fAillA CR IS fILES PUBLIC LIIRAR? 6960 IAKTIN RILES IL 50648 District 63 ok's purchase Armed robbers take $2,900 from Bennigan's ofnew computer system Riles police are investigating a mslscked hack donc about DM robbery by two masked men who am. wearing gloves and white by Eileen Hlrschfeld removed $2,980 loom an officestocking maskn displaying In a 3-2 vote with two board safe after forcing employees at 48-caliber guns, and approached Compnler network for the central District SopI. Dr. Eldon guopaint tels a walk-in freezer at an employee working in the rear membersabsent, board office to replace the IBM 36 main- Gleichman said the new system members of East Maine Elemen- frame computer syslem. Action asd accompanying software Besnigan's Corner Tavern, t4&area si the building. "Another Golf Rd. os Jan. 4. emplsyee who bod been in the tOry Sohool District 63 approved took place at a regular January could be.sscd to manipulate data The two men entered as Continued on Page 39 purchase of o $44,515 personal 12 meeting. Continued on Page 38 Toy guns that shoot paint pellets deemed dangerous . Village of Niles -L LS Edition MG to ban 8746 N. Sherroer Road Nilen. Illinois 60648 iLlûgLr 968-3900-1-4 'Gotcha' type 25° per copy VOL. 31 NO. 3t, THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1988 toy guns Park lauds insurance by Joyce Hnyi From the vandalism in many areao. The actual vole was tabled saUt the poolcoverage programtoy guns that shoot paint pellets nest morning so Corporation Counsel Jordan Kaplan eon work £CL tD4UL The Niles Pork Dislrict joined Hoghes noted 46 park districts such as the "Gotcha" gun. This tu as i050roscc pool in 1982 as onfrom the Chiragoland oreo are in step with many of Ike sarraus- 00 the language lo ensure people oltcrnalivc to high cost cosvcn- members nf the Park District ding municipalities who are in that Uds is only an ordinance by Bud Besser Iiooalissurance, according Io Rink ManagementAnsn. the process nf passing similar or- against paint pellet guns and no . I grew up sootis side Irish. Bill Hughes, pork director. (PDRMA).It wan o good dcci- dioances. Hobo poinled oat these other type nl lirearms. You didn't have to be Irish, Sinn. The insor000e pool covers goss have canued injuries and In other boniness, Plan Csm- bave keen o contributing factor to hut ali around you were the Conlinned on Pago 35 Coulinaed on Page It markings of the Irish. Local libraries At the centerpiece of our receive Cook growing up was football. Village of Niles award recipients Salurday morning we played County grants four-hour games in the empty Secretary of Slate o,,d Stale - lot a cosple of doors from our Librorioi, Jim Edgar annooriced house. The kids from the next thaI Nt libraries iv Cook Cooly blockwosld hriog their motley will receive stole grools lolalling groop and we would play astil $5,260,827.05 Ibis year. 1 p.m. We'd leave the glories According lo Edgar, 541 of the playing field, go home libraries statewide will receive and scrub the grime from our more Ibas $5 million in per copilo faces and head for St. Colum- grants. In addition, $475,820 in banus Church where the equalization aid was awarded lo quarterback and the linemen 94 libraries lhrosghool the slate. would attend confession. The 'Per capita grknls lo libraries Jewish kid would sit on the in Illinnis have always been on steps facing 71st street and important source of revesse and wait for the guys lo complete that impnrtanre has token no their duties. eves greater oigniticosce av osi- sidelanding500r005become We then hurried home and scarce," Edgar said."These tuned in Graham MacNamera grants traditionally snpplemest who hroadcnsted the Notre the local public library budgets Dame game. ond allow librariesto espond their services and collections From 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. on Continued on Page 39 Saturdays there was nobody on the streets. NotreDame became a second religion on Don't Miss : the south side and only the fallas would dare go sut Satur- Buge day afternoons. Following Ore the ltS7 Award Nicholas B. Blase, The Booed of 5 Years: Robert Staokowicz, Recipieats for the Village nf Rites When I was very young I Troslees, and Ihr mere thon Ill Mayor Nicholas B. Blase, Farris Municipal Government. TheseMonicipol Government Peterson, James Mahoney, III, remember when Notre Dame Bida Guidi awords are given annually dur- employees were in attendance at coach Knute RocIase was kill- William Christie and Sonto Pages 2125 ing 1ko month nf December based the Trident Center for the presnn- Brano. Csntlrn.ednfl Page 38 upon years of service. Mayor latinos. Page 2 TheBagle, Tharaday, Jm.uary 14, lBS Nues Senior Men EPLC Senior The Bugle, Thursday, January 14, 1585 