BROADCAST WI! E KLY JUNE 3rd to 9th "Vic and aaae," portrayed 32 a ernal urt e r.j. cu. vary Harvey with Billy Idelson ae "Rush." Heard over NBC six mornings a week 8 3) 4. M_ LEADING RADIO PROGRAM OF THE PACIFIC COAST www.americanradiohistory.com The NEW s PRESIDENT Vacation Cash HOTEL THE comforts and luxuries of one of San Francisco's out- BOYS standing new hotels, at... Only a boy with determination and Rates courage, can make good as a sales- man. But if you know such a boy, he as low as can earn some extra vacation money $2 a Day selling BROADCAST WEEKLY, he can start NOW. Send his Special ratea by week and or month. Beautiful name to- new coffee shop in connection. Write for information or reser- vation- Circulation Department 935 Geary Street BROADCAST WEEKLY 1114 Minion St. San Francisco, Calif. SAN FRANCISCO HOTEL lDutlA Ray Maxwell, Manager POST STREET at STOCKTON e + SAN FRANCISCO CENTRALLY located in the heart of business and amusement activities ... facing beautiful Union Square ... your stay at San Francisco will be more enjoyable at the Hotel Plaza. Here a spirit of real hospitality awaits you ... the best of service ... rooms in which you will feel at home ... comfortable beds that invite restful sleep ... and food to tempt your appetite served in the dining room at popular prices. 011 Private dining rooms for group luncheons and conventions RATES NOW BEGIN AT- $2 SINGLE WITH BATH $3 DOUBLE WITH BATH Patronize BROADCAST WEEKLY Advertisers. Their coöperation merits your support. www.americanradiohistory.com BROADCAST WEEKLY (FORMERLY RADIOCAST wEEKLY - ESTABLISHED 1922 AS BROADCAST PROGRAM) Published on the first day al each week by THE JAMES H. BARRY COMPANY Publication Office 1114 Mission Street O. J. NUSSER SAN FRANCISCO Editor and Manager Telephone Entered as second-class matter, UNderhill 7676 March 25, 1923, by the Postoffice, 10 Cents the Copy from All San Francisco, California, under Newsdealers Act of March 3, 1879. $1.50 Per Year by Subscription Vol. XIII San Francisco, California, June 2, 1934 No. 22 Let the West Speak Up! TH E climax of a persistent campaign gress, twenty-five per cent of the most avail- against the American plan of broad- able listeners' time is allotted to spiritual, casting was reached with the introduc- mental and political uplift, the public will tion of the Wagner -Hatfield amendment to never be reached unless it straps on am- the Dill bill in Congress, which attempts to plified radio ear phones. Even the dictators bring about a complete cancellation of all of Europe have been unable to devise ways existing radio broadcasting licenses and re- to make their public listen. allocating all frequencies, power and time Isn't there ample evidence, even for Con- assignments in order that a special group gressmen, in the purchase of over eighteen be allotted one-fourth of all air time. million radio sets in this country, that the Ostensibly, the sponsors of this amendment American public is partial to its own adapta- seek "to eliminate monopoly and insure tion of radio broadcasting? What then is equality of opportunity and consideration for the purpose of these lobbyists and legislators educational, religious, agricultural, labor and unless it be that they too are obsessed with similar non -profit -making associations," but the all too prevalent European vogue of im- actually they are veering so far toward posing minority opinion upon the majority? fascist principles that, should Congress enact While we are loath to infer that any sinister this legislation, we shall likely find ourselves motives lie behind the consideration of these figuratively on the other side of the ocean amendments, could it be possible that con- taking radio program a la Mussolini and gressmen see in the proposed free time as- Herr Hitler. signments an allotment to them, for the pur- There are no people in the world more pose of political fence -building under the ready to accept religious enlightenment or guise of educational development? If so, we embrace educational opportunities than the suggest that they learn the language of the American public. The broadcasting stations natives of Tasmania and Timbuktu, because and the sponsors are cognizant of this fact they will be the only radio audience left who and if anyone will take the trouble to check can stomach the menu. the program listings in this or any other We suggest that readers of this magazine issue of BROADCAST WEEKLY, he will find such write to their congressmen and senators and features amply represented. And because we make known their wishes in regard to this can get and take these programs "at