University of Northern Iowa UNI ScholarWorks The Alumnus UNI Alumni Association 10-1943 The Alumnus, v27n4, October 1943 Iowa State Teachers College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy Copyright ©1943 Iowa State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uni.edu/alumnusnews Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Iowa State Teachers College, "The Alumnus, v27n4, October 1943" (1943). The Alumnus. 172. https://scholarworks.uni.edu/alumnusnews/172 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the UNI Alumni Association at UNI ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Alumnus by an authorized administrator of UNI ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 THE. ALU. ' . MNUS... ~,- ,· . ,._. .: HOME ECONOMICS EDUCATION THE PRACTICAL FOR OCTOBER~- t . 1943 ': From All Over th~ World(Come Letters to the Editor .•• See Page Six 'A· Typical of Teachers College "Soldiers of the Schoolroom" this foll as they go out to teach in the pub Iic schools is Old Gold beauty Darlene Wolfe of West Union, who is teaching home economics at the Waterville, Iowa, High School this year. THE ALUMNUS IOWA STATE T EACHERS COLLEGE, CEDAR FALLS, IOWA c-Jlte CAMPUS TODAY By MARIAN CLAPPISON "Chanticleer" Is Summer Play . N A SETTING AS FANCIFUL and colorful as I "The Wizard of Oz," "Chanticleer," a poetic drama by Edmund Rostand, was pre­ sented as the annual summer play on July 29 and 30 by the College Players under the ARMY Arn CoRPs MEN STATIONED ON THE direction of Miss Hazel Strayer ... CAMPUS STAND AT ATTENTION IN THE SHADOW Phyllis Reeve, senior from Cedar Falls, head­ OF THE CAM PANILE. ed the all-woman cast as the strutting dictator of the barnyard, Chanticleer. All characters in On the Cover ... Autum n leaves carpet the play were either animals or birds, and the the campus. This scene was ta ken looking cast did an excellent job of portraying the toward the Admin istration Building. different roles .. The quaint and colorful settings were designed by Esther Oleson, teach­ er in the Waterloo schools, as part of her * workshop class at TEACHERS COLLEGE last In This Issue summer. The Campus Today __________________ _ Home Management House ______________ 2 KXEL Is One Year Old ________________ 5 Boost Rural Teachers* Wages . Letters to the Editor __________________ 6 Service Me n's Directory ______________ _ _ 11 To ATTRACT AND KEEP BETTER qualified Wome n in War _ _ _____________________ 17 teachers in the field of rural education, Dr. Roll of Honor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20 D . E. Lindstrom of the department of agricul­ Civilian Soldiers _______________________ 2 1 tural economics at the University of Illinois, A lumni News, Marriages, Births, Deaths _ _ _ _ 2 2 advocates paying higher wages to rural teachers than are paid to high school teachers . Volume XXV II OCTOBER, 1943 Number 4 Dr. Lindstrom spoke at a convocation at TEACHERS COLLEGE on July 26. Salaries of THE ALUMNUS is entered a s second class mail from $125 to $175 per month are being used at the post office in Cedar Falls, Iowa, with the in some of the Illinois rural schools to attract Iowa State Teachers Co ll ege a s owner of the better teachers to rural education, he stated . .. magazine. As such it is not fo rwardable without extra cost . Without charge to alumni, 17,000 "When the quality of education falls, the copi es are printed and di stributed quarte rl y. Edi­ quality of that country's civilization falls. By torial and technical duties are hondled by the endangering the quality of the rural school edu­ Bureau of Publications. cation we permit reverberations in the postwar George H. Holmes ___________________ Ed itor period which may result in an upsurge of Director, Bureau of Publications irrational anti-social acts," Dr. Lindstrom as­ Marian Clappison __________ _ Managing Editor serted. Marion Mayes ________________ Alumni News ( Continued on poge eight ) Be njamin Boardman ________ Bu si ness Manager Eileen K elleher ( left ) and her sister Lolea ti ( right I confer with Dr. Sutherland about just which coke recipe they should use, wh ile Char­ lotte Curtis, wielding the duste r, l ooks on. Home Management House- • A Laboratory In H ome P UTTIN G INTO PRACTICE THE TH EORIES they'd m democratic family living, it taught them bet­ learned in the classroom, five TEACHERS ter management for increased efficiency on the COLLEG E home economic ma1ors had this sum­ "home front." mer an unusual opportunity to get first hand The six-week course met in the home of Dr. practice in the art of making beds and wielding Elisabeth Sutherland, head of the home econ­ dust mops in a new "home management house" omics department, at 921 West