An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity 111TH YEAR-No. 3 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JURY 16, 1959 PRICE-FIVE CENT* Central Jersey Colonial Lighting Display Man, Wife Die Spud Harvest Memorial Library Feature When Truck, Is Under Way nlpjThe nt authentic ■ iT D and beautiful exam< -1 lamp or lantern. No matter how hi the H S u staln Mting ,d.jf !ay ?uth™tic or romanticized the light- make one mfmW ^raiorijal Library: mg device may be on the Christmas Auto Collide make one wonder how efficient the-card, it does something to one Schedule Field Day devices were when used back in the1 - £ [0 one' days when electricity was an un- Common Today- Police Report Driver At Simonson Brothers known quantity. They are to be ad- -ir Nowadays electricityi • ,and candles mired and exclaimed over for thev iS ^ commonplace that one can Of Tractor Did Not Farm on Saturday are pieces of historical achievement p,lcture lifelle Wltllwithout0llt fjieni.them. and in some cases are e x a u iJ tZ ^ >5 f S? eJ amP!t ?till being Stop for Red Light Harvesting of new crop New Jer­ clever artistry, bu they do not make I 3 * “j many p?rtsnecessity o£ the orworU' the sey potatoes lias begun in the soutli- one Jong for’ .'the S dd daysof plahr f a ^ t h a Csome people0r like ,r„ comities, with excellent quality candlelight, whale oil and camphene 'tfipm Ana i . - • - . A man and his wife were fatally} The colonial nights were pierced" p ™ ; . n d when hurricanes or injured Mond^jmorning when their reported by the State Department j storms hit areas, out come the kero auto collided with a .tractor-trailer of Agriculture which conducts an mid bun^Ung w lf haV r v > f ad°WSI f 116 laraPs and candles. Thus one at the intersection of Route 130 and official grades inspection program. Stockton street. The first inspection of the 1959 sea­ tom by candlelight, buHth/eye's’ f e ' R P lllumination methods of son was made last week at the farm must have taken a lot of punish-' y ‘ ' State Police at the local barracks 0f John Dare of Shirley (Salem ment. Candles seem so romantic to the identified the dead as August Koen­ This larL- nf , , ■ ■ kdies and are used upon many occa- ig, 62, and his wife, Lily, 65, of IS- County). The shipper was Hester jAsbury avenue, Farmingdale. Mrs. Roork of Elmer. however d L C . ‘r 13 ?!"’i510,15 Respite the grumbling of the exhihit ' \r;L Aflr;™0* § ° m 1 ie imale sex. There was a time when] Koenig was killed instantly and her The crop in Central Jersey, where teacher 1°” t j candles were a luxury, being both husband died lour hours after the most of the state’s potatoes are “ fcc£oV o £ c ^ omaJ I expensive and scarce for the simple .accident at St. Francis Hospital, grown, is maturing rapidly with dig­ Vfj * f™ “/ rf ho d and reason they had to be dipped or Photo by Ray Sitko I rentori, where he was taken by the ging expected to get underway in m / P - S’ 0031 “ “ - molded of tallow (animal fat) or This is what remains of the pleasure car which was involved in an accident at the intersection of Route 13ojIocaI 6r3t aid squad. modest volume this week. The most f t er m .e ef ;;1 “ - made from the wax of bees or ber- & Stockton street Monday morning. A man and hi* wife were fatally injured when the car was struck by ai ^lie accident occurred at 9;25 a important potato counties are Mid­ L T S w ;° b ec°ngrjdulatud upon ries. Today one finds all kinds, trailer-truck which faded to stop for a red light. Tlfet sedan at the right was driven by Mrs. Edna F. Dey of police said; and involved three vehi-* dlesex, .Mercer and -Monmouth. t i L “lf A f “ C a.Uti“ ?“ C.U-! shaPfs> sizes, rates and prices of overturn. The truck was loaded withi of their display. After one gets used candles. Etra. She was not hurt. Related story elsewhere on this page. First offerings of the new season to the fact that one did not see so watermelons. > are Irish Cobblers. Chippewas and well those days^ one can easily imag­ After the sun went down, tilt According to the troopers tk* Katahdins will appear in volume lat­ ine Benjamin Franklin or one of the homes of the early Americans were] Twp. Planning Board northbound tractor-trailer, diven btf er in the summer. East year, more other early American patriots walk lighted by the fireplace. A betty or MissGhiandoni List Collection Joseph Pelser, 43, of Sumter, S. C^ than 400,00,000 pounds of potatoes, Scores Rt. 130 Deaths went through a red traffic light at ing down the dark streets with his| p^ % ‘3 