The Second International Conference on Business and Communication (ICBC 2018) Jakarta, July 28th, 2018 Edited by: Agustinus Rustanta, S.Pd., M.Si. & Dr. Theodore A. Fernando, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Organized by Tarakanita School of Communication and Secretarial Studies Jakarta, Indonesia i The Second International Conference on Business and Communication (ICBC 2018) Edited by: Agustinus Rustanta, S.Pd., M.Si. (Indonesia) Dr. Theodore A. Fernando, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Sri Lanka) Copyright and Reprint Permission: Libraries are permitted to photocopy for private use. Instructors are permitted to photocopy, for private use, isolated articles for non-commercial classroom use without fee. All rights reserved. Copyright 2018. © icbc2018 First Published: July 2018 ISBN: iii Foreword Director of the Tarakanita School of Communication In celebrating our 50th anniversary this year, the Tarakanita School has initiated a range of activities including the Second International Confer- ence on Business and Communications (2nd ICBC 2018). We would avail this academic event to welcome international scholars to put forward their views, research findings and papers on a variety of subjects. We sincerely hope this conference will broaden the horizon of the participants and help create an international environment in our academic community. We also hope to gather ideas primarily to support our efforts in preparing admin- istrative and communicative professionals for meeting the challenges of digital business communication transformations. This is our second international conference we have had. The First In- ternational Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation (1st ICIRI) was held on 25 August 2015. We truly look forward to having such international conferences in the future. May we use this opportunity to convey our highest appreciation to distin- guished plenary presenters and the guests for their work and participation. Jakarta, July, 2018 Sr. Brigitta Veronica Raimundawati CB, S.Pd., M.TPd. iv Foreword The Chairwoman of Organizing Committee The substance of a research may vary from one institution to another but one thing that could be revealed is that research endeavors should address contemporary societal issues and at the same time advance the good of the majority. ICBC 2018 is functioned as a vehicle for dissemination, but more importantly ICBC 2018 is managed for sharing relevant research results/ findings. Thank you for the key note speakers and all participants who are eager to gather and share knowledge in this conference. Our great appreciation and special thanks go to Tarakanita School of Communication and Secretarial Studies community and all the Tarakanita School of Communication and Secretarial Studies Jubilee committee members for the hard work and all the effort in supporting ICBC 2018. God Bless us. Jakarta, July, 2018 Dra. Maria F. Lies Ambarwati, M.M. v Foreword The Chair of Program Committee It is a great moment where practitioners, lecturers, students are attending this special occasion where everyone might share his/her expertise or re- search. It is not only important for the presenters but we are happy to learn from each other. What more is that it is a venue in which everyone is con- necting to anybody in this world. It is time for everyone to build network between researchers, faculties, and practitioners. This event is not so big as other international conferences but at least it becomes an arena for all of us to communicate out mind. We can share and get information about different thing from other participants. We thank you to the honorable keynote speakers who are willing to spend time the time in our campus. I also want to deliver my gratitude to all pre- senters. At last, many thanks to all committee members who work hard so that this conference may take place nicely. You are great and I am proud of you all. Keep doing research and continue working for a better future. Make as many contributions as possible to the development of science and knowledge. We are sorry if we cannot serve you due to our limitations. We hope we can cooperate in the future. Warmest regards Agustinus Rustanta vi BOARDS OF STEERING COMMITTEE Sr. Brigitta Veronica Raimundawati CB, S.Pd., M.TPd. (Director) Drs. Yakin Bakhtiar Siregar, M.M. (Assistant Director of Academic Affairs) Yoseph Hendrik Maturbongs, S.Kom., M.T.I. (Assistant Director of Administration Affairs) Sr. Sinta Ariati CB, S.Psi., M.Si. (Assistant Director of Student Affairs) vii BOARDS ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Dra. Maria F. Lies Ambarwati, M.M. (Chairwoman) F.A. Wisnu Wirawan, S.Pd., M.Si. (Assistant to the Chairman) Dra. Bertha Renni Pudji Mawarti, M.M. (Secretary) Caecilia Dian Eka Retnowati, S.Pd. (Assistant Secretary) Dra. Yulita Daru Priliantari, M.Si. (Treasurer) Silvestra Wahtuningsih, S.E. (Assistant Treasurer) viii PROGRAM COMMITTEE Coordinator : Agustinus Rustanta, S.Pd., M.Si. Secretary : Linus Kali Palindangan, S.S., M.Si. Treasurer : Silvestra