Water Resources, Floods and Agro-Environment in Monsoon Asia Takao MASUMOTO, Ph.D. National Institute for Rural Engineering (NIRE), NARO, Japan Outline 1) Water resources: “visualization” of water circulation ・Quantity side in basic process: Agricultural water use plays an important role. ・Agricultural water circulation = complicated 2) Agro-environmental problems tackled in water resources fields ・Causes: climate change (extremes), food crisis, energy shortage, catastrophic earthquake ・Solutions: how to cope with those problems through “Visualization?” 3) Proposals for future subjects in agro- environmental research 2 Background Rice cultivation in paddies = Not only high productivity, but also sustainable and environmentally friendly economic activity (Ex: 7,000-year-old rice cultivation in China) Share of Agricultural water use 70 % Domestic Use Transition of Coexistence of Variety i) Distinct wet and dry water use seasons [Large amount in the Industrial Use /year) FAO vulnerability, Extremes 3 world ( ) (droughts and floods)] ii) Various types of paddy irrigation Agriculture→Human use Water (km activities→Anthropo- Agricultural Use genic change 3 Complicated agricultural water use (Tone River Basin as an example) Diversity of Difficult to grasp water irrigation (Various resources under complicated types) water use [Visualization Dissimilarity of water circulation] between dry Yagisawa Dam ▲Ashio Akaya River Naramata River r areas (field crop) e r Amami- Aimata v Naramata Dam veKusaki Dam ▲ i i ▲ yama Dam R OomamaR H.W. Rainfall Station and humid (paddy e ▲Fujiwara n ● Takatsudose ● River Obs. Point o Fujiwara Dam a T Ohtar H.W. Dam ▲Katashina ta rice) areas Ouraa H.W. Head Works, W Diversion Weir Repeated use of Agatsuma ○ Intake Facility Katashina River River Sonohara P Pump Intake Facility Dam H i r e N . W . irrigated water Iwamoto ● ○ Hirose-momonoki ▲ Gunma Bando D.W. Sano Omoi River Tenguiwal a n Toneka Tonea D.W. Oura Watarase Reservior C Kitakawaberyo r Toneka P.S. Pi e sh v ●Yattajima a i Kabura River s ●Tone D.W. ●Kurihashi R ○ u o Nanmoku H.W. d M Minuma E Wakaizumi ● Tone D.W. Kasai Kanna H.W. Hanyu Shimanaka Shimokubo Dam Bizenkyo 4 Kanna River ▲Manba A Typical Irrigation Dominant Basin Seki-River Basin • Area:1,140km2, Length:64km 5 5 A Typical Irrigation Dominant Basin Diversion Weir Delivery channels Sasagamine Reservoir Effective Storage : 9.2MCM Paddy areas 6 6 Part 1 Method and Approach for the Visualization (A) Hydrological Phenomena, (B) Anthropogenic (Human/ Artificial/ Agricultural) Activities 7 Mechanism of Agricultural Water Use (Observ. & Model Which Target Basin?) Paddy agriculture (global dissemination) 8 Monsoon Asia (East, South-East, South), Australia, Europe [Italy, Spain, France etc.], USA [California St. etc.] Mekong River B.: A huge river basin in Monsoon Asia China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam (6 countries) Area size (800,000 km2) River length: 4,880km (the longest in S.–E. Asia) Flooding in lower reach Min/Max of dis.): 40~50 3 -1 3 -1 [1,800m s / 43,000m s ] 12 Paddies dominant (70%) MRB 9 Mekong River B.: A huge river basin in Monsoon Asia China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam (6 countries) Area size (800,000 km2) River length: 4,880km (the longest in S.–E. Asia) Flooding in lower reach Min/Max of dis.): 40~50 3 -1 3 -1 [1,800m s / 43,000m s ] 12 Paddies dominant (70%) MRB 10 Extremes in the Mekong Record Flood in Year 2000 in the Mekong River Basin (An event of once in 30-60 years) 11 Components in Runoff and Water Allocation & Management System i) Basin-wide Runoff • DWCM-AgWU Model ii) Reservoir Management • To compare river discharge Snowfall/Snowmelt (available water) at division weir and water requirement Reservoir in irrigated paddies • To release water for Diversion Weir irrigation Water Allocation River Flow Irrigated Paddies iii)Water Delivery in Irrigation Canal Irrigated Paddies Root Zone •To decide intake, Unsaturated Zone water allocation, Saturated Zone infiltration, drainage 12 Calculation algorism of DWCM-AgWU (distributed water circulation model) Meteo. Geological & Celled Land Use Rainfall but Rainfall geomorphologic Basin Data Data Data Data Data Estimation Model for Reference ET Reference ET Estimation Actual ET Model for Surface Runoff Paddy Water from the Estimation Upstream Mesh Model for Planting Use Time & Area, Planting Time Harvesting Area and Area Channel Flow Actual Intake, Calculation Soil moisture Paddy Storage Depth Surface Runoff into Runoff Model the Downstream Mesh Inflow into GroundwaterModel Flow for Reservoir GroundwaterRelease from the Dam into the Down- Flow from thethe Up -Dam 13 stream MeshOperation stream Mesh 13 Variability of agricultural water use modelled in the basin [Rain-fed paddy: 3 types] Using only rainfall Supplementary water use (small ponds) Using Flood water 14 14 Variability of agricultural water use modelled in the basin [Rain-fed paddy: 3 types] Using only rainfall Supplementary water use (small ponds) Using Flood water 15 15 Variability