THE VOICE 6301 Biscayne Blvd. Pope John Appeals Miami 38, Fla. Return Requested For Peace, Unity Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida In Christmas Talk VOL. IV, NO. 41 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy DECEMBER 28, 1962 Diocese Again Tops $10 Million In Building Program For 1962 f -pansion of the Diocese of than $8 million in construction also are new and necessary un- iceeds from Development Fund \ jfyi continued at an explosive was completed during the year dertakings being planned in con- drives of previous years; rate as it closed the fourth year and nearly $3 million worth nection with the annual Dioce- building in the diocese by non- of its existence in 1962. additional is still in progress, san Development Fund Cam- diocesan groups and institu- Once again the building pro- much of it to be finished soon. paign for 1963. tions, and projects financed gram for the 13-month pro- Not included are projects al- The 1963 report includes by individual parishes and gram soared beyond the $10 ready in the advanced planning many strictly diocesan proj- • missions. million mark. Of this, more stage. Soon to be announced ects, financed largely by pro-" These facts are brought to light in a year-end report pre- pared for Bishop Coleman F. Carroll. In a report compiled last year, covering the first 39 months after Bishop Carroll was installed as first Bishop of Miami, it was revealed that the building program up to that time had exceeded $30 million. Later it was learned that this represented 32 per cent of all public construction for the three years in all 16 counties which make up the Diocese, ranking the Diocese of Miami in the top 10 of the private enterprise groups of builders in the State of Flor- ida. His Holiness Pope John XXIH Facilities for higher educa- By PATRICK RILEY tional opportunities in the Diocese highlighted the 1968 VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope John XXIII, in a world-girding building program. These in- broadcast marking the birth of the Prince of Peace, repeated the cluded five separate new col- peace appeal he launched at the height of the Cuban crisis and re- lege buildings opened in three marked that his words had not been "wasted on the air." different institutions. He also asserted that the Sec- ond Vatican Ecumenical Coun- rying nuclear weapons were In addition, two diocesan high steaming toward a Cuba block- it schools were completed, along cil has resulted in the "sponta- Voice Photo neous revelation, almost unex- aded by U.S. warships. At that with two new grade schools; time the Pope said: "We beg NEEDY MEN in Miami were served Christmas Serra Club, right, at CamilHis House, refuge con- an addition to one school and pected by most people," of a all governments not to be deaf dinner by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll, center, ducted by the Little Brothers of the Good portable additions to two oth- sense of Christian unity and to this cry of mankind. Let and Michael O'Neil, a member of the Miami Shepherd. More than 1,439 meals were served. ers. Another school addition is brotherhood. under way and two more them do all in their power to schools will start soon. He likened the council's first preserve peace." NEEDY SERVED DINNER NEW CHURCHES session, from Oct. 11 to Dec. 8, CLEAR SIGNS to a "bright beacon" inviting all In his Christmas message he Two new parish churches and Christians "from the farthest said: a new mission church were ded- corners of the world to heed 1,439 At Camillus Christmas icated, while two parishes add- the call of the Son of God made "The recollection of this ap- ed additions to their churches. Man, the Child of Bethlehem." peal is all the more joyful for The Brothers of the Good en by the Dade County Sher- 3 and 4 p.m. were served their Also, there are three more new Shepherd at Camillus House iff's employes. Students at Us, venerable brothers and food by Bishop Coleman F. Car- churches now under construc- He also likened this invita- want to show their thanks and Visitation School in North Mi- dear children, because of the roll who made his annual visit tion and eight additional new tion of the council to the song gratitude to a lot of people but ami also provided presents clear signs of deep understand- to the shelter accompanieVl by churches on the planning of the angels on Christmas many of them are unknown to they otherwise would have ing which show that the words Michael O'Neil, of the Miami boards which will be started the brothers. given to each other. night. were not wasted on the air, but Serra Club. The Bishop chatted soon. He- quoted from his impas- touched minds and hearts and "It was like the