JOI}IT ARCHIVI]S COI,/$IITTEE -mTTFOR. f}IE COUI\TTTES-oF-Enr OF t HE*efffl B. C,Jones ,1,t. A. , r s I E . Archivist CUllREBT,ru- ENffi0qqBE--_4]]jg)! A provisional ind.er to enclosure aniard.s, agree?ents, and papcrs at the (rei zz4z+e) inciualng-iotir lgqoI9=-9{I+9or--[[c-*!3gs-!-1-e-,--c*a.1-!i-.slc,anci prlvately cleposi_tcd record_s.--- official Er3.!qnat!-+: The avrarcls,etc. are inclexed lV _Hfl*_Ibfig!9g (p) a:id (tl.B.,etc. as shown on the ordnance surv"el'Ki:nilex rnffiu"t*"a-iojr*ITr7iiTg'(;;;i;;;i"-eiq'-L1-!q!_s ) at the Record Office). is provided. Ecclesiastical-3",""ig4gS- .Cross-inc.u'xing in the-rist fron alcient -onEls -Affecflod; --""T'scpirate(:r-.P.) and froi oth-cr civil- p""i"rr"" r,,rherc more tha-n inde,-; is provia"a-otr-tiu-;;il page -bo township, iiIaJIOl', end award. neines not occrruing atpnaletically in tite -rLiain l_ist. Acreages are given exe"ctly lvhere i-'nown, but in some cases have hacl to be taken from the prcarnble to the bct concerned.. Awards with referencr:s_beginning QRE/1 are sealecl copies enrolleci or deposited with the Cl-erlc o.f .tlee Pcace, exccpt where the number is astiri.t"'0"?".'"i"" QRI/1 /l+ax) in which tt." docirnent is a. cortified ot ourii""Iiju)''iiic/ refercnces are to Parish"**u cr,tincil rccord-s parish ; Pn/ ao"i*u"i* J,"" *rrorg cccl,ssiestleal records; D/ rcf;rences are to priva:lely deposited papers. In the it nav be neccssary to obtain trre li.,o;-p;;;;sion of the owncr rfrP}JUU}*lj::_:::e vMI . for The e:lact d.:te of al-l awe"r:ds is givcn r;,ihcrc larown. fn the case of an agrecment for Whjch no ar,'rard- is availal]glylie.yci',r of the iriiward Date'r colurnn (c.g. given in the lp.e. L79+l ). rhc co11rfi-;*l"f7p.A."g"..iunl"is incliea.tes whc,cher the awa'rrl is by Act or Friva.te a$eenent,-ana the nunbur'iotrouuing" refcr':nce to a supplenent frrrttrcr-inro"rro..,ior-alout this is a Agrecnents !,rovidfng the itcts a:rd and thein locail-ons,'illi-ts th6 numbe" .,tra pl-u.11.. anc the coi't'lissioners eryi surveyors' uop,pr"r"tt"iro is a.-raiiarre""u-t.i-ot on request. Tile final col-unns provicle infornotirn about the Location including coruuissionerst papers, of related ma"to.rj-al, the and. aroui ti-thes the arva,.:d. A ,Tl in l-ast coluiur indicalei that sorle or a1i of tire"ooiirrua*by tithes of the eccl-esiastical larish were connuted. (nut-in-sone cases-thu.u"i"J"!nly tithes 1:-kely to arise from newly enclosed lands)_. llTDEX TO roTlTSigP *t ,lli'ilARl iY/L';ES [ttresc are nar':les of places not occurrj-ng in alphabctical order in thc 1ist. Iov,,'nships ere nct nccessarily in the parislr ilentioned., but are listcrL there. f orrrnshin Pari-sh Toqgsh.ip Parish lormshiir Parish Toi''rnship ?arislr Anthonr Bosrncss Could.erton trol'lsi-de flu. Kirlisamton lrii'l lorn Plu-inpton '.i411 Pcnrith