Published Weekly Tw elve Page* Read Dally Th e Da d e Cit y Ba n n e r This I . sue -•fcln'’ ■ PASCO COUNTY’S LEADING NEWSPAPER B ox til ■ ^ th r . I o3 iH i: DADE CITY BANNER. Est. 1913 Consolidated TH’: DADK CITY STAR, EsL 1904 October 9, 1915 DADE CITY, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7,1954 Volume 50, Xo. 21 (bounty Fair Program, N eeds Dade City Attorney 3 Weather Records Still Seized Recalled To Service Were Established In Outlined To Kiwanis Members With Marine Corps County During 1953 The St. Leo College weather James F. Higgins, county agent cattle, citrus, poultry, seed. hay. j observer this week presented a an<l manager of tlie Pasco Coun­ anti oilier industries. He referred j Near Ehren ! brief summary of weather condi­ ty Fair, gave fellow Kiwanians to the theme of the Gr.sparilla in- j tions for this area during the an outline of Fair events in a vasion for the .State Fair and the year 1953. talk Tuesday at the club’s first Orange Festival which Winter j The report shows that three luncheon meeting of the new Haven features and requested Ki- This Week j records were established in 19 ."t3. e s s a y year. wanians to submit their ideas for j First, the total rainfall for the Lh. H. If. Fennell, as the new a .-.unable name for Pascu Coun- 2 Brothers A re ! year, *1.13 inches, was tlie high president, assumed his duties, as :.;;:iual fair. CapjUired In Raid | est in St. I,rtj official record;-, Parade ^Scheduled did Dr. 1. S. Fut«-h as 1Jif now Mayor (Jlenn I*ester. in charge; which date hack to 19o2. •On Opening Dir.; vice president, and program of the parade for the oprning On wWnesday An unusual factor in the rec chairman. day of the Fair, and Joe Colhira. ord rainfall was the lack of any All Kventa Listed hurricane rains to swell tiie total In Tuesday’s p r o g r a in. ar­ in charge of community booths, County, state, a n d federal ranged by J. R. A. Williams. Hig­ both requested cooperation of The previous record for rainf;di agents seized a 250-gallon still was set in 1945 when a total of 1i*e -■' hi">: ‘.if event*. lor th<» gins reminded members of their Kiwanians in these projects. Wednesday morning near E'iren, -v Fair whu-h sponsoring the organization of Dr. li. Thor Weaver, chairman 81.01 inches was recorded, in arresting two brothers and charg­ comparison. 19T>2 had 12.63 inches opens •*. •••dnej.day afternoon, the Pasco County Fair associa­ of the committee for the “white ing them with possession of still Jan in r. I iia.-, been released tion seven years ago and request­ elephant" sale the club will con­ of rain. apparatus. Pasco county also recorded the for p-ibil j*: jirillfOcl be* ed their continued support. duct at tiie County Fairgrounds, Arrested at the scene were Ar­ 'ow * i;.. f ..ijiT'y. Announcing tiie dates o f the announced plans for this event. wettest April last year with a thur A. Redbrook, 31. of Lutz, rainfall of 15.55 inches. The re H I.O Nl ^.v AV - - J.’iiniijrv I.’*; l air. .January 13-1H. Higgins stat­ LadkK' Night Planned and Thomas Redbrook, 23. of ed that the facilities for the Fair port said that most of this cair.e f 1 ■''-'‘ ■■■I hands. William R. Chandler announced Tampa. Destroyed in the raid in one downpour of 10.97 i> -hes ■ll is, I many otin-r must be enlarged in proportion that arrangements had been com­ were 38 barrels of iiwsh, estimat­ attrut-u ,,,, - nrr*'i in to the rapid growth of the coun­ during the night of April 12-13. pleted for Kiwanis Ladies' Night ed at 2.IHXJ gallons. The officers Capt. Walker A. Anderson Jr.. ,h " parade u .lie}, ’Aih assemble ty, pointing out rural areas The previous record for April and installation of new officers seized two automobiles, a 19f>0 wiio resides with his family in was listed for 1928 with 11.21 l!! *! 1 of Dade Citv grai.i- wore growing as fast as the ur­ on next Tuesday night at 7:30 o’­ Chevrolet sedan and a 1912 Chev­ ni''o' seh:,..: ai a.n); ]>iayor ban-sections. Improvements made Dade City, has or.ee more been inches. clock at the Woman’s Club. Lt. rolet sedan, and a 10-gauge shot­ Not to be outdone. May was Gh-::-) L’-s!