Issue 1/2012 Die Zeitung des Rheinmetall-Konzerns Neckarsulm/Neuss. The commercial vehicles of tomorrow will have to be In this situation, a look at the way Moreover, Pierburg supplies com- To make sure that all the parts used safer, cleaner and more effi cient. Achieving the technical innovations nec- things are done in the passenger car plete cooler modules specially de- meet the standard requirements for essary for this imposes heavy demands on the entire valued-added chain. sector, where system partnership has signed for commercial vehicles. Here, longevity as well as assuring opti- Here, specialist suppliers like KSPG can help to relieve the R&D burden. become the dominant form of coop- consistent system integration of mum durability and performance, the The commercial vehicle industry is in for an exciting few years. With the eration since the mid 1990s, can be various components enables a sub- entire application is subject to sub- volume of freight increasing, all the signs point to continued growth. For helpful for truck makers. Even though stantial reduction in manufacturers’ sequent review. By selecting fully de- 2012 alone, the Association of the German Automobile Industry (VDA) es- the number of units produced is com- development and application costs, veloped components that have been paratively small, truck makers can as well as reducing the complexity of perfected over the years, all from a timates that registrations of new trucks in the over-six-ton class will reach save time and money by buying com- the manufacturing and logistical pro- single source, the result is a made- approximately 250,000 in Western Europe. Worldwide, the truck market plete systems from parts suppliers. cesses. to-measure exhaust gas system – is forecast to grow in 2012 by some 5% to 3.27 million units. Yet in the KSPG’s newly established Hardparts Finally, experience gained in the without the automobile manufacturer zone of tension between economic growth and climate protection, new having to worry about integrating in- technologies have to be conceived and put into practice that pay equal and Mechatronics units are a case in passenger car market makes it possi- ble to modify common products such dividual components into the system heed to economic and ecological imperatives. At the same time, the in- point. For example, Pierburg GmbH is able to draw on its longstanding as EGR valves, exhaust valves, elec- or quality assurance measures. dustry needs to meet the pending Tier 4 fi nal emission standards and Euro experience in passenger vehicle ex- trical throttle bodies and EGR coolers This applies to engine components VI limits, which only a few years ago were still considered unattainable. haust gas for light-, medium- and heavy-duty made by KSPG. KS Kolbenschmidt recircula- engines. Here, the competence Pier- supplies complete piston systems for tion tech- burg has accumulated over the years commercial vehicles consisting of pis- nology; in intake manifold technology comes tons, piston rings, cylinders, bolts and the com- into play: the intake manifold has connecting rods. These are combined pany’s always been viewed as the to create a single system which not Designing accu- basis for a module with only conforms precisely to customer mulat- requirements, but which – even more ed ex- importantly – has been per- optimized with regard t i s e to friction and can be success- consumption. the truck of fully employed to meet the increasingly stringent requirements of the commercial vehicle sector. The same applies to complete piston sys- electrome- tems from KS Kolbenschmidt GmbH: chanical actuators that has the future to make sure they can meet the re- to be integrated into a complex instal- lated requirements, it is not unusual lation space. Piston KSPG – SYSTEM PARTNER “PAR EXCELLENCE” for KSPG units to engage in internally In addition, putting together intelli- systems fi nanced R&D. gent building-block systems reduces optimized Pierburg in particular has been sys- costs for commercial vehicle manu- in this man- These two laws both entail a further does this increase the complexity of tematically pushing forward with the facturers. For the commercial diesel ner result in 18% less friction as well tightening of particle and nitrogen the drive train: it also makes the de- development of EGR valves, exhaust market, EGR coolers or mixers form as continuously low oil consumption. emission standards. Starting in Janu- velopment and production of trucks a valves and exhaust gas mass fl ow the foundation for complete exhaust KS Kolbenschmidt is responsible ary 2014, for instance, the obligatory more expensive proposition. sensors. Compared to the passenger modules consisting of Pierburg prod- for the complete system, including Euro VI standard comes into force for Moreover, the signals from the mar- car segment, the spectrum of appli- ucts. The advantage here lies in the development and manufacture of emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx) kets stand in crass contradiction. In cations in the commercial vehicles fact that individual components from the pistons. In order to achieve the and particles (PM). Compared to the highly competitive trucking sector, sector is wider: light-duty, medium- relevant building blocks – ranging best technical and logistical results, 1999 these have to be reduced by up every cent counts. Besides the price of duty and heavy-duty applications from EGR valves and EGR coolers to KS Kolbenschmidt prefers to work to 97%. According to VDA, by 2025, procuring a new truck, the focus here is each have their own reed valves and exhaust mass sen- with selected partners in global al- these measures will cut automotive own total costs of ownership, i.e., the product lifetime sors – are combined in a compact, liances. The objective of these alli- emissions of NOx and PM in Germany full running costs per kilometer. This requirements precisely intermeshing design. En- ances is the ability to offer forward- by 83% and 97% respectively. makes effective manufacturing which have gines in the 50-to-560 kW perfor- looking, innovative piston systems Without systematic use of exhaust processes just as impera- to be taken mance category can be equipped that meet the steadily evolving re- gas recirculation components in on- tive as reasonable into account with this technology in a require- quirements of customers for fuel-ef- and off-road vehicles, reaching these maintenance during de- ment-driven, reasonably priced, reli- fi cient vehicles and future CO2 emis- levels will be impossible. Not only costs. velopment. able manner. sion norms. Stefan Schlott Photo: ShutterstockPhoto: fhe Neuss. “Our goal is equal treatment for all cylinders,” quips Dr. Karl Wübbeke, Head of Sales in the Commercial Diesel Systems Unit of Pier- burg. “Exhaust that’s well mixed in the fresh airfl ow not only reduces the nitrogen oxide component but also limits particle formation during Not everybody combustion.” Any differences in air proportion should here be limited to less than 3%, according to the experts for pollutant reduction in utility vehicle engines. This necessitates an exceedingly complex control sys- likes it hot tem with a multitude of parameters in everyday engine use and poses challenges for the development departments of OEMs and suppliers. New sensor measures Just the right hot gas fl ows directly in exhaust gas msc Berlin. Exact measurement The sensor is capable of resisting and control of exhaust gas is indis- the attendant oscillation stress and pensable for enabling optimum en- is self-cleaning. The cleaning proce- gine calibration with regard to fuel dure takes place at temperatures of mixture . consumption and CO , NO and par- up to 650°C, at which organic mate- 2 x ticle emissions. Pierburg has devel- rial can be removed effectively. This A homogenous mix of exhaust and fresh air oped a sensor that permits precise is important for maintaining sensor measurement in the ambient high accuracy. The full CAN bus-capable temperature of exhaust gas fl ows. sensor enables the OBD diagnostics The fi rst sensor systems – designed required under current emission leg- for both on- and off-road operation islation. It goes into serial produc- – go into serial production at Pier- tion at Pierburg’s Berlin plant at the burg’s plant in Berlin at the begin- beginning of 2013. ning of 2013. Photo: Michael Rennertz Direct measurement of the emission In order to directly control the ex- mass fl ow produces a closed-loop haust gas mass, it is necessary to control circuit. The resulting precise measure it in advance. Because un- control of the exhaust gas mass rep- til now EGR mass fl ows tended to resents more than just another step be measured indirectly and existing toward meeting Euro 6 norms: it lays solutions weren’t always suitable the groundwork for fulfi lling even for this purpose, Pierburg has devel- tougher standards in the future. oped an exhaust gas sensor that is robust enough to withstand harsh exhaust gases. Technically speaking, the new com- ponent is based on the principle of hot-wire anemometry, which is already used in air mass sensors as a means of ensuring ad- equate durabil- ity. The Pierburg sensor consists Dr. Karl Wübbeke points out: “An EGR cooling unit module for utility vehicles and of two ceramic car- industrial applications has to fulfi ll extreme requirements in terms of durability.” riers fi tted with plat- inum temperature In the utility vehicle sector, engines use and can sometimes alter very sensors and a are nowadays operated at relatively quickly, you can then understand how heating coil. high exhaust gas recirculation rates, much science lies behind these engine especially in the upper load ranges. characteristics that play into air appor- They can currently even reach as high tionment,” says Wübbeke. At the same msc Neckarsulm.
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