>R 2 2 ^ 2 6 ■ICCüV.w^* I C T O n i C A U A j-vO / he aw rentian Tuesday, A p ril 20, 1926 VOL. X U II. Number 37. T LULWBENOB COLLEGE, APPLETON, WI8. Charm School The B IL L B O A R D GLEE CLUB HOME CONCERT TONIGHT Explanation April 20— Home concert of Glee Club, To Be Given postponed from April 13. Of Motor Car Geology Club, 7:30, Science Hall. April 22— Trinity Club, 8:00 p.m., Monday Night Olive Hamar House. Regulations Joint meeting of Y.M.C.A. and Y. W.C.A., 7:00 p.m., Olive Hamar Attempt To Clear Up General Mis­ Reserve Seats On Sale Tomorrow, House. understanding of Auto Play W ill Be Given April 23— W.S.G.A. informal. Rules A t Chapel April 24— Phi Mu informal. Alpha Delta Pi formal. In an effort to clear up misunder “ Tht* (’harm School” will be pre April 25— Lutheran Club, Booster standings the Lawrentian has ob sented by the Sunset Players at the Meeting. tained the following statement con­ ehripel next Monday, April 26. Tic­ April 26— “ Charm School,” Sunset cerning automobile regulations from kets will be on reserve at Beltings’ Players. the college administration. tomorrow. April 27- German Club Play. The question of the use of motor “ The Charm School”is the story April 30— “ L ” Club dance. cars by students iu college is a sub­ of a young salesman, Austin Bevans, May 1—Alpha Gamma Phi informal. ject of study, consideration, and ac­ who has hi9 own ideas about the edu­ May 7— Delta Iota formal. tion, among the progressive colleges cation of young girls, and when he May 8—Kappa Delta informal din- suddenly finds himself heir to a girls’ of the country. Statistics gathered ner-dance. by many colleges demonstrate con­ boarding school, has an opportunity May 13-16— State Student Conference. clusively that there is a direct rela­ to carry them out. May 15—Beta Phi Alpha formal. tionship between student ownership “ I believe in educating girls to be Sigma Phi Epsilon formal. of cars and failure in studies,—a re­ charming—charming in the best sense May 20— High School State Oratorical lationship so definite as to furnish — well-mannered, low-voiced, well- Contest. overwhelming proof of the unwisdom dressed, feminine, able to meet all May 21— May Day. of students having cars. Statistics situations. That’s what we want girls May 22—Kappa Alpha Theta formal. “ The ensemble work of the sing show, in the second place, a relation­ to be. Why not educate them to be Phi Kappa Alpha formal. Faculty Team Wins Wilma Theide and charming?” explains Austin to Mr. ers could only be said to be jierfect, ship between the possession of cars May 24— All-College Play. the solo parts no less delightful, and Johns, who holds a mortgage on the and disciplinary cases. In this mat­ May 28—Delta Gamma informal. Second In Volley the selections presented of the highest Ruth Parkinson Win school and whose former wife is ma­ ter, as in the matter of scholarship, May 29—Sigma Alpha Iota formal. order” was the comment of the Ra­ tron. the connection is so definite and spe­ Ball Meet Saturday cine Journal News upon the recent Ariel Loving Cups cific that there can be no question. Mr. Johns disagrees, but tinally is concert of the Lawrence College Glee Further, the use of the type of car af­ persuaded to keep his money in the Franzke Addresses Northeastern Wisconsin D is tr ic t Club held in that city during the Gertrude Walton, John Taras and fected by students,— often one w’hich school on the condition that none of Meeting In Milwaukee Spring Tour. Vera Radley, Receive Honor- is not worth repair, proper upkeep, or the girls at the school falls in love Tournament Held at Y.M.CA. This evening the club will appear garage facilities,— is disapproved by with Austin, and that his former wife Saturday orable Mention Professor A. L. Franzke represent at Lawrence Memorial Chapel in the those who have to be neighbors to is left seeond in command. ed Lawrence eollege at a meeting of animal home concert. A program of W'ilma Thiede, ’27, head of the students and have the cars scattered Austin’s three friends, who are all the Parent Teachers ’ Association of The Lawr. nee “ Profs” further substantial male choruses, inspiring College Life section, was awarded the about their property. The accident out of work and in the depths of de­ the Western Division high school, demonstrated that they are more than solo numbers, and clever specialties silver loving cup for the best depart­ rate on such cars is notoriously high, spair, try to persuade Austin to sell Milwaukee, last night, speaking on mere dispensers of knowledge, and has been arranged. mental