r a f i z Physical Life—Tlie Primary Department in tlie Sclxool of Unman IProgxess. y o l. in. {^fÄ K R jaw aisr'} Philadelphia, Sa t u r d a y, a p r il s o , m. s. 34. ho. 23. WASSAMASSETT TO HIS WHITE BROTHER Divesting ourselves of preconceived ideas and intelligences! God the Eternal, speaks through from Binging a sea song with energy to eager ex­ looking at this question from (he above standpoint, every On perverted human heart, and gives the clamations of, "Oh, my God!" “ God.bless your B. B. HILL how essentially human the whole thing seems. -lie to all the claims.of polygamy; and acting my dearest, sweet one, my own dear Ann,” etc., Suppose, for the sake of the illustration, that the through universal laws, he will yet destroy it from nearly bursting with the iullnes of joy that pene­ - From beyowl the shadowy river, statement is true—that Gehokylv, an Egyptian the face of tlie earth ; and. the people of both this trated my whole beinf». This, my etc: r st, paBsedr Come we from our spirit home, and the spirit world will yet learn that the at­ into spirit life thirty-eight years ago, while I was Qathered in your pleasant wigwam, priest, having spiritual or intuitive development Meet you in the white man’sdiomo. oeyond his fellows, got a glimpse of a deeper truth tempt to reach any end, no matter how desirable, travelling among the islands of the Pacific ocean, by unjust and arbitrary means, cannot succeed expecting to return and make her my loving 'Wassa, comes with white plumes waving, than they had yet perceived. He tries to lay this Comes with blanket wldte ns Bnow, truth before the others and get them interested, permanently. bride. But, ah! the heart-rending experience Walks lie in ids while moensins but they scout the idea as chimerical ; beside, why Let the reader go back to the quotations I have through which I have passed. I have never found Comes he with his silver bow. should he presume to teach them? given, and mark the similarity therein to all the a soul to love me since until now. Comes lie in his white fox buskins His reputation as a priest is not good ; he is God claims made through mediums of the past; After more singing, and I became somewhat Wears u chain of pearly beads, let them compare it with the course that lias been quieted, another lovely form came out arrfiyed in In hlB girdle hangs the hatchet, stubborn, rebellions ; has not always submitted to But lie brings the pipe of peaee. the rules of the Order ns quietly as lie should have pursued by tlie Church of Romo; lot them study beautiful flowing garments, walking directly to tlie God in the Constitution movement of the last, me and taking me by the hand and leading to­ 'Yes, lie comes with empty quiver. done; beside, being full of force that has but little I Conies for peaee and not for war, chance, in the life he leads, to manifest it elf legi­ few years in this, country; let them become ac- ward the cabinet, and there embracing and kiss- Comes from o’er the shining river timately, it lias, at times, burst fortjj in a way to quinted with the course and spirit of Mormonisnf >ing me. I well recognized the lovely face and Upward comes your Bold to draw. scandalize his oflice; consequently they, the as manifested in their priesthood, their temple form, dark complexion and dark brown hair of Comes witli Saco, Uneas, Saugus, proper ones, are not going to listen to iiim.no building, and their determination to shut out or my dearest sister Eliza, who* passed over in the Hero we meet a fiiendiv band, destroy all who did not go with them, obey the summer of 18-17, fourteen months younger than Bound a chain magnetic hinds us, matter what his ideas may he. While wo grasp our Brother’s hand. But he is persistent in his claim for recognition. medium of the spirit that brought them here; myself. She re-entered the cabinot, and gathered and then tell me if you do not recognize the sumo strength to come out again twice, so as to more Whore you reared your stately wigwam, It may bo that land reform and opposition to Hunted we the buck and doe, usury were his hobbies. Such an inference might element in each and all. fully satisfy mo of her identity. After she liad Through the woodland ohascd the panther readily bo drawn from bis commands to the Jews Tin; spirit of progress, of civilization, has proved retired, Mrs. Hazard eame out and walked direct­ ’Along your mountains met the foe. on these subjects. Tho common people are get­ too st rung for the Mormons; their