Fellowship - p incompetition The Senior FeSownhip of EdinoB / 1988 MEMBER Park Lutheran Church, 6655 N. h Nneih.rviliinol. A Oliphant, will begin the new your ej N.w.p.p.s TLlugLr A..00i.tinn G with the tontaSatiun of officers on lenior Citizens' 'a&hr Thursday, Jan. 21, at osan. The , E meeting will he held in the South An Indepe'ndeeni Coenm HaB of the church. NEWS AND VIEWS sanity Ns'srspapv.r Esiahfishpd in ¡957 Ducid Sensor-Editor h Publisher 3 Officers In be installed amn Diane Miller-Maoagin0 Edilnr Robeco Senner-Cily Editor Prenident, Elia Runotog; Vice -' 8746 .Shermer Road, 'Nues. Illinesiu 60648 966-3900-1-4 President, Paul Frita; Secretary, . Mack Krajechi.Cupy Editor Helen Jobunan, and Treasurer, Evelyn Bernahl. The Senisrs are News for all Nues Seniors (age 62 and over) looking forward to 19fB as pl aus from the Nues Senior Center are being made toshare Village receives credit of $37,616 towards premiums fellawsbip,wurnbtp, and pro. 80GO Oakton, Nues 967-6100 ext. 376 gramnwith memher, friends, and Maine Beet tñnilnrs. SENIOR FORUM by Sy)via Dalrymp)e Meetings are held at noun the The Riles Senior Center Senior Foram will meeton Thursday, third Thursday nf each month, Jun. 54 at 1 p.m. tu plan npcomiog programo andevaluate Nues safetyprogram precisas programs. Alt with input io theoe areas are invitedto hy Sylvua Datrymple except July and Augant. Bring attend. whatever you wink fur lunch; the INTO YEAR 'BOatI Ike holiday decurali005 are down around Seuior Feltownhip provides TRAVEL COMMIT2EE town, the visiting college crowd has returned lo the knuku, and ad- dessert mid beverage. The Niles Senior Center Travel Committee will meetnu diug.to the "blabs" after a whirlwind nf partying and other oc- II you caminI he with un fur Thursday, Jas. 14 at 2 p.m. All interested tas helping planlhe unities.., Dpeeatioo Deep Freeze herolded the sew year. lt icicles are forming barn around the. house making you a prisoner inside, results in insurance saving lunch, try Io jobs on about 1:35 far Center's one day bon trips are iuvited to attend, oar program. Thin month, we'S keep the following thought in mind. "lt winter cuecen, can spring be enjoy the "Hoop De Duero" MEN'S CLUB MEETING far behind? hy Sylvia Dalrymplr Four teams of the Nifes Senior Men's Fitness Class competed in Band, The Nitos Senior Center Men's Club willmeet on Mouday,Jas. The estremely cold weather han bees nu fan for Nues Public Nues Fire An uggressive safety program In addition, he said, IRMA bus sine events to determine the winner sí the Coveted plaque donated 18 at 150g am. Following the regalar business meeting, Mr. Works employees whu hace been us the job repairing numerous has apparently paid Off in Niles doubled the per-uccurrence by the Nifes Park District. The teamswere evenly matched and the Todd Banaro from the Village nf Niles Department of Code moler main breaks working in icy water and mud. A salute to NPW which had a reduction io liability last two events, Volleyball and Picklekalt, determined Gerontology En- coverage tu $2 million. the winner. forcement will speak on the village's prégram offering free in io order. Dept. calls claims io SSS? resulting is a cost- Kacobea outed IRMA will io- Pictsred below are the "Tigers", winners of the FallFitness residrotial inspectioss for carhos monuxide ges and natural Ditto to teenagers who have helped cesium citizens and the savings to the village vio the In- Frolic competitinn gas crease ita insurance reuerve from Front Row, left lo rightJoe Mussno, Bob program at leaks. He witt then present awards to Ihe ninemen from the disobted by clearing their driveways and sidewalks altee the big The NilesFine Department terguveromeotal Risk Manage- Huster, Adrian Calassi. Back Row, left to right Hank Kola, $1 million to $3 million which Marion Nitos Senior Center Men's Club who have volunteered for this snows. Some elderly residents have called to report getting kelp answered 38 lire calls and 34 am- ment Agency (SRMA(, a 46-town gives flexibility tu the program in Ciepley, Bill Coba, Art Scheel. Not picturedore Jobo Kasmer, Jim Felician program. The award recipteala are: t.amhert Binder, roordin. from young people io starting their stalled cars during the zero balance calls between Jan. 1 und insurance pool. Downs and Matt Snafader. taking advantage of premium FeUdan College in proud to an- tor, Elmer Ludwig, Chester Fncsnasste,i, Jim Koelder, Joe temperatures, and neighbors doing their grocery shopping. These Jan. S. A050rding to Gary Karobea, changes in the market place. 000nreils Leahy, Paul Brandt, Dick Cain, Frank Rulkowski, and Charles aclivities support our belief that Nitos is a (lund place lo live.
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