DPG1.941213.004 Q iDR ~N~~~~lATi~NONLY, ACTION '98'1' HIGHER AUTHORITY PENDING RDT&E TASK NO lM624101D55102 USATECOM PROJECT NO 7-5-0574- 0 1 / 02 / 0 3 / 04 /O 7 ed9 INTEGRATED ENGINEERING/SERVICE TEST OF 6- ION EXCHANGE UNIT, MOBILE, 3,000 GPH FINAL REPORT ' BY 1ST LT THOMAS D. GILLESPIE J z 23 MAY 1966 US ARMY ARMOR & ENGINEER BOARD FORT KNOX, KENTUCKY .. I . .. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNITED STATES ARMY ARMOR AND ENGINEER BOARD Fort Knox, Kentucky 40121 STEBB-ENG I 6 JUL is86 SUBJECT: Change No 1 Test Report: Integrated Engineering/Service Test of Ion Exchange Unit, Mobile, 3, 000 GPH RDT&E Project No lM624101D55102 USATECOM Project No 7-5-0574-01/02/03/04/07 TO: SEE DISTRIBUTION The following change is made to sub.iect document: Add in the FOR THE PRESIDENT: CWO, W-3: USA Adjutant I' DISTRIBUTION: 30 - CG, US Army Test and Evaluation Command, ATTN: AMSTE-GE, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005 4 - CG, US Continental Army Command, ATTN: DCSIT-SCH-PD, Fort Monroe, Virginia 23351 3 - CG, US Army Mobility Equipment Center, ATTN: SMOME-MOX-n 4300 Goodfellow Blvd, St Louis, Missouri 63120 1 - CG, XVILI Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28307 2 - CG, US Army Medical Research and Development Command, Main Navy Bldg, Washington, D. C. 20315 S TEBB-ENG fj JUL 4966 SUBJECT: Change No 1, Test Report: Integrated EngineeringIService Test of Ion Exchange Unit, Mobile, 3000 GPH, RDT&E Project No lM624101D55102, USATECOM Project No 7-5-0574-01/02/03/04/07 1 - Chid of Engineers, ATTN: ENGTE-E, Bldg T-7, Washington, D. C. 20310 1 - Comdt, US Army Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 27060 1 - Comdt, US Armylnfantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia 31905 1 - Comdt, US Army Armor School, Fort Knox, Kentucky 40121 1 - Comdt, US Marine Corps, Washington, D. C. 20380 Lp3." CO, Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah 84022 1 - CO, Aberdeen Proving Ground, ATTN: STEAP-DS, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005 1 - CO, US Army Arctic Test Center, APO Seattle 98733 1 - CO, US Army Tropic Test Center, P. 0. Drawer 942, Fort Clayton, Canal Zone 4 - CO, US Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratories, ATTN: OMEFB-CO, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 1 - CO, Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center, Bridgeport, California 93517 2 - CO, US Army Environmental Hygiene Agency, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland 2 1040 1 - CO, US Army General Equipment Test Activity, Fort Lee, 'Virginia 23801 1 - Pres, US Army Airborne, Electronics and Special Warfare Board,, Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28307 1 - Director, Marine Corps Landing Force Development Center, Quantico, Virginia 22134 1 - US Marine Corps Liaison Officer, US Army Test and Evaluation Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005 5 - British Liaison Ofricer, USATECOM, c/o Director of Munitions, British Embassy, 3100 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20008 5 - Canadian Liaison Officer, c/o Commanding General, US Army Materiel Command, Washington, D. C. 20315 5 - Military Attache, Australian Embassy, 1735 I Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20006 1 - Mr R. Englehart, Southwest Research Institute, 8500 Culebra Road, San Antonio, Texas 78206 20 - Commander, DeIense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Information, ATTN: Document Service Center, Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia 22313 2 .. .. .\ , \. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ,; ,' > ii > HEADQUARTERS. U. S. ARMY TEST AND EVALUATION COMMAND I . ,!?; I,>',!, ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND. MARYLAND 21005 .- :-; ..- I ,I . ~ .! ... ,, . .~_- -r. i L.,d,Yfi -GI3 Camandin;: General, U. S. Amy Yateriel Comccnd, ATTX: SXXD-DX-E, Washington, D. C. 20315 Corninding General, U. S. Army Combat Dcvelopnents Cormand, fCCX: USAWC Liaison Officer, USATZCOX, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Yfiryhnd NGTE -GE SUBJECT: Find Reprt, USAZCC:J: Project :To. 7-5-0571-01/02/03/32~/07, Intecratcd EnCinecrir.&crvice Test of Ion Excixmge Unit, Mobilc, 3000 Gill, r0TG Project 114&6241OlD~',lo2 a. The ability of the Ion Exchange Unit to mcet t!ie approved military and technical characteristics described or. tifie rD!P&E projcct cad, ana follow on revisions thereto. b. The suitability of t'ne Ion Ikcxclmnge Unit ?or Army fi&d use under temperate clirmtic conditions, tempcrate w-inter cxccptccd. 3. a. Test vas conciucted accoreing to the approved tcst plcrii at reference IC with fallovina cxceptions: (1) Fzragraph 2.27 "ELCvcrse Soils Condition Mobility Tcsts" were not cocductcd. (2) Paragra3h 2.28 "Durability and Reliability Tests" were reduced in scope fmm SO00 miles over various Ground conditions to h300 rcilcs, crith approxi- nlntely 8Qt of the iuileagc over pavcd and secondary mads, 1,. These chances iaerf based on infoi-mtion received from U. 9. Army Combat Developnients ComLmnd tts to inteiiCcd uc and basis of issue of the Ion ExchanGe Unit which indicate2 zht thc unit is conoidered a special purpose rather tliiri T tacticc.1 vehicle. 