Wahyuningsih, S.E. International Relation : Dr. Ratna T. Sinaga, M.A. Koesmaryanto Oetomo, S.Kom., M.Si. Hydriana Ananta, S.S., M.Si. Language Consultant : Drs. Andreas Mari Sudarto, M.Hum. IT Consultant : Satryantyo Andi Seputro, A.Md. Gerardus Gilang Sandi Pratama, S.Kom. Layouter : Andreas Riyanto, A.Md. Program Section : Yakobus Suharyono, S.Pd., M.Si. Matilda Ujulawa, S.Kom. Publishing Section : Jati Wahyono Agustinus, M.Pd. Rosalia Kurni Setyawati, S.Pd., M.M. Parallel Session : F.A Wisnu Wirawan, S.Pd., M.Si. Furnishings Section : Markus Sudibyo, A.Md. Ceicilia Dian Eka Retnowati, S.Pd. Receptionists : Dra. Bertha Renni Pudji Mawarti, M.M. Dra. Maria F. Lies Anbarwati, M.M. Dra. Cresensiana Widi Astuti, M.Hum. Drs. Andreas Mari Sudarto, M.Hum. Caterer : Tatiana Suryani Security : Alfredo Rimper, S.Ag., M.Hum. ix EDITORS Agustinus Rustanta, S.Pd., M.Si. (Indonesia) Dr. Theodore A. Fernando, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Sri Lanka) x KEYNOTER SPEAKERS Prof. Dr. Alo Liliweri, M.S. University of Nusa Cendana Kupang, Indonesia Prof. Alvin V. Nuqui, Ph.D. La Consolation University, Malolos, Bulacan, The Philippines Kerrie Evans Anne Adelaide International School, Australia Jeong-Gil Choi, Ph.D. Kyung Hee University, South Korea xi REVIEWERS Name University Prof. Dr. Johanes Basuki, M.Psi University of Mustopo Beragama, Jakarta Prof. Dr. Rusdi Mochtar, APU LIPI Dr. A.Y. Agung Nugroho, M.M Catholic University of Atmajaya, Jakarta Dr. Irwansyah, M.A University of Indonesia, Jakarta Dr Nugrahaeni, M.Si. State University of Jakarta Dr. Sr. Yustiana Wiwiek Iswanti CB, M.Pd. Tarakanita School of Communication and Secretarial Studies, Jakarta Drs. Yakin Bakhtiar Siregar, M.M. Tarakanita School of Communication and Secretarial Studies, Jakarta Dra. Maria F. Lies Ambarwati, M.M. Tarakanita School of Communication and Secretarial Studies, Jakarta Rosalia Kurni Setyawati, S.Pd., M.M. Tarakanita School of Communication and Secretarial Studies, Jakarta Koesmaryanto Oetomo, S.Kom., M.Si. Tarakanita School of Communication and Secretarial Studies, Jakarta Yakobus Suharyono, S.Pd., M.Si Tarakanita School of Communication and Secretarial Studies, Jakarta Dra. Yulita Daru P, M.Si., Tarakanita School of Communication and Secretarial Studies, Jakarta Dra. Sr. Martha CB, M.M Tarakanita School of Communication and Secretarial Studies, Jakarta xii TABLE OF CONTENT GENDER AND EDUCATION ANALYSIS OF OFFICE ADMINISTRATION PROBLEMS WHICH OFTEN OCCURE AT COMPANIES IN JAKARTA BASED ON STUDENTS ACTIVITIES ON INDUSTRIAL WORK PRACTICES PERIOD 2011 - 2015 SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION AND SECRETARY (STIKS) TARAKANITA 1 - 8 WOMEN EMANCIPATION IN EDUCATION: A CASE STUDY AT TARAKANITA HIGHER EDUCATION 9 - 20 PARAPHRASING, A TOOL IN DEVELOPING THE SECRETARY’S WRITING SKILLS 21 - 36 CC5 APPLICATION IN ASSESSMENT OF SECRETARIAL SKILLS AND PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR IMPLEMENTATION OF INDUSTRIAL STUDENT WORK PRACTICE 2014 BY CORPORATE PARTIES 37 - 47 ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC OFFICIAL WOMEN LEADERSHIP IN INDONESIA 48 - 66 COMMUNICATION DEPRESSED TO PROGRESS: BOHOL IS BACK ON TOURISM’S TRACK 67 - 77 ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR OF A PERSON WITH MENTAL ILLNESS 78 - 91 PHENOMENOLOGY STUDY: PATIENT EXPERIENCE MENTAL DISORDERS 92 - 108 TREATMENT PATTERN FOR PATIENT OF MENTAL ILLNESS IN DZIKRUR GHOFILIN FOUNDATION WONOSOBO 109 - 121 xiii GLOBAL ISSUES THE PRACTICES OF REPUBLIC INDONESIA’S DIPLOMACY TO TAKING OVER THE MANAGEMENT OF FLIGHT INFORMATION REGION (FIR) ABOVE NATUNA ISLAND FROM THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE 122 - 126 RECONSTRUCTION OF IDENTITY OF MALAY 127 - 137 RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: THE ROLES OF A LARGE COMPANY IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 138 - 157 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS ON PRACTICUM TRAINING OF SENIOR HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT: A BASIS FOR PROGRAM ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 158 - 164 THE INFLUENCE OF BILINGUALISM AND BILINGUALITY ON HUMAN BEHAVIOR: SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, OGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT AND LANGUAGE USE IN SPEECH COMMUNITY 165 - 181 MARKETING AND ICT MARKETING COMMUNICATION STRATEGY: SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF SINGAPORE TOURISM BOARD ADVERTISEMENT “SINGAPORE WHERE PASSION IS MADE POSSIBLE” VERSION IN THE VIEW OF ROLAND BARTHES 182 - 191 ANALYSIS OF ASSET MANAGEMENT RATIO, LIQUIDITY RATIO, FINANCIAL LEVERAGE RATIO TO PROFITABILITY RATIO (The Study on Mining Company Listed in BEI 2013-2015 Period) 192 - 210 LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEM AUDIT SENAYAN LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SLIMS) USING ISO 9126 211 - 222 THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES TOWARDS THE SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF PRIVATE VOCATIONAL HEIS 223 -
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