IT's The eatber Oldest and Larges Today: Windy, clearing, 48°F (9°C) Tonight: Cold, windy, 17°F (-8°C) ew paper Tomorrow: Cool, clear, 31°F (-1°C) Detail , Page 2 Volume 120, umber 64 02139 Tuesday, December 12,2000 MIT Students Wm A Hits, Rhodes, Marshall Misses in By Eun J. Lee gram at MIT. "In both the cases of STAFF REPORTER Jason and Emma it was hard to Busy Term Two MIT students were granted imagine anyone that a committee prestigious scholarships for tudy in would prefer to choo e over them. ' By Matthew Palmer England over the past week when President Charles M. Ve t said, ASSOCIATE NEWS EDfTOR Emma P. Brunskill G wa named a 'I am very pleased that two of our To ci ' s is still here, but confi- Rhodes scholar and Jason H. Wasfy students have been recognized dential medical transport isn't here '01 was named a Marshall scholar. through Rhodes and Marshall schol- yet. Student have more money to Brunskill is a first year graduate arships. MIT has remarkable stu- pend on activitie and athletics, but student in computer science and engi- dents who will both benefit from they are still waiting for the final neering and Presidential scholar at and add luster to these prestigious look of the Transitions lounge. MIT. Wasfy is a senior in the Depart- program' ." After a busy term, the Under- ment of Chemical Engineering. Competition is extremely intense graduate Association has accom- "These are people who are not for both scholarships. Brunskill is plished a wide variety of goals and only distinguished in their realm of one of only thirty-two American fallen short on a few others, which scholarship but are strong communi- students chosen to be Rhodes schol- they say are still in the works. cators with a strong sense of pur- ars from 950 applicant who were Perhaps the biggest UA project pose in their actions," said Professor endorsed by 327 colleges and uni- of the semester, the drive for confi- Lawrence Vale, student advisor for dential medical transport, or CMT, both the Rhodes and Marshall pro- Scholarships, Page 23 is still in the planning stages, despite hopes for an early resolu- tion. TEAL Physics Program "We'll know by the end of term where we stand" in regard to CMT, UA President Peter Shulman '01. Sparks Student Criticism "We haven't forgotten about it." "[CMT is] looking very good," By David Bailey ry physics courses 8.01 (Mechanics) co-chair of the UA Committee on STAFF REPORTER and 8.02 (Electricity and Magnet- tudent Life Josiah D. Seale '02 BRIAN HEMOND-THE TECH As debates heated up this week ism). said. "We should have something Matthew I. Frank G donates blood for the American Red Cross. over the proposed Technology According to the proposal, good in medical tran port by next The blood drive will be held in La Sal a through Wednesday. Enhanced Active Learning (TEAL) TEAL will "merge lecture, recita- program, the ad hoc committee tions, and hands-on laboratory expe- UA, Page 21 charged with the program's imple- rience into a technologically and mentation welcomed the discussion collaboratively rich experience." and called for more student input. Students will share laptops in Conquering Finals: A How-To Guide Committee members Allison L. groups of three, with nine students N eizmik '02 and Kendall B. sitting at each of a dozen or so By Brian M. Loux If these hints aren't enough for just age-old wisdom, Benedict cited a McConnell '02 said they were espe- round tables in' one classroom. f.. STAFF REPORTER you and you still suffer from exces- recent nationwide study that showed cially interested in gauging reaction professor will be present for instruc- It's that time again. 0, not the sive stress, know where to turn for sleeping after a study session to the most controversial aspect of tion, as well as guidance in perfor- holidays. Finals. Whether you're a help. Two of the major re ources on improved memory retention. "Usual- the plan: operating TEAL in the mance of lab experiments. freshman facing your first finals at campus are the mental health center ly students feel so pressured that Student Center Reading Room dur- MIT or a in 5-102 and the Academic Resource the e concerns go by the wayside," ing the daytime. Neizrnik said the Program eschews passive learning Center. The ARC has set up a web Benedict said. committee could be reached via e- According to Belcher, the pro- Feature: ~~~~; site to on how to improve your study mail at [email protected]. gram is based on a method of teach- counting