JRMES Consolidated Index 1 To

JRMES Consolidated Index 1 To

JOURNAL OF ROMAN MILITARY EQUIPMENT STUDIES Dedicated to the Study of the Weapons, Armour, and Military Fittings of the Armies and Enemies of Rome and Byzantium Consolidated Index Volumes 1 (1990) to 11 (2000) Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies http://www.jrmes.org JRMES Editor M.C. Bishop, Braemar, Kirkgate, Chirnside, Duns, Berwickshire, TD11 3XL, Scotland email: [email protected] Index Compiler M.C. Bishop Editorial Board Mr P. Connolly, 22 Spring Street, Spalding, PE11 2XW, England Dr J.C.N. Coulston, School of Greek, Latin & Ancient History, University of St Andrews, St Salvators College, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9AL, Scotland Dr C. van Driel-Murray, IPP, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands Notes for contributors and page templates for JRMES are available from the editor and the JRMES Web page Shorter notes, bibliographical information, and general news about the Roman Military Equipment Conference are published twice a year (summer and winter) in Arma, Newsletter of the Roman Military Equipment Conference. This is available from M.C. Bishop at the above address for an annual subscription of £5.00. Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studiesis edited by M.C. Bishop and published by The Armatura Press ©2003 M.C. Bishop Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studiesis available from Oxbow Books, Park End Place, Oxford, OX1 1HN, UK (Phone: +44-1865-241249; Fax: +44-1865-794449; Email: [email protected]) (Website: http://www.oxbowbooks.com/) and The David Brown Book Company PO Box 511, Oakville, CT 06779, USA (Phone: 860-945-9329; Fax: 860-945-9468; Email: [email protected]) Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies Consolidated Index 1 (1990) to 11 (2000) 1 Index A I Gallorum et Bosporanorum Alto do Castelo 8:130 Aquae Querquennae 7:2132 Aalen 3:16 6:112 alveus 2:69, 73, 76 aquila 2:61, 110 Aardenburg 7:59, 92 II Gallorum et Pannoniorum Alwalton 10:56 Aquileia 1:142, 147; 3:47; 4:4; 8:44, Abbeville 10:57 6:109 Alzec 2:17 105, 117; 10:23 Abrahm 5:217, 220, 246 I Hispanorum Auriana 2:39 Alzey 1:27 aquiliferi 2:101, 118; 3:88 accensi 8:17, 19 I Hispanorum Campagonum Amay 7:61, 63, 64, 90, 92 Aquincum 1:161; 7:28; 8:5 acetum 2:678 2:39; 6:115, 117 Amaya 11:22 Arabs 2:18 Achaea 8:100 numeri Illyricorum 6:109, 110 Amazons 2:4 Ara Pacis 5:49 Achilleus 4:59 II Pannoniorum 6:115, 119 amber 2:3 Aratos 8:81 acies triplex 8:14 Parthorum 9:40 Route 3:47; 8:105 Arbles 8:280 Acre 8:301 veterana 11:22 Ambianum 5:238 Arbocala 8:216 Acrocorinth 8:91 Sabiniana 1:4 Ambleside 1:39 Arbogastes 6:65; 7:44 Actium 2:39, 118, 119; 8:8, 91 I Siliana C.R. 2:38 Ambroni 5:3 Arcadius 4:63 Adamclisi 1:139; 9:5, 22; 11:37, 38 I Thracum 2:39, 41 Ambrose 4:56 Column 1:139 Adamklissi see Adamclisi I Tungrorum Frontoniana 6:119 Ambrussum 