DEPARTMENT OF ART HISTORY Be AESTHETICS FACULTY OF FINE ARTS M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA INDIAN ASSOCIATioN OF ART HISTORIANS CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO \ THE- INAUGURAL S'ESSION OF U. G. ' C. NATIONAL SEMINAR ON IMPACT OF , VAISHNAVISM ON THE INDIAN ARTS KEY NOTE ADDRESS BY DR. (MRS) KAPILA VATSYAYAN ADDITIONAL SECRETARY MINISTRY OF EDUCATION & CULTURE, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA TO BE PRESIDED BY PROFESSOR K. C. MEHTA PRO, - VICE-CHANCELLOR, M . S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA 28th NOVEMBER, 1983, 11 - 00 A. M. FACULTY P"REMISES PROFESSOR RATAN PARIMOO PROFESSOR ' JERAM PATEL HEAD OF DEPARTMENT DEAN (DIRECTOR OF SEMINAR) INAUGURAL SESSION M ONDAY, 28th Nov. 1983, 11 a. m. To be Presided by J Professor K. C. Mehta Pro- Vice - Chancellor, M . S. University of Baroda. 1 . Welcome by Professor Ratan Parimoo Department of Art History & Aesthetics Director of Seminar, 2 . Welcome' by Dr. B. N. Goswamy, (Punjab \\University) Chairman, Indian Association of Art Historians. 3 . Keynote address by Dr. Mrs. Kapila Vatsyayan,' Additional Secretary, Ministry of Ed ucation & Culture, 4 . Address by Professor K. C. I Mehta, Professor Mehta will a/so release the book, 'Sculptures of Sheshashayi Vishnu, by Ratan Parimoo 5. Vote of thanks by Shri Deepak Kannal, Department of Art History & Aesthetics p. m. - 2 p . m. Lunch Break , .. J SESSION II , 2.30' p .m. to 5 .30 p.m . Chairman Shir M. N. Deshpande (Retd.) Director 'General Archaeological Survey of India. 1. Dr. R. T . Vyas' Vishnu in the VEl d ic Literature Oriental Institute, M . S. U. 2 . Dr. S. G. Kantawala Some remarks on Vedic Vishnu Orienta l Institut e, M . S. U . 3 . Dr. Priyatosh -Banerji The Date of Bhagvata and its ' (Retd.) Deputy Director singnificance. I National Museu m, New Delhi 4 . Dr. - MaheshwBI i Plasad , ~---Shagvata Puramr:- 6 a n a ra s H i ndt:t--tfntvers+ty-----~:· 5 . Dr. Suvira Ja'iswal Conflict Syndrome in Vaishnava Jawaharlal Nehru University Trad ition . 6 . Pr of . Rata n Parimoo Some thoughts on Sc ulptures of Vishvarupa Vishnu; 6- p. m . f'ublic Lect ure by Shri Haridas Swali, Bombay, Sparkles from the wheel: The Ra sa of Collecting Art, (lIlustrated with slid,es) 7 p. m. - 8 .30 p. m. , Dinner SESSION III TUESDAY, 29th Nov. 1983, 9 .30 a. m. - 12.30 p. m . Cha.irman Dr. Mrs. Kapila Vatsyayan . 1 Dr . Ral1ganayaki Ayyangar Music and Arvars. Banaras Hindu University 2. Dr. Harivallabh Bhayani $ome Pre-eleventh Century Pra ­ Ahmedabad krit & Apabhramsha texts rela ­ ting to chi Idhood exploits of Krishna . 3 ! Dr Sitanshu Mehta ---:-_--.V..aJ.sb.nav-ism--.-i.R--two---froms of _ .D.epa+tmsRt-ef-.Gtttaff:lti, M.S.U . ~ : Pada and- Akhyana-" 4 . Shri M .N. Deshpande Vitthala Cult in Maharashtra 5. Dr. Sunil Kothari Impact of Vaishnavism on the Sangeet Natak Akademi, lndian , Arts with particular refe­ New .Delhi rence to the classical Indian dance and dance-drama tradit­ tions. 6 Or. Sarjug Prasatt-stfi~ t Important Vaishnava sites and -----G.a.ya.- .llIIages in Magadlia region _~ 1 p. m. - 2 p. m. Lunch Break SESSION IV 2.30 - 5.30 p.m . "~I Chairman Jdr.-·-Anand Kr ish na­ Banar-as-#iOOu-University . .' 1 . Dr. Akshaykumar Goswami Vallabha Sampradaya and Asht- Department of Hindi, M.S.U. 