miracle of are serving to open up new Camillus House guests who personally with more than a Three parishes built new sioned plea for peace of Oct. 25 the loaves and the fishes," prospects of brotherly trust and arrived for dinner between hundred of the guests. (Continued on Page 8) when Soviet merchantmen car- one of the Brothers said. to hold out bright hopes of true "They just loaded us up with social and international peace." food for Christmas dinners. A - wonderful spirit of charity Pope John continued: S^shown by everyone who World Hails Release Of Cuban Prisoners us." For the 1,100 Cuban invasion prisoners, it was the mer- "On the subject of these hap- "Men of good will!" That, certainly, did not include the py developments in national and ffany people came to Camil- riest of Christmas seasons. To be released from the dank, sadistic Fidel Castro, who had strutted and stalled throughout dark hell of a communist prison cell into the freedom and international affairs, seen sim- lus House before Christmas, the the long-drawn out negotiations for the release of the prisoners ply as the beginning of a new Brothers said, and left dona- warmth of heavenly skies over Miami was an experience few captured in the ignominious Bay of Pigs invasion — ignomin- tions of food without telling any- had envisioned in their wildest dreams or anticipated in ious, that is, for all save the brave Cuban patriots who fell (Continued On Page 2) one who they were. They would their most anxious prayers. or were captured. only say it "was from a friend or from St. Anthony." For their many thousands of relatives and friends, Castro, as could have been expected, converted the it was the most emotionally-charged of all their Christmas prisoner release into a sounding board for self-praise and Camillus House gave a warm New Year's Day seasons. Their sons, their husbands, their fathers, their for other communistic propaganda. Previously ignored and welcome on Christmas to the brothers — all, as one of them said, had been born again. publicly established as a mere puppet by Khrushchev him- Is A Holyday largest number of needy it has Surely, it was this fact which brought so many to the self, the bearded one took full advantage of this opportunity ever served in one day. A total crowded Masses and Communion railings to express their to humiliate the heroic prisoners, to denounce (again) New Year's Day, Tuesday, of 1,439 men, women and chil- devotion and gratitude to the Babe of Bethlehem born on "the~American imperialists" and to proclaim to the world "j Jan. 1, Octave of the Nativ- dren had their trays heaped Christmas day. "what a great man am I." '' ity of Our Lord Jesus Christ high with turkey, dressing, po- is a holyday of obligation. tatoes, fruit, pastries, pies and For all of us, in South Florida and throughout the free And, to be perfectly frank did Castro not have good reason The faithful should consult ; cranberry sauce world, it was a Christmas when we could pray more fervently: for this self-delusion? Here he was being paid off in $53 bulletins in their respective ! Each man received a pres- "Glory to God in the highesf, and on earth, peace to men of million worth of drugs, medicines, food and other necessary parishes for times of Masses. ent, many of which were giv- good will." (Continued on Page 6) IN CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Pontiff Appeals For Peace (Continued From Page 1) sult of the ecumenical council they may be one" and con- has been the spontaneous reve- tinued: " 'That all may be chapter in the history of the lation, almost unexpected by one as them, Father, in me modern world, it is most pleas- most people, of the sense of and I in Thee; that they also ing to observe the part played unity, or rather of the attrac- may be one in us, that the by Our radio message, spoken tion, informed, conscious and world may believe that Thou as it was in harmonious and ex- well-received, toward brother- hast sent me' (John 17, 21). ultant chorus with the voices of hood ... the Bishops of the Catholic LONGING FOR UNITY "This is the ultimate explana- Church from every part of the "There have been few times tion of the miracle of love, be- world, who were gathered here in the course of the Christian gun in Bethlehem, of which the in Rome for the work of the era — 20 centuries in duration council." shepherds and the magi were — when so ardent a longing the first fruits: the salvation of The Pope said that "the has been felt in human hearts all men, their union in faith good will of each and every for the unity desired by the • and charity, through the visible one" is indispensable for Lord.
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