Physics & Astrophysics 2014 press.princeton.edu Contents In a Nutshell 1 Princeton Frontiers in Physics 3 Graduate & Undergraduate Textbooks 4 Astronomy & Astrophysics 6 Princeton Series in Astrophysics 8 Princeton Series in Modern Observational Astronomy 10 Physics 10 Princeton Series in Physics 13 Quantum Physics 14 Condensed Matter 15 Landmarks in Mathematics & Physics 15 Mathematics, Mathematical Physics & Engineering 16 Science Essentials 17 Princeton Primers in Climate 18 Of Related Interest 20 Albert Einstein 22 Princeton Science Library 24 Index | Order Form 25 Cover illustration from the jacket of Why You Hear What You Hear, copyright 2012 Eric J. Heller What’s In a Nutshell? More of the best science than ever. In a Nutshell is a series of concise, accessible, and up-to- date textbooks for advanced undergraduates and graduate students on key subjects in the physical sciences. Part of Princeton University Press’s expanding presence in science textbook publishing, this high-pro le series will bring out the highest quality texts on subjects ranging from astrophysics, nuclear physics, and string the- ory, to particle physics, neutrino physics, electromagnetism, and magnetism. Crack open one of this season’s new titles to nd out just how much science ts In a Nutshell. New Elementary Particle Classical Einstein Gravity in Physics in a Nutshell Electromagnetism a Nutshell Christopher G. Tully in a Nutshell A. Zee “This is a remarkable book in its Anupam Garg “Einstein Gravity in a Nutshell breadth and depth, with many “This text provides a fresh, modern is a remarkably complete and beautiful and useful things in it. It look at electrodynamics. It is thorough textbook on general provides a very timely introduction comprehensive, chock full of inter- relativity, written in a refreshing to the physics of the LHC era with esting insights and anecdotes, and and engaging style. Zee leads us clarity and sophistication.” written with a clear enthusiasm.” through all the major intellectual —Henry J. Frisch, University of —Kenneth A. Intriligator, Universi- steps that make what is surely one Chicago ty of California, San Diego of the most profound and beauti- “Elementary Particle Physics in a “Garg demonstrates that while the ful theories of all time. The book is Nutshell gives the starting student mathematical beauty of his subject enjoyable and informative in equal or seasoned practitioner the is deserving of the attention it measure. Quite an achievement.” substance and style of LHC physics gets, the physical implications are —Pedro Ferreira, University of while also giving the development even more seductive. This book is Oxford of the Standard Model its due. A a treasure trove of thoughtful and “Zee’s new text on gravitation superb book.” incisive nuggets. I expect to see it provides a wonderful introduction —Peter Fisher, Massachusetts on the shelves of many students to Einstein’s theory. Written at a Institute of Technology and professors the world over.” level accessible to undergraduates, 2011. 320 pages. 6 halftones. 129 line illus. —R. Shankar, Yale University Cl: 978-0-691-13116-0 $75.00 | £52.00 it prepares its readers for work 2012. 712 pages. 52 halftones. 122 line illus. at the research frontier, gently Cl: 978-0-691-13018-7 $99.50 | £69.95 leading the reader to a modern Second Edition and sophisticated understanding Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell of the subject with a humorous, A. Zee often conversational style. “This is quantum eld theory taught at the knee of . one who loves the Providing broad coverage of the grandeur of his subject, has a keen eye for a slick argument, and is eager subject, including cosmology to share his repertoire of anecdotes about Feynman, Fermi, and all of his and black holes, it is an excellent heroes. Zee misses no opportunity to point out that an argument he complement to Hartle’s book and gives opens the door to some deeper subject that he encourages the good preparation for Carroll’s.” reader to explore. [Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell] helps them love —Michael Dine, University of the subject and race to its frontier.” California, Santa Cruz —Michael E. Peskin, Classical and Quantum Gravity 2013. 888 pages. 50 halftones. 150 line illus. 2010. 608 pages. 95 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-14558-7 $90 .00 | £62.00 Cl: 978-0-691-14034-6 $85.00 | £59.00 Not for sale in South Asia press.princeton.edu in a nutshell • 1 Statistical Mechanics Condensed Matter in One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2007 in a Nutshell a Nutshell Winner of the 2009 Chambliss Luca Peliti Gerald D. Mahan Astronomical Writing Award, American Astronomical Society “This superb text provides a “Mahan’s book does an admirable Astrophysics in a Nutshell balanced and thorough treatment job of covering the broad subject Dan Maoz of statistical physics. From thermo- of condensed matter physics in a “Astrophysics in a Nutshell is perfect dynamics and basic principles to balanced way. Virtually every im- for an advanced astrophysics renormalization group, dynamics, portant modern topic is explained. course for physical science majors. and complex systems, the presen- The informal narrative style gives It covers modern topics from stars tation is a model of clarity, and the the reader the sense of sitting in to galaxies and cosmology.” level of detail is highly appropriate on a lecture by the master.” —John Huchra, Harvard University for graduate students or advanced —Patrick A. Lee, Massachusetts 2007. 