amounT'o^ligln^but j 0 0 0 Q | | | 0 § B f j d g practically all of these three varie­ tin lantern. And surely one has seen i___ , the intersection. The vehicle crash­ ties, were produced iti New Jersey. The East Windsor Township many times at Christmas pictures of I >' re<luently the rush light was Planning Board, perturbed by the ed into the easjbound sedan operated The 1958 crop was valued at $5,300,- carolers singing by the light of the1 Used as a suPP!ement- Schedule for by Koenig. His wife was sitting be­ deaths of a man and his wife Mon­ side him. Rushes were gathered green from] day in an accident at the intersec­ Advertisements calling attention to nearby swamps and were soaked in Of J. P. Bella tion of R t 130 and Stockton street, The couple were thrown from the new crop New Jersey potatoes will grease and lighted. Miss Bynames' has asked the township committee Boro Garbage car. Mrs, Koenig fell in front of the appear this week in three food trade Wheat Ballot example is a weighted rush holder | to take some immediate action. tractor-trailer and was dragged un­ papers. The advertisements are ' " “ Sht iron with a wood base. Miss Shirl Thetesa &hiandoni derneath the trailer for some 50 feet, The board wants the committee Clint on I. Sprout, head of the | sponsored by the New Jersey White A strip of rush was set at an angle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ghi- „„ .......... police said. Her husband landed on to get the proper authorities to do j Borough sanitation and garbage de­ the concrete road. Potato Industry Council, State De­ On JUIYJuly 23; 111 tde holder. The rushlight was j andoni of Trenton, formerly of here! something about cautioning ap­ partment of Agriculture. _ Council J 7 used in the country and frontier re­rp~ and John Peter Bella, son of Mr. 1 partment. today released the collec- The impact drove the Koenig’s gions well into the 1800’s, proaching traffic on each of the Chairman Richard O. Ely of Higlits- and Mrs. Ida Bella of Trenton and roads of this dangerous intersec­ jtion scheduled. It includes streets automobile into a westbound car town also announced that house­ The phoebe lamp is the American the late Joseph Bella, were married tion with adequate signs or mov­ Jand days refuse will be handled. driven by Mrs. Edna F. Dey, 53, ot Places Listed Etra, who was not injured. wives will be kept posted about New name for a primitive type called the June 27 in St. Anthony’s Church, ing lights. I Garbage and cans: Monday and jersey potatoes through advertise­ crusie in England. It was brought to Trenton. The Rev. Francis Daily A spokesman for the board said Pelser was charged with causing; ments in New Jersey daily newspa­ .. r , , America by early settlers. It was performed the ceremony. | Thursday—Main, North Main, Sun- ! death by auto and held in $2,500 bail pers as the harvest progresses. Votmg places for the referendum widencd Jt' one / oint int0 a 00ve the existing lights are inadequate wet, WiRuti, Chamberlain, Reed, by Magistrate Samuel Bard'in East to be held July 23 on marketing for the wick and sometime3 * sec_ The bride was attired a gown and poorly timed. The body said Marketing plans for the 1959 crop quotas tor the 1960 wheat crop were dlih VVM suUid hJ of organza trimmed with seed pearls. 1 jjiat,siuc* N.S.-N;J. J '■!!, MLciuuik, \Vv vk.»iT, Wilhatn, ‘ Township. Htr rs rrwaMn'gf" ssit dissassed yesterday' .at a meet­ arm™nred_totfny by Ernest Butcher, Continued on Page 8 Her fiiigerflp length "veil t ill US!ion Highway 130 in August 1937 there Monmouth, Shapim, Manlove, M ax-pction of the Mercer County Grand ing of council members, Department chairman for the Middlesex C o u n t y ___________ _ was held by a headdress of seed! have been 14 or more deaths re­ veil, Broad, Franklin, Purdy, Van i JurF of Agriculture staff members and Agricultural Stabilization and m pearls. She carried orchids and | sulting from automobile accidents j Rensaler, Bank, Cole, Clinton, East Mr. Koenig was a farmer. Before leading growers, with representatives servation Committee. Locations are:! U U C f t stephanotis on a prayer book. or collisions - at the intersection. i and West Ward, South Main, moving to Farmingdale he had lived of the food distribution industry. Monroe, East and North Bruns- ■ w C i Mrs. Jules Bozzo of Mainville was Springcrest, Schuyler, Orchard, Etra, for a number of years on a farm in The meeting was held at Forsgate matron of honor for her sister.
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