skill at <httpt/iweb.mit.edu/acadin- plan of action for tudying TEAL, coordinated by Professor ing which research by Professor down thedays on your last semester, folstudyskills>. The ARC also has Professor of Physics Edward H. of Physics John Belcher, proposes a here are some hints for how to suc- study seminars to aid students: check Farm, who teaches Phy ics I (8.01), new method for teaching introducto- TEAL, Page 19 ceed when taking final exams. their schedule in 7-104. said that the best method for phy ics Dean of Student Life Larry G. studying is to redo every homework Benedict said that students need to problem in every book. "The tests "make sure they get enough sleep, eat will be comparable to the problems well, and manage their time proper- given in the homework - nothing ly." Noting that this was more than Finals, Page 20 Ilona Karmel Zucker Ilona Karmel Zucker a retired member of the Program in Writing and Humanistic Studie and the namesake of the annual Ilona Karmel Writing Prize, passed away on ov. 30 at a Cambridge ho pital, She wa 75. "Ms. Karmel was one of the finest teacher we have had in the School of Humanities and ocial Science. he wa a person of great vision and wisdom whose bond with her students is legendary," said Professor James Paradis, head of the Program in Writing and Human- i tic tudie. Karmel came to MIT in 1977 as a senior lecturer, but she was an accompli hed poet and writer long before then. he wrote Songsfrom Behind the Barbed Wire, a poetry anthology, while in azi-occupied Poland. Karmel a survivor of the Holocaust drew from her personal e periences in many of her works, including An Estate of Memory and Stephania, her first novel. AARON D, MIHALIK-THE TECH "Her moving novels remain cla ic of mid-twentieth century lit- Goalie Jodi Cohen stops a shot during the women's club hockey game on Saturday. MIT defeated the Maine Free Agents 4-3. This latest win brings the Engineers to 4-2 for the season. Karmel, Page 20 Glimpse the Comic Thi will be the la t regularly World & ation 2 holida sat scheduled i ue of The Tech. Opinion 4 MIT in our Publication will re ume on the Arts 6 section on econd Wedne day in January. On the Town .11 the ea on. Even alendar .19 Page Al Page 13 Page 2 Decemb r 1 2000 ATION spnte over Absentee Votes LOS ANGELES TIMES T LAH EE Florida's defiant Republican-controlled Legislature will begin oting Goes Back TO Florida Court Tue day on a re olution to directly appoint elector loyal to George Bu h, setting the stage for further confu ion in the po t-ele tion pre iden- B Scott Gold any effect on oter intent," he said. ic acti i t who brought the erni- tial race. LOS A GELES TIMES , I just don't ee any ba i for a nole ounty case. 'It' a very On onday state Rep. Dwight tansel, a chicken fanner from north- T ALLAHA EE, FLA. rever al. ' in onsi t nt po ition." ern Florida was the sole Democrat on a Hou e legi lati e committee who Democratic lawyer launched a In ashington Bu h and Gore Edward tafman, a Tallaha see voted to support the propo al to send a slate of 25 Bu h supporter to the new legal as ault on George W. lawyer argued onday before the lawyer who argued the artin Electoral College even if ballot recounts re ume and I Gore take the Bush on onday, charging that the U. upreme Court over whether a ounty law uit agreed. "Whether lead. Republican pre idential candidate manual recount of vote should [Republicans] can na igate their "It wa a very, very hard deci ion" said tansel, whose district voted only supports states' right when re ume in Florida. ruling by the way through by taking both posi- 61 percent for Bush. 'But ometime you just have to do what God tells it convenient. court to terminate recount would tions, we'll have to ee. But there you to do." He and four Republicans sent the measure, a proposed concur- In paper filed in court here, effectively ink Gore chance. But seems to be orne major-league rent resolution, to the House floor for a full vote on Tuesday. enate Democratic activi appealed to the a vote by the Florida upreme Court hypocrisy here. ' committee separately pas ed the same measure and scheduled it for a full Florida upreme 000 to rein tate to toss out the absentee ballots Republicans scoffed at the argu- vote Wednesday. law uit that accu ed Republican might keep him afloat pending fur- ment, and legal expert aid the of improperly fixing flawed ballot ther court challenges.
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