Studies in Scottish Literature Volume 37 Article 18 Issue 1 Robert Burns & Friends 8-2012 Index to Volume 37 (Robert Burns & Friends) Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/ssl Recommended Citation (2012) "Index to Volume 37 (Robert Burns & Friends)," Studies in Scottish Literature: Vol. 37: Iss. 1, 186–192. Available at: https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/ssl/vol37/iss1/18 This Back Matter is brought to you by the Scottish Literature Collections at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Studies in Scottish Literature by an authorized editor of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Index Abbreviations used, x Barthes, Roland, 53 and n.10 Adelman, Seymour, 159 Basbanes, Nicholas A., 155 Ainslie, Robert, 101, 162 Battlefield Band, 85 Aiton, William, 51 Beattie, James, 86, 91 Aldine edition, 105 Beethoven, 86, 87 Allen, W.H., and Merry Muses, Beggar’s Benison, 97 105 Berlin, Isaiah, 88 Anderson, James, 26 Bewick, Thomas, 56-57 Andrews, Corey E., Blair, Hugh, 17, 110, 111 “Footnoted Folklore: Bogle, Eric, 85 Robert Burns’s Bold, Valentina, “On Editing ‘Halloween’,” 24-37 The Merry Muses,” 95-107 Angus, W. Craibe, 99, 102 Boswell, James, 66 Armour, James, 7 n.2 Bowman, Gill, 97 Armour, Jean, 99, 101 Boyle, David, of Ontario, 140 Atholl, Duchess of, 114 Bremner, Robert, 74 Auk Society, 103, Brown, Richard, 24 Aytoun, William Bruce, Michael, 111-116; Edmonstone, 134 Robert Burns on, 113-115 Bain, James, of Toronto, 140 Buchan, Earl of, 59 Baird, George, 108-121 Burn, Robert, architect, 7, Barke, James, 95 et seq., 107 and n.2 n. 28. Burns, Robert, as dramatic Barrett, Clifford Waller, 156- poet, 38-46; and folklore, 157 24-37, 44-45, 50-52; as 187 letter-writer, 58-67; and wife’s a wanton wee thing,” The Merry Muses, 95-107; 90, 104; “O my Luve’s like a as song-writer, 68-82, 83- red, red, rose,” 39, 68-82, 94; and George Baird, 108- 150-154; “Of A’ the Airts,” 121; and Michael Bruce, 151; “Ordination, The,” 11; 113-115; and ‘Clarinda’, 66, “Poet’s Welcome to his 161; and Robert Fergusson, Bastart Wean, A,” 162; 5-23; and James Hogg, “Robert Bruce’s March to 122-130; on “Duncan Bannockburn,” 41-43; Gray,” 87; G. Ross Roy “Scotch Drink,” 11; “Tam o’ Collection of, 155-162; Shanter,” 11, 44-46, 47-57, Kilmarnock edition, 6 n.1, 67, 113, 122-123, 127, 151; 8-9, 11-13; glossary, 13-14; “To J.S.,” 11; “To the Music preface to Kilmarnock Club, 1721,” 92; “Twa Dogs, edition, 17-18; footnotes by, The,” 11, 13 n.7; “Vision, 24-37; translation of, 150- The,” 10, 12, 13 n.7; 154 “Yestreen, I had a pint of Poems and songs: “Act wine,” 104. Sederunt of the Session,” Burns Federation, 103, 104 98; “Address of Beelze- Burton, John Hill, 156 bub,” 132; “Address to the Butler, Marilyn, 28 Deil,” 10, 11, 44; “Auld Lang Cameron, William, 138 Syne,’ 93; “Author’s Campbell, Thomas, 56 Earnest Cry and Prayer, Canada, 1-2, 131-149 The,” 15; “Ay Waukin’, O,” Canongate Burns, The, 28 161; “Cotter’s Saturday Canongate Kilwinning Night, The,” 11, 18-19, 43; Lodge, 97 “Court of Equity, The,” 101; Cape Club, 9 “Death and Dying Words of Capercaillie, 85 Poor Mailie,” 15; “De’il’s Carlyle, Alexander, 111 Awa’,” 89; “Dream, A,” 