History of the Girard National Bank of States and Europe. Mr. Lea has in for- Philadelphia," "History of the Penrose 14 418 WHO'S WHO IN PENNSYLVANIA. Family," and "Chronicle of the Yerkes Associate Professor in German, and in Family, with Notes on the Leech and 1895 left Johns' Hopkins to accept the Rutter Families; edited the "Journal of chair of Professor of German Language the Rev. Silas Constant." He was the and Literature in the University of first to suggest that June 14 be recog- Pennsylvania. This chair he still holds. nized in American annals as "Flag Day." Professor Learned is connected with a He is a founder and the Vice President large number of literary and' scientific of the Genealogical Society of Pennsyl- societies, and in 1889-1900 was President vania, Historiographer of the Historical of the NIationalen Deutsch-Amerikanisch- Society of Pennsylvania, and a founder en Dhrerbundes. He founded and is the and Historian of the Pennsylvania So- editor of the Quarterly Journal Ameri- ciety of Sons of the Revolution. Address, cana Germanica, and has written various 733 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. treatises, literary and scientific. He is a member of the Philosophical and other LEACH, Wilmon Whilldin: societies of Philadelphia, the Contempor- Physician; born at Philadelphia, Pa., ary Club, the Faculty Club, and the Dec.
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