Ninth Street, course. and the five who were enrolled literally moved Not only did the course give Charlotte Cur­ in and "took over" the entire household while tis, Eileen and Loleati Kelleher, Beth Lord, and they were there. They assumed full responsibil­ Valeria Knock an opportunity for experience ity for planning, purchasing, budget-making, Eileen, Loleati, and Charlotte gathered oroun j t he fireplace ... As port of the work in home decorating Charlotte and Eileen a re deciding on just t he rig ht spot for that picture. Shall we have s quash or carrots for suppe r is the ques­ tion of the moment a s the g irls learn that buying fresh fruits and veg etables ce rta inly saves on those precious ration points. At the right, that m ight be a tast y dish of baked b eans that Charlotte is just taking out of the oven. Economics Education cooking, and other household activities com­ Guests were entertained four times at dinner, mon to all homemakers. and a tea for home economics majors and an When the course was organized, the girls "at home" for faculty and students were held. conferred about the system they would use in the T he special dinner guests, President and Mrs. housekeeping venture. Each took her turn at Malcolm Price, Dean of Women Sadie B. being cook, assistant cook, housekeeper, hostess, Campbell, Professor and Mrs. R. W. Getchell, and guest. The "guest" wasn't allowed to sit and Miss Agnes McClelland, can testify as to around and take things easy, though-during the girls' ability in that important phase of the week that she played that role each girl homemaking-preparing and serving a meal. carried out a special hobby or project such as Says Charlotte Curtis, "It's the most practi­ refinishing a chair or learning to dehydrate cal course I've ever taken in college." (Charlotte foods for preservation. received her B.A. degree with a major in home Dishes, silver, linen, and cooking utensils economics in August, and she's now teaching were brought from the home economics labora­ that subject in the Kanawha, Iowa, High tories on the campus, and each girl who took School.) Her opinion about the value of "home the four-hour course paid the regular $2.00 management house" is shared by the other fout laboratory fee. girls with equal enthusiasm. An estimated 50 cents per person per day The only prerequisite for the course is "meal was allowed for food, and staying within that planning" and a student does not have to be amount and the ration points, too, was no easr a home economics major to enroll. The home task, the girls found. Carrying sack lunches economics department plans to offer it again each day saved a great amount of time and next summer and perhaps during one quarter of energy. the fall, winter, or spring, if it can be arranged. 1941 row A STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Page Three Football Is Dropped for the Duration at T. C. FooTBALL AT TEACHERS CoLLEGE will be dis­ for a time as a collegiate sport. It was resumed continued for the duration of the war, it has later in the fall as a part of the activity of the been announced by L. L. Mendenhall, director student army training corps. of physical education at the college. For the past three years the Panther foot­ The disbanding last spring of the North Cen­ ball teams have been champions of the North tral Athletic Conference ( of which TEACHERS Central Conference. Many players from the CoLLEGE was a member), and the induction of college are now in training in uniform on the practically every member of both freshman and campuses of former Teachers College football varsity teams into the armed services were fac­ rivals. tors affecting the decision to abandon football. Moreover, the present coaching staff is pre­ Dr. Schneider to New York occupied with the training of the few men stu­ DR. N. 0. SCHNEIDER, director of physical dents left for prospective military service, as education and industrial arts and supervisor of well as in instruction of the large contingent of student teaching in those subjects at the Army air crew students stationed at the col­ TEACHERS CoLLEGE Campus School since 1926, lege. has resigned to accept a position as director of "TEACHERS COLLEGE coaches are all directly the driver's training program for the New York employed in the national war effort," Mr. Men­ state war council. denhall stated in making the announcement of Dr. Schneider has had charge of the driver the discontinuation of football. "Four are training program of the college and the Campus members of the armed forces of the nation, High School and coached football, basketball, while three are now instructors in the special and track at Campus High.
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