
SECOND SESSION. IN SENATE. We beseech Thee, bestow that favor upon all this great people with­ out which they are wholly unequal to their mission in .this land. MoNDAY, December 7, 1874. Help the Government in its grave responsibilities. Bless this Con­ The first Monday of December being the day prescribed by the Con­ gress during its present session. May the candle of the Lord light them stitution of the United States for the annual meeting of Congress, through every maze of difficulty; and may Thy good Spirit rest and the second sessiop. of the Forty-third Congress commenced this day. abide upon them. We ask it for Christ, the Redeemer's sake: Amen. The Senators 3B88mbled in the Senate Chamber at the Capitol, in the NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. city of Washington. On motion of Mr. ANTHONY, it was SENATORS PRESENT. Ordered, That the Secreta-ry inform the Houae of Representatives that a. quorum The following Senators were present : from the State of­ of the Senate is assembled, and that the Senate is ready to proceed to buainess. Maine-Ron. Hannibal Hamlin and Hon. Lot M. Morrill. HOUR OF MEETING. New Bantpshire-Hon. Aaron H. Cragin and Ron. Bainbridge Wad­ On motion of Mr. ANTHONY, it was leigh. Ordered, That the hour of the daily mooting of the Senate be twelve o'clock merid- Vernwnt--Hon. George F. Edmunds and Hon. Justin S. Morrill. ian, until otherwise ordered. · Massachusetts-Ron. George S. Boutwell and Ron. William B. NO'-\'IFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. Washburn. Rhodeisland-Hon. Henry B. Anthony. Mr. CONKLING submitted the following resolution; which was con­ Connecticut--Ron. Orris S. Ferry. sidered by unanimous consent, and agreed to : New York-Ron. Roscoe Conkling. Resolved, That a committee, consisting of two members, be n;ppointed, to join such committee as may be appointed by- the House of Representatives, to wait upon the New Jorsey-Hon. Frederick T. Frelingbuysen. President of the United States, and inform him that a quorum of each Houae is as­ Pennsylvani~-Ron. Simon Cameron and Ron. John Scott. sembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any communication he may be pleased Delaware-Ron. Eli Saulsbury. to make. Maryland-Ron. George R. Dennis and Ron. William T. Hamilton. By unanimous consent, the Vice-President was authorized to ap­ Virginia-Ron. John F. Lewis. point the committee on the part of the Senate; and MeSSIS. CONKLING South Carolina-Hon.JohnJ. Patterson and Ron. '.MlOmasJ.Robert- and THURMAN were appointed. son. Florida--Ron. Simon B. Conover and Ron. Abijah Gilbert. GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT. .Alabama-Ron. George E. Spencer. Mr. MORRILL, of Maine. Mr. President, the joint select com­ Mississippi-Ron. James L. Alcorn and Ron. Henry R. Pease. mittee appointed under the act of Congress of the last session to Louisiana-Ron. J. R. West. make a frame of government for the District of Columbia have T~as-Hon. J. W. Flanagan. - attended to that duty, and have instructed me to report a frame of .Arkansas-Ron. Powell Clayton and Ron. Stephen W. Dorsey. government for the District of Columbia, with sundry provisions of M"~sou,ri-Hon. Lewis V. Bogy and Ron. Carl Schurz. statute designed to enforce such frame of government, accompanied Tennessee-Ron. Henry Cooper. · by a written report, to which I respectfully ask the attention of the Kent1reky-Hon. Thomas C. McCreery and Ron. John W. Stevenson. Senate. I move that the report lio on the table and be printed. West Virginia-Ron. Arthur I. Boreman and Ron. Henry G. Davis. The motion was agreed to; and the accompanying bill (S. No. 963) Ohio-Ron. John Sherman and Ron. Allen G. Thurman. for the better government of the District of Columbia was read and Indiana-Ron. Daniel D. Pratt. passed to the second reading. fllinois-Hon. John A. Logan and Ron. Richard J. Oglesby. REPORTS REQUIRED BY LAW. Michigan-Ron. Zachariah Chandler and Ron. Thomas W. Ferry. The VICE-PRESIDENT. I have received and now lay before the Wisconsin-Ron. Matthew H. Carpenter and Hon. Timothy 0. Senate a report of the Secretary of the Senate, in compliance with Howe.