MEASURABLE CARDINALS AND GOOD Σ1(κ)-WELLORDERINGS PHILIPP LUCKE¨ AND PHILIPP SCHLICHT Abstract. We study the influence of the existence of large cardinals on the existence of wellorderings of power sets of infinite cardinals κ with the prop- erty that the collection of all initial segments of the wellordering is definable by a Σ1-formula with parameter κ. A short argument shows that the exis- tence of a measurable cardinal δ implies that such wellorderings do not exist at δ-inaccessible cardinals of cofinality not equal to δ and their successors. In contrast, our main result shows that these wellorderings exist at all other un- countable cardinals in the minimal model containing a measurable cardinal. In addition, we show that measurability is the smallest large cardinal property that imposes restrictions on the existence of such wellorderings at uncount- able cardinals. Finally, we generalize the above result to the minimal model containing two measurable cardinals. 1. Introduction We study the interplay between the existence of large cardinals and the existence of very simply definable wellorders of power sets of certain infinite cardinals. In this paper, we focus on the following type of definable wellorders: Definition 1.1. Fix sets y0; : : : ; yn−1. (i) A set X is Σ1(y0; : : : ; yn−1)-definable if there is a Σ1-formula '(v0; : : : ; vn) satisfying X = fx j '(x; y0; : : : ; yn−1)g: (ii) A wellordering C of a set X is a good Σ1(y0; : : : ; yn−1)-wellordering of X if the set I(C) = ffx 2 X j x C yg j y 2 Xg of all proper initial segments of C is Σ1(y0; : : : ; yn−1)-definable. Note that, if C is a good Σ1(y0; : : : ; yn−1)-wellordering of a Σ1(y0; : : : ; yn−1)- definable set X, then C is also Σ1(y0; : : : ; yn−1)-definable, because C consists of all pairs hx; yi in X × X with the property that there is an A 2 I(C) with x 2 A and y2 = A. Moreover, given a good Σ1(y)-wellordering C, the statement \x is the 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 03E47; Secondary 03E45, 03E55. Key words and phrases. Σ1-definability, definable wellorders, measurable cardinals, iterated ultrapowers, inner models of measurability. During the preparation of this paper, both authors were partially supported by DFG-grant LU2020/1-1. The main results of this paper were obtained while the authors were participating in the Intensive Research Program on Large Cardinals and Strong Logics at the Centre de Recerca Matem`aticain Barcelona during the fall of 2016. The authors would like to thank the organizers for the opportunity to participate in the program. Moreover, the authors would like to thank Peter Koepke and Philip Welch for helpful discussions on the topic of the paper. Finally, the authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for the careful reading of the manuscript. 1 2 PHILIPP LUCKE¨ AND PHILIPP SCHLICHT α-th element of C" can be expressed by a Σ1-statement with parameters α, x and y. In particular, if κ is an infinite cardinal and C is a good Σ1(y)-wellordering of + P(κ) with y 2 H(κ ), then the Σ1-Reflection Principle implies that C has order- type κ+ and hence the GCH holds at κ. Classical results of G¨odelshow that in his constructible universe L, there is a good Σ1(κ)-wellordering of P(κ) for every infinite cardinal κ. In contrast, the results of [8] show that stronger large cardinal axioms imply the nonexistence of such wellorderings for certain cardinals. For example, a combination of [8, Theorem 1.7] with [8, Lemma 5.5] shows that there is no good Σ1(κ)-wellordering of P(κ) if κ is a measurable cardinal with the property that there are two different normal ultrafilters on κ. Moreover, [8, Theorem 1.2] states that no wellordering of P(!1) is Σ1(!1)-definable if there is a measurable cardinal above a Woodin cardinal. In this paper, we study the influence of measurable cardinals on the existence of good Σ1-wellorderings. The following two lemmas provide examples of such implications. The results of this paper will show that it is possible that a measurable cardinal exists and good Σ1-wellorders exists at all cardinals that are not ruled out by these two lemmas. Lemma 1.2. If there