VODOVOD I KANALIZACIJA d.o.o. SPLIT VODOVOD I KANALIZACIJA d.o.o. SPLIT FIGURES & FACTS 470 employees Second biggest water utility in Croatia; Service area includes 4 cities and 9 municipalities; Main services: water supply, collection and treatment of wastewater; Water is catched from river Jadro and Rimski bunar; By the end of 2018., ViK adopted Development Strategy untilđ 2030. VODOVOD I KANALIZACIJA d.o.o. SPLIT FIGURES & FACTS PROJECT PORTFOLIO under the Sector for Investment and Development, ViK prepares and implements many projects. There are 3 main groups of them: 1. ViK’s investments (financed mostly from develoment fee) 2. EU-financed smaller projects; financed out of: INTERREG (4 research projects); RURAL DEVELOMENT (2 smaller infrastructure projects) and CEF (financed out of INEA) 3. Projects of agglomerations KAŠTELA-TROGIR and SPLIT-SOLIN (EC-Cohesion fund) 4. Drinking water conditioning plant (in preparation). VODOVOD I KANALIZACIJA d.o.o. SPLIT CHALLENGES - WATER SUPPLY DRINKING WATER SOURCES TRANSMISSION EXISTING WASTER SUPPLY NETWORK STATUS: Sensibility of Jadro and STATUS: Losses in water delivery at STATUS: High apparent losses in Žrnovnica; over-exploitation of water Jadro, pollution risk, overflow at PS distrubution system, high real losses source Jadro Ravne Njive in system, low system autonomy TARGET: Subterranean water TARGET: To improve water-body of TARGET: Reduction of apparent protection, rationalisation of water Jadro, to minimize potential risk losses due to unappropriate catchment at Jadro source. pollution, to minimize the overflow watermeters and unauthorised water losses. consumption, progressive reduction of real losses (short-term at app. 35% i long term at max. 25%.), leackage reduction in network, improvement of operational stability, increase of capacity of water tanks. VODOVOD I KANALIZACIJA d.o.o. SPLIT CHALLENGES - WASTE WATER SEWERAGE IMPROVEMENT OF EXISTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT SEWERAGE SYSTEMS STATUS: Connection at WW system STATUS: Bad condition of part of STATUS: Existing WWT not not compliant with Council Directive existing network (14 km), compliant with Council Directive 91/271/EEC. improvement of existing wastewater 91/271/EEC system aiming to reduce the infiltration of subterranean waters and sea and discharge of WW in underground. TARGET: To achieve the compliance TARGET: To improve the existing TARGET: To achieve compliance with with 91/271/EEC by increase of network in order to minimize the a.m. 91/271/EEC by upgrade of WWTP at II connection to public sewerage at 97%. pollution risks. grade. IMPROVEMENT of the WATER COMMUNAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF KAŠTELA-TROGIR AGGLOMERATION Project implementation area: Cities of KAŠTELA (59 %), TROGIR (13 %) and SPLIT(5 %) and municipalities OKRUG (12 %) and SEGET (11 %) IMPROVEMENT of the WATER COMMUNAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF KAŠTELA-TROGIR AGGLOMERATION PROJECTS’ INDICATORS: Investment value of Project (eligible costs): PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY,12 HRK/ € 151,451,394.10 - 59,86 km new water supply pipelines, whereof - reconstruction of 65,40 km existing water supply network; - 69,95% amounting to 803.222.768,51 HRK - construction of 4 PS, 2 water reservoirs (500m³) and 1.640 new connctions. will be financed from EC-CF, equal amounts of PUBLIC SEWERAGE AND WASTWATER TREATMENT - 139.123.130,64 HRK shall be ensured by national budget and Hrvatske vode and - 215 km new constructed pipelines, residual 69.561.565,33 HRK by ViK as beneficiary. - reconstruction of 4,04 km sewerage pipelines; Based of IQR approval from 31 July, - construction of 6,03 km pressurized pipelines, 640 incident overflows, 13 PS Financing decision has been brought up by and 8.613 new connections; Ministry for environment and energy on 19 August 2019., and Contract for award of - upgrade of existing WWTP Divulje from I. to II. grade (mechanical to grant funds was signed on 3 October 2019. biologicat treatment), increasing capacity from 40.000 PE to 100.000 PE; - new construction of WWTP Čiovo II. grade treatment capacity 25.000 PE. IMPROVEMENT of the WATER COMMUNAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF KAŠTELA-TROGIR AGGLOMERATION LOOKUP CARD of PROJECT WWTP Divulje CURRENT CAPACITY: 40.000 PE Currently are crude and fine impurities removed, as well as percipitating and floating stuff. Extracted technological waste is haded over at sanitay landfill Karepovac. AFTER PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION CAPACITY: 100.000 PE and an upgrade from I. to II. grade treatment. After works within 2nd package of works has been completed, organic load expected is 87.000 PE or 87% total capacity tending to raise at 100.000 PE until 2030. and capacity for acceptance wastwater from Marina agglomeration. PROCUREMENT PLAN KAŠTELA - TROGIR AGGLOMERATION Estimated procurement value End of evaluation