4. Testing was conducted by folloviaG UStbECG14 test agencies as indicated : PROJJXI NO. TEST TASK !-GiWC!! _I 7-5-0574-01 Gupay Pmvinc Grour.2 ET (hxpt htormtive) 7-5 -0574-02 Aberdeen Bovizg Grouid ET (AuJmwtive) 7-5 -057b -03 USA Ar,m:/E1:gimer Ud . ST (hecutiyf Test Agency) 7-5-0574-34 USA ilE3sW ;?o:trd ST (Air Trans- wrtability) 7 - 5 -0 5 711. -07 USA General Equipmnt Test SY (iogistics- Activity over-thc -Shore 1 5. lke folloving findings warrant special attention: a. Requisites of the militxy c'nsracteristics 17c~emct except as roiiow~: (1) Siqplies carrier?. on thc eqaipmnt wrc rLot aaequate Tor 60 hours of opcrstion at mximum capacity, he1cxccptcd. 2 8 JUN 3356 PJGTE-GI3 SUBJECT: Final Reprt, USK'ECUX Project No. 7-5-057$-Oi/OZ/Oj/~~/07, Integrated mgineerin&ervicc Test of Ion &change Unit, hiobile, 3000 GE4, RDTm Project No. I.I&?blOlD55lC2 (2) Test item is not air portable in Phsse I3 airborne operations. b. Supslemcntary test criteria, contained in Appilndix 111 of ,the approved test plan, were met excep* as follows: (1) Present KOS 5m does not require ]mowledge in operating equipment process radiologically contvnlnated water. (2) F'rovisions for stadage of mterialc on the MLk5, 23 ton truck and accomp;ly;n& mO5, ton trailer are not adeqwtc. (3) Minor but contiming leakages occurred in the plastic piping ana fi-xtu-es. This sitcation :s patentially dengemus in that operator personnel could mintentionally become expsed to radiolo - Sically contaminated inter when iealagcs occur. (4) The van heater Secame iqopcrative and Nould not prsperly condition mn for operations &.ring cold wsathcr. (5) Phstic pi9j.33 an6 fixtures cannot be mintained readily vith t:x tools presently avaiiabie for operator/crew and oqznizatiorsl mintensnce e (6) E~uip-nentIr;nml ?,I?? 5-1:6lC-2G6-?2, miiatea, is Iaaccurate an6 incoqlcte. EIYy-niEe cozrective actions were recommended ti, b%A!G3C by 3. S. Amy A-mr md &@-xeer Bosrd in tvo reports, &teed 11 Aupst ad22 December 1.965, respectively. (7) The confizmation of 2$ ton 3545 'ilxc~c nr,d L& ton :a05 trailer ns "Yransmrtcrs for the Ion 3xcICbwge Vzit and associatea equipment, are imdegmte for their intwaed use. (a) ~hs~k5 truck is ovcr-daded by z2poximtely l,OOO lbs. above the mxirm pass wei&\t Glic%EZC* o? Kil Spec MILKC- 71211 for cross countiy o2eratLon. This overload swiously affects She vehicle psrfomnce ad. csp%bility to negtiztc miverse terrain. Tine truck inside rar tires muld rub against tke var. fram mils 6uring cross cowtry operations. 8 JUN 1966 fl.Ss"I%-GE SLi33ji?c1: Final Report, USATZCCM Project No. 7-5-0S74-01/~/03/04/07, Integrated Engineerin&emice Test of Ion Exchange Unit, Yobile, 3030 GZ& RDTa Pro:ect fTo. lM624iOID55102 (b) The M45 truck and MlOS trailer confipration cc~G.6 cot negotiate slopine beaches ami loose sand under truck power cilli-ing logistics-over-the-shore testing. The vehicle becaze wbi- ilzed ia all instances when exiting landing craft and attempting to mve across the beach beyond the hard sand line. (c) Tine parping brake would rat hold the b545 truck stationary on grades above 3qb. (6.) The service brakes vould not hold the M45 truck stationary when ascending the 60% slope test course. (e) Tfle M45 truck ensine would not idle while braking tests were underway in an ascending altitude on the &$ s:.,:y. (f) The real cross member of the truck chassis bent dw to forces exerted by the totred trziler. (g) The van body vas I-igidly munted to tke longi- tudinal memembers trhen the vchicie arrived at Koei-deen Proving Ground for +&e autorrDtive phase of exginecrinz testing. Spring munts vere installed on the van by the test agency pior &to initiation of test. (h) Tine NlO5 trailcr 3aB no stotrage arrangements to permit supplies and equipnent +a be properly storcd and protected during transpoi%. In at least three instances acid carboys rupture8 and acid leaked out, saturatcng other sumlies carried in the trailer. (i) The gor mechanical condition of the 1445 truck an2 van when submitted for %est warrants special coment. The au"U0- mtive test agency had to expend adttitioml unprogramed effort to .._.lGmir vehicle failures attrYoGted to worn out vehicle components vinich delayed test completion. In midition, the vehicle van body was rusted out in smts and door h<??g:es and latches were aico rusted and deterio- rated. Vehicle condition vas not coxistent wish that expected of equipent normally furnished this caxdfor ET/ST. (8) The present cation colmi regeneration procedures, os prescri3ea in tiie operation and rrair;tenance manual (IP 5-4610-206- x?), are rat satisfactory. kcording to existing procedures there is a _pssibFZity of flow rsvzrsai occurring waen injecting hydrochloric acid into the cation colwn.
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