Human Development Report Kosovo 2002 Cover design based on the painting: "Spring in Dukagjin" by Mr. Nazmi Sadiku Photos: Mr. Hazir Reka Graphic design and layout: Mr. Lirijon Kadriu, www.d-line.info, Prishtinë, Kosovë Printed by: Mr. Agron Rezniqi, Grafika Rezniqi Prishtinë 2002 Kosovo Human Development Report has been published with financial support from the United Nations Development Programme. There is no copyright attached to this publication. It may be reproduced in whole or in part without prior permission from the United Nations Development Programme. However, the source should be acknowledged. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the United Nations Development Programme. 2002 Kosovo Human Development Report is also available on the web-site of the UNDP Kosovo Office at www.ks.undp.org Acknowledgements This 2002 Kosovo Human Development Report has been prepared by a team of local scholars, researchers and experts representing a range of professions and development fields. They include Dr. Ekrem Beqiri, HDR Team Leader, together with Dr. Asllan Pushka, Dr. Pajazit Nushi, Dr. Dukagjin Pupovci, Dr. Muhamet Mustafa, Mr. Luan Shllaku, Ms. Hasnije Ilazi, Ms. Xhevrie Fetahu, Mr. Ilir Berisha, Mr. Ilaz Ramajli, Mr. Shyqri Nimani, Dr. Isa Mustafa, Mr. Ilir Begolli, Ms. Vjosa Nimani, Dr. Gazmend Pula, Ms. Nadira Avdic Vllasi, Dr. Muhamet Sadiku, Dr. Selman Selmanaj and, Ms. Eranda Basholli. In addition to this core team of authors, the Report has benefited from the constructive comments and recommendations made by various UN and other development organiza- tions working in Kosovo, including UNFPA, WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNIFEM, FAO, OCHA, UNOPS, ILO, IOM, WFP, OHCHR, UN-Habitat and the World Bank, as well as by Dr. Andrey Ivanov, Mr. Sokol Kondi, Mr. Richard Ponzio, members of UNDP's global NHDR Network and Mladi Istrazivaci Srbije (NGO). Valuable contributions have also been made by Mr. Urkhan Alekperov, Mr. John Turtle, Mr. Bersant Disha, Mr. Farih Jolla, Mr. Gazmend Bërlajolli, Studio "Tre Yje". Our special thanks go to Mr. Timothy Scott for his expertise and invaluable work on this Report, as well as to the UNDP Kosovo staff for their ongoing encouragement and sup- port. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT - KOSOVO 2002 | 3 Foreword by the UNDP Resident Representative in Kosovo Dissatisfaction with exclusively economic gaps however, are now more obvious than measures of progress led UNDP in the late ever and UNDP will work with its partners 1980's to develop a more holistic, yet still to close them over the coming months and quantitative, measure of development _ the years. We are confident the debate that will Human Development Index (HDI). The follow this first Report will also assist us in HDI first appeared in the 1990 Human identifying a more thematic approach in Development Report. The 1990 Human future Human Development Reports for Development Report generated consider- Kosovo. able debate about development policies, The process used to prepare this 2002 revealing as it did, significant discrepancies Kosovo Human Development Report between countries' global rankings based mirrors ongoing international efforts to purely on economic measures, and their accelerate the transfer of the responsibilities new rankings when other indicators _ such of governance back to local leadership. The as life expectancy and literacy _ are also Report has been authored by a mixed team factored into the equation. Global Human of extraordinary local scholars, researchers, Development Reports have been published and experts in a range of development every year since and have confronted deci- fields, representing the full spectrum of sion makers, administrators, researchers Kosovan society in terms of gender, age, and civil society with important policy and ethnicity. The essence of any such questions that go to the heart of the report must be its independence and its development process. intellectual integrity, and this first Kosovo These annual, global Human Development Human Development Report is no Reports gave birth to more targeted exception. reports that began to ask the same Of course, the complexities of the questions at a regional, country and even development issues now facing Kosovo provincial level, in order to assist local cannot be fully explored within the pages policy makers and others to apply these of one report. For this reason, we hope that insights to their local context. Such reports discussion on the topics addressed within are now produced regularly in over 100 these pages continues as part of ongoing regions, countries and territories covered policy debates. To support these efforts, the by UNDP operations. Report has been prepared in three This first Kosovo Human Development languages: English, Albanian, and Serbian, Report joins this global stable of targeted and is also available through the UNDP Human Development Reports and applies web-site (www.ks.undp.org). In addition, the human development conceptual frame- in cooperation with our partners, UNDP work to the unique situation of Kosovo for will support a