Gazetteer of India ARUNiD^AL PRADESh East Siang & West Siang Districts GAZETTEER OF INDIA A runachal Pradesh EAST SIANG AND WEST SIAIVO DISTRICTS A runachal Pradesh DISTRICT GAZETTEERS EAST SIANG AND WEST SIANG DISTRICTS By S.Dutta Choudhury Former Editor GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1994 Price : Ks, I70*OD Compiled by Shri C.K. S h y ^ , Compiler (Gazetteers) Arunachal Pradesh ^^ioUmen4 Cover-design and art-ivork^ By SBri (Bagcfu, formtrCy A rt T ^ e r t , (Directorate o f Information and ^uBCic (Relations, Qovemment of Arunacfud ^PradesB. Printed at: Sree Guru Press, Maligaon, Guwahati - 781011, « 570866 TTH 'Mel RAJ BHAVAN ITANAGAR -791tt FOREWORD This is indeed a very happy occasion for me to present the East Siang and West Siang Districts Gazetteer to the people of Arunachal Pradesh. It is a complete document giving physical and historical features of the State. (3 This Volume covers a wide range of Subjects. The development so far in various fields, and changes that have taken place in political, social, economic and cultural spheres over the years in these districts have been reflected in this document. I hope, this would prove useful to the scholars, educationists, researchers and administrators; and all those who are keen to know in detail about the socio-economic transformation which these districts have been undergoing in the recent years. PREFACE X he present volume is the fourth in the series of Arunachal Pradesh District Gazetteers. With the promulgation of Arunachal Pradesh (Reorganisation of Districts) Act, 1980 (Act No.3 of 1980) from June 1,1980, the Siang District has been divided into two new districts - East Siang District and West Siang District. This volume covers both the East Siang and West Siang Districts and the draft of which was seen by the Members of the Advisory Board for Amnachal Pradesh Gazetteers and examined and scrutinised by the concerned Ministries of the Government of India and also by the Survey of India. The draft was modified in conformity with the observations and suggestions of the concerned Ministries of the Goverment of India. The Draft Gazetteer was sent to the different concerned Ministries of the Government of India in November, 1983 for their scrutiny, observation and clearance for publication. Most of theconcemedMinistriesConveyed their clearance for i ;! publication earlier. The Ministry of Home Affairs, however conveyed iheir final clearance for publication of the Gazetteer in December, 1992. This Gazetteer of East Siang and West Siang Districts is the first of its kind. There is no earlier Gazetteer of these districts which could be revisied. The old volumes of the Assam District Gazetteer, namely B.C. Allen's Lakhimpur District Gazetteer published in 1905 and the Sadiya and Balipara Frontier Tract Gazetteer brought out in 1928 are, however, our important sources. The present volume comprises statistical data up to the year 1983-84, and a good deal of important information ranging from early times to the recent past has been incorporated in it. However, some additional statistical figures concerning developmental activities of the Development Departments have also been appended up to the year 1990-91. It may be mentioned in this context that in former times the term 'Abor' was mistakenly or confusedly used to address the Adis. This term occurring in passages which have been quoted in this volume has been changed into ’Adi’, by which name the tribe is known. The word ’Abor’ or its variants, however, appear only in quotations of passages from some old documents, particulary of the 19th century. I would like to take this opportunity of expressing my deep gratitude to Shri Mata Prasad , Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, who has kindly written the foreword of this Gazetteer. I am grateful to Shri Gegong Apang, Chief Minister, Shri Dera Natung, formerly Minister of Information and Public Relations and Tourism, Arunachal Pradesh, and to the Chief Secretary to the Government of Arunachal Pradesh and Chairman of the Advisory Board and to the Secretary (IPR/Gazetteer ), Government of Arunachal Pradesh, for the kind and continuous interest they took in the Gazetteers work. I am grateful to the members of the Advisory Board for Arunachal Pradesh Gazetteer for their valuable suggestions and comments. My thankful acknowledgements are due to the then Deputy Commissioner of West Siang District, Along, Shri T. Dai for his suggestions and valuable contributions. Indeed, I am obliged to many officers of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh for help and cooperation extended by them. As for the valuable and irriportant reports on Geology, flora, fauna and climatology, I am thankful respectively to Shri B. Kakoli, the then Geologist (Sr)-in-charge, Geological Survey of India, Arunachal Pradesh