TORRANCI Automobile* fer Sale 200Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Salt 200 Automobiles for Sale HILLMAN IS BUYING AN NUMBER It's true! 1 IMPORTED People know they have to get into an imported economy car. The There is no substitute Smart Sign to Follow to CAR S for quality, economy, Reconditioned performance. Guaranteed IMPORTANT Car Buys We ask- Ot You want to find out everything anything less there >• to know about the car Why accept Brokaw you hove In mind . About than the best? the dealer who eella It to you. Chevrolet Will Hie Cor Stand Up? HILLMAN Will ffi« D«oUr Stand You be the judge. ALFA ROMEO LANCIA By Iff Manhattan Motors sells the A Complete Selection Now In Stock Happily, M«nh«tf»n Meter* best for only Powarsllda, Radio * healer. No Down Payment Hfghwt Trade Allowances 36 Months one Hiinf we really eare about, FOR A BRAND Kad. yowr eemplete tatltfaetlon—• In 805 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY HERMOSA BEACH NEW 1959 ' $1695 $1695 HILLMAN IT JUST MAKES GOOD SENSE NEW 1959 MANHATTAN 1950 HILLMAN Mercury Club CPC. R&H, o'drlvt, net BUY YOUR RAMBLER MOTORS new angina. Black, aharp. "Drive ft and You'll 2301 Sepulveda Blvd. FROM Buy k" $295 Manhattan Beach FA 1-2424 FR 2-1142 HUNT RAMBLER 1950 , YOUR HARBOR AREA VOLUME LOW-OVERHEAD DEALER Bob Keefer - Plymouth Chevrolet OUT THEY GO! 4-door sedan. Transported WE CAN'T BE BEAT1 HOME OP No Money Down for a long Mma H awn Ho Purnlture Loans Only No Salary Loans QUALITY USED CARS KFBPIan No Gimmicks Ot $195 HUNT RAMBLER New 1959 Plymouth for Only $12.65 Per 4GJ WBT ANAHIIM, WILMINGTON PHONE TE 3-3648 Week. New Fiat for only $6.50 Per Week Prices You Can Afford 1 Year Guarantee Available on Used Cars '53 DODGE V-8 4 door ....,_.....$ 475 MkctJUnewt* «»r tale _ for sale 173 '57 Volkswagen A clean litite car equipped with radio, heater, gy- Sunroof. Radio, heater and white '56 Volkswagen Backed by a Million Dollar Insurance Co. PHILCO REFRIGERATOR, I* rot wall tires. Like new. romatic drive. See this one. 1955 family »!?• 1 door, automatic da- J-dr. sedan Radio & heater front, many axtras. Balance due $1595 '57 Pontiac Star Chief Spr. Catalina $1799 bank tlM.72 or take ovar my bank Hydra, Re\H, p.s., ».b.. w/w. ......................KPBP $11.St wk. '55 DODGE V-8 4-door . ___,... $1175 Chevrolet payment* of M 43 a month. My $295 Custom Royal mode! with powerflit* drive, radio eoulty free. See at 14111 ». Var- "210" 3-door 6<yl!ndar. Sten» mont. DA 4-8294 RIVIERA Down '57 Chevrolet Bel Air . ......._......._....... $1699 and heater. A beauty. dard shift. Two-tona paM. MILK VOLKSWAGEN Conv. Automatic, RftH, p.s., w/w ............. KFBP $10.99 wk. Sharp! Mltcallanaout Wanted 175 2401 Pacific Coast Hwy '55 BUICK Hordtop . ............ $1425 Hermosa PR 4-34M KAZAN WC NEED YOUR TRADE-INS '56 Plymouth Belvedere Hdtp. ..... $1199 Super Riviera 2-door sport coupe. Dynaflow, radio, Automatic, **M, w/w KPBP S7.W wk. heater, power steering. Immaculate condition. $995 WANTED 1956 Austin LaMans MOTORS Wire wheoli, motor completely over 15019 S. Western '56 Plymouth Suburban 2-dr. dlx. $1099 '57 FORD V-8 Victoria . $1825 hauled. Class and sterling reliability Two tone paint, w/w tires KFBP $7.15 wk. 19LT at Compton Blvd. Fairlane model. Has Ford-o-matic, radio, heater, TOP DOLLAR neatly teamed. $2195 Garden* '55 Ford Convertible ... __..._.. $ 999 and power steering. Exceptional. FURNITURE & DA 4-4941 Auto, **H, w/w .................. KPBP W.M wk. '55 PONT!AC V-8 Catolino _! ..$1225 1951 * APPLIANCES '52 Dodge 4-door sedan ....___.. ..$ 799 Custom hardtop coupe. Hydramatfc, radio, heater, RIVIERA and power steering. VERBURG OS 6-3766 VOLKSWAGEN Auto, RAH, w/w ..................................... KPBP M.IS wk. Chevrolet M01 Pacific Coast Hwy WANT to buy good uiad Baby Itrotler. Super < door,, orlalnal power steer- W* Givfj S&H Sreen Stamps on Parh and Servic* '56 FORD V-8 Victoria .................. $1425 Bal Air Hardtop, radio, haatar, PA §-<*4t after « P.m. Hermosa PR i-34M WB NltD YOUR TRADE-INS Ina. Fairlane hardtop coupe. Ford-o-matic, radio, heat- powcrgllda. Hard to find P«« DAIRY WANTID-PUPNITURI, tWto. ALPA MOMBO LANCIA and power steering. Very sharp! this. Only Leonard Burleson, Auctlanaar. PA t-M40 Oft »-122« '57 Volkswagen $595 With OR 8-4956 FIAT OS 9-2521 '57 PLYMOUTH V-8 4-door ......__..$ 1725 $395 Itlft CMNtHAW Auto *• pairing 193 2-door sedan. Radio, heater, white- Ml N. Hawthorne at IMtn St.. Hawthonra Belvedere model. Extras include radio, heater and well tires, gas gauge, cigarette $95 Down Open 'Til 10 Every Night lighter, oil pressure gauge. Im­ torqueflite transmission. maculate. Must see to appreciate ontraot payments MO.et per M '55 OLDSMOB1LE '-'88" Holiday $1350 $1795 mo. guarantee. '56 CADILLAC l'53 Studeboker •09f W. V747M Why Poy RetailP Hardtop coupe. Hydramatic, radio and heater. V-« S-passo. aoupe. Awso. trans. "Buy from R«buHd«r" RIVIERA BUD JUSTIS El Dorado Htp. Really eharp. Mechanically tops. 1952 OWN DAILY Quality Cadillacs Pull pow*r, and loaeled with all VOLKSWAGEN Cadillac *xtr«<,. Full Prlc» Come "in look our stock over. We have a big i. ft* itviLto IDOID 3401 Pacific Coast Hwy 3201 Pac'rtic Coait Hwy. USM new. can eftac 4 HBRMOSA PR M171 stock of good clean cars. All popularly priced. M.S. OA 9-9777 Hermosa PR 4-MM Wl N»D YOUR TRADE-INS $2595 with $495 Motor Well earad for ear. IN THIS SAM! LOCATION SINCE 1938 WITH Terms, Loan tars Ml 1UICK. •xeallant condition 1956 FORD $195 down DA tires, •» 1 wheel trailer with hltth Country sedan, power stoerlna, ra­ It> DX 4-4146. AAa«. contract payments t»9.u par KAZAN A GOOD REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEALING ACTION dio and heater, F-O-M, tomato red month, 14 months written guarantee) $795 POftNITURi. flnlah. avnasiaa •amraivy repossession. 