Ut4ENT RESUME ED 078 441 CS 200 618 AUTHOR Randolph-, James .B. TITLE Behind the Curtain,-English, Drama: 5113.50. INSTITUTION Dade County= Ptiblic Schools, Miami, Fla. PUB DATE 72 _ NOTE .. 17p.; Authorized course of instruction for the Quinmester Program EDFtS PRICE MF -$0.65 BC-83.29 DESCRIPTORS Acoustics; Clothing Design; *Curriculum Guides; Dramatic Play; *Dramatics; Lighting; Management; *Production Techniques; -*Secondary Education; Stages; Teaching Guides; *Theater Arts; Theaters IDENTIFIERS *Quinmester Program . ABSTRACT This curriculum guide is intended for a course to provide high school students witha unified study of the production staff, that makes a play possible: theatre managementandset design, make-up, lights, and sound staff..The activities suggested in the course may- be used as a laboratory and taught in correlation with the actual_production of a play, or the emphasis may be on stagecraft. Specifically, the course content consists of a= study of the director and his staff, including the set designer, costumer, lighting technician, make-up artist, property master, and others. In order for the student to understand the importance of the business department, a section of theatre management has been included..The guide includes --numerous suggested teaching-activities and a list of student and teacher resources, including textbooks, films, and filmstrips. FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLECOPY US. ME NT 4F HEALTH. EOUCAIDONIS WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION- rI41S DOCUMENT- HAS SEEN REPRO CuCED EXACTLY. AS RECEIVED FRAM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATuy4 a POINTS Or VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILY. REPRE SENT OFFICIA.,NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY AUTHORIZED COURSE OF INSTRUCTION FOR THE -LANGUAGE ARTS Behind the Curtain :5113.50. -5114.851 15115.851 5116.851 5183.04 DIVISION OF INSTRUCTION1971 BEHIND THE CURTAIN ---5113.50-- 5114.851- 5115.851-- 5116.851 _5181.04-- Drama _ Written by James B. Randolph for-the DIVISION OF INSTRUCTION Dade County Publit Schools -= NiamivnFlorida- _ 1972 DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Mr. William Lehrman,- Chairman Mr. G_ . Holmes 'Braddock,- ViceChairman Mrs. Ethel Beckham = = Mrs. Crutcher Harrison Mr_ s. Anna Brewer- Meyers Dr. Ben Sheppard . = William H. Turner , Dr. E. L. Superintendent:0f SchOels Dade iCoenty Public Schools', Misfit. Florida 33132 -COURSE COURSE TITLE: BEHIND _THE CURTAIN NUMBER 5113.50 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Aunified study of all- of the allies 5114.851 OL--the actot_ and the -playwright. A study of the 'production 5115.851 staff that make the:play-possible,- theatre imanagement, set 5116.851 design, make-Up, lights-and sound-.- _ 5183.04 = PERFORMANCEOBJECTIVES Given background information, the student will discover the functions-of the members of the production staff as they relate to the overall production of a play. B. Givenbackgroundinformation on stagecraft, the student will recognize the importance of designing. scenery, lighting, gathering properties, and plotting sound cues. C. Given-information_ on the techniques of make-up and costuming, the student Will create experiences to develop skill in applying these techniques. , D. Given information on the commercial functions of the production staff, = the student will develop arLunderstanding of theatre management as a means of reaching the prospective theatregoer. _II.: -COURSE :CONTENT A. _Rationale One means of increasing the student's interest in theatre is to keep him involved.A.-way of doing this is to provide him with a variety of activities such as those included in this course guide. The activities -suggeatedinthis-course may be used as a laboratory and-taught in correlation with the actual production of a play or the= emphasis=may be on stagecraft. In =any case, the Student- centered activities are-designed to acquaint the first year student with the functionsofthe prodOctionstaff as those functions re- ti* late to-the overall production of -a play.Specifically, the content consists- of a Studyofthe director, the playwright's chief interpretatiVe artist, his staff, including --the set designer, costumier, lighting technician, make-up artist, property master, and others. In order for the Student to understandthe importance of the _ _ Wetness department, a section on-theatre management has been included. Range of subject matte:- 1.Organizing the pfoduction staff -Duties and responsibilities .The role of -the director .FunC.tions'of other backstage personnel 2.Stagecraft and scene design a.Recognizing theatre facilities b.Designing scenery for a play c.Designing' the lighting for -a play Techniques of costume_ and make-up :a. _ Costuming :a_play for production- -- b.The_-_--fUnctioni of_ make- up= -_- heatre- management- a. tion -_of_ the business_ crew Function of __the' businesS -manager, c.Developing kr-- Sys tele_ for: publicity- ank promotion of_ ticket sales-_ 4 Proittis- _ 1.Have students make a..