, , . , , . • • Volume 1 5 Alsea High School - ------- Tifft' Flowers Bloom in Alsea K,Jn"fi!hcr I~ "'Th~ name- or II burl Ih6/ dc::ptnd~ on the" 0«')0 .lnd n\f1 and mounLllns b 'A t do II nit. up • and do", n the: n \ ('~ hunLJn, (or • rood OOlung abo~t the lind .Jnd Rtlldrnl l 01 AhC'l no luter" (Vol I. No. I, Duane lonCe, nttd 10 malt the lonl dnlt ,/ MIl/ttl 11'10 Philomath or CorvJlh, '(') bu) plants or lei • .JrdC'nlnJ .d .... ct Oblainin~ Copi. Aha fUlIJcnl ~.nC) tfoldnl 00.0\ \1'~lZJnt\ ~ 1\lIl.1blc- f~H s.s and opcntt~ Ah,C'. !)unFin tat:h.locludln, postal;C:- wlttu n Nul'lCr') • bullntu \ht IW1N III the l' S Bacl ~Oplt' art 1997 .1\ 111.blt ror somt I1SU($. Wn le It " IOCloltd ,bout 13 mile'S (Of mott infonnallOn rrt)m Alu~ .. lnd hn mIIn) plant} of all bodl Nln() \t.lr\cd htt alrt'tl In . rtrnhOu~u Ii" 'or"'" .,0141'1I:n she "'(Jotted.lll Ort.on Coall Greenhouo,f _In WAndpor1. Ortlon. Conlents because shC' IO\ltd ,roltt tn, II Ilrden She \llrltd her o .. n ..lo"..tn Bloom AI5n In JC'lf HOI;Ae:rJU pi!' .. grttnhouq .JIboul 1'2 )t.. ~ ,,0 J r Colli LDiC Goat Cb~ ProdlK'M l«aUy Ki m Youl~) Wi lb 1}e&n of sro .... 'Ra npcncou' GLau 8lowin& J...ocal Artist Lnms NtVl Talt'ot I\.clT) Donohut b brf:bmd her 'hI' and htr hu.\~nd 1 winl TaH.nlln Alsu Ro)' Ell., 0'\1(' Holden bUilt 11 ZO ' \ Qt) ' afccoholne: W,lh her Job no" Horw Tnunin& Mllh haron G.uthier M sltna E-Mn H located a' homC', 'he wu much Ka) lhrringIon-Alsn', .... , i id Enul) Scb\4ttl;h 10 mort: n:laud md collid \JlC'nd mort' &bb, Bt"lt,·.Alva', Ropine. Rln&n Jr Ie" App I~ lime "',Ib hc-r hu~b.llnd .nd son Also. SIOU lht ~.IIS .1 home "ht Huntlnl': "ilb OoMw Pdlnt Nair Hcndnt couJd lil t ('art of htr ~ bonet ~he 6oun·1 nule: much mone). I' A HisIOf) orTra ppln~ Lpdal~ b, Don lIinwood R)in Smith IJ" bull' NanrJ Hokt.e.·, faD Cf'Op 01 mumlllad 1liWn. The CQ",.. ot Ute F.U .-.ck Hatd... " (un fOl" hC110 be: able 10 MJ) borne and 1M Annihilation oflht CoboSaltnon T)"u>n Hrlldm; 16 crop' or .noul pe:rttfnllh. lno.. 1dlubft pmoa 10 pt l llOblfl~ Utcl'U Stori of" locAl HUDlc.r With her job no~ premium bui.el stuffeu . .II lid .n, .. cr )our ql.letbOni.. JO$h ~tanVt rod I. Ie:ff Hoehma located al home. she \CIJ'tI ~tle: ,ells thc plana In bA$ltlt. pallO pob. .;,nd rm.n) odIcr Jamlc Halll,an 10 was much more pof me, II<hl~h she ",'11 \0 ~It T odJ A,' ahr 11 relaHd and could much c\et"\onc She ~Ib If'Ic:-m \0 Ben MC'Ah\ttt --" local ~plt. prot" ceolen, Ind .1 spend more time" ilh Ihe Wcdnudl} .and Stturdl~ Sutt6S for Alsea', Hiabibr.1 for HU(lUlnlh' Bellma ,,",,;hol\ 'J