8 Storey's Gate, London SW1P 3AT Press Release Tel: 01 222 8122 ISEC/9/86 10 July 1986 EMBARGO: Not for publication or broadcast before 15.00 HOURS, MONDAY, 14 JULY 1986. £26 MILLION REGIONAL FUND GRANTS TO THE UNITED KINGDOM The European Commission has approved grants from the Regional Development Fund amounting to £26 310 634 in respect of 187 projects in the United Kingdom. This is the fifth allocation of funds this year. The grants were distributed as follows: Northern Ireland - 31 investments in industry and infrastructure have received a total of £3.8m. Amongst the projects assisted are the provision of bus stations in Londonderry and Newtownabbey and the provision of a new access to the N.I. Science Park at Muckamore, Co. Antrim which is eventually expected to support 350 jobs. Wales - 56 projects have been awarded grants of £9.~9m, ~ost of which concern investments in infrastructure throughout the assisted areas. Of particular note is the award of £663 000 to the Swansea Innovation Centre which is being de­ veloped by the University College of Swansea, and the construction of a leisure centre at Holywell, Clwyd which will assist the development of the tourist industry in this area. South West - 3 investments in industry and 3 infrastructure projects have received a total grant of £222 500. Of particular interest is the prov1s1on of infrastructure at Whitstone Industrial Estate, which will provide the basic facilities for 8 new industrial units. Scotland - a total grant of £2 284 200 has been awarded to 21 projects, 8 in industry and 13 in infrastructure. Noteworthy is the construction of a sea wall at Carradale Harbour, which will enable the continued use of the harbour by 15-20 small fishing vessels. Northern Region - 13 projects have been granted a total of £1 455 250. Teeside Airport has been awarded £347 500 towards an extension to the existing terminal building and improvements to the baggage handling facilities. The new terminal will be capable of handling the increasing numbers of passengers using the air­ port and ensure that the future trends in passenger growth can be accommodated. Also of note is a grant of £43 000 to a Horticulture and Agricultural Training Centre in Middlesborough for which an existing farmhouse is being refurbished and converted for use as a youth training centre in horticulture and livestock management. .. I ,......., ............... __- ISEC/9/86 - 2 - Yorkshire and Humberside - a total of £2 545 100 has been granted to 16 projects. £1 084 000 has been granted to Glanford Borough Council towards Phase I of the Elsham Wold Industrial Estate. In Bradford, Anderton International Ltd have been awarded £125 000 towards the provision of additional capacity for the manu­ facture of circlips retaining rings and spring pressings. 