January 9, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S99 unbelievably tense game. Ohio State drews, Redgie Arden, Bryce Bishop, Mike begin a new Congress, and the Presi- entered the game at least an 111⁄2-point Bogart, Jason Bond, LeAndre Boone, Joe dent traveled to my State of Illinois, to underdog. The team’s defense was cer- Bradley, Bobby Britton, Jason Caldwell, Chicago, to announce his proposal for Bobby Carpenter, Drew Carter, Angelo tainly key in putting Ohio State into a Chattams, Bam Childress, Maurice Clarett, an economic stimulus. We need it; we position where they could win the Adrien Clarke, R.J. Coleman, John Conroy, need it desperately. For the last 2 game. During the first overtime, the Chris Conwell, Ryan Cook, Bryce Culver, years, we have languished. Our econ- game was tied 17 to 17. Then facing Mike D’Andrea, Doug Datish, Michael omy has gone from bad to worst. what could have been the end of the DeMaria, Mike Doss, Ivan Douglas, T.J. The President inherited a budget sur- game—fourth down and 14 yards to go— Downing, Tyler Everett, Dustin Fox, Simon plus, at least on paper, that gave us Ohio State completed a 17-yard pass to Fraser, Chris Gamble, Steve Graef, Cie some opportunities to pay down the Grant; debt of the Nation. Instead of bor- stay alive. Marcus Green, Andy Groom, Maurice Hall, I know Ohio State fans, whether they Roy Hall, Ryan Hamby, Rob Harley, Ben rowing money from the economy to fi- were in Tempee, AZ, or whether they Hartsock, A.J. Hawk, John Hollins, Santonio nance our Government, we were actu- were, as I was, watching TV in Holmes, Andrew Hooks, Josh Huston, Harlen ally not borrowing at the same rate. I Cedarville, OH, just could not believe Jacobs, Michael Jenkins, Branden Joe, Mike am careful with my rhetoric because I what happened. Ohio State’s quarter- Kne, Craig Kolk, Craig Krenzel, Mike Kudla, am being followed by Senator HOL- back faded back and made that unbe- Scott Kuhnhein, Maurice Lee, Jamal Luke, LINGS who is the guru and past master lievable pass on fourth down and 14. Nick Mangold, Thomas Matthews, John when it comes to the questions of defi- After a few more plays, the Buckeyes McLaughlin, Scott McMullen, Richard cits and surplus. He will quickly dis- McNutt, Jeremy Miller, Brandon Mitchell, scored from the 1-yard line to go into Steven Moore, Ben Nash, Donnie Nickey, abuse me of my notions if I am wrong. that second overtime. Mike Nugent, Adam Olds, Shane Olivea, Pat He will concede, as I hope I would as Then in the second overtime, Ohio O’Neill, Jim Otis; well, that our budget situation today is State scored on a rushing attempt, and Fred Pagac Jr., Roshawn Parker, Steve worse than it was when President Bush this proved to be the last score of the Pavelka, Joel Penton, Kenny Peterson, Scott took office in terms of the deficits we game. Miami got the ball, of course, Petroff, Quinn Pitcock, Robert Reynolds, are generating. and then on the last play of the game, Jay Richardson, JaJa Riley, Mike Roberts, That deficit situation reflects three Lydell Ross, Matt Russell, Nate Salley, B.J. fourth and goal at the 1-yard line, the Sander, Tim Schafer, Brandon Schnittker, situations, some of which we control Buckeyes blitzed and forced Miami’s Darrion Scott, Rob Sims, Antonio Smith, and some we do not. No one could have quarterback to rush his pass in des- Troy Smith, Will Smith, Michael Stafford, anticipated the negative impact Sep- peration, allowing the Buckeye defen- Alex Stepanovich, David Thompson, Matt tember 11 had on our economy and the sive linebacker to bat it down to the Trombitas, Jack Tucker, Kyle Turano, increased expenses of Government for ground. This moment secured Ohio Andree Tyree, Jeremy Uhlenhake, E.J. military and defense efforts. That is State as the 2002 national champions Underwood, Chris Vance, Bryan Weaver, something for which no President can and gave the team a place in history. Stan White Jr., Kurt Wilhelm, Matt Wil- be held accountable because it was to- helm, Sam Williams, Steve Winner, Mike Without a doubt, both teams played Young, and Justin Zwick. tally unexpected. That situation has well; both teams are great champions. added to our deficit. Many sports writers already have Mr. DEWINE. I thank the Chair, and The continued recession we are going made the case that Ohio State’s 31-to- I yield the floor. through has made the deficit even The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. EN- 24 double overtime victory in this worse: Fewer tax revenues going into SIGN). The Senator from Illinois. year’s Fiesta Bowl was the greatest Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, I ask Washington, fewer