The UttotSquin- R)cntn . r.,fllCr! rnlltcllO Cor..1111u. laC) BOYtcn -16 ber hu band and son. To ealt (or her pl.nts. Jhe h. 10 "".Ier Ind fcrt,llle them. PI"I) Ihtm ""n .ftStc\lnde and He:r hnt crop In Ihe: ,pnnp: funl,c,dc-. plOch them co promote: of 199i con~'~'td oj mum .noJ ,Io"-Ih. open Ind close tbe &$leI'\' She ,rt~ .I:ooul 10 dlffertnl .rtenhou\t to "guille: Itmprllll1Jt. Kingfisher Voluffit 15. /999 Pubh",hed b) ltudrOlut Abca Hl,h (hool AI\Ca. (milon q-~~.J vantl,e:~ and lno~ e:~tr~ l hIOJ .nd SPfl\ some o( Ibem '" Ilh about I"em lur eumple:. be Conlro ts; coPlnghted. KJn &fi§ hcr, Inc. 1999 All nBilLS rr~tn-e:d Ilro ... tb ~1a.rd&nIIO prneor JrDI<I-lh kno~' ho ... ulllhc) ,ro~ Illhe) 'Whc:n ..~~e:d ~boul htr (I~onle: MU Pnnlcd b) Wdlrm Ortg~n Wtb ~\ pre fer sun or 'hade h" ... mu(h to 01 Ibt ,rtenhouse bU~ln~j. )/le: Con ill"s. On-gon '4 l1rt and rcrt,lue Ihtm. h'tI~ r" $lmpl} u"d I "Le to ... alth the: Iplrt 10 pl.lnt them ..... htn Ihe) piiDtS Ilttl'" bloom .• nd J UII .\n) I h In. c-I,e "en lime ,ou nCfii plants relaled 10 rnum\ ~nJ .. \IeI'!. rtmtrn~' NI/lc~ Holden 10 ,tl • Sht hh ~pfln. and (;111 ,re:at he:.Jrb) pllOl IIId .I J nnd sun dnrd 10m II.oc. Sht.\ Gourmet Goat Cheese .110 QJ'A-ilY\ 11'\'11'1, nc ..... (hee\C'I lind other prodll!.'1l thJI (~n hr; m.dc "'llh ,0.11" null Produced Locally Although an ey ha~ \OlfW (II Ihr 1I\<"t pre~IIJlIOu.~ f'('\I1'unmh tl'l l'onllllld' about 70 goalS, only _ '""--===-=-=:--_-:: ... n l'1wlJrrr tt \k\,"C'\J She h.l' four d1\lnburor\: On 40 are milked every 1M l&SI nil'\{" ., h I nfl, "" thC' l·("l~1. tn l'unland, Lu,ene bn' ~ IflJ u~n. tier Ulrnl 01 .Uld wuthem OrCllllI . Nane) .1'10 day. Milking the n\lllln, , .. beru ~ot\ 101110101 (pmlen' marlelt goats about two­ \l1l"h~ III "in') enJ'" a lbt Imlt >t leu" hrn the In Ihe \\tmmer ~he Ihuall) 'eli, . ((lur 10 ~I\ hundred rl~c OUnce hour process ... b1hlts lilT hom I 'IJ'C"" .to "" ,,1 time "lIn the JI>('S oltIJ Inrll Jil lub, c( "oat chet\e a I'-cc~ til Ihe ""though NMe), ha.\ about 70 11'\\l.1"'cl'l I he ", ;H~eh u~uilll) r~rn'hIQ' I .. .:an h' O\JLr II t: \ In tooU, anI) 40 art milked e~ery uwt nl<1fT \,,'mfonlhlC' (or \llIn Arnl hI :md \top.1 \'ouJ'llt da)' Mlllln~ the ,~IS n ,bout. ttKm Tl\trr I .I ~J.II«hnil (I( orda)~ t-.rr<)~ rhnnlo.1.IHlng Iw(>-hOl,lr pl'OCeU, whIch lIppr«I.1I1,'O frvm Ihrm 11.nl1111 Nan!:) reclll) cflJO)"i: i!0ln& 10 Includes prtp~nn,. w,uhln •. ;\nd r\ en ooe h\ MOIl' /lnd \II ho their f"nll~r.' milr~eh ; ~hc ~Il)~ II ', a deamng Thl\ ha.ppen5 (wice I d.wibtt't'\ l:~ "I(It ollhe 'Nl\ chClnC't 