Two Sections w Facebook.com/ Twitter.com Volume 59, No. 95 FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 2013 BrooklynEagle.com BrooklynEagle @BklynEagle 50¢ BROOKLYN Ratner To Sell Off TODAY AUG. 23 Part of Unfinished Good morning. Today is the 235th day of the year. The Atlantic Yards? Brooklyn Daily Eagle of Aug. According to The New 23, 1902, contained an ad for York Times, Bruce Ratner, “Malt Creamlet Cocoa.” This executive chairman of product, similar to hot choco- Forest City Ratner, is late, consisted of squares that seeking an investor to buy were meant to be put into hot as much as 80 percent of water or hot milk, where they the rest of the $5 billion would dissolve. Later that year, Atlantic Yards develop- after a complaint from a New ment, which is slated to York City resident, the state De- partment of Health concluded eventually include 14 res- that the product contained very idential buildings. little cocoa, but lots of sugar and The Barclays Center, fat. Nevertheless, the state deter- the centerpiece of the de- mined that it was harmless and velopment, was finished could still be sold. last year. The Times says Rat- Well-known people who ner’s company could reap were born today include basket- as much as $800 million ball player Kobe Bryant, Hall of from the sale of 50 to 80 Fame football player Sonny Jur- gensen, actress Barbara Eden percent of the remaining (“I Dream of Jeannie”), actor project. However, the Scott Caan (“Hawaii Five-0”) company would remain in and comedian Mark Russell. control and continue to Preparing for MTV Awards at Barclays develop the property. WORKMEN ON THURSDAY INSTALL FALSE BROWNSTONE BRICKS FOR THE MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS AT BARCLAYS CENTER. On Saturday from noon to The awards show will be held for the first time in Brooklyn at Barclays Center on Sunday. AP Photo by Seth Wenig 4 p.m. at Union Street between Rogers and Nostrand avenues, the Brooklyn Metropolis Lions Club and Assemblyman Karim Camara will present the Fourth Annual Union-Nostrand Street Festival and Back to School B’klyn Book Fest Giveback. There will be free backpacks with school supplies as well as free food, games and live entertainment. ... On Satur- September 22 day at 10 a.m., the Society of Old Brooklynites will hold their Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz 105th annual memorial tribute to and the Brooklyn Literary Council on Thursday the Prison Ship Martyrs and commemoration of the Revolu- announced programming for the eighth annual tionary War Battle of Brooklyn. Brooklyn Book Festival, to be held on Sunday, The ceremony will be held at Sept. 22, 2013. This year’s program will feature Prison Ship Martyrs’ Monument Bourke of Brendan courtesy Photo over 340 authors, more than 90 panels and read- in Fort Greene Park, whose base ings, and over 60 “Bookend” events to take place by Amanda Marsalis Photo contains the remains of 11,500 American patriots who died the week leading up to the festival. aboard rotting British prison Award-winning writers Colum McCann (left), ships in New York Harbor dur- author of “TransAtlantic,” and Jennifer Gilmore ing the Revolution. Brooklyn (right), author of “The Mothers,” are among this Borough Historian Ron For the full Schweiger will deliver the year’s highly anticipated participants. keynote address. program, visit brookyneagle.com Colum McCann Jennifer Gilmore What Next for Heights Cinema? THE BELOVED BROOKLYN Heights Cinema at 70 Henry St. has been a local institution since 1970. Plans are being revised to turn the building into apartments with most of the first floor occu- pied by the movie theater. See Eye on Real Estate, pages 1 INB-2 INB. BROOKLYN CYCLONE JAMES ROCHE Cyclones of Brooklyn courtesy Photo on Wednesday night extended his hitting streak to nine games and capped a three-run third inning with a two-out RBI single. How- ever, the Cyclones squandered a two-run lead in an eventual 5-3 loss to the last-place Staten Is- Photo by Josh Ross Photo land Yankees. See Sports, page 15. Friday, August 23, 2013 • Brooklyn Daily Eagle • 1 Levin Wants City To Release Data on Film Shoots By Paula Katinas filming in New York City. Under Brooklyn Eagle Levin’s bill, all these reports would New York is starting to rival Hol- be made available online. lywood as a place where movies and “Especially in the neighbor- television shows are filmed. Hun- hoods in my district, like Brooklyn dreds of films and television shows Heights and Greenpoint, filming is are shot on city streets each year, taking place on a regular basis. While according to the Mayor’s Office of our communities are very support- Film, Theater and Television. On its ive of the many benefits that filming website, the office states that the brings to our city, these shoots