8:284 Arch 10:6 Adendorf 5:205 I Ulpia contariorum milliaria Amerongen 3:17 of Constantine 1:142, 143; Adgennius Macrinus, Sex. 8:5 5:84 Amida 5:101 2:102, 108; 7:103; 10:104 adlocutio 2:102 Alabanda 9:31 Ammianus Marcellinus 1:148, 149, of Diocletian 1:142, 143; 10:24 Adonis 9:22 alabandicum 9:31-2 150; 2:87, 101, 109; 3:8, 11; of Galerius 1:142, 143, 147; Adrianopolis 7:39; 10:6, 13 Alamanni 2:16; 4:16; 5:147; 10:58 5:101; 6:8, 61; 7:37, 39; 10:5, 10, 2:102, 109, 107 Adriatic 2:116 Alani 3:18 15; 11:63, 66 of Severus 1:139, 148 Adze 2:76 Alarcos 8:153, 159, 162, 163 Ampurias 5:20; 6:22, 24; 7:24; at Lepcis Magna 1:140 aedes principiorum 9:27 alauda 1:161-3 8:154, 160, 163, 175, 181, 262; Archimedes 11:68 Aeduii 5:201 Albacete 5:20 11:60, 61, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, architectus 6:23 Aegosthenes 8:221 Alba Iulia 10:33, 36, 40, 41 87, 91 armamentarii imperialis 11:78 Aelian 3:18; 11:104, 106 Albalate de las Nogueros 7:104, analysis Arcóbriga 8:263; 10:58 Aelius Marcianus 10:115 116 chemical 4:903; 7:10910 arcuballista 6:7; 10:14, 15; 11:27 Aemillius 8:6 Albalate de Zorita 7:103, 116, 117 Anaunia 6:64 arcuballistarii 6:54 Aemilius Paullus, L. 8:64, 91 Albenga 5:12, 20 Andalucia 7:113, 114, 117, 118, Ardanova 5:191 Afranius 2:67 Albinus 5:145 133; 10:57 Aresaces 10:87 Africa 2:118; 7:110; 8:18 Alboin 2:9 Andernach 10:55 Arezzo 11:17, 20 Agathias 2:1, 10 Alcácer do Sal 8:123, 131 Angrivarierwall 3:2, 24 Arganda 7:118 Agen 5:11, 18, 20 Alcaracejos 8:153, 159, 163 Annaba 10:57 Argeliers 7:145; 10:55, 56 battle 5:3 Alcazaba de Badajoz 8:128 Annaius Daverzus 3:82, 100 aries 8:37 Agesistratos 6:52; 11:77, 87, 96 Aldborough 10:41 annona 2:68 Ariovistus 8:291 Agilo 7:43 Aldeanueva del Monte 7:101, 113 Anonymus Byzantinus 6:24, 41, 43, Ariulf 2:10 Agilulf 2:2, 17 Alesia 1:7389, 92, 94, 95, 153; 44 Arles 5:147 Agri Decumates 9:19 3:19; 5:3, 7, 10, 15, 17; 8:41, 49, Anreppen 3:1, 3, 19, 21, 24 Arlon 7:63, 92; 8:77 Agrippa 5:39; 8:35 116, 117, 2713, 274, 27784, Antenociticus 10:3 armamentaria 4:61; 8:280; 10:122, Agrippa II 10:73 293, 295, 303 antepilani 8:16 128 Ahtenius 9:65 Alexander, son of Aristoblus 8:303 Anthaib 2:4 armamentarii imperialis 6:8 Ai Khanoum 8:280 Alexander (the Great) 3:10; 8:61, Anthée 7:66, 90, 92 armguard 10:27, 313; 11:38 see Aineias the Tactician 8:208, 209, 62, 67, 69, 81; 11:105, 107, 108, Antico Gallina, M. 8:6 also manica 213, 220, 225 109 Antioch 4:59; 5:238; 6:61 armigeri 1:148, 154 Ain Grimidi 1:153 mosaic 11:105, 107, 109 Antonine Wall 1:1; 10:121, 122 armillae 8:6, 8 Aislingen 1:91; 5:156, 160 Alexandria 11:77 Antoninus Pius 2:93; 6:110; 10:121 Arminius 3:12, 19 Aistulf 2:1, 10, 18, 19 Alexandrium 8:303 Antonius Pudens, L. 11:22 armour 2:1718, 67; 4:5; 5:33, Aix-en-Othe 1:95 Alferrar 8:128 Antonius Senecio 1:10 903; 8:4, 5, 6, 612, 311, Akraphia 8:220 alicula 10:21, 22, 23 Antony 2:118; 4:49; 8:62, 91, 3034 31213; 10:235, 