11; Carlyle, Thomas, 26-27, 56, “Epistle to John Lapraik,” 144, 147 2; “Green grow the rashes, Carmichael, Rebekah, 11, 21 O,” 65; “Halloween,” 24-37, Carruthers, Gerard, 51; “Holy Fair, The,” 10, 12, “‘Tongues turn’d inside 13 n.7, 155; “Holy Tulzie, out’: the Reception of ‘Tam The,” 15; “Holy Willie’s o’ Shanter’,” 47-57 Prayer,” 10, 20; “Jolly Carswell, Donald, 123 Beggars, The,” 27, 34-35, Chalmers, Margaret, 66 39, 87-88; “John Anderson, Chartism, 135 my jo,” 39-41, 98, 151; Christison, Robert, 112 “Kirk’s Alarm, The,” 155; Clarke, Stephen, 78, 90, 92 “Lament for Mary, Queen Cleghorn, Robert, 97 of Scots, The,” 41-43; “Mill, Clive, John, 84 Mill-O, The,” 104; “My Clow, Jenny, 67 188 Cockburn, Henry, 109, 110 Dunfermline, Carnegie Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 54, Library, 104 66, 147 Dunlop, Mrs. Frances, 52-53, Collinson, Francis, 74 60-63 Conn, Stewart, 68 Dunlop, Francis Wallace, 67 Contributors, notes on, 181- Dunnigan, Sarah, 52 n.8 185 Dylan, Bob, 152 Corelli, Arcangelo, 92 Edinburgh Festival (1815), Corri, Domenico, 87, 88, 91 83 Covenanters, 134 Edward, Prince of Wales, Cowan, Edward J., 28; later Edward VII, 146-147 “Alexander McLachlan: the Egerer, J.W., 161 ‘Robert Burns’ of Canada,” Elder, Thomas, 110 131-149 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 93, Craig, Lord, 112 147 Crawford, Robert, 97 English Review, 26 Crawford, Thomas, 12 n.6, Erskine of Mar, John 27-28 Francis, 67 Cririe, James, 59 Ewing, James Cameron, 101, Crochallan Fencibles, 40, 96, 102, 104 98 Ewing, W. H. 99 Cunningham, Allan, 17, 27, Fazzini, Marco, “On 52; and The Merry Muses, Translating Burns: A 102, 105 Heavenly Paradise and Two Currie, James, 26, 48-50 Versions of ‘A Red, Red, Daiches, David 16, 27, 73 n.9, Rose’,” 150-154 93 Fenton, James, 152 D’Amico, Masolino, 152 Ferguson, J. DeLancey, 95 et Dauney, William, 86 seq. Deaf Shepherd, 85 Fergusson, Robert, 83 et Derrida, Jacques, 31 seq., 197; and Burns, 5-23; Dewar, Bob, 95 and glossary to Poems, 13- Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 14; 155 Poems: “Answer to Mr. Dick, James C., 68 n.2 J.S.’s Epistle,” 11; “Auld Dickens, Charles: Oliver Reikie,” 12; “Caller Water,” Twist, 43 11; “Canongate Playhouse Douglas, Dawney, 97 in Ruins, The,” 15; Douglas, William Scott, 99, “Eclogue,” 20 n.9; 104 “Farmer’s Ingle, The,” 18- Drummond, William Henry, 19; “Hallow-fair,” 26, 51; 133 “Hame Content,” 11; Dryden, John, 125 “King’s Birth-day in Dumfries, Ewart Library, 101 Edinburgh, The,” 11; “Leith Dunbar, William, 16, 66, 97 Races,” 12; “Rivers of 189 Scotland, The,” 11; “Sow of Henderson, Hamish, 88, 92, Feeling, The,” 10 93, 152, 161 Ferrari, Renato, 152 Henderson, T.F., 68 Fielding, Henry, 61-62 Henley, William Ernest, 68 Fitzhugh, Robert, 6 n.1 Hill, Geoffrey, 5, 18 Fraser, John, 134-135, 144- Hill, Peter, 97 145 Hislop, James, 68 Fraser, Lydia, 120, 121 Hogarth, William, 87 Freeman, Fred, “Back to Hogg, James, 122-130, 147, Burns,” 83-94; and Robert 162; on “Tam o’ Shanter,” Burns: the Complete 127; on Burns’s style, 127- Songs, 97 n.6. 