will," proposed legislation. BROADCAST WEEKLY will the listening audience is correspondingly gladly print the reaction of its readers in the larger. But the American radio public will Open Circuit and forward copies to the not tolerate the air lanes cluttered with authorities in Washington. Let the West propaganda and if, through an act of Con- speak up! 3 www.americanradiohistory.com ETHER GLEA\I\GS By J. CLARENCE MYERS HE hue and cry by radio's big time contract with Chase and Sanborn. After that stars for more "mazuma" is causing he goes to the Columbia chain for Pebeco T no end of headaches to the broadcast toothpaste. Joe Penner will leap into Can- bosses. The heyday for the network lumin- tor's place on the coffee program and by afes is here, what with more sponsored chain strange coincidence, will play opposite him, programs on the air in the history of the both being on the air at the same time over industry and three and four firms bidding different networks. Incidentally according to for the services of the top-notch mike en- surveys made by newspapers and magazines tertainers. in various sections of the United States, Pen- Of course in the long run the sponsor ner tops all radio comedians in popularity pays. But it is up to the radio folk to sell now. the services of their stars to these companies * * * and it isn't any easy matter explaining to They say the stork is winging his way Joe Bodunk, the asbestos manufacturer that toward the home of Bernice Berwin, the a certain star is worth a lot more than what Hazel of "One Man's Family." He is ex- the rat trap manufacturer-I. Katchem paid pected to make the stopover in September. last year. Away from the mike she is Mrs. Brooks Bernie's arch -enemy, Walter Winchell, Berlin. casting a green eye toward the old maestro, * * * decided that he must have a one hundred The weekly broadcasts from the Byrd Ex- per cent increase in salary if he goes back pedition in Little America have been shifted on the air again. His last sponsor is reported from Saturdays to Wednesdays. The time to have paid him $1,000 a week. George -6 to 6:30 p. m. and the network-CBS. Arliss, not yet initiated as a regular air con- * * * tributor, asked a sum big enough to choke an elephant recently. S. S. Van Dine, creator Frank Watanabe and Honorable Archie, of the Philo Vance character on the movie who have been going great guns on KNX screen, wants $2,000 a program for a radio for the past few years are now being heard version of his stuff and will take nothing on a nationwide network of the NBC five less. mornings a week. This does not include a * * * release on the Pacific Coast, however. "But, my dear Holmes, how on earth did * * * you do it, your intuition is phenomenal." Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians "Elementary, Watson, elementary. My will shift from CBS to NBC June 7. sixth sense told me we would be back." * * * Such a dialogue may have passed between Paul Whiteman is said to have turned the great detective Sherlock Holmes and his down an offer to play at the Chicago World's faithful friend and assistant, Dr. Watson just Fair. Too busy otherwise. before they came back on the air. Yes, * * * folkses, this inimitable pair is back-KPO hereabouts on Monday Bob Allen, ace ivory pounder of KYA nights from 8:30 to these 9 o'clock. The roles are played by the same many moons and a radio vet here- actors-Richard Gordon as Holmes and abouts, has shuffled off to Spokane, Wash., Leigh Lovell as his home town, for a visit and rest. Bob, Doctor Watson. We let go you a couple of whoops when we heard it and know, was hurt in a taxi accident some trust that most of you did do weeks ago and his doctor has ordered him or will like- to a nice long rest. wise when you read this. G. Washington take So he's gone up to Coffee is backing them again. say howdy to the folks and the old gang. He hopes to renew many old acquaintances * * * of his college days-attended Washington The Fire Chief-Ed Wynn-who has just State at Pullman. concluded his present season of broadcasts * * * over NBC is scheduled to return to the air Careful Maxie. You'd better win that fight in Fall. with Carnera if you want to win some more * * * radio contracts. The Goodrich folk, present When Eddie Cantor comes back to the sponsors of those thrice weekly appearances ether stage again this fall he'll change spon- of the kingfish of fistiana plan to extend the sors and networks, but only after he works radio series seven weeks if Maxie comes out out the remaining eight weeks in his present favorably in the big scrap.
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