Gold Dome named to National PAGE z Trust's '1 1 Most Endangered OWNalhnai Trust Endangered listings H T~stwins Natiwna Humanities Medal Historic Places' for 2002 PAGE 3 SHPO presents annual awards he morning of Thursday, June 6, the PAGE 5 National Trust for Historic H Oklahoma adds 7 pmpeties to National Preservation announced the Citizens Register T State Bank Building, "GoldDome Bank" was on its 2002 list of "America's 11 Most PAGE 5 EndangeredHistoricPlaces.'laces surface Transponalon Po c) Pmfecl Wheelock Academy became the first Are ,o. a memoel of an n slonc ch~rcn? Oklahoma property to be included on this PAGE 6 nationallist in 2000, the golddome becomes Trust for Public Land in Oklahoma the second OMahoma properly in 2002. The 6 miles added to Osage Trail listing will draw national anention to local Oklahoma City citizen preservation effoow PAC€ 7 and the unique structure that is eligible for Historic American Landscapes Survey the National Reljsler ofHistoric Places. H U.S. Supreme Courtdecislon on planning On June 6. National Trust President Wallis spoke on the history and uniqueness of H Prewation Oklahoma recognizes ... Richard Moe made the announcement of the list in Route 66 and the gold dome as part of its cultural PAG€ 8 Washington, D.C. "AU across this country, people are heritage tourism and attraction to visitors from all Okmulgee winner of 2W2 Great American finding creative solutions that spur economic owthe world Main Street Award development and commerce while presening Thefuture of thedome remainsundetermined. H Fire damages holel in Ponca Cily historic structures with character," said Moe. "113 The Oklahoma City Board of Adjusunent has not senseless to destroy one of the city's most had quorum to decide the appeals of Bank One to Pats 9 recognizable landmarks and replace it with an urban overturn the decision of the Urban Design Upming strip mall." Commission to not grant demolition or new H Handson preservation In inteniews after the announcemenl, Moe also coustructioo of a Walgreen's and typical branch bank Appraising hiitwic pmpeties responded to questions regarding the signiscance of building on the site AU items being appealed by Bank H Did p nominate a property to Oklahoma's 'Mosl Endangered List'? the gold dome and its importance to the community. One were continued by the Board of Adjuslment until Shortly after the national announcement, an its July 18 meeling. PAGE lo event was held on the comer of NW 23 and Wassen The gold dome was placed on Oklahoma's Most H U~camlng adjacent to the gold dome. Daniel Carey, Director of Endangered Historic Propedes List in January. The H SHPO seeks puMc input for FY 2003 pmgram the Trustb Southwest Office, made theannouncement group Citizens for the Golden Dome deserves the and additional speakers included Trust Advisor greatest credit in making sure this preservation battle PAGE I I has continued to this point. Citizen protest continues 2002 Martin Newman; City Council Member Amy Brooks; H National PreservaBon Conference in frontof the dome every Monday from 4:30 to 5:30, H A word on membenhipiSlaleMde initiatives Central Oklahoma AIA President Lisa Chronister; H Membershipfarm Slate Representative Debbie Blackbum; Preservation andwillcontinueuntil the domeis saved. Oklahoma, Inc. Director Trent Mar& and Pulitzer Formoreinfornation:w.sayethedome.net PAGE 1 2 Prize-winning author, historian, and Route 66 For other endangered siles in Oklahoma: C& Caundl votes to purchase Skirvin Hotel authorityMichae1Wallis. w.preservationoklahoma.org Other National Trust endangered listings n addition to the Cold Dome bank, the following Oklahoma City, Oklahoma historic neighborhoods properties are also on the 2002 list of are falling prey to the epidemic of older homes I"America's 11 Most Endangered Historic being purchased, demolished and replaced by Places": 3.Elizabeth's Hospital, Waskington, DC; residences that destmy the historic fabric of Of additional interest Chesapeake Bay Skipjack fleet, m; Pompey's communities. Between 1913 and 1932, the in Oklahoma are Pillar, YeUowsone County, MT Guthrie Theater, Rosenwald Fund founded by Chicago philanthropist Minmpolis; Hackensack Water Works, omdell, Julius Rosenwald helped build more than 5,300 teardowns and hJ Kw'st'an sacred sites at Indian Pass, Imperial schools for African-Americans, but today many of Rosenwald Schools. County, C& Mi~issouriRiver Valley Cultural & Sacred these landmarks have disappeared or are falling to Sites, MT, ND, m; Historic Bridges of Indirma; ruin. Of the nearly 200 that once edsted in Rosenwald Schools, South US.;teardowns in Oklahoma, only a handful remain on the landscape histodc~eighborhoods~statnuide. today including the Rosenwald Town Hall in Lima, Of additional interest in Oklahoma are on the Watch