Arrratirwaite Pcnrith Cowficld St. John le'versda] o Irthington Ircston con. Til:iteh.avcn Arnabf i',iarsh i,iil1on Seclcercret lce.thcs All<ton Raugl:.ton ?enrith Arthursi.d e Sewcastle Crosby Crosscanonby lcssonhall- 'jc.rrerton SaIlrc1d,lit. llunsonby Sableton Bogs Solport Dalstoa,lovl Cu:,urersdale licid ell co:.r. ilicirolforcst Sr-nton Irtcn Baileyhopc Belicastle Dovcnby Bridckirk linstocl< Stan"lix 3ca'uon Rootlc BenwraY Ilolnc Abbey )nrnburgh Bovrncsg Shaxhill Solport Lcirgrig53 cc:,r. StapJ-eton t Bcrrier Grcystolce Easton Burgh-by- I,ovlcnd. Grcysioke S]:oulthvcitc S'1;. John s, etc. Siglands Ailcton S,:nds lial.l-shi11 Solport Slrirrith C'nlgaith Bigrigg ilgre;iont Ellcnborougl: i,iar1ry:crt :,iaAgha:rby Glassonby Sncll-ings :,.ire lorsid.e Qu-. SlrlcbY Crosscanonby El1ercar, etc, IIoLie E.r;trevcr ;;licklethv;aitc !hursbl' -9611]9y T\n a r.a Slackbusl: Rigg Solport Eslcreals Bootlc r.ii11ho',-i i)isiington Ste-inbuirr. iioritiirgton 31ackhall f t.Cuthbert Fingland Burgh-by- i{corirous c ilur5Tr-by- Ste"inton :D:.cre iiithout S,:;rd s Sa:rd.s Sunderlnnd -B1i-ndcrajce Black lP:e llcr,ccastle Irizington Arlccdon I tocrth.'.,ra"ite Cu::r';hitton S'-;inside Abcvc -1)er",.rent Blencogo llroificld Ganelsby .{ikton iicota 3'l indcra"i:e Tr.llcin Ilaybon Slencow llacre Gerrigill Alston iiiortcn Pcnrith !allcntire lriC.ckir]< Dolton lcl]- [;tapleton Gaicsgill Penriih l.iosc'f e.le St. Johr t s, ctc Tlhor::.'uhv:aite Abovc llerlrent 3omor"' irloor f irl(banpton Glasson jloi,.,rness iiotherb3r iir-tt-tcn 'iroddcrrcain Aslrcrton Boteheri:;r I arlisle Grcyf c1l 3c,,:icajltle ;.iurton la-:p1ugh Viol .roor G1e.ssonb3r, Botcher,':ate ! t. Cuthbcrt I-Ia::es c e ugh -liirl:o sl,iald iii-rl':csl.'ralC -nell',,hitchaven ifcther co-,i. liiclaclf ores'b ..fithout ilamas iloor itlcthcrrcvi Ca-ldbec:rr rrI*r.icy ili11 Solport Bousteacl I urgh-by- Havcriggc li1ll o'i l{cthers}ran'ihcad. Solport .lr.l.ton -lood. Asl':erton Se,ncls liesket,low Penrith lTci';bigi:j-n Ainstc-b1e, Tasd.al ehcad. i,i c t ir o r'.,i1 ers i.el c Brlsco l gi'cnont, rlrleccr.on Highstone tsei.,caetle f:irilliiioor -'l1i:rC.b S t. Cuthbert ,i,:lrrlrrr ]fititout Holac Ga'Lc i,'cthcrel Irtlringtcn ..'lrinf e1--l- otircl i{or,:l l;loor i(irlcosivald i:Ticl:o'l foz'cst i'I Rcr^icastlc ',lhitrigg 31eir-'rcii:ass e-i; , Brund.hol-ne tnd crsl;idd aw I-iutton John iiutton lllunclc.se lSOt,,tnCSS Cald.cr fonsonby Pe,rrith ilutton Roof Grcystolce C'-tltcn -rtocdsid-e rhitrig;41ece .