dollars available for championship game in the history of unanimous that following the remarks spending on programs and a deficit as a college football. This sort of fantastic of the distinguished Senator from Illi- result. The third piece, though, has to fall finish was the same type of dramatic nois I be recognized. conclusion to many of the Buckeyes’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without on the President’s lap. He came to us wins this season. objection, it is so ordered. and said: I want to cut taxes, and if I The truth is Ohio State was under- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I say to cut taxes, this economy will turn estimated the entire season, but be- my colleague from the State of Ohio, I around, trust me. The majority of the cause the players worked together as a tuned in to that game in the final Senate and the House did—I was not team to overcome huge obstacles, they minute of the regular game and was one of them—and they were wrong. were able to reach their ultimate goal. watching as one of the Miami running The President’s tax cut proposal did The unselfish attitude of the players backs was injured. It appeared the not invigorate the economy; it added and coaches resulted in win after win game was going to end with Miami to our deficit. So that red ink pool gets for their team. being the winner. I agree with the Sen- deeper and deeper. We are deeper in The Ohio State University football ator from Ohio, it was one of the most debt and the economy is still lan- team defied history and odds to win 14 exciting college football games I have guishing. games in one season, overcoming all ever seen. Of course, being from Illi- The President came back this week barriers along the way to persevere in nois, since our signature university is and said: I have a brand new idea: More the end. one of the 11 members of the Big Ten, of the same. Let me cut taxes on the I wish to conclude with the words of we are particularly proud that another highest income people in America, and former Ohio State national champion team from the Big Ten is the national I swear to you, America, this time it is coach, Ohio legend, the late Woodrow champion, and the Ohio State Buck- going to work; if you will just give the Wayne Hayes—Woody Hayes. I quote eyes certainly did us proud that richest people in America a substantial Woody Hayes: tax break, we know they will do the evening. I am sure Senator DEWINE is Anytime you give a man something he very happy about that outcome and right thing; we know they will invig- doesn’t earn, you cheapen him. Our kids earn proud of what they did as well. orate the economy. what they get, and that includes respect. Isn’t it interesting what the public Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, if my It is with great respect today that I colleague will yield, I appreciate my reaction has been? CNN had a call-in say congratulations and go Bucks. colleague’s comment. I just knew my and said to the American people: Do Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- colleague from Illinois, another Big you buy the President’s approach? Do sent that the names of the Ohio State Ten school, would be rooting for the you want to try this again or would football team, coaching staff, and play- Buckeyes that day. you rather go for a different approach ers be printed in the RECORD. Mr. DURBIN. I certainly was. suggested by the Democrats, that we There being no objection, the mate- Mr. DEWINE. I appreciate that. have a smaller more manageable stim- rial was ordered to be printed in the f ulus package that helps us this year RECORD, as follows: immediately and is focused on helping 2002 OHIO STATE FOOTBALL TEAM ROSTER THE ECONOMY AND EDUCATION the majority of Americans, not just 1 John Adams, Tucker Allen, Will Allen, Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, we came percent of the wage earners, the Tim Anderson, David Andrews, Kyle An- back to Washington to be sworn in and wealthiest? VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:15 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S09JA3.REC S09JA3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 9, 2003 The CNN poll came back. Two to one, of his new administration. When he crease each year was 22.3 percent. In the people calling in said: We prefer was still in Texas before being sworn comes President Bush, the education the more managed approach, the small- in, he called in the congressional lead- President, proposing a 3.6-percent in- er stimulus that does not add to the ers, Democrats and Republicans, and crease.
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