Land off Westham Lane Barford Warwickshire Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design for Taylor Wimpey West Midlands CA Project: 669022 CA Report: 17048 February 2017 Land off Westham Lane Barford Warwickshire Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design CA Project: 669022 CA Report: 17048 prepared by Julian Newman date October 2016 checked by Sarah Cobain, Post-Excavation Manager date February 2017 approved by Martin Watts, Head of Publications signed date February 2017 issue 01 This report is confidential to the client. Cotswold Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability to any third party to whom this report, or any part of it, is made known. Any such party relies upon this report entirely at their own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means without permission. 1 Land off Westham Lane, Barford, Warwickshire: Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design © Cotswold Archaeology CONTENTS SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 5 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 6 Location, topography and geology ......................................................... 6 Project background ................................................................................ 7 Archaeological background ................................................................... 7 2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ................................................................................... 10 3 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................... 10 4 RESULTS .......................................................................................................... 12 Geology ................................................................................................. 13 Period 1: Iron Age (700 BC – AD 43) ..................................................... 14 Period 2: Roman (AD 43 – AD 410) ....................................................... 19 Period 3: Medieval and post-medieval (1066 – 1900) (Figs 3 and 5) ..... 32 Modern (Figs 3 and 5) ........................................................................... 32 Undated (Figs 3 and 5) .......................................................................... 33 5 FACTUAL DATA AND STATEMENTS OF POTENTIAL ..................................... 36 Stratigraphic Record: factual data .......................................................... 36 Stratigraphic record: statement of potential............................................ 37 Artefactual record: factual data .............................................................. 37 Artefactual record: statements of potential ............................................. 40 Biological record: factual data ................................................................ 42 Biological record: statements of potential .............................................. 43 6 SUMMARY STATEMENT OF POTENTIAL ........................................................ 44 7 STORAGE AND CURATION .............................................................................. 48 8 UPDATED AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ................................................................. 48 9 PUBLICATION ................................................................................................... 53 10 PROJECT TEAM ............................................................................................... 55 11 TASK LIST ......................................................................................................... 57 2 Land off Westham Lane, Barford, Warwickshire: Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design © Cotswold Archaeology 12 TIMETABLE ....................................................................................................... 58 13 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 59 APPENDIX 1: STRATIGRAPHIC ASSESSEMENT BY JULIAN NEWMAN ..................... 62 APPENDIX 2: POTTERY BY KATIE MARSDEN ............................................................. 63 APPENDIX 3: CERAMIC BUILDING MATERIAL BY ED MCSLOY ................................. 69 APPENDIX 4: CLAY TOBACCO PIPE BY ED MCSLOY ................................................. 70 APPENDIX 5: FLINT BY ED MCSLOY ........................................................................... 70 APPENDIX 6: FIRED CLAY BY ED MCSLOY................................................................. 72 APPENDIX 7: GLASS BY ED MCSLOY.......................................................................... 74 APPENDIX 8: METALWORK BY ED MCSLOY ............................................................... 74 APPENDIX 9: METALWORKING DEBRIS BY DAVID STARLEY ................................... 76 APPENDIX 10: WORKED STONE BY RUTH SHAFFREY.............................................. 78 APPENDIX 11: ANIMAL BONE BY MATILDA HOLMES ................................................. 78 APPENDIX 12: HUMAN BONE BY SHARON CLOUGH ................................................. 81 APPENDIX 13: GRAVE CATALOGUE BY SHARON CLOUGH AND SARAH COBAIN .. 87 APPENDIX 14: PLANT MACROFOSSILS AND CHARCOAL BY SARAH WYLES ......... 89 APPENDIX 15: RADIOCARBON DATING BY SARAH COBAIN ..................................... 98 APPENDIX 16: OASIS REPORT FORM ......................................................................... 99 3 Land off Westham Lane, Barford, Warwickshire: Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design © Cotswold Archaeology LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 1 Site location plan (1:25,000) Fig. 2 Cropmarks and geology along the Avon valley, including the excavation site (1:25,000; inset 1:5000) Fig. 3 All feature plan, with geophysics and evaluation trench inset (1:1000; inset 1:2000) Fig. 4 The site, showing Iron Age features (1:500) Fig. 5 The site, showing Roman and later features (1:500) Fig. 6 Section AA, with photograph (1:20) Fig. 7 Section BB, with photograph (1:20) Fig. 8 Section CC, with photographs of well BB (1:20) Fig. 9 Section DD, with photograph (1:20) Fig. 10 Section EE, with photograph (1:20) Fig. 11 Photograph: Skeleton 2243, scale 1m Fig. 12 Photograph: Building BA, looking west, scales 2m Fig. 13 Photograph: Kiln AO, looking south, scale 1m 4 Land off Westham Lane, Barford, Warwickshire: Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design © Cotswold Archaeology SUMMARY Site Name: Land off Westham Lane Location: Barford, Warwickshire NGR: SP 2681 6057 Type: Excavation Date: 5 January to 24 July 2015 Planning Reference: W/14/0693 Location of archive: Currently held by Cotswold Archaeology, Milton Keynes Accession Number: TBC Site Code: WRB14 A programme of archaeological investigation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology between January and July 2015 at the request of Taylor Wimpey West Midlands at Land off Westham Lane, Barford, Warwickshire. A total of 1.99ha was excavated across the development area. The excavation revealed archaeological activity dating from the Iron Age and through the Roman period. Two phases of Iron Age activity were identified on site, with the first phase comprising a droveway/trackway which extended north-south across the site, and with the second phase including the development of an Iron Age enclosed farmstead with associated roundhouse, small oval enclosure and storage/waste pits. Occupation on the site continued into the Early and Middle Roman periods and comprised the remodelling of the enclosure into a farmstead of complex form. Features within the farmstead included small enclosures, a building, a well, ditches/gullies, a possible pottery kiln and a series of pits and postholes. A large assemblage of pottery and quantities of ceramic building material, clay tobacco pipe, flint, fired clay, glass, metalwork, metalworking debris and worked stone were recovered. The majority of the pottery dates to the Iron Age and Early/Middle Roman periods, with a single residual sherd of Beaker pottery, and a small number of post-medieval sherds also recovered. Artefacts of note include a Langton Down type brooch, a fragment of a possible (loom)weight and two adjoining fragments of a millstone. This document presents a quantification and assessment of the evidence recovered from the excavation. It considers the evidence collectively in its local, regional and national context, and presents an updated project design for a programme of post-excavation analysis to bring the results to appropriate publication. 5 Land off Westham Lane, Barford, Warwickshire: Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design © Cotswold Archaeology 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Between 5 January and 24 July 2015, Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out an archaeological excavation at Land off Westham Lane, Barford, Warwickshire (centred on NGR: SP 2681 6057; Fig. 1). Further watching brief (WB) work undertaken on 17 September 2015. The work was undertaken at the request of Taylor Wimpey West Midlands, in order to fulfil a condition attached to planning permission granted by Warwick District Council (WDC), the Local Planning Authority (LPA) for residential development of the site (ref. W/14/0693; Condition 17). 1.2 The scope of works was defined in discussions with Anna Stocks, Warwickshire County Council Planning Archaeologist (WCCPA), the archaeological advisor to WDC, with a subsequent detailed Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) produced by CA (2014)
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