272 pages. 21 halftones. 68 line illus. undergraduates.” Institute of Technology Cl: 978-0-691-12584-8 $80.00 | £55.00 —Daniel Arovas, University of 2010. 592 pages. 162 line illus. 35 tables. California, San Diego Cl: 978-0-691-14016-2 $90.00 | £62.00 Not for sale in South Asia 2011. 416 pages. 74 line illus. 6 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14529-7 $75.00 | £52.00 String Theory in a Nutshell Elias Kiritsis Quantum Mechanics in “An excellent reference for any Nuclear Physics in a a Nutshell graduate student interested in Nutshell Gerald D. Mahan string theory. Kiritsis succinctly describes many of the recent Carlos A. Bertulani “Praises in no way can do full developments that are necessary “[A] clear, concise, and up-to-date justice to the strength and detail background to current research.” overview of the atomic nucleus of Mahan’s well crafted and superb —Juan Maldacena, Institute for and the theories that seek to nutshell book. I found the book Advanced Study explain it. Nuclear Physics in fascinating, stimulating and con- 2007. 608 pages. 18 halftones. 44 line illus. a Nutshell is the de nitive new vincing and one can easily observe 7 tables. resource for anyone considering a that the book is bursting with Cl: 978-0-691-12230-4 $90.00 | £62.00 Not for sale in South Asia career in this dynamic eld.” intellectual energy and ambition.” —Current Engineering Practice —Uwe C. Tauber, Current Engineer- 2007. 488 pages. 50 line illus. 118 tables. ing Practice Cl: 978-0-691-12505-3 $95.00 | £65.00 2009. 416 pages. 58 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-13713-1 $90.00 | £62.00 2 • in a nutshell Princeton Frontiers in Physics is a new series of short introductions to some of today’s most exciting and dynamic research areas across the physical sciences. Written by leading specialists, these stimulating books address funda- mental questions that are challenging the limits of current knowledge. With forward-looking discussions of core ideas, ongoing debates, and unresolved problems, the books in this series make cutting-edge research in the physi- cal sciences more accessible than ever before—for students, scientists, and scienti cally minded general readers. Forthcoming What Are Gamma-Ray Winner of the 2012 Chambliss Astronomical Writing Award, American What Does a Black Hole Bursts? Astronomical Society Look Like? Joshua S. Bloom How Did the First Stars Charles D. Bailyn “This is a marvelous book. It and Galaxies Form? “Providing the essential infor- contains the new results from the Abraham Loeb mation on all the key topics, this fast-developing science of gamma- “Anyone interested in an intro- concise and authoritative book ray-burst astronomy along with its duction to this dramatic story, covers the whole eld of empirical fascinating history. I recommend be they academic or educated black-hole studies.” it as a good introduction for nonprofessional, would do well to —W. Niel Brandt, Pennsylvania nonexperts and a fun read for start with Loeb’s book. It contains State University researchers in the eld.” only the most important equations Emitting no radiation or any other —Neil Gehrels, NASA Goddard in the eld, and its general level kind of information, black holes Space Flight Center of mathematical sophistication mark the edge of the universe— “This book gives a balanced and is compatible with introductory both physically and in our scienti c up-to-date overview of the eld of courses in calculus or mathe- understanding. Yet astronomers gamma-ray bursts, one that will be matical physics. This small book have found clear evidence for the useful for astronomers, physicists, is a gem belonging to an almost existence of black holes, employ- and other scientists. Until now, extinct genre: intermediate-level ing the same tools and techniques there have been no books that I monographs that are both accessi- used to explore other celestial know of that deal with this subject ble to educated non-specialists in objects. In this sophisticated for a broader audience of scientists the eld and tightly focused on a introduction, leading astronomer and educated lay people.” problem.” Charles Bailyn goes behind the —Ralph A.M.J. Wijers, University of —Milan M. Ćirković, American theory and physics of black holes Amsterdam Journal of Physics to describe how astronomers are 2011.
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