+iilcton Calthrvaite I enrith Ilutton Soil iluttoir .,iiggcnby Ail*cn Ca::1eton 0x Park Cald.beck St. Cuthbert I{ycer::oor Bootle Parsonby P1'*rb1a:rd S.iiqd cr rirlecdon trithout Ivc,gill Pcnrith ?a::ion Iirursby rlop',ra:rby Surgh-iry- Carlcton ilc.rr St.John i Johnby Greys{61is Penrucld.oek Iiu.tton t. Ssrds Beclccn-rct I Kelton llrlecdon ?et-i;cri11 Grn. Ircnrith ' r:i:i-j;.lr-Ie l:css ?orith, St. Castlcrigg St. John I s, etc I liirkby Beaeoek St.Secs Cutl:bert i{ithor Colt Park ?ilichow lioor ?cnscnby tio].nc -Ei.,/avcri ?'irlcca.i.lbecl< Staple'bon Plu,rpton lIcad Penrith fiythburn Si.Jolurts,etc. Corby, Gt. Ecthcral- | ?tc. J,ocatlon .A.rea Ar-;ard Ref. lr.l'la.rd .Date .[s':qe-.-l$-: Ti'clr.cs Pa:lish,as4- - {c@-ri:-- - Abbcy Hcli,rc I , scc Ilolne AbbcY ?, 'D/Lcc.135 Afro""o Dc niucnt'?, tsraith- Swinsid.c stin'ccd pastnrc (4. s. ) 17 Jun .1814 P. A. ( 1 ) 'c Col cc1a.le i,l v,"aite t)n]i/ 6 *i*,J;lt;r"* tt thorn- 'Ihornthlraitc conlnon (1,2'13a.) 1/10 25 lTov. 1814 }ct (2) ficld Qffi/ t / gaa 1 Ju]. 1B43 /:ct ( 3 @^TffiJil'fi"* t, rhor::- tttt3*lfitl3i"'?r3::'i"" 5 ) hgbovc Dcnvcnt P, thorn- lolr lacjstocles coi1.loil ficld. t,:HA/ 1 / 96b 15 Ju1.1843 Aet (3) v--it*riteT (stinted) (19a.) Aorliirghan ii.I., sec ( iir:nsonby ? (Lit.Sallcolcl & IlLrnsonby) ( Glassonby P Ailrton } i: ri, Aititon ,.1; Ailcton Corurron tq: G::een (iOOa.) QLrt/ 1 / 67 21 i,;iay.1816 P.A. (4.) irii;gonbY 'Is ?r-'dnlj trigglees t ,?hitri-gglees cortron ( ) Qi..l/'t /3 20 t'iay 1811 ?.ri. (5) Ailitbii I95a. ,:i,{f Ailrton ? fc iil, leathes I lca'uilcs corir-].on ( 1 3Oa. ) / 1/ 43 10 liar. 1 B25 P.;i. (5) rril<ton P Ga.utclsby(teoa.) & 3ip;la.:rds - conron '.i1:E/1/29 31 Jen.1856 Act (7) Ains-'cable 3 E lil Ainstablc cornirons (285a.) [r/::s ] 17 Oct.159B of pa,r!; trur-s-i; Ainsiabi: P, Croglin 15 Croglin lligh 3; lori cojilf,rons, iR;::/ 1/32 31 Aug.1815 Act (a) Crogli.n 3: i'trervbiggin tovrn or cortunon ficlds (5r9OOa. ; Ains babl-e P 6 II Ainstable coi:.Lrons (2 rOOOa. ) aw/ 1/28 7 '.!ay 1i21 .\ct (e) tn Allhallo.vs P 3c ii.?., see Aspatria 8c Brayton P (Aspatria ii) Alloitby F 6; I Allonby coniions (49Oa. ; ^LP:t/ t /5 1d, Dec.1B2O Act ( tc; Alston ir G'a^r: igill R.J). Alston iioor coir-ions (2OrOOOa.) qF|i/ 1/ 1o3 27 Apr.1B2A Act (tt; i)x/ 57 Al"ston l: Gar: igiIl R.D. Crooi;burn i,ioor ('t3t a. ) 'iR)t/ 1 /7tJ 1 lTov.1843 Act (re) Alston ir Gar: iEJill R.D. 'rr'anvrood. ?asturc, lfanr,vood.side J-,ln/ 1/ 1O1 30 Jun.1556 Aet (t) (zt ta. ) p, ,:tu]/ @ a"l""clon ,1.: 3:.,izj-iri;ton f'rizington coilL..j:on (510a.) - 1 / 34. 7 Jan.1B2O rtct (t +) A Frizington li l ciivision na.d c fron 1[f05 J Arlecri.on 8: m (3) ft:'izington ?, i(eIton, ArJ.ccdon, tjinrlcr, & rH!/ 1/ 126 1 2 Jul ,18?-3 hct (15) T/ tt^ J.r fu:.npIu.gir. ?; Kelton i: ';hi11ir;roor colll1ons (tor0ooa.) rlrlccdon ii Aslcerton, Ki:rg,;rater, Aslccrton, i,ia-lton l.':'l'r:,,',/ rl Troddcn.litin, 1/75 13 Jan. 1807 Act ( 1 6 ) ii'a.be::head, i: l3urthok:re ,,'oOd, i; IrafrcrCOSt COril'rons Is; Lrp"rtcrcost .li.?. ( G,o00a. ) r\spa'triri. 8; Srayton p As;cc,tria i,last :trrd outficl<ls (sec C.i2,vo1.
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