117; 11:40, 123 ala 3:62, 73; 4:33, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, Alinda 8:220 Apamea 1:151 body 5:16, 200, 203, 220 55, 63 Aliso 3:5, 21, 23 apex 7:27 horse 8:74, 76 I Asturum 1:4; 2:38 Allriot 5:71, 143 Aphrodite 10:77 lamellar 2:12, 17 II Asturum 7:111 Almaciles 8:163 Apollo 1:40, 42 mail 3:11, 46; 4:26; 5:93, 141, I Augusta Parthorum 11:22 Almendros 10:59 Maponus 1:42 156, 212, 217, 220, 24552; 6:76; Batavorum 5:1256, 135 almond-shaped fittings 7:14, 15 Apollodorus of Damascus 6:23; 7:43; 8:33, 95; 10:25, 27; 11:129 I Batavorum 6:115 Aloria 10:58 10:10 scale 3:3, 20; 5:903, 156, 169, I Bosporanorum 6:112 Alpera 7:114 Appian 2:87, 116, 118; 4:49, 51; 212, 220; 6:1, 89, 94, 95; 8:97; I Canninefatium 5:84, 211 Alpine foothills 2:10 8:98, 123,128, 313 10:24, 27, 36, 40; 11:1302 catafractariorum 2:108 Alps 2:9, 16, 18; 3:6, 13, 18 Appuleius, L. 8:5 segmental 3:46; 5:65, 90, 169, contariorum 2:108 Althea 8:216 apron 3:81102; 6:76, 91, 94, 97 201, 212; 6:45, 48, 71, 76; I Felix Theodosiana 2:62 Altkalkar 10:127 Apronius Caesianus, L. 5:69 10:2741 I Flavia Singularum c.R. p.f. Altmark 4:5 Apulia 5:20 thickness 11:40 2:39 Alto Chacon 8:163 Apulum 1:10, 13, 14; 6:111, 117 armoured cavalry 2:9 IIFlavia Hispanorum c.R. 9:43 Alto de Benimaquia 8:225 Aquae Helveticae 7:27 Armua 7:115, 116, 145 2 Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies Consolidated Index 1 (1990) to 11 (2000) Arnelund 5:179, 232 Aurelius Avitianus, M. 1:140, 146 Bassignana 8:6 billet (iron) 3:106, 107, 108, 118; Arnhem-Meinerswijk 5:72 Aurelius Cervianus 1:153 Bastitania 8:217 11:38 Arrian 1:2; 2:40, 62, 74, 101, 1056, Aurelius Justinius 2:83 Batavian revolt 7:59, 82 billhook 2:69, 89, 76 109; 3:6, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 28, Aurelius Sums 1:140, 146 Bath 8:181; 10:7, 12 billycans 2:84, 89 29; 6:41, 51, 53, 54; 8:312; Aurelius Symmachus, Q. 7:44 Batheia 8:217 Birdoswald 1:4, 109, 124; 2:92; 10:13; 11:100, 104, 108 Austria 2:1, 4, 67 Battle of Argentorate 2:101 11:37 arrow 2:4, 7; 3:3, 12, 13, 68, Autrigones 11:11 Gaugemela 11:106 bit 1:67, 72; 3:738; 5:132; 6:78; 11617; 10:117 Autun 1:88, 94, 155; 5:49; 6:55; Gualdo Tadino 2:8 7:90, 107; 8:140, 196; 11:135 heads 2:4, 9, 16, 35, 40; 5:16, 17, 10:15, 76 Issus 11:106 curb 1:67; 2:27, 29, 33; 3:73, 76, 84, 156, 211, 220; 6:1, 74; 7:27, auxilia palatina 7:37 Pharsalus 11:46 78 70; 8:108, 111, 116, 118, 271, Avar cemeteries 2:8, 9 Pydna 11:109, 111 snaffle 2:16, 27, 289, 323; 272, 274, 277, 282; 10:27; 11:25, Avars 2:1, 89, 16, 17, 20, 108 Bavai 7:59, 66, 78, 92; 10:100 3:73, 74, 76 27 Avidus Cassius 2:67 Bayeux Tapestry 3:18 spade 1:67, 69 humming-bulb 2:109 Avila 11:11 Baza 8:163 Bithynia 11:3 incendiary 8:272, 275 Avoise 10:55 Bearsden 1:2 Biton 6:5; 8:208; 11:47 trilobate 2:4 axes 2:24, 7, 67, 74, 76; 5:66, 150 bebras 1:4 bitumen 3:117 Arruntius, M.

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