4 AUTOMOTIVI enrnt>Me room*, excellent condl- $1595 MOTORS flo*. Aarwe. family slie r«frl«ere- Oft MM4 Automobile* Wanted 191 BUD JUSTIS wfft Wwde ^eonB» oaoroofn. olninsi 15019 S. Western •MM ejpajM wfH) sywnv extras. Bal­ Immediota Quality Cadillac* at Compton Blvd. Wilmington Motors ance tfwe tt* Pay |4 « weak. Hub, RIVIERA 3201 Pacific Coait Hwy. T1» I. La«rea, Free Labor Gardena ejantury. VOLKSWAGEN HIP.MOSA PR e.ji7i Dodge-Plymouth New Car Dealer 1954 an MUPPLIRt 9401 Pacific Coast Hwy. DA 4-4941 f*AINS~«M tar trtlfw wanted fty Hermosa PR «-34N ••Hector, pre-war only Pfeona Mr. L & L Muffler Shop Wl NBIO YOUR TRADI-INS Melvln. d*yi. F Acuity 1 2620 Open Men through Sat 1:30 a.m 413 W. ANAHEIM BLVD., WILMINGTON Ford . PL 44W71 ta S s»m. L A L AUTO ~ ~" CASH o»en Stmdays, f to l FOR CAR« '53 BUICK Open Evenings Sunday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Customllne «^oor. BtavHM m Pier HermoM '53 CADILLAC '53 Chev. $240 dn. Surtr 4deor, orlalnal powar »ttar- OeVlllf »vr># roupe, full honev balga finish. RS.H. FR 1O197 MORE MONEY •W 4-door attfM Phone TErminal 4-1180 arH>, tit»» I w*«r »>a j^ytemobilesJsVanted If! $995 with "* $595 with «ers« rods, ertends * ft 91. e*«tt. POR YOUR CLBAN CAR $795 . Maw O'Kaefe & MerrHt MS ranve, JUNK CARS WANTED Down CHAS. tin. OA Htahest Prices Paid $195 "Acey"0 Wright $95 Down '55 CADILLAC Pt«fc-v» Service Tl Walnut Motors Max. contract payments, 133.10 par USID CARS Contract paym*nl«, 190.07 par mo DeVMIe typ* coupe. Full power. mo. 74 months written ouarantael "M Years In Harbor Area" 14 mo. vuarantaa. Soderstrom WANT alean 14 to "M Chevrolet 2084 TOR RANGE BLVD. Must Sell or Pord. Will em* aa«h. Call 627 West Anaheim OR 4^011. FA 8-6212 Wllmlnoton Ti 4-7*47 $1995 with Ford T«bl* h*t two BUD JUSTIS BUD JUSTIS 19th & Uth and Pacific Ave. High Trade-fn !••¥•! end will extend to $195 down TE M»v*n fMt. C»H cftor 4:00 •v*nln«< BUY YOUR CLEAN Quality Cadillacs '53 Chevrolet Quality Cadillacs AN d«v tctwrdty * Sunday. WILL Alllowances 3201 Pacific Co««t Hwy. V4 Pickup 3201 Pacific Coast Hwy. And maximum payments on con­ '52-53 or '54 Model Car HIMMOIA PR M171 tract $73.19. Other Cadillacs all San Pedro DA 4-6804 HlftMOtA M171 body styles t4 mo. written guar- $395 ente* ILL OR TRAD! 1*47 C««. M«w r«0 Mlnf, tewf to». 53 Willys Down 1957 FORD •T CMh W T ?* TOP DOLLAR Falrlana "500" convartlbla. MfcH, Aaro Aca. Radio, haatar, ovardrlva powar staarlnp, brakes, w/w. Naar JUSTIS Now whether your car i* paid for or not a ear for tha man wha knew* BUD Typewriters vatee KAZAN '52 Ford ..$125 fW M«l portable tvp*wrtt«r», Buyer on duty 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Quality Cadillacs V4 4<Joor. MAM. This weak only 4 u». All m«k»». N^» 10-h«y •lee- $595 $1795 D A. irk *idlr»fl m«chln«, I»».W Under MOTORS 2901 wood. Roy«l, »«minvion, Stcndaroi .^201 Pacific Coast Hwy. L»t« models. U* tS WILMINGTON MOTORS RIVIERA 15019 S. Western RIVIERA HERMOSA PR 941T1 "Acey" Wright Pacific Coast .Hwy. Bayshore Typewriter t Compton Blvd. 41JW. Anaheim Wilmington TE 4-1180 VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN USED CARS Hermosa Beach TAKE OVER payments.
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