JOU~NAL OF THE EVENING STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION Volume ONE - number TWENTY SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY Montreal - February twenty-fourth 69 •• PRICE FIVE CENTS PRESIDENTS DESK The events around the Anderson affair have so many ramifications that it is impossible at this time to completely and adequately detail. However, on one thing I believe we all agree THIS MUST NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. Whether it does or not depends on you Mr. or Miss Uncommitted. Up to this time you have contentedly attended your classes, when asked to involve yourself in student affairs you were too busy. When you attended a meeting you could not take the pressure of the painfully slow process of legislation. You ducked out. When the deadbeats got turfed out you cried railroad and went back to sleep. Then when the university tumbled around your ears you asked What? Why? Eh? Get involved in your association. Get involved in your university don't just milk it. Elections are coming get off your rump and vote then don't go back to sleep stay with it even if the going seems slow at times. Fill in the form for the assembly or register in room 331. The Evening Students Association is now a baby-turn it into a lusty child. Was the Black Writers Conference at McGill last fall Carmichael and his aides to lay the ground work for Montreal? E.S.A. GIVES $3,000 TO STUDENTS EVENING STUDENTS COMPUTER from 30,000 to 50 ,000 man­ CENTER hours of highly skilled work. TO HELP AND FACULTY SUFFERING LOSS Some professors and stu­ ASSESSMENT dents lost their programs, RESTORATION FUND By Andy King and in cases, all the original Since the unfortunate oc­ As a result of the recent holocost The computer cinter bore research will have to be done curences of February 11th on the 9th floor many students and the brunt of the damages all over again. here at Sir George many faculty have suffered loss of equip­ resulting from the Tuesday The computers as such evening students have expres­ rampage, most of its faci­ will never be· replaced in the sed a desire to help out in ment, books, research work and pos­ lites being completely des­ rooms known as the Computer ome way. The restoration sessions. troyed. Center. While there is a fund, initiated by the day The Control Data 3300 chance that they might be Students A sociation became computer is virtually a total placed elsewhere in the Hall the mo t viable mean where­ Considering these losses as very write-off. There might be building, (in the ba ement,) it by Evening tudent could serious, the Evening Student's As­ some very slight salvage is almost certain that the most easily and meaningfully sociation Executive have voted value from some components. .computer will now be locat­ contribute. The role of the The computer was owned by ed off campus, with the evening student would be to $3, 000 in the form of financial as­ Sir George. The I.B.M. 1620 terminals only on the ninth register his/her name and sistance to help cover these losses. was also virtually complete­ floor. company or school at the E. This fund will be available to all stu­ ly destroyed. In addition, the On Tuesday a· terminal will .A. office and then organize office complex was destroy­ be reactivated in the Hall a collection in their own dents both Evening and Day who have ed, and there wa the loss of Building, (it wa installed and company. A letter from the suffered loss. the programs. How much of operational by last Wednes­ Fund's Co-ordinator L. the losses will be recovered day, but has been closed Abrams will be given to those is not yet known. down for alterations,) and will who wish to help in this cam­ Presulent Bill O'Mahoney and Arts The target date for having handle 400 - 500 cards per paign and official tax deduct­ Representative Ross Miles both the replacement computer minute. This terminal is at­ ible receipts will be issued. expressed the opinion that physical hardware faci lities opera­ tached to a computer in Ot­ All Sir George students fee l tional is June l. The faci Ii tes tawa belonging to Computel that they would like to help plant is much easier to replace than wi ll not be properly func­ Systems Limited, who are restore the University, phy­ personal time and research lost, tional unti ll late fa fl how­ providing the installation of sically as we ll as its reputa­ and it is hoped that financial as­ ever, because of the damage the terminal and line service tion. We need as much help to the programs. free of charge and are from you the students to en­ sistance will help to