'achhap kavi ~-:--P-reb- · Keshmtram- -K-: -:s~stfl--- ---Somepe~uliar--Arfsrn-valla:'bhTte~"> ....-Ahmedaba·d- -- ·"··---, '--' ..... ---...... -.. _.. _ .. ·---MaflG·i fs--a-nd.. · ..f::l.a.v.e!is_. • • I 3. Dr. V.S. Pramar Haveli Temples of Gujarat. Depatment of Architecture, M.S.U. 4. Shri Amit Ambalal Imagery. in the Nathadwara Ahmedabad .() School of Paintings. S· Pt, ~ . ~~ ~!..- ~ '-5 . Dr. Kalyan Krishna Va Ilabb.J.e...Qpintings .., 6. Dr. A .P. Jamkhedkar Early Vishnu images from Directorate of Archaealogy Vidarbha . Maharashtra 6.30 p.m. JBHOOMIJA'. A dance drama performance based on Ramayana, choreographed by Prof .Chandrashekhar, Education Auditorium. 8.30 p.m. - Dinner. SESSION V WEDNESDAY, 30th Nov. 1983, 9.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m. Chairman Dr. U.P. Shah (Retd) Dy. Director, Oriental Instit\lte, M .S.U . '. 1 . Prof. R.N. Mehta Vishnu Worship and Architec- (Retd) Professor of Archaeology, ture M .S.U. 2. Dr. N.P.I Joshi Glimpses of Iconographical Varanasi data in the Smritis with ,reference to Vishnu ": 3 . Dr . Balaram Shrivastava Vishnu - The Chaturvimshatimu­ Banaras Hindu University rtyah . 4. Dr. K. D. Bajpai The Impact of Va ishnavism . on Sagar University ancient plastic arts of Centra I India. 5 . Dr. M.L. Nigam Early iconography of Vishnu in Salarjung Museum, Hyderabad Andhra reg!on. 6. Dr . Deepak Bhattacharya Consort~ of Vishnu Punjab University, Chandigarh 1 .' ~ tr\. ,- .. .,-d')k..A' ~ t6 . Q.r & N ~~, I . 1 p. m. - 2 p.m. Lunch Break SESSION VI, 2-30 p.m.-5-30 p.m. Chairman Dr. B. N. Goswamy Punjab Unive:rsi!y, Chandigarh. , . ~ .. ,5~~ ~~~ . :1. Dr. K. K. Venkatachari . Personification at the intersec­ .... " Anantachari Institute, tion of Religion and Art, A case Bombay. study of Sudarshana Chakra. 2 .... - -&hri-Kafnllianda Iava Ia R0 Ie - Of-vatstrrrnvislTr'"'in Pahari ~.---- . --~,------ Painting. 3 . , Dr. 'Karuna Goswamy Rajas at Prayer-Evidence of Punjab ' University, Chandigrah Vaishnava devotion from Pahari • Painting. , .. 4 . Dr. V. H. Bedekar The Churning of the Ocean. Department of Museology, M . S. U . .5 ..----f).r-:-Mang, ·Kt:istma- -..., " .'- " ... " --, -_. ~.. .. D-epicH6tf' Of K'-ishna'-In- l:ra~sl ­ . ~-+Hfldu Urliversity------cat-Indian · Music. 6 . Dr. Shridhar Andhare A dated set of Bhagvata Purana Ahmedabad. from Maharashtra. ---=--,--..:.....:....--'--.----.:'--.'---..----. - :......+"--------- - --- 6 . p. m. Annual Maeting of the Indian Association of Art Historians. 7- 30 p . m. 9 p . m. Dinn er SESSION VII THURSDAY, 1st Dec . 1983, 9 a.m. - 12-30 a.m. Chairman Dr. Krishna Deva American Institute of Indian Studies, Varanasi. 1 . Dr . .Prabhakar Apte Vastu Mandala in the Paushkara Deccan College, Pune Samhita 2. Dr. Devangana Desai Vishnu - Vai"kuntha temple of Asiatic ~ociety, IBombay Khajuraho - Iconological study 3. Dr. R. N. Mishra 'Vaishnavite temples of· Gwalior Jiwaji University, Gwalior I 4. Dr. Amita Ray Growth of Vaishnavism and L Calcutta· University, Calcutta Vaishnava Icons in Bengal - 5'.- Shri R:-c.-Agarwa I ----·--~--::E:-a-:rl:-y-:V"'="a"""i....,sh,....n-a-v-a--:I-c -o -ns--;f-ro-m- Jaipur Rajasthan 6. Shri Krishna Deva Was there a regional variation in the depiction 'of Krishnalila scenes in Indian Sculpture? 