series of policy discussions to the first time. Only three months into the encourage a broad-based dialogue around life of Kosovo's Provisional Institutions of the issues raised herein. Self-Government (PISG), the timing is fortuitous; this Report will hopefully assist these new decision-makers in charting a development strategy for Kosovo that will translate into real, sustainable progress, in human development terms. As the first Human Development Report Robert Piper for Kosovo, we have inevitably had to Pristina confront serious gaps in data, a reality with May 2002 which the PISG is similarly struggling. The 4 | HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT - KOSOVO 2002 Executive Summary between 0.671 and 0.733 (depending on Looking at Development the calculation of GDP per capita) as do countries considered to have a medium from a Human Perspective level of development. This relative position Human Development is an important in world rankings is a result not only of concept upon which all comprehensive stagnation during the past decade, but also reform and growth strategies for Kosovo of the damage and destruction inflicted should be based. Although the very status during the 1999 conflict. Although of Kosovo from a political perspective international comparisons are useful, more remains unresolved, efforts to increase the attention should be given to the informa- standard of living, knowledge and tion that the HDI and other indicators and opportunities for all Kosovans to lead indices offers to policy-planners working fuller, more empowered lives should be within and for the development of Kosovo. maintained as part of long-term efforts to An analysis of basic indicators shows that bring Kosovo closer to the standards human development in Kosovo is uneven. enjoyed elsewhere in the greater European While the life expectancy at birth index and region. Despite the difficulties of the recent the educational attainment index have rel- past, as well as the challenges that still exist, atively high values, the adjusted GDP per now is the time to look forward, to plan capita is low at 0.367, although some- and to work together with all stakeholders what higher, at 0.551 when using estimat- to develop a better future for Kosovo and ed Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). The its inhabitants. gross school enrolment index is also rela- A series of standard, globally-recognized tively low at 0.617. Economic devel- human development indicators have been opment and additional support to the edu- established, which take into consideration a cation sector represent areas of high priori- variety of development criteria, including ty. This is especially important to the long- health, education, poverty, economic term development of Kosovo given the rel- wealth, and gender equality. Although atively young age of its population. these indicators, often calculated together In gender-related human development, as indices, offer only a partial analysis of Kosovo with its index at 0.687 has a development issues, they still represent similar position in the world ranking as it powerful statistical tools for measuring does for its overall human development. long-term trends and the policies that Despite the fact that life expectancy of shape them both within and across regions females has increased faster than that of and countries. males over the past decades, women are As is the case for many developing not yet equal to men in Kosovo society. All countries and regions in transition, there is other indices aside from life expectancy in Kosovo a shortage of accurate statistical show greater empowerment of males than information on the basis of which long- of females. Improving opportunities for term development policies can be women in social, political, educational and monitored and revised. This makes calcula- economic sectors represents an area of tion of a range of human development particular priority for the future human indicators and indices difficult. Additional development of Kosovo. support must be provided by the Recent research shows income poverty in international community to develop the Kosovo is widespread, with more than half capacity of the Statistical Office of Kosovo, of the population in poverty, and about 12 as well as other institutions involved in percent living in extreme poverty. monitoring human development. Alleviating income poverty presents one of Kosovo possesses the same estimated the most important challenges for Kosovan Human Development Index (HDI) of society as it looks towards the future. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT - KOSOVO 2002 | 5 • Freedom of speech has increased, Building a More accompanied by the growth of traditional Democratic Society and electronic media. Despite these achievements, there is still The establishment of a tolerant, robust much to be done to develop a more democratic society is essential to human democratic society in Kosovo. Much of this development in Kosovo, as elsewhere in work involves a continuation and Europe and the world at large.
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