list of Oklahoma's Most Endangered teardowns and Rosenwald schools. While not a HistoricProperties. rampant problem in the larger aties of Tulsa and Look for the List The History Channel@ will feature the complete sponsored by Shell Oil Company, on the list in their NationalTrustliston SahlrhJuly6, at9p.m.BTin Jdy/August issue. a one-hour documeotaty special titled "America's For more information: hltpJ/www.nthp.org/ Most Endangered." In addition, Tbe Atlantic llMost/2002/iide~.hrml Monthly will present a special feanue insert, Trust wins National Humanities Medal for preservation leadership istory was made when President George W. ties. Each year, the National Coundl on the Ans and Through its programs & Bush awarded the pmtigious National the National Council on the Humanities seek HHumanities Medal to the National Trust It nominations and provide mommendations to the partnerships, the Trust was the h time that an organization, rather than President, who thenselectstheredpients. an individual, has been honored for its work to Moe said that through its many pmgnms and is successfully building broaden Americans' engagement with the parlnerships, the National Trust is successfully awareness of importance humanities and thus help preserve and expand building an awareness of the importance of Americans'access to important historicresou~ces. preservation. "Espedally sincethe awfuleventsof9- of preservation. Richard Moe, president of the National Trust, 11, 1 believe that the American people are even said, 'We accepted the Humanities Medal on behalf more attuned to the need to save our historic and of all the thousands of American preservationists, culturalplaces," hesaid. both volunteers and professionals, who have made The National Trust is a private, nonprofit pdona relevant and eftective movement in membership organization dedicated to protffting America today." the irreplaceable. Its Washington, DC, headquar- The National Humanities Medal, first inaugu- ters sM, six regional offices and 21 historic sites rated in 1988 as the Charles Frankel Prize, honors work with the Trust* quarter million members and individuals or groups whosework has deepened the thousands of local community groups in all 50 Nation's understanding of the humanities, states. broadened citizens' engagement with the humani- State Historic Preservation Office resents annual awards hanks to all the co-sponsors, speakers, and of southeastern Oklahoma's many historic volunteers of thiswconferenceinDurant,it properties as advocate, researcher, and preserva- Twas an overwhelming success. Great sessions tion leader. once agh. Sontbridge Apartments, Inc; Little Due Each year the SHPO expresses its appreeiarion Community Action Agen~,Blackledge & to its many preservation partners across Oklahoma hwoc Architects. AU three organizations were through presentation of Citations of Merit The involved with the exemplary rehabilitation of projects and contributions that foster the preserva- Idabel's historic Rouleau Hotel that was devastated tion of our state's rich heritage range from major by he and facing demolition. With federal funds rehabilitation efforts under the federal lax credit from the CDBG program and the 20% federal program to maintenance of historic government- investment tax ctedit as incentives, a ce&ed owned buildings to the educational programs of rehabilitation of the hotel was completedashousing local preservdtion ageodes and orgadmions to for senior citizens. The SWO has submitted this individual redeflom. projectfornationalreco@tionofSedion 106. Here are recent winners that were recognized at General Services Mminislmtion & C.H. the Awards Banquet at Oklahoma's 14th Annual Guernsey and Company for sensitive rehabilita- ~wwidePmervkion Conference in Durant: tion work on the Federal Courthouse in Iawton. Cih of Ardmore. Worldne closelv with the Several feahues such as windows were upgraded Ardmore kin~treei~uthoriti, th;citiuskd a grant while maintaining the historic character of the hum the SIWsUti to produce a wiking propeay. This project has also been submitted for tour brochure that highl~ghtshistoric properties for national publication. tourism. Wyoooa C Bmoks, Jack W. Brooks, Judi A. Elmore. Recognized for her contri- Randall E. McWin. Through their &om the butions in establishing reinvestment contldence in Charles G. Jones Farmstead was listed on the downtown &ore. In hm years, 28 downtown National Register and completed a certified buildings undment rehabilitation work of $2.7 rehabilitation of the propeay. million. BMI Systems, Inc. & EUlott and Sally Gray. As an Ardmore historian, she AssodPtes bhlteets. The rehabilitation of the conducts dedicated research and collects Vesper Building, located in Oklahoma
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