BISHOPBRIGGS ACADEMY PARENT COUNCIL MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF THE PARENT COUNCIL ON TUESDAY 29th AUGUST 2017 Present: Gordon Moulsdale, Head Teacher (GM); Robert Johnston, Chair (RJ); Karen Thomas (KT); Clare Duns (CD); Carol Robertson (CR); Alison Keith (AK); David Phillips, Vice Chair (DP); Andrea MacDonald (AM); Jane McGrory (JM): Brigitte Schillmeier (BS); David Williams (DW); Angela McDonald (AMc); Natalie Storey (NS); Louise Oudega (LO); Allison Lunan (AL); Cllr Morag Fischer (MF); Cllr Gary Pews (GP) Apologies: Marion McAlister; Cllr Alan Moir; Cllr Gordan Low 1 WELCOME RJ welcomed everyone and in particular, new members and Councillors to the first PC meeting of the new session. In the absence of a Clerk to the PC, KT will take this evening’s minutes. RJ has now served four years as Chair and asked for a volunteer to take over the post. DW offered to take on the post of Chair. This was proposed by RJ and seconded by CD. DP will remain as Vice-Chair. This was proposed by RJ and seconded by AK. D. Williams took over chairing the meeting. 2 MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES For the benefit of new members, RJ stated that minutes are issued by email after each meeting and members have a week to respond with comments. Minutes are then approved electronically to save time at future meetings. At the last meeting in June, M. Kennard reminded the PC that she was resigning from the post of Clerk. As yet there have been no applicants for the post. 3 EXAM RESULTS GM asked to take this along with item 6 Head Teacher’s Report. GM reported that this year’s SQA results were phenomenal and gave a detailed presentation and break down of results. S6 Results Bishopbriggs Academy had the highest results in East Dunbartonshire Council. 43% of S6 pupils achieved 1 or more Level 7 (Advanced Higher) qualifications compared to 32% in 2016 and 29% in 2015. S6 results are judged by the percentage of pupils who receive one or more Advanced Highers. There is no differentiation between those gaining 1 ‘C’ pass at Advanced Higher and a pupil obtaining 3 ‘A’ Advanced Higher passes. In 2017 the overall pass rate was 76% compared to 85% in 2016 and 72% in 2015. This dip may be due to a much larger number of pupils sitting Advanced Highers this year. Notable subjects include Art & Design; Drama; Geography; German; Music and PE who achieved a 100% pass rate and Chemistry; Computing and Modern Studies who also achieved excellent results. Congratulations to S6 pupils Mark Adam; Emma Barclay; Scott Bennie*; Mateusz Dluzniewsksi; Innes Johnston**; Melissa Kerr; Kirsten MacLeod; Andrew MacPherson*; Adam Moore*; Adam Otterson; Nicola Pye; Katie Robinson; Zoe Roy; Angus Semple and Peter Watson who achieved 3 or more Advanced Highers. (Those marked * achieved 3 ‘A’ passes and Innes Johnston marked ** achieved four Advanced Highers.) 38% of S6 pupils achieved 3 or more Higher passes. This is slightly lower than previous years, however this is due to the fact many S6 pupils achieved excellent Higher results in S5 and moved on to Advanced Higher qualifications rather than additional Highers. S4 Results GM pointed out headline figures since Bishopbriggs Academy was formed. Pupils first sat SQA exams in 2007. At this point 42% of S4 pupils achieved 5 or more Level 3, 4 or 5 passes. From 2013 this relates to National 3, 4 and 5 courses. Prior to 2013 this related to Foundation, General, Credit and Intermediate courses. Over the years consistent progress was made. There was a ‘blip’ in 2014 when National Qualifications were introduced and there was a difficult transition to National Qualifications. Having looked in to this, changes were implemented and our results have improved year on year. In 2015 73% of S5 pupils achieved 1 or more National 5 qualifications, this rose to 76% in 2016 (the highest in EDC that year) and to 78% in 2017. Once again this placed Bishopbriggs Academy top in EDC. 115 pupils (53%) achieved A – C passes in all of their National 5 subjects. In 2016 this was 94 pupils (45%) and in 2015 84 pupils (42%). This increase may partly be due to reducing the number of subjects undertaken in S4. Pupils now take 9 subjects in S3 reducing to 7 subjects in S4. This means pupils usually drop their weakest subjects and increase their chances of passing all 7 subjects. 