· section·73 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, containing a. Iowa-Ron. William B. Allison and Ron. George G. Wright. full and complete statement of the rec~ipta and expenditures of the Minnesota-Ron. Alexander Ramsey and Ron. William Windom. contingent fund of the Senate from July 1, 1873, t.o Junb 30, 1874. Kansas-Ron. James M. Harvey and Ron. John J. Ingalls. The report will lie on the table and be printed, if there be no objection. Nebraska-Ron. Phineas W. Hitchcock. Mr. SHERMAN. I think it would be better. not to print these California-Ron. JohnS. Hager and Ron. Aaron A. Sargent. detailed reports until they are referred to t.he Committee on Printing. Oregon-Ron. James K. Kelly and Ron. John H. Mitchell. I move, therefore, that t.he question of printing the document lie on The VICE PRESIDENT (Hon. HENRY WILSoN, of MaMachusetta) the table for the present, as we have no committees as yet. called the Senate to order at twelve o'clock m., there being a The motion was agreed to. quorum of Senators present. The VICE~PRESIDENT bid before the Senate a report of the Sec­ PRAYER. retary of the Senate, in compliance with the seventy-fifth section of Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D., Chaplain to the Sena-te for the the Revised Statutes of the United States, containing a fullandcom­ Forty-third Congress, offered the following prayer: plete account of all property belonging to the United States in his Almighty and everlasting God, we come to worship Thee as the possession on this day; which was ordered to lie on the table. Supreme Ruler and Rightful Lawgiver of the world; and as Thou He also laid before the Senate a report of the Sergeant-at-Arms of .ha t borne us aJl hither in safety, let us not be unmindful of Thee the 1::\enate, containing, in compliance with the seventy-fifth section this day, nor turn away from the love of our Father and our God. of the Revised Statutes of the United States, a full and complete We thank Thee for Thy mercies to our nation; we acknowledge Thy account of all property belonging to the United States in his posses- t}ha.stisement.s, and pray that we may be corrected· throlhgtsi sions· this .. day;.. which. was... ordered-· . to lie.. on. the table.... · ·· ·' J 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. DECEMBER 7, He also laid before the Senate :1 report of the clerk of the Court of Mr. LOGAN asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to Claims, transmitting, in compliance with sect.ion 9 of the act entitled introduce a bill (S. No. 970) for the relief of Anclrew Hosmer, of "An act to provide for :tppcals from the Com't of Claims, and for other Peoria, illinois; which was read twice by its title, and ordered to pmpose ," approved June 25, 1868, a statement of :tll judgments ren­ lie on the table and be printed. dered by that court for the year ending December 7, 187 4, the amounts Mr. SARGENT asked, a.nd by unanimous consent obtained, le::tve thereof, the p:trties in whose bvor rendered, and a brief synopsis of to introduce a bill (S. No. 971) to protect persons of foreign biJ:th the nature of the claims upon which said judgments ha.ve been ren­ against forcible constraint or involuntary servitude; which was read dered; which was ordered to lie on the ta.ble. twice by its title, and ordered to lie on the tab]e. CREDENTIALS OF SENATORS ELECT. He also asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, lea.ve to intro­ duce a bill (S. No. 972) to enable Indians in certain cases to enter The VICE-PRESIDENT presented the credentia.ls of Ron. GEORGE public lands of the United States under the homestead law, and • F. EDMUNDS, elected by the Legislature of Vermont a Senator from for other purposes; which was read twice by its title, ::tnd ordered that Sta.te for the term commencing on the 4th day of March, 1875; to lie on the t::tble. which were read and ordered to be filed. He also asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to intro­ He also pre ented the credentials of Ron. \Villia.m W. Eaton, elected duce a bill (S. No. 973) to con-ect the da.te of commi sion of certain by the Legislature of Connecticut a Senator from that State for the officers of the Army; which was read twice by its title, and ordered torm commencing on the 4th day of March, 1875; which were read to lie on the table. and ordered to be filed. RECESS. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Mr. ANTHONY, (a.t twelve o'clock and seventeen minutes p.m.) Mr. FERRY, of Michigan. I present the petition of Hiram Bate­ Mr. President, there seema to be no busine s before the Senate ; and, man, late of Company I, Third Regiment Michigan Volunteers, pray­ while we are waiting for the message of the President of the United ing to be granted a pension. I propose that it be referred to the States, I move tha.t the Senate take a recess until one o'clock. Committee on Pensions. The motion was agreed to; and at one o'clock p.m. the Sen::tte The VICE-PRESIDENT. The committees have not yet been ap­ reassembled. pointed. The petition will be received, an<l lie on the table for the ARKANSAS JUDICIAL DISTRICTS.
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