-Survey of the theatre facilities at their school: 'to See if:theirrecognize_such items as .tycloranta,'betten; header, freSnel spot, and stage brace. 2. -Hake __arrangementS for students to visit -'a local theatre, to -see2scentry being constructed. Invite an area director for a rap session with your students emphasizing his specific dutieS and the &ties of other Members of his staff-. 4.Have sttidents Plan a mock campaign for ticket sales.Their activities should' include making of posters for display as well as writing news releases. D.Lectures 1.As most, of the emphasis in this course is on practital application of production techniques,- long and involved .lectures should be avoided. 2.Brief lectures presented as a part of the. introduction to each objective may prove helpful to students. -2- III. TEACHING STRATEGIES OBJECTIVE A: Given backgroundinformatign, the student Will discover the functions of members of the production staff as they relate to the overall production of a play. 1. Introduce students to the organization of the production staff by showing the filmstrip "The Theatre at Work" and discussing the duties and responsibilities of its members. The diseussion may include the following: 'The-playwright !--chief creative_artist . The producer-6.n a school -this may be-the principal 'ar-depal,tthent=beadY c. The director ='chief-AnterpretattVe-artist d.-__Theassistant-diteeter --(in:A-school -production; this Terson may be a_stUdent) -The- Stage- Manager _ -Aesthetic fUnctions-unctions .(1), Set designer-ana--_ t ec hide al- director (a) Construction -crew (b) Paint -crew _ -(c) Stage-crew (d) Sound= -crew- _(e): Property' drew (2) Costume designer (a)- Wardrobe crew (b) Make -up, crew (3) Lighting designer and crew (4) Composer and musicians (5) ProMpter g. Commercial functions* (1) BUsinesa manager (a) -TreaSurer (b) Ticket sales (c) Programs *Commercial functions will.be discussed in the section on theatre management. (2Advertising manager (a) Campaign Committee (b) Publicity committee (3) House manager and ushers 2. In order to give the students-additional backgroundinformation, show the film On Stage (1-13090) and the filmstrip "Behind the Scenes at a Theatre" by Richard Sothern. (Filmstrip distributor is Common Ground.) Narration of this filmstrip includes the, following: a; Front of the house b.= Backstage-preparingfora Show c. Building andfitting scenery - d;- Behind-the scenes during the,--show _ . Visit= another school. which has a _play in production and have students observe members of = the prOduction,staff- at work. 4. HaVe'student6 attend the rehearSal-_of a:play at one of-the area rheatret and obSerVe the techniques-employedlby thedirector. If-pOSsible, haVe-the directot-explain-why-herused the specific._ teChniqUes that he did ih rehearsing the-play. 5. While atithe_reheartal,haVe the-directdt diSeusshis-methods for conduCting tryouts, casting, and=phAieS of rehearsa16. 6. Have students compare-the directing teChniqueS'observedto those' found -in books on theatre ptoduction as--listed in thebibliography. 7. NoWthat students havesbeen exposed to_the work and ideas of a direOtor, have themwiite itbrief report on why the director is the=uhifying_ agent_of-a play. _ 8. Have students coMpaii the functions of other members of, the production staff Which they observed to those as outlined in some of the boas on-prOduCtiOn and direction. 9. In order to further-identify the functions of variedmembers of the production staff, -have sttdents comparethe duties .of the technical- director -to those of'the stage manager. _ 10. Have students conduct a "rap session" on the value ofa'production staff to a play. The discussion should include analysis of the duties of each of the major members of a production staff aslisted in activity #1. 11. jn order for the students to identify the functions-of other backstage personnel:, have them investigate the duties of some of the--following: -stage hand, stage 'carpenter, painter;_ ward- robe mistress,- make-up chairman, sound man, ticket seller. 12. To emphasize the importance of organizing a production staff, have students review the major points covered in this-section. The filinGn Stage may be shown again to give impetus to -.the .discussion.=- 13. Having, given background information on the various functions of the members ofthe production staff, have students make a _chart showing the relationships of the various-positions. Also hdve students indicate which duties appeal to'them most. OBJECTIVE.B: Given~ background information on stagecraft; the student will recognize the importance of designing scenery,
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