of [Irrigated paddy: agricultural water use 6 types] (0.1 degree中国 =10km cell) modelled in the basin China [Rain-fed paddy: 3 types] Using only rainfall ラオス Using only rainfall Laos SupplementarySupplementary waterwater useuse (small(small ponds)ponds) Pakse TypeUsingUsing FloodFloodClassification waterwater Area (km2) Gravity irrigation (Weir) 11,870 タ Pump irrigation 3,580Thailandイ Irrigated Reservoir supply 6,030 Colmatage system 890 Tidal irrigation (Sluice) 1,830 ベトナム Vietnam Tube-well (Ground water) 730 カンボジア Cambodia Rainfall 100,140 Rainfed Supplemental water use 42,920 16 Flooding water 6,830 16 Modeling of Release and Water Delivery System Reservoir貯水池 Qresioutresiout Qrsfrsf 河川 River /Channel Qrivriv 頭首工Head Work Qdivdiv 灌漑地区Irrigation Area Qresiout : Release for Irrigation Qrsf : Runoff from Remaining Area Qriv : Discharge at the River Qdiv :Intake at Head Work, Qintake : (Qresiout + Qrsf) Delivery Water, Qrf :Return Flow, Qdiv : Intake at Head Work Qriv :River Discharge 17 Verification of DWCM-AgWU Model (i)Natur. runoff, ii)Dam manag., iii)Water allocat.) 0 400 100 200 0 18 Part 2 Agro-Environmental Problems Tackled in Water Resources Fields → “Visualization” did not abruptly occur, but it has been involved in social conditions (problems) 19 occasionally (5 applications). [Application 1]Climate Change Issue (Core tech.: Impact Assessment Method) Basic technology DWCM-AgWU Model Characteristics Able to carry out quantitative estimation at any time and space Able to estimate agricultural intake, planting/harvesting time/area, under various social scenario 20 Assessment on Extremes (Irrigation, Flood: “Itakura” Div. Weir Pt.) 1000 Used GCM: MIROC Itakura /s) 3 100 Discharge (m 10 1981−2000 2046−2065 13.9m3/s 2081−2100 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month 0 200 400 600 Apprehension not to intake enough water to “water right amount” in the future 21 Future change of irrigation water Ratio of irrigation water in the future compared to the present (The rate of the end of the 21 C. [2081-2100] to the present [1981- 2000], (ex.: prediction during ) puddling periods 22 [Application 2] Overseas Assistance Problems in Agro-Environments Basins for the application trials The whole Mekong River Basin Pursat River Basin (Cambodia) (Irrigation development in areas with scarce data) Nam Ngum River Basin (Lao PDR) (New water res. development for hydro-power) Xe Bang Fai River Basin (Lao PDR) (Annual flooding in paddies of the lower reaches) Mun-Chi River Basin (N.E. Thailand) (Irrigation by large- & medium-scale dams) Chao Phraya R.B.(Thai) (2011 flood & agri. water use All Monsoon Asia All over the world ? 23 Disordered Development due to the Lack of Fundamental Data i) Disordered plan 24 Disordered Development due to the Lack of Fundamental Data → ii) Break of embankments→ iii) Severe damage in the downstream •Necessity of seamless simulat. for low-flows & floods •Proposal of ”Basin-wide Irrigat.” 25 Extraction of Experiments and Assessment Method Present: 1979~2003 Near Future: 2015~2039 End of 21stC.:2075~2099 Meteo. data Daily Precipitation Daily Max, Min, Ave. Temp. Humidity, Wind Speed (6-hour interval) Pressure to mean sea level (6-hour interval) Fig.:Calculation Extract the Mekong R. B. Area domain by from results of MRI-AGCM20 GCM20 0.1°Interpolation, Bias Brown dots: Correction GCM20 Calc. Simulation by the nodes Assessment Method 26 A New Approach for Generation of Long-term Continuous Data DWCM-AgWU→Generation of Quasi-Obs. Data 27 (ex.) Daily simulation for 25 years in the Pursat River B. [Application 3] Extension to Food Problems, Socio-Economical Assessm. To all the basins of Japan, impact and scio- economic assessments on foods, agricultural water, irrigation facilities Seki River Sea of Japan Basin Hokura River Shogenji Dam Takada WL St. Itakura Div.Weir Seki River Elevation (m) Sasa. Dam Nojiri Lake (c) “Seki” River Basin (a)1~5km Cell (b) All Japan accuracy (336 basins 28 in the whole Japan) Verification of estimated values for all over Japan 5000 2000 Blue: Observed /s) /s) Ishikari R. 3 Abukuma R. 3 4000 Red: Estimated 3000 ( ) ( ) 2000 1000 1998 2000 Discharge (m Discharge (m 1000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 400 3000 /s) /s) Kumano R. 3 Seki R. 3 300 (1997) 2000 ( ) 200 1999 1000 100 Discharge (m Discharge (m 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3000 5000 /s) /s) Chikugo R. Tsurimi R. 3 3 4000 2000 (1997) 3000 (1998) 2000 1000 Discharge (m Discharge (m 1000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Satisfactory results of the estimations To be improved for Industrial and Domestic sewage in urban- dominant basins 29 Application of the Regional Water Allocation and Management Model Daily Estimation by 5km Cells Planting of paddies (Area: %) River flows (m3/s) Start/Stop: determined by Discharges (flow in a cell cultivation day, irrigation center plus upstream inputs) amount, rainfall, soil estimated at arbitrary points moisture condition etc.
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