Improving Malaria Care Burkina Faso AID‐624‐A‐13‐00010 th Demonstration of proper use of LLIN during the 201S Malaria Day Celebration, May 9 2015 Quarter 3 Report /Project Year 2 Period of Performance: April – June 2015 Submitted July 31st 2015 1 Table of Content Acronym List ...................................................................................................................... 3 1. Summary .................................................................................................................... 5 2. Key Achievements ...................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Strategy 1: Advocacy, Policy Change and Dissemination ......................................... 7 2.2 Strategy 2: Capacity Building .................................................................................. 7 2.3 Strategy 3 : Supportive Supervision ...................................................................... 11 2.4 Strategy 4: Performance and Quality Improvement .............................................. 11 2.5 Strategy 5: Behavior Change Communication ....................................................... 15 3. Other Achievements ................................................................................................. 18 4 Planned Activities for the Next Quarter (July to September, 2015), by Strategy. ...... 21 5. Challenges ................................................................................................................ 22 Annex 1: .......................................................................................................................... 24 Annex 2: Implementation of Third quarter Activities for Year 2 of the IMC Project .......... 26 Annex 3: 104 CSPS selected in consultation with the Regional Health Directorates for BCC activities .......................................................................................................................... 30 Annex 4: Fiche de Pre‐test des Job Aides (Affiche) ........................................................... 32 Annex 5 : Suivi des ateliers de plaidoyer régionaux, questionnaire à l'intention des leaders: gouverneurs, Hauts commissaires, maires, chefs coutumiers, religieux : .......................... 33 2 Acronym List ACT : Artemisinin‐based Combination Therapy ASBC : Community Health Agent BCC : Behavior Change Communication BF1 : Burkina Faso 1 (Television Channel) CAMEG : Central Medical Stores CCM : Country Coordinating Mechanism CHW : Community Health Worker CHU : University Hospital CHW : Community Health Workers CISSE : Centre d’Information Sanitaire et Surveillance Epidemiologique (Center for Health Information and Surveillance) DES : Directorate of MOH in charge of Health infrastructures DGESS : Direction Générale des Etudes et Statistiques Sectorielles DGS : Direction Générale de la Sante DHMT : District Health Management Team DLM : Direction de la Lutte contre la Maladie DPS : Direction de la Promotion de la Santé (Directorate of Health Promotion) DQA : Data Quality Audit DRS : Direction Régionale de la Santé DSF : Direction de la Santé de la Famille (Directorate of Family Health) DMO : District Medical Officer (MCD in French) ECD/DHMT : Equipe Cadre de District /District Health Management Team ENDOS : Entrepos des Donnees Sanitaire (Health Management Information System) ENSP : Ecole Nationale de la Sante Publique (National Public Health School) GF/GFATM : Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria HMIS : Health management information system IEC : Information Education Communication IMC : Improving Malaria Care IMTP : Integrated Malaria Training Package IPC : Interpersonal Communication IPTp (IPT‐SP) : Intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy IRS : Indoor Residual Spray JEMS : Jhpiego Enterprise Management System JHU : Johns Hopkins University LLIN : Long Lasting Insecticide‐treated Net LNSP : National Public Health Laboratory MER : Monitoring Evaluation and Research MIP : Malaria in Pregnancy MOH : Ministry of Health MOP : Malaria Operational Plan NMCP : National Malaria Control Program NMSC : National Malaria Steering Committee NMSP : National Malaria Strategic Plan PADS : Programme d’Appui au Développement Sanitaire (Program for Health Development) PAMAC : Programme d’Appui au Monde Associatif et Communautaire 3 PIC : Plan Intégré de Communication PMI : President Malaria Initiative PPIUD : Postpartum Intrauterin Device PQI : Performance and Quality Improvement PROMACO : Programme de Marketing Social et de Communication pour la Santé (an Affiliate of PSI, Population Services International) RMA : Rapport Mensuel d’Activites (Monthly activity report) QA : Quality Assurance RBM : Roll Back Malaria SMC : Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention SNIS : National Health Information System SP : Sufadoxine Pyrimethamine SPIH : Service de Planification et d’Information Hospitalière RDT : Rapid Diagnostic Test ToT : Training of Trainers TRaC : Tracking Results Continuously USAID : United States Agency for International Development 4 1. Summary The Improving Malaria Care Project – Burkina Faso was awarded 8 October 2013. This five‐ year project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and is implemented by Jhpiego in collaboration with its partner PROMACO. The goal of this project is to contribute to reducing malaria morbidity and mortality in Burkina Faso by 50% by 2015. At the end of five years, IMC will contribute to improving the quality of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malaria in 100% of public health facilities. The intermediate results of the IMC project are: I) Improved malaria prevention with the proper use of Long‐Lasting Insecticide‐Treated Nets (LLIN) and the systematization of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp). II) Improved management of malaria through diagnostic confirmation and appropriate case management III) Improved capacity of the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) to plan, design, manage and coordinate a comprehensive malaria control program This report covers the period from April to June 2015. Key activities included: 1. Supporting the organization of technical working group meetings, including planning, development of the scope of work and report preparation. In this quarter, the Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation and Research Working Group convened. 2. Completed training of 525 providers in 15 health districts on new malaria case management guidelines; 3. Perfectum Afrique, experts in management training, conducted a capacity building workshop for NMCP staff. 4. Implementing the malaria data quality improvement plan through the orientation of 89 data managers on the revised malaria data collection and reporting tools; 5. Beginning the integration process of the malaria database (BD‐Malaria) to the national health information database (Endos) ; 6. Supporting the organization of World Malaria Day activities; 7. Initiating the implementation of performance and quality improvement activities through the adaptation of performance standards for malaria prevention and treatment with stakeholders; 8. Preparations for the national malariology course in Bobo‐Dioulasso with a workshop chaired by the Course Director, the development of the roadmap, the establishment of a monitoring committee, and several meetings among the four key partners (WHO, Jhpiego, NMCP, INSA); 9. Pre‐testing of revised Job Aids on Malaria diagnosis and case management, Directly observed SP administration for IPTp, uncomplicated and severe malaria case management protocols, and proper use of LLINs in 2 health regions. 10. With technical support from Jhpiego headquarters staff, conducted an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in malaria programming and developed a strategic action plan for strengthening the implementation of the IMC project (funded by Jhpiego, not project funds); 5 11. With support from Jhpiego headquarters staff, conducted a technical and programmatic review, as well as internal controls review (financial, materials and human resources), of the Burkina Faso office function and projects management (funded by Jhpiego, not project funds); The last quarter of the year will be devoted to: Convening a national MIP stakeholder’s meeting to discuss the WHO updated guidance on early initiation of IPTp Support meetings of the malaria technical working groups; Organize monitoring of the use of RDTs at the community level; Continue implementation of performance and quality improvement activities in the three health regions ; Post‐training supervision for providers ; Continue integration of the malaria database (BD‐Malaria) into the national health database (Endos) ; The national malariology course in Bobo‐Dioulasso will be completed; Continue BCC activities implementation: duplicate and disseminate job aids, broadcast radio and TV spot on malaria prevention, group discussion at community level Develop the IMC Year 3 Workplan, pending availability of the revised Malaria Operational Plan; 6 2. Key Achievements During the third quarter of Year 2, the following activities were completed, by strategy: 2.1 Strategy 1: Advocacy, Policy Change and Dissemination The Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation and Research Working Group of the Malaria Steering Committee held a meeting in this quarter. The table below shows discussion points, action items and focal point for follow‐up. Table 1: Discussion points for the committee on planning, monitoring and evaluation meeting Technical Meeting
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