UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY a division of the Utah Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with U. S. Geological Survey Plate 1 and Utah Geological Survey Map 199 National Park Service Geologic Map of the Navajo Lake 7.5' Quadrangle Kscu Kscu TKcc Qal Qmt2 Tcw W W Qal W W 2 2 Qal Qal Qmt Qc Qc Qms Qc / / 9 1 1 Qmt 8 Qc Qms 8 8 Tcr R Qal Qes Tcw R Tcw R R Qmt2 Qal TKcc Qf Qmt TKcc Qc 1 TKcc TKcc Tcr Qal Qmt2 Tcw Qbf1 Qbf1 Kscu Qmt1 Qes Qal Tcr Qc Qms Qmt1 Qmt1 Qmt 1 Qmt1 Qmt1 Kscu 3 2 Tcr Qes Qal 2 NNL-17 Tcw Tbh A' 3 Tcw Qac Qes Tbh Qbv1 Qmt1 2 Tcw 2 cr Tcw T Tcr Qal TKcc Qes Qmt Tcw 1 Tcw Qal Qms Tcw Qc Qc 1 Tcw Qbf1 Qmt1 Tbh Qmt1 1 2 Qmt Qc Tcr Qal Qal 1 Qcv 2 Qcv Qmt1 TKcc Qcv Tbh Tm Qaf1 A Tcr TKcc Qc Tm Qmt Qcv 1 Qac Qbf Tcr 1 2 Tm Qbf1 Tbh Tcr Qms Qal Tm Qcv Tcr 2 Qal Tbh Qcv Qo TKcc Qms Qal Tcr Qo TKcc Tcr Qmt1 Qo Qac Tcr Qac TKcc Qat2 NNL-16 Tbh Qac Qac Tcr Qms Qcv NNL-13 Qbf3 4 Qcv NNL-12 Qbf4 Qac Qal TKcc Qbc Qmt Qcv 3 2 Qcv Qcv Tbh Qbf Qf 3 3 Qcv Qcv 3 Qal Tcr Qac Qcv Tcr Tcr Qmt 2 Qac Qal Qf Qal Qmt 2 Qc Qac Qf Qcv Qat Qmt2 1 QTrg Qmt2 Qc Qc Tcr Qbf1 Qmt2 Tcr Qcv Qc Tcr Qac Qal Qcv Tcr Qcv TKcc Tcr Tcr QTrg Qcv Qac Qc Qac 4 Qat1 3 Tbh Qal Qal Qat2 Qat1 Qc Qac QTrg Qmt2 QTrg Qal Qc Qc Qac Qat2 Qo Qcv Qaf Qat2 1 Qac Qac Qc Qac Qaf1 Qac Qac Qc Qc QTrg NNL-3 Qbv1 TKcc QTrg QTrg Qal Qal Qmt2 Qaf2 Qaf2 Qac Qc Qmt1 Qac Qac TKcc Qmt Qaf2 1 Qc Qat1 Qaf2 TKcc Qac Kscu Qat Qaf Qac 2 2 Qmt2 Qmt1 Qaf Tcr 2 Qal Qac Qc Qmt1 Qaf2 Qc Qbc3 Qmt 1 Tcr TKcc Tcr Qal Qc Qmt2 Qbf3 Kscu TKcc Qc Qc Qms Qal Qbf Qac 1 Qmt2 Qbf1 Qac Qbf3 Qbc Qal 3 Qal Qac NNL-15 Qal Qac Qms Qmt W 2 W W 2 / TKcc W 2 9 1 / Qao Qc Qc r 8 Tc 1 8 R Qf 8 Qms R Qaf2 R T 37 S Tcr R T 37 S T 38 S Qc Qbf3 T 38 S Qc Qal Qc Qac Qaf2 Qc Qal Qal Qc NNL-5 Qat2 Qc Qmt1 Qat2 Qat2 W W Qms 2 Kscu 9 8 Qal Qac Qcv Qal Qal R R 4 Kscu Qaf Qf Qc 2 Qc Qf Qac Qal Qac Qc 3 Qaf2 Tcr Qaf Qmt2 1 Tcr Qaf2 Qaf1 Qac Qc Qal Kscu Qaf TKcc Qac 2 Qac TKcc Qaf1 Qcv Qf Tcr Qal Qc Kscu Qc Qac Qbf3 Qbf Qaf1 Qat 3 Qac 2 NNL-6 TKcc Qao Qal Qc Qal Qbf Qbf3 3 Qo Qaf Qc TKcc 1 Qc Qat1 Qbf3 Qat2 Qbf1 Qat2 Qaf1 Qal Qal Qc Qbf3 Qbc3 Qal Qbf3 Qac Qc Qc Tcr Qbf Qbf3 3 Qc Qlg Qbf3 Kscu TKcc TKcc Qat Qlg 2 Qal Qaf1 Qf Qat2 TKcc Qaf1 Qbf3 Qc Qla Qal Qc Qat2 Qms Qbf Tcr 1 Qbf TKcc Qc Qc 3 Kscu Qaf Qal 1 Qlg Qal Qc Qaf1 Qlg Qc Tcr Qmt2 Qc Qc Qbf Qbf Qc 3 3 Qc Tcr Qal Qcv NNL-26 NNL-25 Qal Qmt2 Qc Qmt1 Qmt1 Qc Qbc3 Qc Qmt2 Qc Qal Qmt2 Qmt TKcc Qc 1 Tcr Qal Kscu Qc TKcc Qaf1 Qc Qmt1 TKcc TKcc Qmt2 2 Qcv Qc Qmt2 Qc TKcc TKcc TKcc 3 Qal Qbd2 85 Qbf3 Qc W W NNL-28 Qal Qaf Qal 9 8 1 Qmt2 Qbf Qmt2 TKcc 2 Qbf3 Qal R R Base map from U.S. Geological Survey Fieldwork in 1990-1993, 2002 Navajo Lake 7.5' quadrangle, 1985 SCALE 1 : 24,000 Cartographer, Lori J. Douglas 1 1/2 0 1 MILE 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET UTAH Funded through cooperative agreement between U.S. Geological Survey, 1 .5 0 1 KILOMETER Utah Geological Survey, and National Park Service. 12.8 CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET QUADRANGLE LOCATION The views and conclusions contained in this document are those 228 mils NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, 1 2 3 1 Flanigan Arch of the U.S. Government. 2 Brian Head GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE NAVAJO LAKE 7.5' 3 Panguitch Lake 2004 MAGNETIC DECLINATION 4 Webster Flat AT CENTER OF SHEET 4 5 5 Henrie Knolls Although this product represents the work of professional scientists, QUADRANGLE, KANE AND IRON COUNTIES, UTAH 6 Cogswell Point 7 Straight Canyon the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah Geological Survey, 8 Strawberry Point 6 7 8 makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding its suitability for a particular use. The Utah Department of Natural Resources, by ADJOINING 7.5' QUADRANGLE NAMES Utah Geological Survey, shall not be liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, with respect to claims by users of this product. David W. Moore1, L. David Nealey2, Peter D. Rowley3, Stanley C. Hatfield4, David J. Maxwell5, and Eric Mitchell5 2004 