38 pupils (17%) achieved straight ‘A’ passes and there were a very low number of No Awards. Results were excellent across all subjects. GM noted that there is concern at the Scottish Government about the number of pupils not sitting qualifications suitable for their ability. At Bishopbriggs Academy we aim high and instil confidence in our young people and ensure pupils have the opportunity to sit an exam if they demonstrate a realistic chance of passing. This is illustrated in our excellent results. G. Moulsdale reminded members that the profile of Bishopbriggs Academy has remained consistent over the past ten years. There has been little change from 150/160 pupils who live in Bishopbriggs with a further 50/60 pupils on placing requests entering S1 each year. S5 Results GM stated that the S5 SQA results are even more impressive. Schools are judged in many ways and exam results are an important measure. One of these measures is the number of pupils passing 1+, 3+ and 5+ Highers. In 2011, 24% of pupils attained 5+ Highers. This year group were the first pupils to have been solely taught at Bishopbriggs Academy. In 2012 this increased to 31% and figures were similar until 2015. These results were impressive and HM Inspectors were impressed with these results. In 2016 there was a jump to 42%. This was a massive increase and there were concerns that this would be difficult to sustain particularly as this was a challenging year with the loss of some experienced staff. I. Donaghey and Principal Teachers worked closely with our young people and their progress was carefully monitored. To achieve 52% (109 pupils) of our S5 year group achieving 5+ Highers is an incredible result. This is the highest result in East Dunbartonshire and possibly the third highest result in Scotland (two schools in East Renfrewshire achieved 56% and 58%). This will be confirmed later in the year when the results of all Scottish schools are compared. GM reported that we perform considerably better than predicted. No other school adds so much value to their pupils’ results. A complex algorithm works out what each school should achieve based on a number of factors and we consistently add the most value. This is due to a number of factors including the range of measures in place to support young people, learning and teaching and the work of staff, monitoring and tracking and the efforts of our pupils who work so hard. 18 pupils achieved 5 ‘A’ Higher passes, a slight drop from 19 pupils in 2016. However, a further 32 pupils achieved 4 ‘A’ and 1 ‘B’ or 3 ‘A’ and 2 ‘B’ passes which is considerably higher than 2015 and 2016 when 23 pupils achieved these results in both years. All subjects achieved superb results but special mention must go to the Physics Department who achieved a 100% pass rate which is rare for a science subject. The pupils gaining 5 ‘A’ passes are Timothy Ashworth; Jack Diver; Ben Gribbon; Natasha Hibberd; Martina Ip; Amy Jarvis; Alistair Kennard; Ailie Kennedy; Angel Lau*; Sophie MacDonald; Kirsty McCusker; Rebecca Michael; Fraser Moodie; Jodie Murphy; Rebecca Pollard; Oliver Rose; Phillipa Roy and Amrit Supra. Angel Lau gained 6 Highers as she also sat Cantonese outwith school. Our excellent result ensured we were in first place in East Dunbartonshire this year for pupils achieving 1+, 3+ and 5+ Highers. In 2016 we were also first – a jump from fifth place in 2015. GP asked how we enhance the education of less academic pupils in S4 – S6. GM replied that the curriculum at Bishopbriggs Academy is inclusive and tailored to all pupils and not just the most academic. There are a number of opportunities for vocational courses and pupils are encouraged to develop skills for work, leadership and teambuilding. Our Business Breakfast, which builds on links with colleges and employers, was particularly targeted at those pupils not aiming to go to university straight from school. This was highly successful last year and will run once again in November this year. AMc asked about the presentation of pupils for the correct level of qualifications. GM believes that our presentation policy works well and that a lot of research at school has gone in to ensuring young people achieve their full potential. In S5 pupils are encouraged to sit the five strongest subjects from the seven undertaken in S4 which has an impact on pupils’ attainment. DW thanked GM for his comprehensive report and complimented teachers and pupils on their fantastic achievements. 4 PARENT COUNCIL MEETING DATES – EDC LETTING CHARGES KT reported that EDC Letting will now charge the PC for one of their Lets as they only allocate six free lets per year and we have seven meetings. This charge would come out of the small PC budget. Following a short discussion, AK suggested merging the October and November meetings and having one meeting in late October or early November which could also include the AGM. It was agreed that this would suit everyone. GM and KT will look at GM the school calendar and suggest a suitable date. This will be emailed to all members for /KT consideration.
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