45 new jobs will be created and 20 existing jobs retained. West Midlands - 13 projects have benefitted from grants totalling £2 789 700. Several investments in industrial workshops have been grant aided including £570 150 towards the Inner City Industrial Centre in Coventry; and £250 600 towards the Birmingham New Enterprise Workshops. South Staffordshire District Council has benefitted from a grant of £835 000 towards the Four Ashes industrial development. In Birmingham a grant of £85 750 has been made to the Cooperative Development Centre to provide shared, low-cost workspace for cooperative start-up ventures. North West Region- a total grant of £3 455 788 has been awarded to 31 projects. A grant of £200 000 has been made to Manesty Machines Ltd for the manufacture of tablet presses, tablet coating equipment, mixing and granulating equipment, punches and dies. A £25 000 grant has been made to Aerospace Metals Ltd for the manufacture of component parts for the aerospace, off-shore oil, medical and re­ lated hi-tech industries. Several infrastructure grants have been made to industrial estate developments, notably £624 000 to Knowsley MBC for the develop­ ment of the B.I.P. factory site and £421 000 to Tameside MBC in respect of modernisation work at the Carrbrook industrial estate, Stalybridge. .. ./ F:EG ION: N!lRTH ERDF" ContJ"Ibut•on --~GIOI4: Yl:lfliiSI-!If\'£ HIJHBE~'SII!E ERDF" Contr 1but ion INflUSTilY INDUSTRY -------- Local. P.Auckland New constructron! 25,000.00 ~ Loc3i. Rothp•·ha,\ Exten:;1on: 55.000.00 ~ County DURHAM F"l ourspar Of'£ County SOUTH YClRt\SHif\'£ Hot-d1p galvan1s1nq ~f ste!!l products EP[IF No, i3:0(1Q(I207BI001 Investor: Weardale H1nJnq I. F'rocess1nq Ef\'[IF No, 85<~Q020951003 Investor: Rcebuck ~ Ctark!! c/0 R0ther Ltd P.oll!!r ltd Local. WashJil<}ton N~ con;truc t 1 61'\! 103.500.00 ~ Local. Sheff•eld Exte-ns1on! 22.000.00 f: County TYIIE Allf< WEAR Self adhe;•ve labels County SOUTH YOR~SHIRE Hanufacture of co111puter P!!TlPherals and EP[IF No, 8:-M(\20781003 Investor: Labellcnq [Jynam•co; Ltd EF"IIF No, ~.QQ(I2(1<l51002 1?l!!ctrr-n1c svstPIIIS Invl!stod [!MS ElectroniCS Ltd TOTAL IHDUSTRY Jobs rrea h•d 50 128,500.00 ~ Local. f!lll<}l!!Y Ext~nsion: 45.000.00 c Courty WEST YORI\SHif\'£ Manufacture of trailer @'tUJpiiJ@nt ------------ EF:DF llo, 850Q(12(l<l5/001 fnvPStor: H ~ 1\ Bradley tTra1leor INFf't\STR!.JCTI.F'£ E~uip~~~ent Lld) ------------- Loc;~ [, Bradford Ext!!n;.<on: 125.000.00 ~ Loca 1. Cl'>ester le Stc·pet New Ct'n;truct 1 on: 105,000.00 ~ rounty LlfST YORKSHIRE Hanufacture of c•rclfPSt reta!OIIl9 r<ll<}S County IUlHAM M1ddle char~ rear acre<;s and veh•cle ER[1F No, 8509(12095/004 and s!lr; ng press r nqs EF:r<f" No, 85(19(140291002 par~. Inve:;tor! Anderton Internahonal Ltd In"e;tor: Chestpr le Stre!!t L<C Local. Bradford Extl!'nslon: 37.500.00 f. Local. Dar l 1119ton Hodernli-tttront 347,500.00 ~ County WEST YORKSHII\E Manufacture and dyeill9 of rayon and ~ounty MHAH Ter111nal build!ll9 lfiPl"OV-nt Te!!S~Ide ERl<F No, 8:::.09020951005 nylo~ decorative flocl: PDF No, 8509t1402BI003 a 1TP0rt Inv!!Stor: ,Jnhn P!!el l. Son Ltd Investor: ClevO?land CC Local. ri!!C~heaton Extens1on: 37.500.00 f. Local. Derl<lt'ntsJde Extens1on: 27.500.00 ~ C?U n• r WEST Y0~1 ,SI-fi f\'£ Manufacture of rugs County IIURHAI1 Tanf1eld lea ~.E. -Gas and Electr•c•h ERl•F t4o, 8500020951006 Invl!'stod Camelot