RICE-Adapt: Promoting Climate-Resilient Livelihoods in Rice-Farming Communities in the lower Ayeyarwady and Sittaung River Basins Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10395 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund LDCF CBIT/NGI CBIT No NGI No Project Title RICE-Adapt: Promoting Climate-Resilient Livelihoods in Rice-Farming Communities in the lower Ayeyarwady and Sittaung River Basins Countries Myanmar Agency(ies) FAO Other Executing Partner(s) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) & Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MOALI) Executing Partner Type Government GEF Focal Area Climate Change Taxonomy Climate Change, Focal Areas, Climate Change Adaptation, Community-based adaptation, Innovation, Climate information, Private sector, Least Developed Countries, Adaptation Tech Transfer, Ecosystem-based Adaptation, Livelihoods, Mainstreaming adaptation, Disaster risk management, Climate finance, Climate resilience, Influencing models, Demonstrate innovative approache, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Stakeholders, Beneficiaries, Civil Society, Community Based Organization, Communications, Awareness Raising, Local Communities, Type of Engagement, Partnership, Information Dissemination, Participation, Private Sector, SMEs, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Gender Equality, Capacity Development, Gender results areas, Participation and leadership, Access to benefits and services, Knowledge Generation and Exchange, Access and control over natural resources, Gender Mainstreaming, Women groups, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Gender-sensitive indicators, Capacity, Knowledge and Research Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 1 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 2 Submission Date 10/11/2019 Expected Implementation Start 1/1/2022 Expected Completion Date 6/30/2027 Duration 60In Months Agency Fee($) 848,580.00 A. FOCAL/NON-FOCAL AREA ELEMENTS Objectives/Programs Focal Area Trust GEF Co-Fin Outcomes Fund Amount($) Amount($) CCA-1 LDCF Objective 1: LDC 7,432,420.00 32,000,000.00 Reduce vulnerability F and increase resilience through innovation and technology transfer for climate change adaptation CCA-2 LDCF Objective 2: LDC 1,500,000.00 8,000,000.00 Mainstream climate F change adaptation and resilience for systemic impact Total Project Cost($) 8,932,420.00 40,000,000.00 B. Project description summary Project Objective Enhance the resilience and adaptive capacities of vulnerable rice-producing communities in the Ayeyarwady Delta and Bago-Sittaung River Basin in Myanmar through an ecosystem based and market driven approach Project Financi Expecte Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirme Compone ng d st Project d Co- nt Type Outcom Fu Financin Financing es nd g($) ($) Component Technic Outcome Output 1.1 LD 653,750.0 4,500,000. 1: al 1: CF 0 00 Enhancing Assistan Mechanisms for improved the ce Strengthe cross-sectorial coordination at enabling ned national and/or subnational environme policy level to support climate nt for and change adaptation in the climate planning agriculture sector. change framewor adaptation ks for mainstream climate ing in the change Output 1.2 agriculture adaptatio sector n and Climate Change Education through governan Center established and integrated ce at capacity building program policies national implemented. and and/or planning subnation al/ local level Output 1.3 Climate change adaptation priorities incorporated into agriculture sector related policies, plans or development frameworks. Project Financi Expecte Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirme Compone ng d st Project d Co- nt Type Outcom Fu Financin Financing es nd g($) ($) Component Investm Outcome Output 2.1 LD 4,043,150 14,000,00 2: ent 2: CF .00 0.00 Promoting Targeted capacity building for resilience Increased local public and private and resilience institutions on local adaptation and adaptation planning and in rice- adaptatio implementation, including based n of rice- Agroecology and agromet farming based services. systems, farming communiti systems, es and communi landscapes ties and Output 2.2 landscape s Participatory climate risk and vulnerability assessments conducted in the target areas and adaptation measures prioritized. Output 2.3 Climate farmer field schools and field demonstrations implemented on innovative climate-resilient/ agroecological practices[1]. Output 2.4 Field implementation support provided to farmers (including women and vulnerable groups) to adopt climate- resilient/ agroecological practices. Output 2.5 Participatory research/ participatory varietal selection of stress-tolerant varieties and quality seed production implemented. Output 2.6 Capacities developed in target communities for nature-based solutions (NBS) and