Circle; Dr. S.K. Jain, the then Deputy Director, Botanical Survey of India, Eastern Circle and Shri C.L. Malhotra, Systematic Botanist; Dr A.K. Ghosh, the then Officer-in-charge, Eastern Regional Station, Zoological Survey of India and Shri B.B. Sen of the India Meteorological Department. .1 am also thankful to the officers of the Map Publication Office, Survey of India, Dehradun, for their important contributions towards preparations and publication of maps in the Gazetteers. I am grateful to Shri A.K. Paul, Deputy Director, Shri D.N. Ram, Cartographer, Shri A.K. Sharma, Artist, Shri K.J. Pandit, Senior Artist of the Directorate of Census Operations, Arunachal Pradesh, Shillong for the personal care taken by them to prepare the maps. The original draft volume of the Gazetteer was compiled by Shir C.K. Shyam, Compiler, and edited by my predecessor Shri S. Dutta Choudhury. I made some unavoidable additions and alterations wherever necessary in tlic final stage. I would express my hearty thanks to all of my colleagues, the officers and members of staff of Gazetteer Department - Shri K. Ghosh, Compiler and Shri S.S. Kharakor, Stenographer, in particular for their contributions and assistance. % ,9(, ‘Bagchi Shillong State Editor (Gazetteers) The 1 S t March, 1994. Arunachal Pradesh Shillong F=OREWORD PREFACE LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS GUIDE TO SPELLING AND PRONUNCIATION OF SOME PLACE. RIVER AND OTHER NAMES MAPS CHAPTER ]: GENERAL - PHYSICAL FEATURES AND NATURAL RESOURCES Origin of the Names of the Districts and their formation as Administrative Units : Location, General Boundaries, Area and Population : Sub-divisions and Circles : Topography ; River System : Geology - Mineral Occunences, Earthquakes : Flora : Fauna: Climate Tables 1-30 CHAPTER 11: HISTORY Ancient Period - Introduction : Early Migrations : Kiratas : Account of Hiuen Tsang ; Medieval Period - Malinithan : Ahom Ascendancy : Ahom-Adi Relations : Modem Period - British-Adi Relations : Administrative Policy and Developments : Epilogue ... 31-67 CHAPTER 111: PEOPLE Population: Tribal Groups of Population and their Distribution - the Adis, Membas and Khambas : Language - Adi Literature : Religion : Eschatological Beliefs : Religious Functionaries : Festivals - Mopin, Solung ; Social Life - Organisation of Society - Moshup, Rasheng, Dcre : Family, Property and Inheritance : Marriage : Divorce : Death and Funeral: Village and House ; Dress and Ornaments : Food and Drink : Dances and Festivities : Games and Amusements 68-134 CHAPTER IV : AGRICULTURE Modes of Agriculture : Land Reclamation and Utilisation : Irrigation : Soil ; Major and Subsidiary Crops : Horticulture : Progress of Scientific Agriculture : Agricultural Tools and Implements : Seeds and Manure : Agricultural Diseases and Pests: Animal Husbandry and Veterinaiy : Animal Diseases and Veterinary L i s t O f I llustrations ART PLATES 1. A snow-capped mountain 2 . An Adi village 3 . A Jungle Cat 4 . The Indian Elephant 5 . Stone Sculpture In Malinithan. 6. Terrace cultivation 7. Wet-rice cultivation 6 . A group of the Boris 9 . Kebang of the Gallongs. 10. A class room 11. Memba girls In carpet making 1 2 . Girl trainees In a C.1.P.T.C 13. Punung dance of the Gallongs 14. War dance of the Gallongs 15. Mask dance of the Membas 16. Front view of Jawaharal Nehru College, Pasighat 1 7 . Water supply through bamboo pipes 18. Scenic beauty of Slyom river 19. General Hospital, Pasighat 20. Donyl Polo Dere, Along Guide To Spelung And pronunction Of Some place , rtver And Other Names ( Based on Survey of India List of Names) £21 Read Anmachai Anir^chal Pasighat Pasighat PANGIN, PAKGIN Mechuka Menchukha Basar Basar Dibang Dibang Karko Karko Payum Payum Rumgong Rumgong Kaying Kaying Dolung Darak. DUrak Tato Tato Likabali Likabali Kadait Kadai Yang Sang Chhu Yang Sang Chu Yinkiyong Yinkiong Monigong Manigong Ganu Gam Tatamori Tatamori Daring Daring Dali Dali Sirapathang Sirapathang or Sirong Pango Pango Patkoi Patkai Naga Naga Cachar Cachar Gaio HiU Garo Hills Monku Mongku Kamarupa Kamarupa Dim^jur Dimipur Kacharis Kacharis Yembopani '^^bung Balek Kalek ' Memsipu Memsiba Bordak Badak Simong Shimong Parong Pareng Pangin Pangih Kobo Kabu Sille Silli Karko Karko Payum Payum Yapuik Yapuik Likabali Likabali SiUpathar Silapathar Taliha l^liha Yapik Yapuik Poyom Pay am Yomsa Yomcha Yiq)ik Yapik Tagur lapUr Herong Hirong Raksap Raksab Shikair Shikar Gashrag <£shcng Oameng C^meng B a ^ Bame Guaar Gusar Itanagar lianagar JianiBg Jining Moku Kambang Romboag Doluog RQmgong RuBgang Komba Kamba TegO'GaioIm Mego Gaffllio Yiokiott Ylnkioag Chai^aog Chasgtaag Oauhati GuwShati Titabae Titabar Tabasora^^ Tab^sora Bilat Telatn Telam ARUNACHAL PRADESH EAST SIANG AND WEST SIANG DISTRICTS KILOMEIRES 10 0 0 20 30 4 0 SO 'j, ^ i
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