Operations Evaluation Department African Development Bank Group 2011 Benin: Project for the Electrification of 17 Rural Centres Project Performance Evaluation Report (PPER) ELOP NE DE DÉ EV ME AI VE D NT IC L N R O A F F P IC U A P N E R D E M F A U E Q N N T A B T F N O E N D M E S P A P FR O IC EL AIN DE DÉV Operations Evaluation Department African Development Bank Group 2011 Benin: Project for the Electrification of 17 Rural Centres Project Performance Evaluation Report (PPER) Evaluation Task Manager: Joseph Mouanda ELOP NE DE DÉ EV ME AI VE D NT IC L N R O A F F P IC U A P N E R D E M F A U E Q N N T A B T F N O E N D M E S P A P FR O IC EL AIN DE DÉV © 2012 – African Development Bank (AfDB) African Development Bank Group 15 Avenue du Ghana, Angle des rues Pierre de Coubertin et Hedi Nouira BP 323, 1002 Tunis Belvédère Tunisia This document was prepared by a team comprising Joseph Mouanda, Evaluation Officer (OPEV) and a group of consulting experts from SCET-TUNISIE ( Ahmed BASTI, Economist, Development Specialist; Hachemi ESSEBA, Electrical Engineer; and Dona Michel AKLAMAVO, Socio-economist), following a field mission to Benin. Disclaimer Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the various authors of the publication and are not necessarily those of the Management of the African Development Bank the “Bank”) and the African Development Fund (the “Fund”), Boards of Directors, Boards of Governors or the countries they represent. Use of this publication is at the reader’s sole risk. The content of this publication is provided without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non- infringement of third-party rights. The Bank specifically does not make any warranties or representations as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability or current validity of any information contained in the publication. Under no circumstances including, but not limited to, negligence, shall the Bank be liable for any loss, damage, liability or expense incurred or suffered which is claimed to result directly or indirectly from use of this publication or reliance on its content. This publication may contain advice, opinions, and statements of various information and content providers. The Bank does not represent or endorse the accuracy, completeness, reliability or current validity of any advice, opinion, statement or other information provided by any information or content provider or other person or entity. Reliance upon any such opinion, advice, statement, or other information shall also be at the reader’s own risk. About OPEV The mission of the Operations Evaluation Department is to help the African Development Bank to foster sustainable growth and poverty reduction in Africa through independent and influential evaluations. Director: Rakesh Nangia, [email protected] Manager, Project and Programme Level Evaluations: Mohamed Manai, [email protected] Manager, High Level Evaluations: Odile Keller, [email protected] Operations Evaluation Department Telephone: (216) 71 102 841 Fax: (216) 71 194 460 Internet : http:// www.afdb.org/opev Email: [email protected] Questions? Contact Felicia Avwontom, Knowledge Management Officer, [email protected] Copyright © 2012 – African Development Bank (AfDB) Contents Currency Equivalents and Abbreviations v Basic Project Data vii Rating Summary x Executive Summary xii I. Project 1 1.1 National Economic and Sector Context 1 1.2 Project Formulation 2 1.3 Objectives and Scope at Appraisal 3 1.4 Financial Arrangements 3 II. Evaluation 5 2.1 Evaluation Methodology and Approach 5 2.2 Availability and Use of Baseline Data and Key Performance Indicators 5 III. Implementation Performance 6 3.1 Compliance with Implementation Schedule and Costs 6 3.2 Project Management, Transmission of Reports, Monitoring/Evaluation 6 3.3 Overall Implementation Performance 6 IV. Key Evaluation Findings and Performance Rating 8 4.1 Key Observations from the Evaluation 8 a) Relevance and Quality at Entry 8 b) Achievement of Objectives and Outcomes (effectiveness) 8 c) Efficiency 15 d) Impact on Institutional Development 16 e) Other Impact 16 f) Sustainability 17 4.2 Performance Ratings 19 a) Overall Project Performance and Outcomes 19 b) Borrower’s Performance 19 c) Bank’s Performance 20 4.3 Key Factors Affecting Implementation Performance and Outcomes 20 OPERATIONS EVALUATION DEPARTMENT May 2011 iii V. Conclusions, Lessons and Recommendations 21 5.1 Conclusions 21 5.2 Key Lessons 21 5.3 Key Recommendations 22 Tables Table 1: Trend in the Number of Tertiary Subscribers (Tariff BT2) 10 Table 2: Trend in the Number of Three-Phase Power Subscribers (4 cables) 11 Table 3: Cost Comparison With and Without Electricity 12 Box Box 1: Impact of Electrification on Health Services 14 Annexes 