The La Roche Courier March 27, 2015 La Roche College • 9000 Babcock Boulevard • Pittsburgh, PA 15237 • 412.847.2505 Vol. 19, Issue 5 Are religion and science conflicting? By Sydney Harsh Science Writer cience or religion? Who’s right in the law of causality, he said, can- and who’s wrong? not accept that a God (or divine be- One hundred members of ing) is controlling or manipulating Sthe La Roche College community, the universe.” including students, faculty, and staff Out of the 70 percent who said responded to a survey about their they believe there is a connection be- beliefs on science and religion. The tween science and religion, 52 per- survey found that 70 percent of La cent said they are religious. Roche College students, faculty, and “I’ve been a Christian all my life, staff believe there is a connection and nothing has led me to believe between science and religion. They much against it,” Thomas Carney, a responded to the survey in February. sophomore computer science major, “As a scientist, it seems as though, said. in general, religion is always trying Fifteen out of 100 La Roche stu- to keep science down,” Dr. Becky dents, faculty, and staff said they are Bozym, chemistry professor, said. religious personally, but not publi- Matthew Puller, senior English cally. However, 38 out of 52 religious studies: language and literature ma- students, faculty, and staff said sci- jor, said, “They have a bad relation- ence and religion are in conflict. ship right now, at least for the most “They don’t have to be,” fresh- part. Read Albert Einstein’s ‘Religion man graphic design major, Taylor and Science’ essay. One who believes Zediker said, “but they are.” Zedik- jump page 7 Let’s go Redhawks! Tuition Baseball team ranked in the nation’s top 25 poll for the first time increases By Sarah Reichle and Megan Poland uition, room and board, and meal plan costs will each in- crease 3 percent in the fall se- Tmester. La Roche College President Can- dace Introcaso announced the in- crease in the President’s Report to the Community on February 20. “We look at [tuition] annually,” La Roche College President Can- dace Introcaso said. “We don’t want to make a La Roche education too costly for the students.” Sister Candace added, “Three per- cent sounds like a lot, but for tuition its $743. Depending on where you live, in Bold its $196 and if you live in Mahler, Schneider or Peters its “As a team I feel our hard work is paying off,” said Angel Sanchez, a sophomore baseball player. © Sarah Reichle $173. If you eat on campus, it’s an- other $114.” “We realize that college educa- tion is a very expensive and substan- tial investment for you and for your La Roche students are families so we don’t do this lightly,” Sister Candace said. Sister Candace explained the complex process the college goes not as dry as the campus through when deciding to raise tu- By Sarah Reichle ition. Editor-in-Chief “The process starts with some re- search,” she said. “We do look at our re there any drinkers on this “Family members have let me try number of drinkers, weighing in at competitors and we do look and ask dry campus? things but I don’t like drinking. I 20 percent. The freshmen class is al- for some input from key individuals Seventy percent of La don’t partake in drinking at parties most equally divided between drink- on campus.” ARoche students surveyed responded or any other events.” ers and non-drinkers. According to Sister Candace, the that they drink. Shelby Shaffer, a communica- Eighteen percent of the surveyed process starts with LRC’s Chief Fi- In February, 100 La Roche stu- tions major and junior, said, “I enjoy reported that they have never con- nancial Officer, Bob Vogel, talking to dents took surveys on drinking. drinking but only done in a respon- sumed an alcoholic beverage. admissions staff about how a tuition Fifty-five women and 45 men elabo- sible manner.” The majority of the sample re- increase would impact recruiting rated on their drinking habits and Other students responded that ported that they had their first alco- new students. experiences. they do not drink because of medi- holic beverage between the ages of Vogel brings the information to Students commented on why they cation or that they only drink for 15 and 18. the Vice President’s Council in De- do or do not drink. special occasions like weddings. A freshmen psychology major cember or January. The Council dis- A 19-year-old freshmen said, The senior class has the biggest commented that her first alcoholic cusses it for at least a month before jump page 8 jump page 8 This publication reflects the views, attitudes, interests, and tastes of the writers, editors and contributors to The Courier. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the administration, faculty and staff of La Roche College. 2 FacultyThe La Roche Courier - March 2015 Joe Puglisi Michelle Maher Featured Accomplishment: Featured Accomplishment: Having a lead role in the show “Sentient” Reading poetry on radio program Prosody By Megan Poland By Megan Poland Associate Editor Associate Editor arketing Professor Joe Pug- date; however, Puglisi said he hopes tle love notes or a few words about lisi plays character Wilhelm to be back filming in the summer. something that happened during my Weinberg, the German “We did some editing on the film day,” she said. MCEO of a company called BioGNX, in January and hopefully it will be “I’d always loved to read and draw, in the upcoming science-fiction able to premiere sometime soon,” but the full force of poetry didn’t hit medical thriller “Sentient.” he said. “The premiere would be a me until I was 20 and the poet Rob- “I play the role of a CEO of a bio- prequel to what we hope will be fol- ert Kelly came to Notre Dame’s cam- tech company. We’re on a sabbatical low-up episodes that we’ll film in the pus, where I was an undergrad,” the in Canada—actually, it was filmed summer.” English professor said. “A torrent of in Hidden Valley, Pennsylvania,” Puglisi said he was surprised at beautiful language came from this Puglisi admitted. how many times a scene had to be humble, middle-aged man, and I The characters of the show come filmed. He said a 30-second scene was entranced. Besides my mother, across a virus that adapts and is sen- could be filmed eight or more times. he was the first artist I’d ever en- tient, inspiring the title of the series, “We filmed our first episode in countered.” and they must figure out how to pre- August. It was an interesting experi- “The most important thing I can vent it from spreading. ence because we filmed it four days say about being a poet is that you do Puglisi said he used a German ac- in a row. We shot it from six at night it for love, or not at all. No one gets cent when auditioning for the role of to six in the morning,” the LRC pro- rich as a poet,” Maher said. CEO, something he said was a risk. fessor said. “My poems are accepted about He was selected for the part and He also said there was a lot of © Michelle Maher one-third—half the time that I send “Sentient” is not the only produc- down-time during those four days them out to journals and I’m still try- tion Puglisi has been cast in. The and that it could take three hours r. Michelle Maher read po- ing to get my first manuscript pub- Marketing Department Chair said before an actor is needed for a scene. ems from her manuscript lished,” Maher said. “My work gets he was an extra in Jack Reacher; he In one scene, Puglisi is carrying ‘What Lasts’ during 91.3 FM rejected all the time, but I’ve learned participated in a shoot for UPMC; a shotgun to protect the group he is DWYEP’s Prosody radio program. Jan to just keep going. The important he acted in the web series The with. Beatty, a poet and the host of the pro- thing is creating art: something real, Guardian; and he’s had minor parts Puglisi said, “I laid down to sleep gram, welcomed Maher to read po- and beautiful, and true.” in plays. at midnight and someone woke me etry on February 28. Maher said she met Jan Beatty in Puglisi’s efforts in acting have up at 4 a.m. to finally get to my part. Maher said she was instructed to 2011 when she took a manuscript paid off: he said he’s now eligible to Ten minutes later I was running choose 12—15 poems that she’d like workshop course the radio host join the union SAG-AFTRA, which around in the woods with a shotgun, to read. “I tried to choose poems taught. stands for Screen Actors Guild and beginning to wonder: What am I do- from my manuscript ‘What Lasts’ “I’d been a fan of Prosody for the American Federation of Televi- ing here?” to show a range of interests or con- years,” the poet said. “As my writing sion and Radio Artists. He had no acting experience until cerns of the poems.” improved over the course of the next “It’s the union for actors and it’s four years ago, although he always The La Roche English professor few years I mentioned that I’d be difficult to get eligibility,” Puglisi ex- had an ambition for it.
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