Contract TD Type of contract Published at EOJN Signing of contract (HRK) bids Izgradnja dijela vodoopskrbe i odvodnje Grada Kaštela A0 WORKS 108.828.400 11/19 04/20 05/20 (K.Sućurac, K.Gomilica, K.Kambelovac) i Grada Trogira (Plano) Izgradnja dijela sekundarne kanalizacijske i vodovodne mreže na A1 WORKS 199.885.100 08/19 04/20 05/20 području Grada Kaštela (južno od državne ceste D8 do mora) Izgradnja sekundarne i kanalizacijske mreže na području Grada A2 WORKS 94.161.100 12/19 05/20 06/20 Trogira A3 UPOV Divulje WORKS 116.108.000 02/20 07/20 08/20 A4 SDNU SERVICE 1.500.000 02/19 05/20 06/20 A5 Nadzor nad izgradnjom (paketa ugovora A) SERVICE 21.288.000 11/19 04/20 05/20 A6 Upravljanje projektom (vanjski stručnjaci) SERVICE 5.677.054 12/19 05/20 06/20 A7 Vidljivost i promidžba SERVICE 2.395.000 11/19 10/20 12/20 Izgradnja sustava odvodnje i vodoopskrbne mreže podsustavi B1 WORKS 346.550.400 06/20 05/20 06/20 Kaštela, Trogir Seget, Okrug i Slatine (4 grupe) B2 UPOV Čiovo WORKS 62.809.267 07/20 12/20 01/21 B3 Nabava opreme GOODS 15.925.000 07/19 12/20 01/20 B4 Usluga izrade i poboljšanja baze podataka SERVICE 800.000 08/20 10/20 11/20 B5 Nadzor nad izgradnjom (paketa ugovora B) SERVICE 15.688.000 06/20 11/20 12/20 IMPROVEMENT of the WATER COMMUNAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF SPLIT-SOLIN AGGLOMERATION PROJECTS’ INDICATORS: Investment value of Project (eligible costs): PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY 1.419.408.482,10 HRK/ € 186,764,273.96 - 60,65 km new water supply pipelines, whereof - reconstruction of 4,28 km existing water supply network; - 68,71% amounting to 975.315.032,88 HRK will be financed from EC-CF, - construction of 14 PS, 14 water reservoirs (20.350 m³) and 1.243 new connections. Ugovor A7 equal amounts of PUBLIC SEWERAGE AND WASTWATER TREATMENT - 162.826.863,16 HRK shall be ensured by both national budget and Hrvatske vode and residual 118.439.722,90 HRK by ViK as - 93,55 km new constructed pipelines, beneficiary. - reconstruction of 1,85 and rehabilitation of 13,61 km sewerage pipelines; Based of IQR approval from 30 September, Financing decision has been brought up by - construction of 14,76 km pressurized pipelines, construction of 26,69 km cabel Ministry for environment and energy on 9 sewerage (SDNU), construction of 4,28 km undersea discharge, 32 PS, October 2019. Contracts for award of grant reconstruction of 3 PS, 7 retention basins and 2.593 new connections; funds shall be signed latest by 22 November. - upgrade of existing WWTP Stupe from I. to II. grade (mechanical to biological treatment), increasing capacity from to 275.000 PE. IMPROVEMENT of the WATER COMMUNAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF SPLIT-SOLIN AGGLOMERATION Project implementation area: Cities of SPLIT (67%) and SOLIN (12%); Ugovor A7 municipalities KLIS (9%), DUGOPOLJE (6%) and PODSTRANA (6%). IMPROVEMENT of the WATER COMMUNAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF SPLIT-SOLIN AGGLOMERATION Systematic construction of sewerage system Split- Solin started 1997. with puting in function following facilities: Part of plant Katalinića Brig with crude and fine grid and undersea discharge (L= 1.300 m; DN 800 mm); Part of WWTP Stupe with mechanical pre-treatment (crude and fine grid, aerated sand- and grease catcher, and undersea discharge (dužine L= 2.750m; DN 1000 mm); Ugovor A7 Hydrotechnical tunnel Stupe, (L= 2.512 m , 2 pipes: DN 1200 mm). Main PS wastewater systems within this agglomeration are: o Dujmovača (kapaciteta Qmax= 595,0 l/s) o Šine (kapaciteta Qmax= 240,0 l/s) o Solin (Qmax= 280,0 l/s). Entire wastewater system od Split-Solin agglomeration consists of 8 catchment areas. WWTP STUPE – now CAPACITY: 138.000 PE DETAILS: Built and operatonal I st stage; basic equipment for pre- Ugovor A7 treatment mixed watewaters installed: crude and fine grid, aerated sand- catcher, building for accaptance of septics discharge and bio-filter. WWTP STUPE After project implementation 275.000 PE 21. Machinery space of decomposition spot 12. PS for primary percipitation pits and CHP 13. Primary percipitation pits 22. Heated decomposition 14. Aeration basins 23. Vertical Scrubber 15. Secundary percipitation pits 24. Dehydration of condensated sludge 16. Exit control shaft 25. Sludge drying device Ugovor A7 17. Equalizing basin of septics acceptance26. Biogass cleaning spot 27. Gass storage 17a. Building for compressor of egalizing basins 28. Gass torch 18. Pump site of sludge surplus 29. Air-commpresoor building 19. Pump site of reversible sludge 30. Administrative building 20. Primary sludge adsorption with PS 31. Technological water 20a. PS for acceptance of sludge from32. Entrance Divulje and Čiovo PROCUREMENT PLAN SPLIT - SOLIN AGGLOMERATION Estimated Contract TD Type of contract procurement value Published at EOJN End of evaluation Signing of contract (HRK) 0A Radovi na izgradnji sekundarne
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