1. Electricity Map of Benin 24 2. Socio-economic and Macro-economic Data 25 3. Score Tables, Evaluation Criteria 27 4. Borrower Performance 30 5. Bank Performance 31 6. Factors Affecting Implementation Performance and Outcomes 33 7. Matrix of Recommendations and Follow-Up Actions 34 8. Logical Intervention Format 37 9. Logical Framework Matrix 38 10. Calculation of Economic and Financial Return 43 11. Improvement of Basic Services: Education and Health 53 12. List of Electrified Areas 55 13. Evaluation Matrix 56 14. Bibliography 62 iv BENIN: PROJECT FOR THE ELECTRIFICATION OF 17 RURAL CENTRES – Project Performance Evaluation Report (PPER) Currency Equivalents and Abbreviations Currency Equivalents Currency Unit April 2000 November 2005 December 2009 (at Appraisal) (at Completion) (retrospective evaluation) UA 1 XOF (CFAF) 904.374 XOF (CFAF) 788.808 XOF (CFAF) 703.061 UA 1 USD 1.3604 USD 1.4458 USD 1.6102 UA 1 - EUR 1.20253 EUR 1.07181 UA 1 FRF 9.04374 - - EUR 1 XOF (CFAF) 655.957 XOF (CFAF) 655.957 USD 1 XOF (CFAF) 545.586 XOF (CFAF) 436.635 Units of Measurement 1 km = 1 kilometre = 1,000 metres 1 km² = 1 kilometre-square = 1,000,000 m² 1 kV = 1 kilovolt = 1,000 Volts 1 VA = 1 Volt-ampere 1 kVA = 1 Kilovolt ampere = 1,000 VA 1 kW = 1 Kilowatt = 1,000 watts 1 MW = 1 Megawatt = 1,000 kW 1 kWh = 1 Kilowatt-hour = 1,000 WH 1 GWh = 1 Giga-Watt-hour = 1,000 MWh 1 TOE = Tonne of oil equivalent = 1,000 KgOE 1 KTOE = Kilo TOE = 1,000 TOE 1 MT = 1 Metric Tonne OPERATIONS EVALUATION DEPARTMENT May 2011 v List of Abbreviations ABERME Agence Béninoise d’Electrification MV Medium Voltage Rurale et de Maîtrise de l’Energie NC National Competitive Bidding (Benin Rural Electrification and OBMINES Office béninois des mines (Benin Energy Management Company) Mining Authority) ADB African Development Bank PIP Public Investment Programme ADF African Development Fund PNDC National Community Development AFD French Development Agency Programme BD Bidding Documents RE Rural Electrification CEB Communauté Electrique du Bénin SBEE Société Béninoise d’Energie Electrique (Benin Electric Power Company) (Benin Electric Power Utility CEET Compagnie d’Energie Electrique du SME Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises Togo (Togo Electric Power Company) SONACOP Société Nationale de Commercialisa- CERD Decentralized Rural Electrification tion des Produits Pétroliers (National Unit Oil Products Marketing Company) CFAF CFA Franc SYSCOA West African Accounting System CIDA Canadian International Development TOE Tonne of Oil Equivalent (Power unit Agency of measurement) CIE Compagnie Ivoirienne d’Electricité UA Unit of Account (Ivorian Electricity Company) UNDP United Nations Development DANIDA Danish Cooperation Agency Programme DP Detailed Draft VRA Volta River Authority FNER Fonds National d’Electrification Rurale WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary (National Rural Electrification Fund) Union GDP Gross Domestic Product WB World Bank GPA Government Programme of Action GT Gas Turbine HV High Voltage IACM Manual Switch (Interrupteur à Com- mande Manuelle) IACT Low Voltage Switch (Interrupteur à coupure au Creux du de tension) ICB International Competitive Bidding IDA International Development Agency IERR Internal Economic Rate of Return IFRR Internal Financial Rate of Return IMF International Monetary Fund IRR Internal Rate of Return LV Low Voltage MMEH Ministry of Mines, Power and Water Resources vi BENIN: PROJECT FOR THE ELECTRIFICATION OF 17 RURAL CENTRES – Project Performance Evaluation Report (PPER) Basic Project Data A. Preliminary Data Country : Benin Project : Electrification of 17 Rural Centres Loan Number : 2100150000098 Borrower : Republic of Benin Guarantor : Beneficiary : Société Béninoise d’Energie Electrique (SBEE) Executing Agency : Société Béninoise d’Energie Electrique (SBEE) B. Loan Data Estimates Actual Loan Amount (UA million) UA 4.8 million UA 4.8 million Service Charge 0.75% 0.75% Commitment Charge 0.5% 0.5% Repayment Period 40 years 40 years Grace Period 10 years 10 years Loan Approval Date 20 June 2000 28 June 2000 Loan Signature Date July 2000 26 July 2000 Effectiveness Date December 2000 14 August 2001 C. Project Data Project Financing by Component No. Cost at Appraisal (in UA million) Cost at Completion (in UA million) Gap ADF Govt SBEE Total ADF Govt SBEE Total Gap % A. Extension of MV network 2.37 0.06 0.80 3.23 2.78 1.04 3.82 0.59 18.27% and mixed lines B. Transformer station 0.07 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.08 0.03 0.12 0.03 33.33% C. Extension of LV network and 0.42 0.01 0.14 0.57 0.50 0.19 0.69 0.12 21.05% distribution D. LV connections 0.70 0.01 0.23 0.94 0.84 0.21 0.32 1.36 0.42 44.68% E.
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