FINAL ISSUE CONGRATULATIONS COMMENCEMENT COACH MAY 28-30 W$t ©atribstoman LAIRD glenba TLux Wibi 0vta Htberta* VoL XX DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON,N. C, MAY 17,1933 No. 30 ' ATHLETES GIVEN Junior Marshals NINETY-SEVENTH Dr. C.S. Matthews Dies WILDCATS WILL Rev. C. S. Matthews, D.D., an alum- By a recent vote of the Junior class, IN ALL RECEIVE College, passed away AWARDS Lyman Clardy, Mack Holland, Duck CLASSTO nus of Davidson FINISH AT TOP his home in Lumberton, N. C, last Powell, and Fred Smyre were elected at Thursday. It is thought that his death SPRING SPORTS to serve as Junior Marshals daring DIPLOMASMAY30 was caused by heart failure. the coming commencement. DESPITE^DEFEAT Lacy to Dr. Matthews was a graduate of the By — Bob Fetzer, U. N. C. Director of Ath- previously se- Dr.Coffin and Dr. Be Princi- Duke Davidson Licks State Mon- Alex Little had been class of 189S. He acted as an assist- letics, Speaks at Annual Athletic lected by the Senior class from last pal Speakers at Graduation day and Wake Forest Tuesday ant professor here at Davidson for a DayCeremonies year's Junior Marshals, Mulliss, Exercises to Retain Lead BiU while, and then went to Princeton Bruce Peabody, and Norfleet Charles Theological Seminary. He was a pas- FROSH RECEIVE NUMERALS to serve as Chief Marshal. FACULTY GIVE RECEPTION PEARCE BESTS BARNES tor in Kentucky for some time. Later The four juniors were selected from Archer Wins Physical Development Seniors to Lead Discussions Before he moved to North Carolina, where Duke's Victory Gives Wake Forest Trophy Over Yarborough a group of ten nominees. On the first Alumni Association he served as pastor of the Lumberton Chance to Tie 'Cats ballot, Clardy, Powell, and Smyre were Presbyterian Church until his death. chosdn, and was Robert A. Fetzer, Davdison graduate and Holland selected on Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin, of New York His son, W. C. Matthews, a student In spite of dropping the final game of the second ballot. former Davidson coach, who is now director the ! City, and Dr. Ben R. Lacy, of Richmond, at Davidson, left Thursday to attend season to Dtikc Wednesday, the Davidson Boggs John Brewster the The students of athletics at the University of North Car- Corbin, Drake. i Ya., are the principal speakers for the nine- funeral. extend to Wildcats retained their lead in the Big Five Grant, Lynn Huie, Wee Thompsonand him their deepest regrets and olina, was the speaker of the occasion, when Ity-scventh annual commencement exercises sincer- race. Their lead is by virtue of five wins Davidson honored her athletes at the chapel Julian West were the other nominees. of Davidson College, which begin Sunday, est sympathies in his sorrow. as compared with three losses, as Wake hour Tuesday morning in Chambers Audi- j May 28, and continue through Tuesday. Dr. Forest places second with four victories and torium. ICoffin will deliver the baccalaureate sermon three defeats. The annual affair, which in past years Students Attend j Sunday morning, and Dr. Lacy will make Dramatic Group Should Wake Forest defeat Duke tomor- was held at night and at the beginning of the commencement address at the gradua- row, they will tie Davidson for the state the spring sports program, was presided over tion exercises Tuesday night. championship, but if Duke defeats Wake, by Charlie Pearce, retiring president of the N.C.Federation Dr. Coffin, a Presbyterian minister, is one Gives Last Play the 'Cats will get the title. Athletic Association. Certificates were pre- of the most widely known preachers in the Sports writers in the state refuse to give sented to athletes who earned letters in Brown, Clark, Smyre, and West Rep- jUnited States. He is also a famed author "The Importance of Being Ernest" Is Davidson credit for a third victory over football, basktball, wrestling, track, baseball, resent Davidson at Student land has written many religious works. Dr. Last Production of Masquers Carolina in the Big Five standings. -Credit tennis, and golf during the past school year. Convention Coffin is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and for three victories over the Tar Heels would received his education Union Theological The final curtain was rung down on the clinch the title for Coach Laird's boys with i Following this was the awarding of the at Last Friday and Saturday, Gordon Brown, current season of the Davidson six wins losses. Physical Improvement Trophy to William j Seminary in Richmond, at Yale, and at Har- theatrical and three Clark, Fred Smyre, and West Red and Black Masquers with their produc- Big Five standings: Archer, a member of the Freshman class, Jerome Julian vard. The attended the North Carolina Federation of tion of Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of who showed the greatest amount of mus- Dr. Lacy, Davidson graduate in 1902, is Won Lost Pet. Students' convention at Chapel Hill. president Theological Being Ernest," a three-act comedy, before cular development during the year. The of the Union Sem- Dnvid.on 5 3 .625 At lunch Friday, President Graham of a large and appreciative audience last Fri- Gymnastic Trophy, awarded each year to inary in Richmond, Va. He was a Rhodes Wake 4 3 .571 University of North spoke. day night at Chambers Forest the winner in gymnastic competition, was the Carolina Scholar and won many honors during his Auditorium. North Carolina 3 3 .500 Shortly after lunch a meeting of con- A talented produced play, and presented Lacy Adcox, a member of the the years at Davidson. This brilliant speaker cast the N. C. State 3 4 .429 was supper that night the was ably characterized by the class. vention called. At has been heard several times before on action Duke i _2 4 .333 Junior Mr. Carl Goerch made a talk that was quite Thespians. The play was under the direc- director of visits to Davidson. Ralph McMillan, and coach humorous. Saturday morning was devoted tion of Ed Hancock, and supervised by Pro- In three games played on Monday, Tues- Springs Orphanage, was On Monday at 5:00 p. m., there will be athletics at Barium to discussion groups. These groups were fessor E. Erwin. day and Wednesday of this week, Davidson a meeting of the Executive Committee of J. awarded the gold football given each year divided into: System, Discipline, licked State, 12 to 8 ;Wake Forest, 2 to 1 ; Honor Pub- the Alumni Council. The Alumni Council The cast was as follows: by the Athletic Association to the alumnus lications, College Athletics. lunch Sat- and dropped a ragged contest to Duke, 7 At meet at 8:00 p. in. the same day. John Worthing ,-Wilis Ilollingsworth showing the most interest in Davidson sports. urday, Herring an will to 4. Dean of Duke delivered Alumni Day will take place on Tuesday Algernon Moncrieff Nicholas Moss Before introducing the speaker, Charlie address. lunch the the After convention was several interesting and unusual meet- Rev. Canon Cliausuble Gordon Wood Duke 7, Davidson 4 Pearce presented footballs won by together again Iland called and the election of ings arranged. will be Merriman Bill Wildcats in their 1932 season to E. L. Will- have been There Johnson Poor support to George Baity, Wildcat officers was had; also, the resolutions of the Lane Roger--Riley. son, newly elected president of the associa- four alumni discussion groups to be held at "soTirtvpTrWY in the pinches, served to defeat convention were recorded. A banquet was1 will be Gwendolyn Miss Kalista Hood tion. 10:00 a. m. Each discussion group the Davidson team on Richardson Field held that night for the convention, at which1 Lady Bracknell Mrs. Edward Erwin Announcement was made of the awarding led by three or four members of the Senior Wednesday, Duke winning 7 to 4. the officers for next year were installed. Cecily Cardcw Miss Adele Arbuckle of varsity letters and freshman numerals to class. The purpose of the gatherings is to For five innings things went about even After the banquet, all were invited to the about Prism Ortic Steele athletes who took part in spring sports. give the alumni inside information the Miss Miss with the 'Cats having a slight edge to Grail Dance. The plot concerned Ernest Worthington, due Forty-five uppcrclassmen earned their var- (Continued on page 4) Mackoretl's circuit clout, but the Blue Devils This year the convention was considerably a care-free young gentleman of England, sity "D," of which thirty-four were for base- evened things tip in their turn at bat. They larger than it has been. Several junior col- and his efforts to win the hand of Gwendolyn ball and track. followed this with another run in the sixth, leges were represented. Fairfax, whose social career was planned The monograms and numerals awarded in four in the eighth, and still another in the By way of this convention each institu- and Evans Are by her aunt, Lady Bracknell, Ernest's wishes the spring sports were: BrantoR final canto. tion is given the opportunity to profit by are blocked by his friend Algernon Mon- Varsity baseball letters: Baily, G. E., Hick- The Davidson team tried a rally in the last the best points in the student government of Elected Soph Officers crieff, who, in turn, is in love with Cecily ory; Bumgarner, F. L., Belmont;Harris, C. the other institutions of the state. two innings. They scored once in the eighth C, Miami, (Continued on page 4) when the speed merchant. Mills, streaked C, Welch, W. Va.;Mackorell, J. Cumbie, Evans, Fla.; Mills, A.
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