Abbreviations and acronyms ABC Australian Broadcasting Corporation ACAA Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976 (Cth) (now CATSIA) ACGC Anmatjere Community Government Council AGM Annual General Meeting AGPS Australian Government Publishing Service AIATSIS Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ALGA Australian Local Government Association ALRA Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 (Cth) ALSWA Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (Inc) ANU The Australian National University ARC Australian Research Council ATSI Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ATSIC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission ATSISJC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner BAC Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation BOM Bureau of Meteorology BSRSF Building Stronger Regions, Stronger Futures policy (NT) CAA Council for Aboriginal Affairs CAC Chuulangun Aboriginal Corporation CAEPR Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research CATSIA Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) CDEP Community Development Employment Projects (Cth) CDO Community Development Officer CDU Charles Darwin University CEO Chief Executive Officer CHIP Community Housing and Infrastructure Program (Cth) COAG Council of Australian Governments CAONT Combined Aboriginal Organisations of the Northern Territory CLC Central Land Council CLP Country Liberal Party (NT) CRAC Coen Regional Aboriginal Corporation CRC Cooperative Research Centre CYI Cape York Institute DAFWA Department of Agriculture and Food (WA) DCDSCA Department of Community Development, Sport and Cultural Affairs (NT) (now DLGHS) xiii DEC Department of Environment and Conservation (WA) DEWR Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (Cth) DIA Department of Indigenous Affairs (WA) DKCRC Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre DLGHS Department of Local Government, Housing and Sport (NT) DOGIT Deed of Grant in Trust DPI Department of Planning and Infrastructure (NT) EHSC Education and Health Standing Committee (WA) FaCSIA Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Cth, former Coalition Government) FaHCSIA Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Cth, Labor Government) HREOC Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission HRSCAA House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs (Cth) ICC Indigenous Coordination Centre ILC Indigenous Land Corporation IPA Indigenous Protected Area km kilometre(s) km2 square kilometres LAA Lands Administration Act 1997 (WA) LANT Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory Laynha Laynhapuy Homelands Association Incorporated LGANT Local Government Association of the Northern Territory MAC Maningrida Arts and Culture MSP Municipal Services Program NGO non-government organisation NIC National Indigenous Council NLC Northern Land Council NSW New South Wales NT Northern Territory NTRB Native Title Representative Body OIPC Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination (Cth) ORA Outstation Resource Agency ORAC Office of the Registrar of Aboriginal Corporations (Cth) (now Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, ORIC) PLB Pastoral Lands Board (WA) RA Reconciliation Australia RADA Reform and Development Agenda xiv Contested Governance RCIADIC Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody RPA Regional Partnership Agreement RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Incorporated SGIA Secretaries Group on Indigenous Affairs SCRGSP Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision SNC Single Noongar Claim SRA Shared Responsibility Agreement STEP Structured Training and Employment Projects SWALSC South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council TET Top End Triangle TRC Thamarrurr Regional Council UWA University of Western Australia WA Western Australia WAC Windidda Aboriginal Corporation WASTC West Arnhem Shire Transitional Committee YATSIC Yarnteen Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation WCARA West Central Arnhem Regional Authority (Interim Council) Abbreviations and acronyms xv.
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