Carpets Ltd EF"DF No, B60Q(I40031006 SUPPb Investor: [fUJ·ham CC --------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------ w TOTAL INDIJSTRl" Jobs cr!!at!!d 180 Jobs manta 1n!!d ~9 322.000.0() r. Local. Durha11 ~ con'!truct 1on: 65,500.00 ~ County DIJRHAI\ [lra9on lan.. Sta9es ~ and 2A -------------- EP[IF No, 86(lQ040031005 Investor: I!urham CC INFRASTRUCTURE -------------- Local, Lall<}baurgh New construct< on: BB,2SO.OO ~ County CLE'JELAND Warr.,nbv lE Loca 1, ~lll9St0n upon Hull Hodern1sat ion: ~03.500.00 ~ EP!IF No, 85090402BI004 Investor: La119baur9h BC County HIJHBERSfLJE Heor!faqP. cl!'ntre Cold qra111111ar school/FH~: EF"llF t4o, 850Q04J311001 f1sh st dav school) Local. Lall<}baurgh Modernisation: 18.500,00 E Investo•·: l\1nqston upon Hu!l Coty County CLEVELANI< Cla-, lan.. Industr1al S!l!! Phas!! 2 EPriF llo, 86(19040031001 J?~ lama! 1on Local. ~lll<}ston upon Hull New construction: 105.000.00 ~ Investor: Lall<}baurqh BC Co•1nt t HliHf!ERSiflf Harrow street to boul!!vard - H1qh10ay EF•!•F No, S~.OQ(\4131 /00] 1111Provements Local. Lanqbaurgh Hew construct 10n~ 219,500.00 ~ Invest01": Humbl!'l"Side CC Cou~ty CLE\IELANI< Clav Lall!! Industr~al S1f!! Phas!! 3 Ef-[IF No, !36(\904(1(l3100~ Infra~hucture Loca 1. ~lll<}Ston upon Hull Mode•·n• sat 1on: 30,100,00 ~ Investor: La119baurgh BC County HIJHf<ERSIDE !Jrportundv centre - tr d 1n 1ll9 wor~:shops EF"liF No. 850904131/007 Inv!!Stor: Kinqston up~n Hull CitY Local. Lall<}baurgh HP• construc:t,,n! 64,000.00 ~ County CLEVELANI< I111Per11l F·arl: Phase 2- Rectamat•on Loca 1. 1\J~to~ Llpon Hull Modern1s.1t 1on: 400.000.00 ~ Ef-'[<f No, il6('Q0401.131003 Invest0r: Langba•~rqh BC County HIJH RSIDE Fer!!nsway Two Way EP[IF tlo, 8509(141861001 Tnv!!stor: Humbers1de CC Local. Lall9baurgh New construct< on: 35,500.00 ~ Co•1nt y CLEVELANII Non11an Te,-.-ace access R~ad Loca [, ~lll<}ston Llpon Hull New construct 1 on! 69,000.00 ~ EF·DF llo, 86(lQ04(1(l31004 Inv~tor: lanqba•Jrqh BC County KIH.IIERSIDE fi19h Street L1nl: EPDF No, 850904186/003 Investor: Humberside CC Loca 1, H• dd l!!sbr ouqh N'='w consfrtJct 1 on: 43,000.00 i County CLEVELAI!I• Horticultu•·e aqr~cultural 1ra1n1n9 Local. Scunthorpe New construction: 1,084,500.00 ~ EPr~~' No, 851)9040281005 centre County HIJHE<EF"SI DE Elsha• wo ld IE Phase 1 Investor: M•dd lesbrough !lC ERDF No, 85(10040241007 Investor: Glaoford llC H CJ) Loca 1, HJddiPsbrough HN construction! 312,500.00 ~ t'l County CLEVELAND lil> l!!athalll re<;P.rvo IT ("') EPP> l'o. 8509(14061/003 Investor: Northumbr 1an !.lA '-0 1 ,326, 750,00 i -00 TOTAl ItJFRASTRI.GliF"£ ... / -"' TOTAL ~TH Jobs cr!!at!!d 50 1.455,250.00 ~ H Ul t>:l (") ERlf' Contribution ERDF c~ntrtbutton !lEGION: YORt\SHIR£ fl.IHlU.'SID£ P£GION1 loiEST 11Irt.ANDS -\0 00 -0\ Local, Scunthorpe New constructton: 117.500.00 ~ INru5TRY County tUI!:lEIISH( Er•tlll! ;trpet C11~ Junction and rat ERDF No, ~o(IQ0413!1002 Abbl.':' 20,000.00 £ Investor: Hu.bers1de CC Local. H1nckle~ Extenst on! County WEST HIIlLANitS To construct prettu;l!s and prov1de Local.
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