can entertainment industry contributes sometimes cause headaches for resi- $7.1 billion to the city’s economy an- dents of the community where film- nually and employs 130,000 people. ing takes place regularly,” Levin said. But the city could be doing a bet- “By providing as much informa- ter job of informing the public about tion as possible to the public about the benefits and drawbacks of turn- film shoots in New York City, we ing city streets into soundstages, can create a more transparent city Councilman Steve Levin said. government and make filming a Levin (D-Brooklyn Heights-Wil- positive experience for even more liamsburg-Greenpoint) planned to New Yorkers,” Levin said. introduce a bill on Thursday that The city currently does not would require the Office of Film, make information about film Theater and Broadcasting to release shoots available online and does reports on a monthly and an annu- not provide detailed information al basis giving details about filming about the costs and benefits of the in New York City. filming industry, Levin said. The legislation would require Judy Stanton, executive direc- monthly reports detailing the lo- tor of the Brooklyn Heights Asso- cations of all film shoot permits ciation, supports the bill. “Brook- in New York City, broken down by lyn Heights is a prime location for City Councilman Steve Levin wants the city to provide more information to the public about film shoots. Eagle file photo borough, community board, coun- film shoots, and we have sought cil district and street. The bill would access to more information about Brooklyn Heights,” she said. on how their streets are being used. Greenpoint. “This bill is a great step also require a fully detailed annual filming activity in New York City. Todd Eaton, co-chairman of the “As a resident of a neighbor- in helping citizens to understand report of the data compiled in the We therefore view this bill as a di- Open Space Alliance Community hood that hosts many film pro- how our neighborhoods and streets monthly reports, detailed employ- rect response to concerns voiced by Committee, said Levin’s proposed ductions, it would be great to have are being used by the film industry ment figures related to the filming our members regarding the impact legislation would benefit residents insight into how our streets are be- and what the resulting benefits are industry, and costs and benefits of of filming on the quality of life in by giving them more information ing used,” said Eaton, who lives in to our communities.” “This bill incentiviz- es consumers to bring their Heights Congregation Recevies Plastic Bags May Cost own reusable bags and think twice before reaching for pa- per or plastic ones, which will cut back on pollution Sacred Sites Grant You Under New Bill and ultimately protect New The New York Landmarks By Paula Katinas “It can be easy to forget York City’s invaluable green Conservancy has given a Brooklyn Eagle the impact we each have on spaces and waterways that $10,000 Sacred Sites grant That plastic bag your gro- the environment – an impact have been under threat for for facade restoration to Con- cer puts your eggs and bread that really adds up when you too long,” Chin said. gregation B’nai Avraham in in at the checkout counter will have a city of 8 million peo- Environmental groups Brooklyn Heights, part of a cost you 10 cents if a new bill ple,” Lander said. “The truth applauded the bill. “This is a total of $275,000 awarded to introduced on Tuesday wins is there are a lot of times that strong and thoughtful piece historic religious properties the City Council’s approval. we don’t really need a plastic of legislation that builds on throughout the state. Councilman Brad Land- bag. This common sense leg- what we’ve seen across the “It’s vital to renew and re- er (D-Park Slope-Cobble Hill) islation will help New York country and that will work pair religious buildings,” said and Councilwoman Marga- cut plastic bag waste, both in New York City,” said Jen- Peg Breen, president of The ret Chin (D-Lower Manhat- saving money and reducing nie R. Romer, founder of the New York Landmarks Con- tan) have introduced a bill litter, without affecting small website PlasticBagLaws.org. servancy. “Not only do these that would require grocery businesses,” he said. “Legislation like this has been sites convey their commu- stores to charge customers Similar laws in other cit- shown to lead to swift and nities’ history, they serve 10 cents for each plastic bag. ies reduced plastic bag use by significant changes in con- their neighborhoods today There would also be a charge as much as 90 percent, coun- sumer behavior because con- with food pantries, nursery for paper bags, under the pro- cil members said.
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