NASA/TP-2002-211957 Exclusive Reactions Involving Pions and Nucleons John W. Norbu O, and Steve R. Blattnig Universi O, o/ Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin R. K. Tripathi Langley Research Centel; Hampton, Virginia December 2002 J The NASA STI Program Office... in Profile Since its lbunding, NASA has been dedicated to the CONFERENCE PUBLICATION. advancement of aeronautics and space science. The Collected papers from scientific and NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) technical conferences, symposia, Program Office plays a key part in helping NASA seminars, or other meetings sponsored or maintain this important role. co-sponsored by NASA. The NASA STI Program Office is operated by SPECIAL PUBLICATION. Scientific, Langley Research Center, the lead center for NASA's technical, or historical information from scientific and technical information. 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John W. Norbury gratefillly acknowl- edges the hospitality of the Physics Department at La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia, where part of the work was performed. Available from: NASA Center Jbr AeroSpace Information (CASI) National Technical Information Service (NTIS) 7121 Standard Drive 5285 Port Royal Road Hanover, MD 21076-1320 Springfield, VA 22161-2171 (301) 621-0390 (703) 605-6000 Nomenclature Note: the units used in this work are such that h = c = 1. EM electromagnetic 1 symbol for t)rojectile t)article ill tile reaction 1 + 2 -+ anything 2 symbol for target particle in the reaction 1 + 2 -+ CIH symbol for (xmter of moinentmn frame, where Pl + P2 = 0 lab symbol for la|) (target) frame, where p_ = 0 _l; * denotes a variable :r ill the cm frame 2:lab denotes a varia.t)le x in the lab fnmle 2; denotes a variat)le :r ill the la.b flame or (teilotes ml invariant variable :r 1?'l, rr pion mass, GeV proton mass, GeV 'TII i mass of part.ich_ i, GeV T particle kinetic energs', GeV E t)article total energy, GeV P magnitude of 3-monmntunl, p = ]p], GeV Note: not t.o I)e confused with sylnbol for t)r()ton. Context will clarify. speed of crr_ fiame (Ulfitless) l (uifitless) rela.tivistic factor, ")- d3cr Lorentz inva.riant differential cross section, InI)/GeV 2 Ttp:_/ E d cr spectral distribution cross section, mb/GeV dE (Y total cross section, m|) d-' N single partMe dist.ributioIl in the t)ro.jectile-ml(;leon cm ti'ame dpltdP± total energy ill cm fra.ine, V/-d = Et c,,, + E'2 c,, =- Ec,,, GeV p;2 pion inomentunl in c7_ fralne, GeV *2 cm fl'alne, GeV P7r ?Tin:l: inaxinmm pion inonlentum in (_Tr 7?_(LX Inaxinmnl pion angle in lab frame ])1 lab magnitude of 3-inolnentunl of partMe 1 ill the lab frame for the reaction 1 + 2 --+ 3 + 4 Pl tat, = [Ptl lab, GeV L_'l lab total energy of t)artMe 1 in the lab frame for the reacti()u 1 + 2 -+ 3 + 4 E_ t._, = N,/tP[_ ,.,, + m_, GeV pP 4-momentum w_ctor,//' = (E, p), GeV (p" )2 square of 4-momentunl vector, (pt') 2 = E 2 -- p2 = m2 Gek,2 4-momentmn vector of partich' i, GeV ... 111 N syInbol for nucle(,n (either proton or neutron) TT, i_ TO neutron antineutron p, N + proton Note: not to b(, confilsed with Im_gnitu(h' of momentum. Context will clarify. ai_tiproton 71 symbol for pion (either n °, 7r+, or _--) C- electron C + I)ositron /) neutrin() antineutrino electron neutrino anti-electron neutrin() S intrinsic spin angular momentum Y (2 charge, Q = I: + ,-y A Ba_ryon mmll)er I is()sl)i,l I= z compo,mnt of isospin S strange quantuln nuinber (strangeness) C (:harm (luantum immber (charmness) B t )()tr (r()I_l (luant um number (bottomness) T top quantum mmfl)er (topness) hypercharge, Y-A+S+C+B+T=2<Q> S intrinsic spin angular momentum P parity Cp ('harg(' (,onjuga,tion parity G G-parity iv Abstract The HZETRN code requires inclusive c'_vss sections as i_tput. One of the meth.- ods used to calculate these cross sections requires knowledge of all e:cclusi've processes contributing to the inclusive reaction. Conservation laws are used to determine all possible ezclusivc reaction._ involving strong interactions betwcen pions and nuclcon.s. Inclusive particle masses arc subsequently determined and arc needed in cross-section calculations for inclusive pio_, production. 1. Introduction For long duration space flight, it is important to be able to predict the radiation cnviromnent inside spacecraft. References 1 through 37 form a representative list of the literature of direct relevance to the discussion of exclusive cross sections for pions and mleleons pertinent to space radiation at)plications to space missions. One princiI)al tool that has been used is the computer code HZETRN (refs. 1, 3, 4, and 5). In high energy interactions of cosmic rays, particles called mesons are copiously produced, but these t)articles have not yet been included in the HZETRN code. Work is currently underway to repair this deficiency, a n(t the t)resent work is part of this effort. The lightest meson is the pion, the most imp()rtant ()f the mesons to be included, an(l is the sut)ject of the t)resent paper. The next heaviest meson is the kaon, and its interactions will be studied in fllture work. An czclusive reaction is one in which all final state particles are st)ecified, such as A + B -+ C + D (1) or A+B -+ C+D+E (2) or A+ B --+ C + D+ E + F (3) Let us suppose that only the above three exclusive reactions represent all of the pos- sible processes leading to produt:tion of the particle C. All of these eouht be ineasured experimentally and calculated theoretically (i.e., from Feynnmn rules). The exi)eriments would have to detect all the t)alticles C, D, E, F, and a calculation would involve calcu- lating each reaction separately for production of all t)articles C, D, E, F. Experimentally, it. may well be Inuch easier to detect only the particle C of interest. In that ease ()he measures the so-called inclusive reaction A + B --+ C + X (4) where X is a_!/tl/ing. From the abow_ analysis of the exclusive rea('tions, we know that X could be either D or D+E or D+E+F. Even though it is easier experimentally to mea,sme an inclusive er(_ss section rather than an exclusive one, it is actually more difficult to calculate witli a theory basedon Feynmanrulesbecausetile theoretical calculation of the inclusive cross section is simply the sum of each of the separate exclusive reactions. Thus, the inclusive calculation involves much more work than a single exclusive calculation. To summarize, inclusive cross sections are easier experimentally, whereas exclusive cross sections are easier theoretically. The HZETRN code requires only inclusive cross sections as input, and a major goal in space radiation research is to calculate such inclusiw_ (:ross sections. A method for developing tbrmulas for spectral and total inclusive cross sections has been developed previously (refs. 6 10). The method involves fitting curves to inclusive Lorentz invariant differential cross sections, which are then subsequently integrated to form inclusiw_ spec- tral distributions and total cross sections. This method involves integrations over angle (to fi:_rm spectral distributions) and over moinentum (to form total cross sections), where the angle and momentum are for the particle C of interest. One integrates from zero to the maxinmm possible values of angle and momentunl for particle C.
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