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 2 11226 West Arbor Dr., Littleton, CO 80127 3 Geologic Mapping, Inc., New Harmony, UT 84757 4 Mathematics and Science Dept., Southwestern Illinois College, Bellville, IL 62221 5 Dept. of Physical Science, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, UT 84720 UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Plate 2 a division of the Utah Geological Survey Map 199 Utah Department of Natural Resources Geologic Map of the Navajo Lake 7.5' Quadrangle in cooperation with U. S. Geological Survey and National Park Service Tbh Brian Head Formation (Oligocene to Eocene)--Light-gray, soft, tuffaceous fluvial and lacustrine sedimentary rocks. First Table 1. Major-and trace-element analyses and normative composition of volcanic rocks of the Navajo Lake quadrangle, Utah. DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS defined by Gregory (1944) to include a thick package of sedimentary and volcanic rocks that included at its base the [This map is intended to update the preliminary geologic map of the same area, at the same scale (Moore and Nealey, white member of the Claron Formation. Abandoned by Anderson and Rowley (1975) because of confusion over its 1Major-oxides s r e t e m n i n o i t a v e l use, especially the improper inclusion of basal volcanic rocks of the Marysvale volcanic field in areas to the north. E 1993). Updating required new fieldwork by P.D. Rowley and S.C. Hatfield, especially in Cedar Breaks National Monument in [Values in weight percent] the northwestern part of the quadrangle. This fieldwork was funded and supported by the National Park Service. The new Based on mapping in the Red Hills west of the Markagunt Plateau, Maldonado and others (1990) proposed an informal name "sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Red Hills" for a much restricted part of the sequence, and Field NNL-17 NNL-16 NNL-12 NNL-13 NNL-3 NNL-5 NNL-15 NNL-6 NNL-25 NNL-26 NNL-28 fieldwork, as well as new data from nearby areas, resulted in new geologic interpretations, as presented by Hatfield and 0 0 0 0 0 0 Anderson (1993) reintroduced Brian Head Formation for the same restricted unit in the Markagunt Plateau. The number 0 0 0 0 0 0 others (2000a, b; Hatfield, Rowley, and Anderson, 2000). These new interpretations are reflected in this map. Although 2 0 8 6 4 2 formation rests unconformably upon the Claron Formation. Sable and Maldonado (1997a) provided a detailed 2 , , , , , , 3 3 2 2 2 2 most bedrock in the map area is concealed by colluvium (Qc, Qcv), only a fraction of this colluvium was mapped because Rock Basalt Basaltic Basalt Trachy- Basaltic Basalt Basalt Basalt Basalt Basalt Basalt t ' discussion and type section of the redefined Brian Head Formation, which they divided into three units. Two of these s a the main emphasis of this map is to show the distribution and structure of the bedrock.] type andesite basalt trachy- A are poorly exposed in the quadrangle. The lower is soft, thin-bedded, reddish-brown and pink non-tuffaceous E SURFICIAL DEPOSITS sandstone and conglomerate, with subordinate siltstone, claystone, and micritic limestone. The upper unit (middle andesite member of Sable and Maldonado, 1997a) is a thick, soft, thin-bedded, gray, greenish-gray, and yellowish-gray, Map Unit Qbf1 Qbf1 Qbf3 Qbf4 Qbf1 Qbf3 Qbf3 Qbf3 Qbf3 Qbf3 Qbf2 Artificial-fill deposits (Historical)--Deposits of artificial fill, mostly for dams and highways. bioturbated, volcaniclastic clayey sandstone, conglomeratic sandstone, claystone, micritic limestone (commonly SiO 51.7 52.8 49.7 51.0 52.3 49.3 50.2 48.0 48.5 48.7 45.6 Qf replaced by chalcedony), and air-fall tuff. Largely because of air-fall tuff contained within, and weathered to bentonitic 2 clay, this middle member is incompetent and prone to landsliding. The Markagunt Megabreccia is interpreted to have Al2O3 16.8 15.5 16.6 16.9 16.7 16.5 16.6 15.2 16.5 15.8 15.6 Alluvium (Holocene)--Interbedded gravel, sand, silt, and clay deposits on flood plains and in stream channels.
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