God is not able ly past me’to her husband, and taking him by the Now is buried Indians hatchet. ting interested ; he is becoming dangerous to the to deliver them out of its ¡lower; and so it will hand and'lending him toward the cabinet, em­ Soundslio more the Indian drum, prove with all special personal Gods, no matter braced and kissed him. She then entered the No more trends the murderous wurpnlh, ruling powers; his life is the forfeit. But on the trail of pence we come, But finding that killing does not make him what their claims, their promises or their threats; cabinet to gather strength, and coining out again, Ibr as the whole is greater than a part, so shall walked around the circle; and the Indies prosont Now we meet you as a brother, dead, and imbued wilh Ilio ideas to which lie has Bound in friendship’s golden.chain, , attached so much importance, lie begins to study the universal Spirit set aside special Gods; will do bandied her dress, and they said said it was of We will guide you onward, onward, as to how.be limy still advance them. I will beat this by asserting tlie God within each and all, so heavy brocade silk. .She remained out some timo, Till in heaven wo meet again. my enemies yet, lie says, and finding in Abraham entirely that there will be no more of this abject,, to the satisfaction of all prosont. a subject suited to hih purpose, selects him as the this blind obedience/ After she retired, a rather tall lady came out THINGS AsT S E E THEM. chosen ".instrument of his work, and then coni-■ And now 1 will leave the render by asking him and walked to aman, who recognized her, calling meiices the process of education, which. it took to try and imagine tlie state of things that, would her cousin Mary. The'.spirit was pleased to bo , IIY .1,018 WA ISHHOOK HR. many journeyings in Egypt to complete, and exist, in this nation, if Christ, .mediums were re­ recognized, and eame out again, bowing to her which lmd to be carried forward through many cognized as our rulers. friend,-and (lien retired. After moro singing, a generations, even till the descendants of tho pa­ giantess appeared; the cabinet not being liijjh. • Sait L ake, April 11th, 1881. triarch became a'nationality, A Seance With H. C. Gordon. enough, alio cume out and grew, .materializing'', in F riend IioiiEitts:—It seems to me that from I ho It is not necessary to carry tho illustration fur­ . Being invited to a seance by my friend Dr. II. our sight, until she nearly reached tho ceiling of very first, there was an cllurt made by bigoted ther, hut permit mo to■ say tliat the work of this C Gordon, I arrived at his liouse a little before tho room, showing tho wonderful power of spirit spirits to take captive the spiritual movement. I Jehovah will not lie done till a true land basis is tea time, and was invited in to tea. Soon after over mutter. 'have just been reading the third book of the ilrst established, and usury ceases from amongst tho tea.a circle wuh formed—consisting of sixteen per­ This ended tho seance," and tho medium came series of“ The origin of all things,” purporting to people; because, containing within themselves sons exclusive of the family—among which were out. of tho cabinet in tho black suit in which ho come from “ Goda High and Holy Spirit, formerly principles that areas necessary to the welfare of several ladies and Thomas'R. llazzuid of Rhode. entered, much fatigued. All this and more oc­ Known as Jesus of Nazareth;" given through the the race, as amcorroct.mechanical principles' to Island, and a IViend of his—in front, of an ordinary curred at (l!U North Kith street, Philadelphia. mediumship of Ty. M. Arnold,'of Poughkeepsie, N. tlie stability of our dwellings, those ròlbnns must cabinet, At 8 P. M. the 'medium, II. G.'Gordon,■ T homas Street, Y., in 18o2. On page I, I find the following: ultimately prevail,and any spirit who has become went into the cabinet, and soon eainii out again in Of lackland, Ohio. “There is now progressing in the earth, from sufficiently, interested therein to give them as full vjew, opened the curtains of. tho cabinet and- Philadelphia, April 18, 1881. God, through me, the Lord and Saviour of men of commands to his cari lily followers, is not going to showed a bountiful female spirit, occupying tlie earth, what is called “ the nipping delusion." And lose that interest till tlie work,is so lar accom­ cabinet, who reinnined in view several'minutes.
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