improved management of water, through strengthening of community governance and organization. [1] Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP). Project Financi Expecte Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirme Compone ng d st Project d Co- nt Type Outcom Fu Financin Financing es nd g($) ($) Component Investm Outcome Output 3.1 LD 2,995,628 16,000,00 3: Scaling ent 3: CF .00 0.00 up Value chain network adaptation Resilient established and priorities for technologie livelihoo strengthening resilience in s and ds selected value chains innovations through identified. in selected innovatio value ns and chains, and improved improving access to Output 3.2 market technolog access ies and Targeted capacity building for markets agricultural cooperatives, SMEs and farmer organizations/ groups in identified priority areas. Output 3.3 Women and youth entrepreneurship strengthened for increased resilience of rural livelihoods. Output 3.4 Climate-resilient storage facilities and processing technologies are introduced/ improved in target communities for value addition and to reduce losses. Output 3.5 Contract farming and partnerships established with local/national/global value chain actors to improve access of small-scale producers to markets, credit, technologies, and services. Project Financi Expecte Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirme Compone ng d st Project d Co- nt Type Outcom Fu Financin Financing es nd g($) ($) Component Technic Outcome Output 4.1 LD 818,300.0 1,500,000. 4: al 4: CF 0 00 Monitoring Assistan Project M&E system and & ce Project adaptive learning and Evaluation, monitore management established and communica d and implemented. tion and evaluated knowledge , lessons transfer learnt and knowledg Output 4.2 e of adaptatio Communication and n knowledge management innovatio strategy developed and ns implemented, including dissemin national and international ated knowledge sharing on SRP. Output 4.3 Information and M&E systems to monitor and evaluate adaptation and resilience in agriculture enhanced. Sub Total ($) 8,510,828 36,000,00 .00 0.00 Project Management Cost (PMC) LDCF 421,592.00 4,000,000.00 Sub Total($) 421,592.00 4,000,000.00 Total Project Cost($) 8,932,420.00 40,000,000.00 C. Sources of Co-financing for the Project by name and by type Sources of Name of Co-financier Type of Investment Amount($) Co-financing Co- Mobilized financing Donor Agency Asian Development Bank Grant Investment 40,000,000.00 (ADB) through MOALI mobilized Total Co-Financing($) 40,000,000.00 Describe how any "Investment Mobilized" was identified The investment mobilized are considered, as per GEF definition, not recurrent expenditures. The investment mobilized from the co-financing sources will be new capital investments. The indicative co- finance listed as investment mobilized has been identified through consultations with partners from the following sources. However, the ADB projects in Myanmar have been temporarily suspended due to the political situation in the country. Thus, the co-financing letters have not yet been secured. ? ADB: Resilient Community Development Project (RCDP) USD 7.5 million ? ADB: Strengthening Climate and Disaster Resilience of Myanmar Communities USD 32.5 million D. Trust Fund Resources Requested by Agency(ies), Country(ies), Focal Area and the Programming of Funds Agenc Trust Country Focal Programmin Amount($) Fee($) y Fund Area g of Funds FAO LDC Myanmar Climat NA 8,932,420 848,580 F e Change Total Grant Resources($) 8,932,420.00 848,580.00 E. Non Grant Instrument NON-GRANT INSTRUMENT at CEO Endorsement Includes Non grant instruments? No Includes reflow to GEF? No F. Project Preparation Grant (PPG) PPG Required false PPG Amount ($) 200,000 PPG Agency Fee ($) 19,000 Agenc Trust Country Focal Programmin Amount($) Fee($) y Fund Area g of Funds FAO LDC Myanmar Climat NA 200,000 19,000 F e Change Total Project Costs($) 200,000.00 19,000.00 Core Indicators Provide additional explanation on targets, other methodologies used, and other focal area specifics (i.e., Aichi targets in BD) including justification where core indicator targets are not provided Please refer to the CCA Indicator Framework uploaded in the document section. Part II. Project Justification 1a. Project Description 1) Global environmental and/or adaptation problems, root causes and barriers that need to be addressed (systems description) A. Country overview The Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Myanmar) is situated on the western end of Southeast Asia and with a land area size of 676,578 km2, Myanmar is the largest country in mainland Southeast Asia. The country is divided into three main agroecological zones: Central Dry, Coastal and Hilly and comprises the central lowlands of the Ayeyarwady, Chindwin and Sittaung
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