compensate, at All the punch cards were providing computer time at a sure a successful campaign. least partially. lost or destroyed, and most special rate. The terminal For more information, of the programs are gone too. should be adequate to handle please go to the E. S.A. of­ Application forms are available To replace these, to bring the student load, the admin­ f'i ces on the third floor of the them up to the level they were istration and ra·cu lty wi ll be Hall building. Help us to help from the ESA secretary in H-331. on the eleventh, wi ll take using outside computers. you. IS SIR GEORGE NEX ON THE N RCHIST LIST OF BOMBI GS • 2 THE PAPER February 24th, 1969 CLASSIFIED RATES: Classified Advertisi ng; rates for rqistered s1uden.s arc S0. 7S for each insertio n. Rates for non-stu­ dents arc Sl.50. Content is limitedtotwenty­ fivc wOrds . Cash must accompany aU ads. The advertisin& deadline for each Monday CHESS CLUB Liberal Club Students' Association· edition is Thursday noon. Ads may be of Conservatory submilled to the Editor's orfoce, Room There will be a Speed H-331-1 Hall Buildin& 1455 de Maison­ SGWU of Charter Flight to ncuvc Blvd. West. Tournament on February General Meeting Cinematographic Art - Europe - 28,J...... 1969 in Room H-637. on WEIGHT LIFTING SET Sta,.-ing time 6.00 p.m. Election of New in collaboration with Montreal - London 110 lbs. of weights, two barbells, two There will be an entry fee Canadian Film Institute May 7 - August 20 d um bells, a nd weighted shoes. $30.00 Officers o r best offer. Coll Bri on ot 879-2832. of 50¢. Winner wi(I get 50% Sir George Williams February 28th ( Formerly advertised at TYPING of the gate. Second pri::e University Friday Alumni Auditorium $195.00 ) Professional Ty ping Service. As Term ~viii be 25% of the.ga te. 2p.m. Papers, Thesis, Correspondence, etc. February 27th $187.32 return CALL : 932-0496 o r 626-7475. Address Speed: ten seconds a move Room H-509 Thursday Deposits now. being accept­ 2222 Guy Street, Suite 3-A. Information "A time for burning" ed TAPE RECORDER All a re Welcome Harold Taylor (U.S.A. 1966) Make cheques payable to 1 A G S • 15 12 - !rock lope recorder. The Club has regular meet­ 626-3383 N~ver used S 110.00. Coll Brion Levy ings in Room H-637 on: February 28th SGWU - 879-2832. Friday evening, February THE THEATRE ARTS Friday Students' Association for BUTTONS & RIBBONS 28, 1969 6- 10 p.m. SECTION OF THE DEPT. "Golden Age of $100.00 Campaign buttons with your advertising Friday day, February 28, OF FINA ARTS Flemish Painting" slogan mode to order. Cheapest prices 196912-4p.m. Deadline February 27, in town. Write, Buttons, Box 353, Place PRESENTS: ( Belgium 1953 ) D'Armes, Mtl., P.Q. Wednesday day, February 1969 26, 1969 12 - 4 p.m. THE FA/IITASTICKS (colour ) EUl!OPE America's longest running musical Space limited Reserve $222.00' · Moy 5 to August 15 . In ­ "The Titan Swry terested Students o r Faculty please Wednesday February 26th - No w! contact me. Coll : 259-1451. March lst8:30 p.m. of Michelangelo" C. E.S. A.C. Matinee: Saturday March 1st EARS PIERCED (Swiss/ U.S.A. 1950 ) Wont your ears pierced? Hov.e it done a t 2:00 p.m. Admission: p rofess ionally and solely. Coll Fred TEACH-IN AT THE THEATRE Public .75 the jeweller. Fo r appointment : 453- PUBLICITY Public $1.50 Students .SO SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS 3321 . Handmade Jewellery. Feb. 28, 1969 Students $1.50 Information 879-4349 UNIVERSITY YOGA Fri day Reservations: 879-43 41 Yago · School of, 3474 Ay lmer, 2:30 - 7 p.m. CANADIAN STU.DIES LECTURE 845-7005 Mornings and Evenings. SERIES FUNDS SPONSORED BY: SECOND LECTURE, TUESDAY . FEBRUARY 25th The Conodion Scholarship Trust H All BUILDING - ROOM H-435 Foundation is o non-p rofit o rgoni,A Sir George Williams µniversity THE INDIAN STUDENTS 8:30PM lion, chartered by the Federal GoW, ernment in 1961 to provide lox-free WITH THE COLLABORATION ASSOCIATIONS OF S.G. W.U. TOPIC ON cash scholorships, so that more Cono­ OF: dion children will hove o Un iversity CANADIAN HISTORIANS AND education. All children born si nce that presents dote may be enrolled in the pion. For PANEL MEMBERS : lHE REFORM MOVEMENT IN full information without obligation, 1) Mr M. Cloutier, ass: Dean LOWER CANADA contact Montreol rep resentative Graham Finch, 342-9054. 2) An M.B.A. student BY 3) A representative of partici­ ''BHARATNATYAM'' INSURANCE pating firms ROBIN BURNS Al l kinds of insura nce, free co nsultation, 4) The co-ordinator of the sys­ specia l li fe insurance, pion fo r students, Performed by Miss K.
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