is a measurable cardinal and x 2 H(!1), then no wellordering of P(!) is Σ1(x)-definable. Proof. Assume, towards a contradiction, that there is a Σ1(x)-definable wellorder- ing of P(!) for some x 2 H(!1). By [3, Lemma 25.25], this assumptions implies 1 1 that there is a Σ2-wellordering of the reals and hence there is Σ2-subset of the re- als without the Baire property. Classical results of Solovay (see [4, Corollary 14.3]) show that this conclusion implies that there are no measurable cardinals. The following results show that the existence of a measurable cardinal also im- poses restrictions on the existence of good Σ1-wellorderings at many cardinals above the measurable cardinal. Remember that, given cardinals δ < κ, we say that κ is δ-inaccessible if λδ < κ holds for all λ < κ. Lemma 1.3. Let δ be a measurable cardinal and let ν > δ be a δ-inaccessible cardinal with cof (ν) 6= δ. If κ is a cardinal with ν ≤ κ ≤ ν+, then there is no good Σ1(κ)-wellordering of P(κ). Proof. Assume, towards a contradiction, that there is a good Σ1(κ)-wellordering C of P(κ). Pick a Σ1-formula '(v0; v1) with I(C) = fA j '(A; κ)g. Let U be a normal ultrafilter on δ and let jU :V −! M = Ult(V;U) denote the induced ultrapower map. Claim. jU (ν) = ν. Proof of the Claim. First, assume that cof (ν) > δ. Pick f : δ −! ν. Then there is λ < ν with ran(f) ⊆ λ. Since our assumptions imply that the set of all functions from δ to λ has cardinality less than ν and all elements of the ordinal jU (f)(δ) are of the form jU (g)(δ) for some function g : δ −! λ, we can conclude that jU (f)(δ) < ν. This argument shows that jU (ν) = ν holds in this case, because every element of jU (ν) is of the form jU (f)(δ) for some f : δ −! ν. Now, assume that cof (ν) < δ and fix a cofinal sequence hνξ < ν j ξ < cof (ν)i in ν. Pick f : δ −! ν. Since the normality of U implies that U is <δ-complete, −1 we can find ξ∗ < cof (ν) with f [νξ∗ ] 2 U. In particular, every element of the MEASURABLE CARDINALS AND GOOD Σ1(κ)-WELLORDERINGS 3 ordinal jU (f)(δ) is of the form jU (g)(δ) for some function g : δ −! νξ∗ . Since our assumptions imply that the set of all functions from δ to νξ∗ has cardinality less than ν, this shows that the ordinal jU (f)(δ) has cardinality less than ν. As above, we can conclude that jU (ν) = ν. Claim. jU (κ) = κ. Proof. By the above claim, we may assume that κ = ν+. Then the above claim + M + implies that jU (ν) < κ and therefore κ ≥ (ν ) = jU (ν ) = jU (κ) ≥ κ. Define J = jU (C). M Claim. J = C \ M and P(κ) is C-downwards closed in P(κ). Proof. By the above claim and elementarity, we know that M M I(J) = fA 2 M j '(A; κ) g M and therefore Σ1-upwards absoluteness implies that I(J) ⊆ I(C). M M Pick x; y 2 P(κ) . First, assume that x J y. Then there is A 2 I(J) with x 2 A and y2 = A. By the above remarks, we have A 2 I(C) and therefore x C y. M In the other direction, assume that x C y holds and set A = fa 2 P(κ) j a J yg. M Then A; A [ fyg 2 I(J) ⊆ I(C) and therefore A = fa 2 P(κ) j a C yg. Since x C y, we have x 2 A and therefore x J y. Finally, these arguments also show that M P(κ) is C-downwards closed in P(κ). Since ν > δ is δ-inaccessible, we have 2δ < ν ≤ κ and therefore there is a subset x of κ that is not contained in M. Set β = rnkC(x). By elementarity, we have M otp P(κ) ; J > jU (β) ≥ β M and we can find y 2 P(κ) with rnkJ(y) = β. Since the above claim shows that J ⊆ C, we have rnkC(y) ≥ β and hence x 6= y implies that x C y. But the above M claim also shows that P(κ) is C-downwards closed in P(κ) and we can conclude that x 2 M, a contradiction. In models of the GCH, the statement of the last lemma greatly simplifies. Corollary 1.4. Assume that GCH holds above a measurable cardinal δ and κ ≥ δ is a cardinal with the property that there is a good Σ1(κ)-definable wellorder of P(κ). (i) There is a cardinal ν with cof (ν) = δ and ν ≤ κ ≤ ν+. (ii) There are no measurable cardinals in the interval (δ; κ]. Proof. (i) We may assume that κ > δ+. If κ is a limit cardinal, then our GCH- assumption implies that κ is δ-inaccessible and therefore Lemma 1.3 shows that cof (κ) = δ.
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