(■•>•, fii;,irn-.ai, t|u. the past year, he stated, include called back to serve his country. Gov. Walter F. Harlin of Braden­ gun. the dryest on record with a pre~ has pia’ ined concrete dressing rooms and a ton will be the guest speaker and Sheriff Leslie Bessenger said His tour of duty this time will ft>r I 1 i" - fo:.'j’.v a down- roof for the stage as well as two cipitation total of only .17 of an installation officer, with II. A. the still was located in a five- be with the 1st Amphibian Trac­ ! I U ; :• :.: ! • O'-riiiiig to the permanent lunchrooms and a 30- inch, setting the third record for Freeman as master of ceremon­ room wood-frame house situated tor Battalion. I’SMCR. at Tampa the year. (-on:; ■ : . ;it llic t'ln;:e of foot addition to the south end of ies. Because of this meeting, about 3<KJ yards soulheest of the International Airport where he the the auditorium. The weather report stales that there will be no luncheon meet­ railroad crossing in Ehren. It will serve with the Reserve Unit there were no temperature rec­ 1- ■’ivlb u ili offirjallv TlMMiie For I'air ing next Tuesday, however, tiie was Bessenger’s opinion that the as S-3 Officer whose duties con­ ords- -the highest being loO de­ >p’“P secretary, Coi. K. G. Cowon. or still had never operated, but said sist of plans, operations, ami 1U> told the club that he was grees or. May 27 and the lowest H .:>>■ 7:ii<i p.m. The of the opinion that ihe County his representative will be at the that it was in readiness to run. training of the battalion. 3-1 degrees on December 19. j >ar,\ Fair should have a theme which I-^fjion Home at noon to ^ive at­ Additional Entries In Driver Suffers Officers Making Raid Anderson is a veteran of World Wil. he he’d would l>c a keynote around which tendance credit to those report­ Participating in the raid were War II and the Korean War. His , rr ' ;1 air Stage ::::■ I ing who find it impossible to Pasco Queen Contest Epileptic Attack, State Beverage Agent Joe Carr. Postmaster Reports 1 ’ i-'-ai'Ced to the win- the Fair could be developed and first tour of duty was from No­ W i... J11 - ;.• v. ;li he three a^e attend the evening meeting. Federal Agent Oliver Sills, Pasco emphasize the county's assets of Announced This Week Causes Accident vember, 1912 to April. 191G. dur­ Stamp Sales Were K r"’li'> \K . ,;iv: ii nionths t*-i2 Deputy Gene Rossi, and Sheriff ing which time he served in The group of contestants for e:jr>: 2 U-'--- T o year.-. County Traffic Officer Clyde Bessenger. The still was raided Increased In 1953 -1 5 the title of Miss Pasco County Marine aviation and amphibian A • -vij'i )-,e r-ijf-sen Winter Haven M an Brailey Odham Will Rowland reported this week that about 8 o'clock yesterday morn­ tractor operation. He was re­ Dade City Postmaster Wendell j and the year's coveted honor of six persons suffered minor., in­ •n'" grc’tip. K “ Si;- ing. called July, !9.Vi and served until V. Gilbert reports a very credit [ . .-.,l Charged With Leaving Visit Here Monday queen for 193-1 was increased juries near Dade City i;»st Tfntrs- able increase In the sales e-f ) :' cor. i o ranh-; J. Brailey CKIhain. runner-up Bcsenger said one t.I the broth­ February, 19T>2. this week by a number of new day morning when /*&<£ station stamps and stamp paj>cr ilurins • .:-\d mnni.jy, Jan u ary 9. Scene Of Accident candidate lor governor in 193UI entrants. ers was captured inside the He is a graduate of Dartmouth wagon in which thJej*;Were riding 1953 over the sales of the prc'-ed : r'” : chairman Stale Highway Trooper W. II. and candidate for the two-year building and the other was ar­ Collebr. Hanover. New Hamp­ I - - ‘ > 1 '.n:.' ■ * . .i l the offkt* c>£ Competing for the top honors left the highway and struck a ing year. j Allen arrested two Winter Haven term this year, will be in Dade. in the coronation ceremony to rested trying to leave the house. shire. and Stetson College of culvert. IIo said the house in which the Total sales for 1953 were $77. | men early Sunday morning fol­ City Monday afternoon lo visit j take place next Friday night at Law. Deland. Fla. As a civilian ^ 1-T t '..i S aio-«:3o j.,ra. still had been set up was an old TRT^T. while in 1952 the sales j lowing an acciflivit on U. S. with his friends and supporters. |the Pasco County Fair, in addi­ The accident occurred north of ho is an attorney-at-law in Dade >:• '"s e;.- thf Da.k- City Ki- negro residence, and that the •.vere S66.19X.96.
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