as the Son of David and King ofIsrael: the and light, now lying in death and darkness . .Messiah. The friend of God was sealed away in a cold _ LAZARUS SATURDAY tomb, and the people were hesitant to re- AND Lazarus Saturday move the stone which lay upon it, for "by PALM SUNDAY this time there will be an odor, for he has Six days before His own death, Jesus went been dead four days" (John 11:39). to His dead friend Lazarus at Bethany There were very few visible, earthly tri- outside of Jerusalem. He was answering an When the stone had been removed, Jesus umphs in the life of Jesus Christ. At His appeal made to Him several days earlier. He prayed to His Father in the presence of all birth there was "no room at the inn." He knew of the imminent death of Lazarus but the people, not asking anyone to leave as grew as the son of Mary," suggesting that purposely delayed His coming. To his He had done on other occasions (Luke His mother was a widow. He was raised in disciples He said 8:51). Then, in a loud voice, He called the town of Nazareth, of which it was said: Lazarus from the tomb: "Lazarus, come "Can anything good come out of "For your sake I am glad that I was not out." The people were astonished on seeing Nazareth?" (John 1:46). His associates were there, so that you may believe" (John Lazarus walk out, alive. Many immediately virtual unknowns. He died among thieves 11:14). By the time Jesus arrived, the believed on Him. A great crowd began to and was laid to rest in the tomb of another situation seemed hopeless: Lazarus was assemble around Him. Palm Sunday man. already dead four days. The fact that naturally followed. Lazarus was already dead four days is A Time of Triumph emphasized in the Gospel account as well as Palm Sunday in the liturgical hymns of the feast. The Only one short-lived weekend in His life fourday period' of burial underscored the On Palm Sunday Jesus mounted the colt for stands out as a time of clearly perceivable, horrible reality of death: the corruption of which He had sent earlier and rode it into earthly triumph. This was .the weekend the body had commenced. the city of Jerusalem. A large number of known today in the Church as Lazarus people went out to meet Him with palm Saturday and Palm Sunday. These were It is in the face ofthis awesome reality that, branches, the signs used to greet royalty. days of triumph in which Christ Himself as the Gospel records with such simplicity, They placed their clothes in His path and played a deliberate part. "Jesus wept" (John 11:35). Jesus had exclaimed: "Hosanna! Blessed be he who already stated to Martha, the sister of comes in the name of the Lord, even the On Lazarus Saturday He miraculously Lazarus, that He is "the resurrection and the King of Israel" (John 12:13). raised His friend Lazarus from the dead in a life"; He was fully conscious of His power manner specifically aimed at "the people over death, and still He wept. He wept on The time of fulfi1Irnentwas at hand. Events standing by, that they might believe that seeing the terrible fate of His friend. were taking'splace which pointed beyond thou didstsend me" (John 11 :42). On Palm Bethany at that moment represented the themselves 'to the final conclusion of the Sunday He Himself sent for the colt on whole world. Lazarus was His friend -all of mission of Christ. In the resurrection of which He would enter Jerusalem. His entry mankind. Christ wept on seeing what had Lazarus, Christ's power over death and His was one.of the rareoccasions during which happened to the whole of creation, "made own Resurrection were foretold. As the He permitted HimseIfto be publicly hailed through him" (John 1 :3) to be full of life troparion sung in the Church Services on r this weekend indicates, the token of the citizenship into the Kingdom which we have universal resurrection of all men as given entered through baptism .Lazarus Saturday is a unique day: a resurrectional Service, By raising Lazarus from the dead before .normally reserved for Sundays, is celebrated Thy Passion, on a Saturday. The baptismal hymn is sung: Thou didst confirm the universal "As many as have been baptized into Christ, resurrection, 0 Christ God! have put on Christ." Like the children with the palms of victory, we cry out to Thee Palm and pussy willow branches are blessed . 0 Vanquisher of Death: Hosanna in the in the Church on Palm Sunday. We take highest! these branches in order to greet the King of Blessed is He that comes in the name of our lives. In effect, we are again asked the the Lord! question addressed to us at baptism: "Do you accept Christ?" By taking the branches At the entrance into Jerusalem on Palm we answer: "I accept Him as King and Sunday, Jesus was the Messiah entering His God!" Holy City. He ful:fi11edthe prophecy of Zechariah On the eve of the Passion we reunite our- selves to Christ and express our willingness "Behold, your king is coming to you, to follow Him through all things. His humble, and mounted on an ass, and on a ultimate triumph will then be ours. colt, the foal of an ass" (Matthew 21 :5). In the world you have tribulation; but be of These events were taking place on the eve good cheer, I have overcome the of the Passion of Christ. The Lord never world.(John 16:33) lost sight of th~ir ominous implication, Be knew His triumph was short-lived. He was FOR mORr IDFOnmRTIOn going to die. He was walking into the midst PlrR5I£ rnnrarr, of His enemies. The people soon rejected Him. He was not the political Messiah that 51. JOHn THE BRPTl5T many wrongly expected. He did not come IlRIHODOH CHURCH to overthrow the Romans. His Kingdom an BoonE RVEnUE was not of this world. CRnon5BUR6. PR 1~311. 1~4.l4~.8~11i Our Pledge At the liturgy of Lazarus Saturday and Palm D£PRRTm£OT OF R£LllilOU5 £DUCRTlOn OInHODOH (HURCn In RmfRICR Sunday we annually reaffirm our own.
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