1. p. m. - 2 ' p. m. Lunch break 2. p. m. Departure for Ahmedabad by bus to visit Calico Museum of Textiles, Retreat, Shahibag. 9. p.m. Dinner at Baroda. SESSION VIII FRIDAY~ 2nd Dec . 1983, 9 a.!TI.-12.30p.m. Chairman Sl'fi'r.-Karl I<handalavsla, .. 1 . Shri Pradeep Barua .Dashavatara in Bharatnatyam Department of Dance, M.S.U. based on Assame~e poet Shri Shankardev ' Accompanying Musician, . Shri Dwakanath Bhonsale, Department of Music, M,S.U. 2. Dr. A.V. Jeyechandrun Aspects of Vaishnavism in Madras class ica I Tam i I literature , , Dr . S. Settar Transition from Vaishnavism to i Karnatak University, Dharwar Shri Vaishnavism : An analysis \ --- _ ... n._ ........ ________________of historical and Cultural forces \j --~- .-. -.------ -.- - .- ~ 5 . Dr. Rajan Gurukkal From the Roya Ity of icons to U .C. College, Alwaye the Divinity of Royalty, Some aspects of Vaishnava icons of early medieval South India; 6. Dr . Vijay Venugopal Ramayana Paintings and Alagar Madurai ' Koil, Madurai. 7 . Shri S.N. Bhan Manifestations of Vishnu- Kashmir University, Shrinagar, , A Cr itical study of Devsar Prabhava Ii of Kashm ir. Summing _up and recommendations etc . 1 p.m. - 2 p. m. Lu nch Break U. G. C. National Seminar on THE IMPACT OF VAISHNAVISM ON THE INDIAN ARTS Objectives and Scope : The seminar is visualized as a "high level" academic discussion at the All-India level, mainly am~ng the specialists from older arid younger generaHons, to take 'stock of research work done so far, and that which is currently in progress, to pin- point gaps, to stil]lulate a further advance and to suggest directions for future 'research. Participants will be exp­ ected t~ approach the subject with a questioning and exploratqry atti­ tude. They wi II be requ ired to present new view-points, fresh evidences, phi lososphical or 'epigraph ic, and to:{ bring to light new sculptures and new paintings. Event'Jally the - results of the seminar are expected to filter into post-graduate teaching and research projects in University Departments., ' The seminar wi II focus on the impact of Vaishnavism on the varia us art ' expressions of India. It wi 1\ be multid,isciplinary in its approach and pan-Indian in its range, Although the· role of Vaishnavism in music, classical ,dances and theatre and the regional literatures will -be within its purview but in order not to 'stray too much, these areas will be touched to the extent that they are able to throw light on the visual imageries. Thus sculptural icons, pictorial delineations and Vaishnavite temple architecture will be the chief concern and the other arts 'will, be dealt with to the extent, that they show any parallelism or mutual influence including that of imagery etc . The seminar will explore the beginning and development of the person­ ality of Vishnu as a distinct god in Brahmanical pantheon. This will include elaboration of Vedic, and non-Vedic e,lements as well as the philosophical standpoints leading" to - Vaishnava siddhanta. It will then try to analyse such conceptions regarding Vishnu and Vaishnavism which have a bearing on hi's physical and symbolical features which were given visual and iconic form by the artist. _'t will examine the specific relationship between metaphysical concepts and iconic texts and their scu Iptura I and pictorial counterparts .
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