128; “Robin’s awa’,” 129- Freemasonry, 97 130 Frier, Tich, 97 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 147 Galt, John, 142 Home, Henry, Lord Kames, Garioch, Robert, 7 85 Genette, Gerard, 32 Hornel, Edward Atkinson, Gillies, Valerie, 151 101 Glencairn, Earl of, 114 Hotten, J.C., 100 Glossary, to Fergusson’s Hovey, Serge, 79, 97, 161 Poems, 13-14; to Burns’s Hughes, Kenneth, 141 Kilmarnock edition, 13-14; Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, to Merry Muses, 105 86 Goldsmith, Oliver, 30, 32 Hyman, Stanley E., 93 Gow, Niel, 70, 73, 74-77, 92 Jack, R.D.S., “Robert Burns Grafton, Anthony, 31 as Dramatic Poet,” 38-46 Graham, George Farquhar, Johnson, Samuel, 58-59 83, 85 Johnson, James, 40, 68 et Grant, Sir Alexander, 112 seq., 88, 92, 101 Grant, Elizabeth, 110 Kames, see Home Gray, Alexander, 46 Keith, Thomas, “A Passion Gregory, John, 91 for Scholarship and Greig, Gavin, 93 Collecting: the G. Ross Roy Grieve, John, 123 Collection,” 155-162 Grose, Francis, 44, 50, 56 Keith, W. J., 141 Hamilton, William, of Kilmarnock edition, 6 n.1, 8- Gilbertfield, 43, 124 9, 11-13; glossary, 13-14; Harper, J.M., 133 preface, 17-18; George Harris, Paul, 106 Baird as subscriber, 113 Hary, Blind, 43, 124 Kinsley, James, 68-69 n.2.; Hay, Charles, Lord Newton, on text of “Tam o’ Shanter,” 97 57 Haydn, Franz Joseph, 86, 91 Kozeluch, Leopold, 86 Hecht, Hans, 70 Laidlaw, Mr., of Blackhouse, 123, 124 190 Legman, Gershon, 100, 102, Malinky, 85 104 Manning, Susan, 9, 15 Lewars, Jessie, 92 Marshak, Samuel, 41 Lindsay, Maurice, 103 Marshall, William, 79 Lockhart, John Gibson, 52, Masson, Arthur, 60 56, 109, 110 Maxwell, Provost, of Logan, John, 26 Lochmaben, 97 Low, Donald A., 68 Mayne, John, “Hallowe’en,” Lowell, James Russell, 147 26 Luath Press, 95 Mellette, Justin (co- Macaulay, Thomas, 134 compiler), “Publications by MacColl, Ewan, 97 G. Ross Roy: A Checklist, McCue, Kirsteen, “‘O my 1954-2011,” 163-181 Luve’s like a red, red rose’: Memorial Catalogue (1898), does Burns’s melody really 160 matter?,” 68-82 Mercer, Thomas, 84 MacDiarmid, Hugh, 15, 91, Merry Diversions of 151 Halloween, 25 McDiarmid, Matthew, 11 n.4 Merry Muses of Caledonia, McDonald, Patrick, 73, 86 The, 39-40, 95-107 McGee, Darcy, 136 Mignonette, The, 25 McGuirk, Carol, 62; “Burns’s Miller, Hugh, 108, 116-121 Two Memorials to Milton, John, 44 Fergusson,” 5-23 Monthly Review, 9, 26 McIntyre, Ian, 113 Moore, Dr. John, 6 n.1, 11 McKellar, Kenneth, 68 n.4, 17, 24, 58-67 passim, Mackenzie, Sir George, 85 93, 115, 162 Mackenzie, Henry, 10, 63, Morgan, Edwin, 18 109, 115-116 Morrison, David, 151 McLachlan, Alexander, 131- Motherwell, William, 26 149 Muir, Edwin, 56, 85 McLehose, Agnes, 67 Munro, Neil, 133 McMurdo, John, of Murdoch, John, 60 Drumlanrig, 97 Napier, Archibald, 192 M’Naught, Duncan, 100, Nasmyth, Alexander, 92 102-103 Newman, Steve, 26, 76-77 McNeill, Marian, 33 Nicol, James, 123, 128 Macpherson, James, 32 Old Blind Dogs, 85 MacTaggart, John, 131 Ossian, 32 Mack, Douglas S., “James Oswald, James, 74, 92 Hogg’s First Encounter Panther Books, and Merry with Burns’s Poetry,” 122- Muses, 105 130 Peebles, William, 155-156 Magnusson, Magnus, 106 Pitcairne, Archibald, 85 Malcolm, Alexander, 90 Pitt, William, 15 191 Pleyel, Ignace Joseph, 86, 91 Roy, W.
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