work on the 1927 Ariel, at the and the number of infractions of li­ the school, but Austin immediately the subject of the increasing need for that they have real athletic ability, A new feature of this year’s pro­ Ariel dance which was held iu the cense laws, traffic laws, and other po sets out to assert himself as head of a college education as training for when the faculty team won second gram is the introduction of whistling Crystal Room of the Conway Hotel lice regulations, is also out of propor­ the school, and the friends follow in life. place iu the volleyball meet held at solos by Lyle Jorgensen, ’29, of Ra­ Saturday eveuing. tion to the number. the hope of securing jobs as profes The association invited members the Y.M.C.A. last Saturday for all cine. Wenzel Albrecht, ’27, is the Before taking any actiou on the sore. from different Wisconsin colleges to teams of the Northeastern Wisconsin Gertrude Walton, ‘26, and John dub violinist, and Marshall Hulbert matter, the Lawrence faculty ap­ Miss Iiays, the luat/oi’, does rfot ap be present at the meeting to talk o*n district. The meet consisted of four­ Taras, ’26, heads of the Senior and and Ellsworth Stiles, both four year pointed a committee, which corre­ prove of Austin’s method o f educa­ the general subject of ‘ ‘ why go to teen games played from one o ’clock Administration departments respec­ men, will sing the baritone solos. sponded with thirty-one colleges and tion, for she believes that “ girls are college. ’ ’ in the afternoon until ten o ’clock in tively, were given honorable mention. universities, widely distributed, in or­ already charming enough, and that is The increasing emphasis on train­ the evening. Accompaniments are in charge of The loving cup for the best indi­ der to gain the advantage of their ex­ all they think about anyway.” The ing for professional life and the value The faculty team started out Everett Roudebush, ’29, of Apple­ vidual work w'ent to Ruth Parkin­ perience. On the basis of that ex­ girls themselves do not approve of of a college education in supplying strong and easily disposed of the ton, and LaVahn Maescli, ’26, whose son, ’29, of the business staff. Vera perience, the regulations were made the method and are deciding to leave, this need, was the topic Professor Menasha Athletic Association in their “ light fingered dexterity in piano Radley received honorable mention. which were announced in December. when they meet their new head and Franzke discussed. first game. They played a champion­ jazz” won the commendation of the Music for dancing was furnished by The provision is substantially that in then—‘‘Ye gods!” exclaims Sally, ship brand of ball all during the day Madisui^ State Journal. Harry Scid- the Mellorimba Orchestra. The pro­ force at Purdue, which prohibits stu­ one of the students, and the other and tinally met the strong Kimberly more, ’26, and James Archie, ’28, will grams were miniature Ariels. Dr. Three Delegates Go To dents from having cars “ unless it be girls chorus her flattering phrase. Clark team of Kimberly in the final offer several harmonious bits of blue and Mrs. Delos O. Kinsman, Miss necessary or will make it more con­ So Austin’s way of educating girls Y.W.C.A. Convention game of the day. The strenuous games melody in the informal fire light Mary Bennett, and Mr. Elbert Smith venient and really assist a student in is put into effect and Austin and his began to tell on the Professors scene which is the closing feature of chaperoned the party. getting his university work done.” professors feel that there is a great Miss Mary Denves, instructor in and they couldu’t quite stand the the entertainment. It was not felt to be fair to those improvement among the girls. But French, Mary Reeve, ’27, president of strain, so they lost to the K im ­ who are denied the possession of a perhaps Austin did not think of the the Y W.C.A., and Helen Duncan, ’28, berly team in a hard fought John Kelly, ’26, Is War Can Be Abolished ear for social purposes that those who power of the charm that he was striv­ left today to attend the national con­ game. The faculty nevertheless, is Awarded Fellowship are allowed cars on the plea of busi­ ing to teach. Perhaps he was too con­ vention of the Y.W.C.A. deserving of much credit to win sec­ Says Chapel Speaker ness necessity should use them for fident that he would live up to his Miss Denyes is to lead a discussion ond place in the meet, in which the John Kelly, ’26, Manitowoc, was social purposes.
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