10 mU. to peaple .... ho tal dly •• t SC'\(~n Itllhe m<lm.nl and I \r hAd IOH' I fi~1 )'l.lr!eJ lind enJO) heT chee~( seyell.1 nt~ht. They are also fed QlSln, ,wl • Nanl,;) male .. t\\O main t WIce ill day It thc \ame ltme il1 In'lu\ 'In. \ 1«1 "ltn\hlp cht'e(,e~ (tom her f,0at '\ mill One milking, Elgbt goou at a trme 3rt ,.,,, ani, brr ,oot . ,he Cnj"\ 'I "called fromage arMC. \\, hith IS, brou,ht 11110 the mJlbna area, Wilh Ihe Fell. tht' ehe-est IS .ged rOt' ChHSCi.. Nancy iII)S MIl's irk,c prndll', tunc" Ilh thrm nd a I}PC 01" ".,hlle. \of!, cream) (our get milled and Ihe other cilhl '*ftU In a sail bnne For s"«{cned condenKd milk (OUf get ... .!lshed The lQali Ire cn)o~ \ l.1lln, .. 3ft 01 Iht'm. Frcn(h cheese. She al'\O mule!. I Rlcotlltht' milk n haled 10200 An)lhm,)O\I an make WIth mtlked .... ,UI an old can\<erted \I. hlLh (;an In, Jude Inmrntnlf ch\'~~e called Rlcolt~ Sail!!, delrees. then ~IOt'"r 15.dckd. mllkln, machIne and the uddcfl ~gular mIlk. 'au c.an m»e WIlli mClr feci .and mA~U\a SUIt thC'lf "hreh ,~\ from mill to chtf:-.e wh.Jeh sc:pJrates Ihe rrulk UltO cu.rds arc ..... shed ..... Ith an Iodine lOllI's milk.- Nanc)' IS aho buhh u.p:ld III .tOOut Ont hOUT She has made and ..... hy, bt:comrnl cbeur: 1M about ttunt-m& about mak,lft, uptDSI\e I00I1,11101'1 tal other of an hour It's lhcn preucd o\'ef rupt gourmet bullers .11h the pI's '.mo Frrn," .md Lmd ... cheese before. II &oet The mill (rom the gOils tn a buc~et .... ,ttI bolts and • big m,lk 10 uUalonl,*,th her o\mmcan Alplnt' ,011 1hr~ JUSI depends on Yo hal 'Cason IllS (rom the tnJlllnl maehrnc n,hl arr .. \I rtf1~'(Trd IfIJ ~II ,,"d \\ hat OTJAnH: product IS Wtlghlon lop, The RlcoUa IS then ehcC$C;S. Into a ~ery clean, sLarnless sl«1. purrtvrd Shr usu.all~ Leer' -0 fresh. IIle like MootC'rey Jack chtest ;and can E\ery year Naney's COItJ art: audable 00.\11. garll(~ 200 ,allon ~nl "ncr aboutlwo 10 -.., pI ..1'.1 Ume on hrc ,-.- 0- be sltctd or crumbled. whlc!le\er IS bred Somt bets sbe rand IS u)'s, .nd somtllme,s e~ cry day prdtrrecl ~ fann n\'t'pt 'A hen lht te-pbcements (ot pIS shc lasts, In the summer. Ihert IS enough to In the "'Inltr Nanq USlltH) docs blhlu oUt rll.... ' bom. then fllr pastcunLt' To pasteunK the Of cull" Ind the rest sht sell, 1\ 'IC\cl'2! "cd.... lhrf"C" 3n' up 10 m05t 0' (he (Irm .... ork on herowtl, 101 of the lime she sells them al milk.. II IUs pumped SO gallons in II'S 50 1-'0 ".ah\,."\ fiN Ulor1td talSmll but Ihe summer much low pnct:S 10 4-H kids so they at a lime.
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